madarabirthday2016 · 7 years
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A late entry because the author gives his permission only now. Great thanks to @tengai777!
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madarabirthday2016 · 7 years
Thank you!😊✨
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Happy Birthday, Madara! I decided to make a background and fix the color of his clothes… yah ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
EDIT: I can’t figure out y the tag doesn’t show up for me, so this is for @madarabirthday2016
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madarabirthday2016 · 7 years
Madara's Birthday is ower. But our love is still here. Best wishes in the New Year!
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✨Happy New Year!✨🎍🐓🔥 The year of Fire Rooster, the year of courage and determination.
Paper, watercolour, white and gold acrylics, 24x32 cm.
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madarabirthday2016 · 7 years
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Last but not least: Happy Birthday, Madara Rikudô! Great thanks to @Devilhun007!
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madarabirthday2016 · 7 years
Madara’s birthday part 1
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Admin: “Hey guys! Turns out I underestimated the time it takes me to get everything done. I still have so much to write and so many ideas, but I don’t always have the energy. Because I am slacking a lot, I decided to change the Christmas special to a New Years special. It is the same idea, but another deadline *scratches head nervously*. A-anyway, I decided to split the Madara’s birthday special in  since it would be simply too long to make one big post. Enjoy.”
Madara’s brithday part 1
“Guys..Guys!” I had to shout to make these so called humans in the living room -that were supposed to be my brothers notice- me. “I slept for 14 hours. I could have been dead..” I stated pointing at the clock.
“We could hear you snore,”  Itachi stated.
“I did?” I was progressing the new information, but I smelled something good. I ignored Itachi’s comments and walked towards the kitchen.
“Are you sad? Did you and Historia break up?” I asked when I stuck my head in the kitchen, seeing Shisui decorate a cake. I felt like this day couldn’t get any better right now!
“Why do you assume that?”
“….Cuz you are baking.”  I walked inside the kitchen, peaking over Shisui’s shoulder. He put -whatever he was holding in his hand- down and turned around.
“Check the calendar.” I automatically listened to him. Did I forget something important. I looked at the calendar and saw Itachi’s terrible handwriting. It was worst that normal, but well…I was known to be the only person that could somehow read it. I tilted my head to the right. “Ma..Maddy..Bird..No..Birthday…” I narrowed my eyes, “Maddy’s birthday.” I repeated. “Maddy’s birthday…Maddy’s birthday!” I turned my head to Shisui. I saw judgement in his eyes.
“Don’t give me that look..” I frowned. Like I was the only one messing up dates and…Forgetting stuff.
“You went shopping 4 times this week. How could you not-”
“I have five older brothers! I had to get Christmas gifts for all of you!” I saw Shisui raise an eyebrow. Well…I could not use this excuse with my brother…Because they also had five brothers…and  they somehow did not forget Maddy’s birthday.
“He is just so picky! He hates everything I get him,” I sighed. I had to go shopping…On the 24th of December..This is going to be hell.
“Sasuke, Madara is a grown up-” I started laughing. Madara…An adult? The only thing that he had in common with old man was his liver (from all he vodka). He was just as childish as Izuna and to proof that I could at least tell five stories where he ended up throwing a tantrum or pouting like a kid.
“I am going shopping..I guess.” I wanted to head upstairs to get dressed, but I felt Shisui grab the back of my shirt and pull me back.
“Right…” I leaned my head back so I could look at Shisui’s face, but upside down. I saw him nod. “Can you lend me like…jeez..fifty bucks?” I asked.
“What happened to the money I gave you a week ago?” He asked.
Well…How was I going to explain to him that I spent all of that on KFC,Mcdonalds and food from the grocery store? I was thinking deeply.
“I ate it,” I admitted
“Sure..Get it out of my wallet.” He said, letting me go.
“In my jacket.” He answered.
“Where?” I asked again. I felt him getting annoyed.
“I don’t know Sasuke. Where are coats supposed to be?”
“Is that a rhetorical question?” I raised an eyebrow.
“Get the hell out of my kitchen.” He indeed was annoyed.
“Your kitchen …Uhu.” I couldn’t help but to like the annoyed vein that popped on his forehead.
“You want dinner, then yes..My kitchen.” He said, giving me a small push on my shoulder. I was about to walk away, but I heard Shisui call my name again. I turned my head and I saw him  rub his temple. “Breakfast.” He simply stated. I guess that was his original reason for pulling me back.
“Right.” I said and walked to the fridge to see what I could eat. I sighed…It looked so…Empty when I opened it. I looked at Shisui.  “Sooooo~…What is for breakfast?” I asked and this time he threw whatever he was holding in his hand on the counter and glared at me.
“…I will grab a bun from the bakery….Okay?” I slowly backing out of the kitchen.
“To piss off Shisui at two in the afternoon. New record.” I heard Itachi’s sarcastic voice.
“To forget your brother’s birthday. Previous year it was Shisui? Next year me? Or Obito?” Izuna asked. I frowned.
“You are both born on the same date.”
“…Yeah…You could still forget…one of us…” Izuna looked at Itachi for some kind of approval, but he didn’t get any.
I could feel my phone vibrate in my pocket and I grabbed it, seeing that I had a message from Naruto.
“ANY IDEA WHAT I SHOULD GET MY MOM FOR XMAS!!!!!” The amount of exclamation marks was a real sign of desperately.I would never sink that low.
“I DON’T HAVE ANYTHING FOR MADARA’S BRITHDAY EITHER!!!!” Yup…One exclamation point less.
“Right! I saw Izuna tweet about it. U know what I am thinking…???”  Of course..Izuna tweets everything.
“We take the bus to a foreign country, change our names and fake our deaths…”
“Two notches down.” Naruto responded
“We….Go..Get them…Gifts?” I suggested
“Yes! Let’s go to the mall together!” He texted.  
“Be there in 45 minutes.” I texted and put the phone back in my pocket.
“Say otouto, shall I go with you?” Itachi asked.
“If you want to tag along. Naruto will be there too.” I couldn’t believe my eyes seeing Itachi make a disgusted face.
“Have a great ride with the bus.” He said like a cold hearted bitch.
“What happened with the: ‘why can’t you be more like Naruto’ attitude?” I rested my hands on my hips.
“Believe me, if I wanted you to be a little bitch. I would have just-”
“What?!” I interrupted him while looking at him with shock. Since when was Itachi-nii and anti-Naruto fan. He was so supportive of him at first. I shook my head before heading back upstairs to change.
“I can’t believe we spent three hours without anything.” Naruto exhaustedly sat down the bench.
“I know Madara is one picky asshole, but I don’t get why you just don’t buy something for your mother. She seems like the type of person where ‘the thought counts’.” I said handing Naruto a milkshake that I bought from the stand. He took a sip and looked at me surprised.
“Orange flavoured. How did you know it is my favourite?” He gave me a playful look, “Are you stalking me?”  I shook my head before sitting down next to him.
“I figured whatever looks orange would suffice.” I extended my hand and grabbed his orange jacket, “You really don’t have to be genius to know.
“Don’t pretend that you don’t like this jacket. I have seen you ogle it, dattebayo!”
“Right…It is the jacket..I ogle.” I rolled my eyes as I took a sip of my cherry flavoured smoothie.   
“Or is it what is under the jacket?” I heard Naruto suddenly asks. I choked in my drink, spitting it out and started coughing loudly. Naruto laughed and patted my back. “Joking! Joking!” He repeated. I turned my head to look at his smile. The seven world wonders had nothing on his smile.
“We all know your eyes are always on my butt.” He suddenly said. I pushed my elbow in his arm, causing him to moan in pain and rub his arm.  “If only your nipples were as pointy as your elbow.”
“Uzumaki, you don’t want to go there with me,” I threatened.
“Sasuke, I saw you pick up an injured bird from the sidewalk, put it in your jacket and walk it all the way to the VET. You don’t scare me.” Naruto leaned back, wrapping his arm on the bench.  I leaned forward, taking a sip of my drink.
“Pitty.” I muttered. I suddenly heard whistling. I naturally don’t respond to it since it were mostly people making fun of me being ugly or well..It was not meant for me. Naruto, however, did turn his head to the escalator stair behind us. I could see him smile from the corner of my eye. He raised his arm from the bench, probably to wave to whatever dumb fucker had the guts I apparently lacked. He placed his hand on the railing of the escalator stairs that pulled him towards me. He placed his one leg over mine and leaned his head on my shoulder.
“Smooth, don’t ya think?” He whispered before raising his head. His face was so close to mine…Why was he doing this? I felt my throat going numb as he titled his face slightly to the right. His lips were coming closer to mine and it seemed the noise around me disappeared. I could only hear my heartbeat going so fast I was afraid it would burst out of my chest.
“What are you doing?” I pushed his face away with my hand. He laughed, taking his distance from me again.
“Sorry girls. I tried.” Naruto looked at the second floor, causing me to finally look up at the people that had whistled. I was confused at first, but seeing them forming heart with their hands where Naruto’s and mine head fit in perfect, made me realize these were probably yaoi fangirls. I rolled my eyes before looking at the blond idiot next to me.
I can’t believe he was willing to kiss me just to please some girls…Who else was he willing to kiss for lame reasons?
“Idiot.” I said as I stood up.
“Neeeh Sasu, I am exhausted,” Naruto protested as he got up.
“I need to have a good gifts before 7 P.M it is already 4:30.”
“Hey, suddenly your first idea sounds like a good one. Take a bus and go to another country. I know some basic german phrases. We can totally set out lives there.”
“Wo kann ich hier Ramen kaufen, is not going to cut it.”
“Wie ist es mit: mein Freund ist ein Arschloch?”
“Not. Going.To.Cut.It.” I said, taking a sip of my smoothie before throwing it in the bin.
“Okay let’s brainstorm. When we think of Madara…What pops in our minds.” Naruto grabbed my arm, so I would stop walking for a second.
“Asshole, jackass, jerk, dick,cunt-”
“I am going to stop you right there. They don’t sell any of that here.”  Naruto folded his arms. I looked into a distant and I suddenly felt him tap my shoulder.
“They sell dildos in the-”
“I don’t think buying Madara a plastic dick-”
“I think it is made of silicon.” I interrupted Naruto, who had interrupted me.
“Either way. The silicon dick will probably end up in your asshole.” Naruto made a good point.  “When I think of Madara…I see..A…Well dressed man.Perhaps a tie?”
“Out of the question. Even if I got him a black tie, he would complain about my fashion sense being a complete disaster and that I am unworthy of the Uchiha name.”
“Last year he hated it.”
“A fountain pen?”
“Got him a pen last year.” I sighed.
“Something for his hair?” I laughed at Naruto’s suggestion.”cologne?” I looked surprised, that was actually a good idea.
“That could be the answer to both our problems.”  I said.
“Buy my mom cologne?” Naruto looked confused.
“Buy her perfume. I buy Madara cologne.”
“Alright, but getting a good perfume or cologne…It is going to be expensive.” Naruto sighed. He was right..I doubt fifty bucks was going to be enough..Not to mention it was probably not going to be a good idea to buy Madara’s gift from Madara’s credit card…But…Would he even know? I shook my head.
“Retail store?” I suggested. Naruto snapped his finger.
“Great idea. Let’s be cheap. It is the idea that counts, dattebayo!” 
He made me want to smack him..
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madarabirthday2016 · 7 years
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Feliz Cumple… Madara…!
Feliz Navidad! 
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madarabirthday2016 · 7 years
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madarabirthday2016 · 7 years
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Mayby it's our Great Final. Happy Birthday, our dear Madara and Happy New Year for his all fans! 🎉✨❤️ Great thanks to @aaaaaash_han!
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madarabirthday2016 · 7 years
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madarabirthday2016 · 7 years
Thank you very much! 💕
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madarabirthday2016 · 7 years
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“…So, are you sure this is not an enemy weapon?”
“Nope. It’s called cake, it’s food.”
“Back in my days food looked different.”
“That’s because you’ve been dead for decades…”
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madarabirthday2016 · 7 years
Happy belated birthday, Madara!
//It’s a little late because of all I’ve had going on, but here’s a tiny fic for Madara’s birthday. It’s set in the Noncompliance verse, so it’s pretty much just Madara and Kise, but here’s the link to Noncompliance series if you care. http://archiveofourown.org/series/410782
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madarabirthday2016 · 7 years
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🔥  Happy  Birthday  Madara  🔥
December, 24th
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madarabirthday2016 · 7 years
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🔥  Happy  Birthday  Madara  🔥
December, 24th
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madarabirthday2016 · 7 years
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🔥  Happy  Birthday  Madara  🔥
December, 24th
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madarabirthday2016 · 7 years
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🔥  Happy  Birthday  Madara  🔥 December, 24th I/IV
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madarabirthday2016 · 7 years
A lot of warm in cold weather !
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