madamepolygot-blog · 5 years
La cuisine - Vocab list
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Les Utensiles
la casserole - pot
la poĂȘle - pan
le presse-ail - garlic presse
la spatule - spatula
la cuilliĂšre en bois - wooden spoon/ cooking spoon
le four - oven
le foyer -  stove  - synonyme: la cuisiniÚre
la passoire - sieve  -  synonyme: le tamis
l’essoreuse à salade (f) - salad spinner
la rĂąpe - grater
La nourriture
la betterave - beet
le céleri -celery
la pomme de terre -potato - synonyme: la patate [familier]
l’ail (m) - garlic
la gousse d’ail - garlic clove
l’oignon (f) -  onion
la peau - skin
le riz- rice
les pùtes (pl, f) - pasta
la viande - meat
le tofu - tofu
cuisiner - to cook
bouillir-  to boil
dorer  - to sauté/ sear
mijoter - to simmer
couper - to cut
couper qc en dés - to dice
Ă©plucher - to peel - synonyme: peler/ enlever qc
brûler qc- to burn sth
[Let me know if there are any mistakes. If you have any wishes for vocab lists, free feel to tell me. Here is my vocab masterlist!]
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madamepolygot-blog · 6 years
dealing with the worst case scenario
your condom breaks
you feel a lump on your breast
your friends are ignoring you
you’re stranded on an island 
you got rejected by a crush
you get into a car accident
you got stung by a bee/wasp
you got fired from your job
you’re in an earthquake
your tattoo gets infected
your house is on fire
you’re lost in the woods
you get arrested abroad
you get robbed
your partner cheated on you
you’re on a ship that’s sinking
you fall into ice
you’re stuck in an elevator
you hit a deer with your car
you have food poisoning
your pet passed away
you fall off of a horse
you or your friend has alcohol poisoning
you have toxic shock syndrome
your house has a gas leak
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madamepolygot-blog · 6 years
Top 100 most common French verbs
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1. Être ~ to be 
2. Avoir ~ to have
3. Pouvoir ~ to be able (can)
4. Faire ~ to do; to make
5. Mettre ~ to put; to place
6. Dire ~ to say; to tell
7. Devoir ~ to have to, must, to owe
8. Prendre ~ to take; to catch; to capture
9. Donner ~ to give; to produce
10. Aller ~ to go
11. Vouloir ~ to want; to wish
12. Savoir ~ to know
13. Falloir ~ to have to
14. Voir ~ to see
15. Demander ~ to ask; to request
16. Trouver ~ to find; to discover
17. Rendre ~ to return (something); to give back
18. Venir ~ to come
19. Passer ~ to pass; to go past
20. Comprendre ~ to understand; to include; to comprehend
21. Rester ~ to stay; to remain
22. Tenir ~ to hold; to keep
23. Porter ~ to carry; to wear
24. Parler ~ to speak; to talk
25. Montrer ~ to show; to display
26. Continuer ~ to continue
27. Penser ~ to think
28. Suivre ~ to follow; to pay attention
29. Connaßtre ~ to know; to be acquainted with 
30. Croire ~ to believe in
31. Commencer ~ to begin; to start; to commence
32. Compter ~ to count
33. Entendre ~ to hear; to understand
34. Attendre ~ to wait; to expect
35. Remettre ~ to put back (on); to replace; to deliver
36. Appeler ~ to call; to contact
37. Permettre ~ to permit; to allow; to enable
38. Occuper ~ to occupy; to take up (space/time)
39. Devenir ~ to become, to grow (into); to turn (into)
40. Partir ~ to leave; to depart; to proceed
41. DĂ©cider ~ to decide; to persuade
42. Arriver ~ to arrive; to happen
43. Servir ~ to serve
44. Sembler ~ to seem
45. Revenir ~ to return; to come back
46. Laisser ~ to leave; to allow; to let
47. Recevoir ~ to receive; to welcome
48. RĂ©pondre ~ to reply; to answer
49. Vivre ~ to live
50. Rappeler ~ to call back; to remind
51. Présenter ~ to present; to introduce
52. Accepter ~ to accept
53. Agir ~ to act
54. Poser ~ to put down; to pose; to lay (something) down
55. Jouer ~ to play; to act; to gamble
56. Reconnaßtre ~ to recognize; to acknowledge 
57. Choisir ~ to choose; to select
58. Toucher ~ to touch; to feel; to affect
59. Aimer ~ to like; to love
60. Retrouver ~ to find; to regain; to meet up
61. Perdre ~ to lose; to waste
62. Expliquer ~ to explain; to account for
63. Considérer ~ to consider; to study
64. Ouvrir ~ to open (up)
65. Gagner ~ to win; to earn; to gain
66. Exister ~ to exist
67. Refuser ~ to refuse
68. Lire ~ to read
69. RĂ©ussir ~ to succeed
70. Changer ~ to change; to alter
71. travailler ~ to work
72. Représenter ~ to represent; to depict; to portray
73. Assurer ~ to secure; to assure; to insure
74. Essayer ~ to try; to attempt
75. EmpĂȘcher ~ to prevent; to stop
76. Sortir ~ to go out; to leave; to exit; to come out
77. Reprendre ~ to resume; to recover; to take back
78. Mener ~ to lead; to conduct
79. Appartenir ~ to belong ~ to concern
80. Risquer ~ to risk
81. Concerner ~ to concern; to affect
82. Apprendre ~ to learn; to teach; to hear of 
83. Rencontrer ~ to meet; to encounter
84. Créer ~ to create; to build
85. Obtenir ~ to obtain; to get
86. Chercher ~ to look for; to seek
87. Entrer ~ to enter; to go in
88. Proposer ~ to suggest; to propose; to offer
89. Apporter ~ to bring; to cause
90. Utiliser ~ to use; to employ
91. Atteindre ~ to reach; to attain; to achieve
92. Tenter ~ to tempt
93. Importer ~ to import; to matter
94. Ajouter ~ to add
95. Produire ~ to produce
96. Préparer ~ to prepare (something); to make
97. Relever ~ to raise; to stand up; to pick up
98. Écrire ~ to write
99. DĂ©fendre ~ to defend; to stand up for; to forbid
100. Tirer ~ to pull; to draw (curtains, sword, etc); to fire (gun); to print
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madamepolygot-blog · 6 years
Juuussst wondering, are you fluent in French? Just asking cause I'm really happy that you're a fellow Canadian (don't see much of us on the internet) and since I'm fluent I thought it would be really cool if you were too! :D 💕💕💕💕
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Oui! Je peux parler en français couramment
 parfois ;7; Je suis nĂ©e au QuĂ©bec, donc le français a Ă©tĂ© ma deuxiĂšme langue (aprĂšs le chinois) (l’anglais est ma troisiĂšme langue). Malheureusement, j’ai dĂ» dĂ©mĂ©nager Ă  une province anglaise, donc je ne peux plus parler en français couramment ;O; Je peux Ă©crire en français, mais ça prend un peu de temps quand je parle. J’ai aussi un accent quĂ©bĂ©cois quand je parle et je me souviens de quelques argots quĂ©bĂ©cois aussi ( ‘ v ‘ ) (ou bien, vocabulaire quĂ©bĂ©coise
 et quelques gros mots). Mais bien sĂ»r, c’est chouette de trouver des gens canadiens et qui parlent français aussi!
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madamepolygot-blog · 6 years
Abßmer: to damage, ruin, spoil, wreck 
Abriter: to shelter, house, accommodate 
Aggraver: to make worse, worsen, aggravate
Améliorer: to improve, to make better
Appréhender: to arrest, apprehend 
Atteindre: to reach, attain, achieve 
prĂ©sent j’atteins tu atteins il atteint nous atteignons vous atteignez ils atteignent 
participe passé: atteint 
Bannir: to banish, ban 
Bouger: to move 
présent nous bougeons
imparfait je bougeais tu bougeais il bougeait nous bougions vous bougiez ils bougeaient
Bricoler: to do DIY, to do home improvements
Cacher: to hide, conceal 
Craindre: to fear, to be afraid, to be scared
présent je crains tu crains il craint nous craignons vous craignez ils craignent 
participe passé: craint
Corrompre: to corrupt 
présent il corrompt 
Déménager: to move [house] 
présent nous déménageons
imparfait je déménageais tu déménageais il déménageait nous déménagions vous déménagiez ils déménageaient
Diffuser: to broadcast, release, spread, circulate, distribute 
Dramatiser: to dramatize (to make a fuss), exaggerate 
Emprunter: to borrow 
Éviter: to avoid
Exprimer: to express, show, reveal 
Frimer: to show off 
Freiner: to brake, slow down 
Gagner: to win, earn
Garder: to keep 
Grandir: to grow up
Grignoter: to snack, nibble
Gronder: to rumble, tell off, scold, reprimand, rebuke 
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madamepolygot-blog · 6 years
Ma premiĂšre poste de Tumblr!
Bonjour Ă  tous!
Je m’appelle Elizabeth et je veux me prĂ©senter Ă  tous les langblrs de Tumblr et les autres sites-web de mĂ©dia sociaux!
Je suis une jeune femme canadienne qui a 27 ans. À ce moment, j’apprend le français comme langue seconde avec l’intention de devenir enseignante de langue français au Canada. Il y a un grand besoin car les parents souhaitent que leurs enfants apprennent le français pour avoir amples occasions d’obtenir un emploi, voyager ou de gagner les bourses pour les Ă©tudes universitaires. Je suis dĂ©tentrice d’un BA Psychologie mais au cours des derniers six mois, j’ai dĂ©couvert mon passion pour la langue français.
De toute façon, j’ai atteint un niveau B2 en français et pour continuer Ă  niveau C1, je devrais m’entraĂźner Ă  Ă©crire et parler plus en français. Si il y a des francophones ou autres langblrs qui veulent me communiquer (encore mieux - corriger mes fautes grammaticaux), contactez-moi et on se parle!
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madamepolygot-blog · 6 years
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inuyasha & kagome - more manga moments 
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madamepolygot-blog · 6 years
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“KAGOME!” “Inuyasha, look at you.” “Kagome.” “You’re back to normal. I’m so glad.”
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madamepolygot-blog · 6 years
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恋äșș ♄
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madamepolygot-blog · 6 years
synonyms for common french emotions
these are written in the masculine form—don’t forget that most adjectives have a different feminine form! also (disclaimer!) please keep in mind that these synonyms can and do have vastly different connotations and aren’t all applicable in the same situations. these words encompass a lot of emotions and form some pretty vague, loosely-linked groups
heureux: content, joyeux, enthousiaste, agréable, souriant, satisfait, ravi, enchanté, fasciné, excité, exalté, enthousiaste, passionné, gai, jovial, enjoué, euphorique, étonné
triste: malheureux, mélancolique, déprimé, misérable, mécontent, maussade, attristant, morne, sombre, lugubre, déplorable, tragique, pitoyable, ténébreux, infortuné
en colÚre: fùché, furieux, énervé, irrité, contrarié, vexé, agacé, acharné, courroucé, dérangé, exaspéré, violent, fou, insensé, livide, outré, furibond, apoplectique, furax, indigné, frénétique, agité
avoir peur: effrayĂ©, peureux, affolĂ©, terrifiĂ©, Ă©pouvantĂ©, craintif, inquiet, gĂȘnĂ©, nerveux, anxieux, paniquĂ©, concernĂ©
calme: tranquille, paisible, serein, placide, pacifique, idyllique, alcyon, détendu, paresseux, nonchalant, indolent, langoureux
fatigué: épuisé, exténué, éreinté, fourbu, las, surmené, somnolent
alright i’m tired so that’s all for now. it’s past midnight so i’m sure i’ve made a mistake somewhere, so please correct me if you find one! lastly, remember: these synonyms can and do have vastly different connotations and aren’t all applicable in the same situations
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madamepolygot-blog · 6 years
Recap Vocab: Adjectifs (updated)
pour décrire des personnes, des voixs ou des visages:
une personne trompeuse - a deceitful person
une personne frĂȘle - a skinny person
une personne replĂšte - a plump/chubby person
une personne laide - an ugly person
une personne ravissante - a beautiful person
une personne fiable - a trustworthy person
une personne endurcie - a tough person
une personne maussade - a grumpy person
une personne balourde - a clumsy person
une personne indulgente - a forgiving person
une personne vénérable - a venerable person
une personne inexorable - an impacable person
un visage creux - a hollow face
un visage hĂąve - a haggard face
un visage chevalin - a horsey face
un visage cramoisi - a crimson face
un visage décharné - an emaciated face
une voix acerbe - a cutting, harsh voice
une voix rauque - a harsh voice
une voix perçante - a piercing voice
une voix défaillainte - a faltering voice
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madamepolygot-blog · 6 years
a big list of french adjectives 💐
đŸŒ»Â Describing People:
1. Physical appearance
aguichant- enticing, alluring avachi- limp, sloppy, baggy baraquĂ©- well-built bizarre- strange boursouflĂ©- bloated bronzĂ©- tanned chĂ©tif,-ive- weak, sickly dĂ©braillĂ©- untidy, sloppy dĂ©penaillĂ©- unkempt douteux, -euse- doubtful, dubious, questionable Ă©lancĂ©- slim frĂȘle- frail, fragile grand- tall grassouillet, ette- plump gros, grosse- fat hĂąlĂ©- tanned insolite- unusual, quirky maigre- skinny mignon- nice, sweet mince- slender musclé - brawny, muscular nerveux- nervous, upset pĂąle- pale potelĂ©- plump (like a baby) rabougri- wizened, shrivelled sĂ©duisant - attractive, charming, seductive
2. Character
abruti- idiotic acariĂątre- sour, bad-tempered antipathique- unfriendly anodin- harmless astucieux, euse- clever, astute, shrewd atone- lifeless, expressionless avisĂ©- sensible, wise bornĂ©- narrow-minded (“bornez-vous!” limit yourself) braillard- describes someone who complains a lot brave- good, honest, brave candide- naive, ingenuous, innocent, trusting casanier,-iere- homebody, home lover compassĂ©- starchy, stiff compliquĂ©- complicated; fussy (e.g. about food) comprĂ©hensif,-ive-  understanding dĂ©pravĂ©- perverted dĂ©voyĂ©- perverted difficile- difficult distrait- absent-minded, distracted drĂŽle- funny ennuyeux,-euse- boring Ă©voluĂ©- broad-minded, independent, progressive exigeant- demanding extraverti- extrovert faiblard- weak, feeble fainĂ©ant- lazy, idle falot- dreary, bland farfelu- eccentric, bizarre franc- candid futĂ©- cunning, smart guindĂ©- stiff, awkward imprĂ©visible- unforeseeable juste- fair lunatique- temperamental maladroit- clumsy mal commode- bad-tempered malicieux,-euse- mischievous, naughty malin- cunning malveillant- malicious, malevolent, spiteful maniaque- finicky, fussy marrant- funny; odd maussade- gloomy, sullen mĂ©chant- malicious, nasty mĂ©fiant- distrustful, suspicious mĂ©prisant- contemptuous, disdainful nĂ©vrosĂ©- neurotic perspicace- perceptive, insightful primesautier-iere- impulsive rĂ©barbatif -ive- hostile, off-putting renfrognĂ©- sullen repliĂ© sur soi-meme- introverted, withdrawn rusĂ©- cunning sage - well-behaved, good saugrenu - absurd sensĂ©- sensible sensible- sensitive sĂ©rieux,-euse- serious, responsible susceptible- touchy, sensitive, delicate sympathique- nice, friendly terre-ĂĄ-terre- down-to-earth tordu- warped, twisted travailleur-euse- hard-working
3. Mood
accablé- distressed admiratif, -ive- admiring affolé- in a panic amer, -ere -bitter assoupi- drowsy béat- blissfully happy; smug, complacent cafardeux,-euse- in the dumps débordé (de travail)- snowed under (with work) décontracté- relaxed détendu- relaxed découragé- disheartened, discouraged dépité- vexed désemparé- distraught, at a loss effaré (de)- alarmed (at) énergique- energetic enthousiaste- enthusiastic gai- cheerful bien ententionné- well-intentioned lointain- distant mélancolique- gloomy navré- sorry, apologetic, upset paumé- lost, at sea ravi -delighted surpris- surprised tendu- tense vanné- exhausted vexé- annoyed
🌿 Describing ideas or events
1. Positive allĂ©chant - tempting, mouth-watering attendrissant- touching bĂ©nĂ©fique- beneficial commode- convenient cocasse- funny, comical conforme (ĂĄ)- conforming (with) convenable- fitting, acceptable, respectable dĂ©routant - disconcerting dĂ©taillĂ© - comprehensive, detailed distinct - separate, distinct Ă©quitable - fair excellent - excellent, first-rate formidable - fantastic fulgurant - dazzling, thundery grave - serious honnĂȘte - decent hors pair - exceptional impeccable - great, without flaws important - important marrant - funny merveilleux - marvellous parfait - perfect passionnant - exciting percutant - powerful, striking, forceful primordial - of prime importance propice - favorable, suitable raisonnable - reasonable rarissime - extremely rare recherchĂ© - much sought-after, studied rĂ©confortant - comforting rĂ©jouissant - delightful rentable - profitable, financially viable rĂ©ussi - successful, well-done sagace - sagacious sage - wise sensationnel - sensational spontanĂ© - spontaneous subtil - subtle surprenant - surprising vĂ©ridique - truthful
2. Negative aberrant - absurd, nonsensical abominable - abominable affreux - dreadful, ghastly agaçant - irritating alĂ©atoire - uncertain, random ardu - arduous chimĂ©rique - fanciful, imaginary, idealistic, utopic complexe - complex courant - common, current dĂ©chirant - heart-breaking, gut wrenching dĂ©goĂ»tant - disgusting dĂ©primant - depressing dĂ©raisonnable - unreasonable discutable - questionable, arguable Ă©coeurant - sickening, nauseating ennuyeux,-euse - boring Ă©pouvantable - horrendous, ghastly, atrocious Ă©prouvant - strenuous, punishing Ă©trange - strange fastidieux,-euse - tedious, dull, tiresome frustrant - frustrating, irritating gĂȘnant - annoying immonde - filthy, vile impensable - unthinkable, unimaginable impossible - difficult; impossible improbable - unlikely inadmissible - intolerable inattendu - unexpected loufoque - crazy, over the top lourd - heavy/annoying malaisĂ© - difficult malencontreux-euse - unfortunate mĂ©diocre - mediocre minable - seedy, hopeless, pathetic pĂ©nible - difficult, tiresome; painful pitoyable - pathetic prosaĂŻque - prosaic quelconque - ordinary, mediocre rebutant - off-putting, unappealing rĂ©pugnant - disgusting ridicule - ridiculous
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madamepolygot-blog · 6 years
Recap Vocab: verbes (updated)
1) verbs connected mainly to humans: actions
contourner qc - to by-pass sth
bramer - to wail
Ă©picer - to spice
se pencher sur qc - to look into sth
pagayer - to paddle
mitrailler qn de questions - to fire questions at sb
dégager - to clear, to free, to bring out
tondre - to mow
employer  - to use, employ
Ă©touffer - to suppress, hold back
franchir le seuil - to cross the threshold of
gronder - to tell sb off
se cotiser - to join forces
passer qc au crible (fig) - to sift through sth/sb
scruter - to scan, examine
fredonner  - to hum
défaire - to undo, unwind
ressortir de qc - to bring sth out
accabler - to devastate, to overburden sb with
ramper - to crawl
se tenir Ă  l’écart - to keep onself to onself
corroborer - to corroborate, to support
ĂȘtre susceptible de faire qc - to be able to do sth
axer qc sur qc - to base sth on sth/ to center sth around sth
ĂȘtre inclin/e Ă  qc -  to be prone/ to be apt
frotter qn - to rub
délaisser qc - to leave aside
défricher - to clear (forest), to do the groundwork on sth
repérer - to spot, locate
rebuter - to put off, to dishearten
induire qn Ă  faire qc - to induce/ to lead sb to do sth
rudoyer qn - to bully, treat harshly
2) verbs connected mainly to humans: feelings, thoughts
ĂȘtre persuadĂ©/e que - to be convinced that
se contenter de qc/ faire qc - to content oneself with sth/ doing sth
se borner Ă  qc / Ă  faire - to content oneself with doing sth/ to limit oneself to sth
tirer une conclusion de - to draw a conclusion from sth
avoir une peur bleue de qc - to be scared stiff of sth
Ă©tablir/ faire un parallĂšle avec/entre qc - to draw a parallel between
étayer -  to support (theory, argument) 
ĂȘtre innĂ©/e en qn -  to be innate
se ranger sous la banniĂšre de qn - to support someone
se rallier à l’avis de qn - to endorse a view/ join an opinion
opter pour qc - to opt for sth
se démarquer de qn - to distance oneself from sb
s’écarter de qc (fig/ lit) - to move away from sth
vénérer qn - to worship
exécrer qn - to loathe sb
puiser qc dans qc - to draw sth from sth
3) verbs mainly connected to things
émettre  -  to express, to put forward, to broadcast (TV, radio)
rester valable - to remain/ to last
convenir de faire qc - sth should/ ought be done
tomber en désuétude - to become obsolete
somnoler (fig) - to be sleepy (town etc)
susciter - to spark off, to arouse
sévir - to rage, to be rife
retentir - to ring out, to resound
fendre - to split, crack
palpiter - to beat, flutter
ĂȘtre parsemĂ©/e de qc - to be strewn with sth
générer - to produce
germer - to form/ sprout
s’émietter - to crumble, to split up
résider dans qc - to lie in sth (fact)
[These are all of the verbs from the six words a day challenge. Let me know if there are any mistakes!]
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madamepolygot-blog · 6 years
A list of French Teachers on YouTube
Here is a list of some people on YouTube who teach cultural and language aspects of the French language.
Comme une Française “Speak Like a Native” 
Francais avec Pierre
Learn French with Pascal
French Classes from LogicLanguageLearning
Français Authentique 
Learn French With Alexa
Learn French With Frencheezee
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madamepolygot-blog · 6 years
How to Learn Vocabulary
“Your brain loves context.” Learn phrases rather than words. 
The most common way to learn vocabulary is to write lists with your target language on one side with the translation on the other side. 
x Lists usually end up being far too long and the words are weakly related to one another.
x A list of words provides no context for your brain.
✓ You can learn faster: you’ll be learning several words from each sentence, rather than just one word as with the list system.
✓ You can learn the correct word order from the beginning, rather than learning word order as an entirely different concept: by studying phrases you’ll always see the natural position of each word.
✓ You can also learn grammar with minimal effort: this is because the words are always in the correct form, according to the rest of the sentence.

Learning your target language through stories:
✓ Stories provide a much richer context, as there’s many things going on in the story 
✓  Through stories you can learn your target language in a more subconscious, natural and deeper way, making it easier for you to speak and write in your target language.
✓  Short stories, particularly children’s stories if you’re a beginner, have easy sentences and help develop your reading skills meaning you can move onto more challenging books, extending you vocabulary as you go.
(If you’re not big on reading, you could always watch children’s stories on Youtube and read along, with subtitles in your target language of course.
- Source 
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madamepolygot-blog · 6 years
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Vocab Lists
Useful Phrases
Boost your Spanish with more complex synonyms for words you already know
Boost your Spanish with Spanish common expressions
False Friends (Words that Look Like Cognates but Are Not) 
Really similar Spanish words you shouldn’t mix up when using them
Response Words in Spanish #1
Spanish Words and Expressions
Useful Spanish conversation phrases to get to know someone!
Words to use instead of decir / Verbos declarativos (saying verbs)
21 Spanish Filler Words
Food and Drink
Beverages in Spanish
Grocery List in Spanish
Herbs and Spices
Las Frutas 
Restaurant Vocab
Spanish Baking Vocab
Spanish Food Vocab 
Spanish Vegetarian Vocabulary / Vegan/vegetarian vocabulary in Spanish and Catalan
Kitchen Vocab
Personality and Identity
Personality Traits
Spanish Vocab - Pride Edition
Talking about age in Spanish
Art vocabulary in Spanish and Art Vocabulary Masterpost Spanish - English
Everyday activities in Spanish
Hiking Vocabulary in Spanish
Musical Instruments
Tennis Vocabulary in Spanish and French 
Seasons, Holidays, and Time
Birthday vocabulary - Spanish
Months and Days of the Week 
Spanish Vocabulary - Summer Edition and Spanish For You: Summer Vocabulary 
Spanish Christmas Vocabulary
Spring Vocab
Time Vocabulary and Spanish Vocab - Time 
Valentine’s Day Vocabulary
Winter Vocab 
Weather Vocab
Feelings and Emotions
Happiness in Spanish
Lazy Vocab in Spanish
Romantic Spanish Vocabulary 
Sleepy Vocab List
Some adjectives describing personality and emotions in Spanish
Vocabulario - Las emociones
Animals, Nature, and the Environment
Animals in French - Spanish - Portuguese - Italian
Birds in Spanish 
Flower Vocabulary 
Gems in Spanish 
Nature in Spanish 
Ocean life vocabulary
Ocean Vocabulary 
Space Vocab 
Spanish Outdoorsy Vocab  
Spanish Vocab: The Forest 
Spanish Vocabulary - Animals 
Trees in Spanish 
Clothes in Spanish
Spanish Vocabulary - Clothes 
Textiles and Fabrics 
Vocabulario - La ropa 
Mental Health Vocabulary in Spanish 
Medical Vocab 
Periods in Spanish 
Spanish Vocabulary - Death
Vocabulario Menstrual 
Classes in Spanish 
Spanish Vocabulary #2 School 
University Vocab
Around the house - Vocabulary in Spanish
Colors in Spanish 
Computer Vocab
Political Vocab
Social Media in Spanish and French
Spanish City Vocabulary!
Spanish Vocab: Countries and Continents
Spanish Vocab — Renting
Spanish Vocabulary - Family
A-Z Spanish Vocab
All the Spanish Tenses in One Post 
Common Mistakes English Speakers Make While Speaking Spanish 
El Pretérito Indefinido, el Pretérito Imperfecto y el Pretérito Perfecto
Este, esta, esto, eso, esa, aquel, & aquello
Grammar for Spanish Adjectives 
Is there a sort of cheat sheet of when to use each spanish tense? 
Masculine words ending in -a 
Medio VS Mitad 
Object Pronouns 
Para VS Por and another Para VS Por
Past Participles in Spanish 
Reflexive Verbs and More Reflexive Verbs
Spanish Essentials; Tenses Masterpost 
Spanish Grammar - The Imperative 
Spanish Subjunctive 
The difference between qué and cuål 
Understanding Ya and Todavía 
Verbs that take the preposition “de” 
BBC Learn Spanish
Spanish Resources Online
Websites for Learning Spanish 
TV Shows and Youtube
Beginner Spanish TV Shows
Charlie and Lola in Many Languages
Learn Spanish by Listening Youtube Channel
Spanish TV Shows Masterpost 
Spanish Speaking Youtubers 
Spanish Youtubers and TV Shows
Listening and Music
Listening Resources 
Spanish Music
Spanish Radio Stations 
Spanish Singers Masterpost
9 Great Spanish Podcasts Every Spanish Learner Should Listen To
AP Spanish Literature and Culture Resources
Free Spanish EBooks Online
Libros electrónicos gratis en Español
Spanish Books for Beginners
Using Buzzfeed for Reading Practice 
How to Set Up a Language Journal
Spanish Resources Links
Spanish Resources for Beginners
Spanish Writing Prompts
Websites/Apps/Podcasts/Videos/Music for Learning Spanish
Quotes Blogs:
Vocab blogs:
@ailmadrid​ has many helpful vocab infographics (though the blog hasn’t posted in about a month, now)
Friendly bloggers who post a variety of Spanish-related content for people learning the language:
@spanishboone​ (created the A-Z Spanish lists I included above!)
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madamepolygot-blog · 6 years
Tumblr media
A collection of sites and apps that will help you learn spanish: 
Tumblr blogs about languages or certain countries
8 spanish podcasts every Spanish learner should listen to
Great blog to help learn Spanish vocab by looking at cute gifs of words
Duolingo (highly recommend this one)
Memrise uses images to help you learn vocab
Learn Spanish with real-world videos
Spanish study guide
Spanish repetition
Top 10 YouTube channels to learn Spanish
A site with Spanish grammar and vocabulary
Apps for learning Spanish
Spanish dictionary
A phrasebook for many common colloquialisms and their equivalents in Spanish
Collections of Spanish slang, idioms, tips and tricks for learning
Comprehensive list of Spanish cognates
Practice writing in your new language and have your writing reviewed by native speakers
Online magazine reader- You can search “Spanish” and find many Spanish magazines to read
Spanish essentials for dummies- free book
Verb conjugator, sentence maker and translator
Vocabulary builder
Famous Spanish sayings and their english translations
Watch all the american and other tv shows in spanish!
Let me know if you found other sites that should be put here, or if some sites stopped working. Enjoy:)
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