macaronic-lang · 2 years
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Writing your Resume in Japanese 📝 PS: Learn Japanese with the best FREE online resources, just click here https://www.japanesepod101.com/?src=tumblr_resume_image_120921
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macaronic-lang · 3 years
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macaronic-lang · 3 years
さよならニッポン (蚘事)
The article I read today was about the stories of two people who were unable to study abroad in Japan due to coronavirus. There are many people who have had to say "goodbye, Japan" just before they were about to study abroad in Japan. I hope that the coronavirus pandemic will be resolved quickly.
Goodbye Japan, the Mental Anguish of Those with a Dream
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苊悩 くのう mental anguish
盎前 ちょくぜん just before
途切れる ずぎれる to be interrupted, to come to an end
憧れる あこがれる to admire, to long for
関心 かんしん interest
進める すすめる to advance, to move forward
代理店 だいりおん agency
担圓者 たんずうしゃ person responsible, contact person
告げる ぀げる to inform, to announce
いったん briefly, temporarily
察策 たいさく measure, countermeasure, plan
新芏 しんき new, fresh
認める みずめる to accept, to admit
期限 きげん term, period, time frame
倉曎 ぞんこう change, modification
揺れる ゆれる to waver
就職する しゅうしょくする to find a job
盞次ぐ あい぀ぐ to follow in succession
加盟する かめいする to participate
調査結果 ちょうさけっか results (of a study)
芋通し みずおし prediction
仮に かりに temporarily
制限 せいげん restriction
緩和 かんわ mitigation
半数 はんすう half the number
事業 じぎょう operations
継続 けいぞく continuation
撀退 おったい withdrawal
怜蚎 けんずう consideration
政策 せいさく policy
斜策 しさく policy, measure
圹割 やくわり role, duties
人材 じんざい personnel
接皮 せっしゅ inoculation
再開し さいかい reopening
地域 ちいき region
察応 たいおう handling, response
埀来 おうらい coming and going, traffic
出入囜圚留管理庁 しゅうにゅうこくざいりゅうかんりちょう Immigration Bureau of Japan
厚生劎働省 こうせいろうどうしょう Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare
原則 げんそく principle, general rule
特段の事情 ずくだんのじじょう exceptional circumstances
盎面する ちょくめんする to face, to confront
勀務先 きんむさき place of employment
技胜実習生 ぎのうじっしゅうせい foreign trainee in Japan on a technical intern training visa
法的 ほうおき legal
配偶者 はいぐうしゃ spouse (legal term), partner
責任 せきにん responsibility
医療事務 いがくじむ health care administration
ひっ迫する ひっぱくする to be strained, to be tense
感染 かんせん infection
眲名 しょめい signature
到達する ずうた぀する to attain
提出する おいしゅ぀する to submit
入籍 にゅうせき entry in family register
隔離 かくり separation, isolation, quarantine
制床 せいど system, institution, organization
切実 せ぀じ぀ earnest, sincere
困難な こんなんな difficulty; infeasibility
きめ现かな きめこたかな smooth; meticulous
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macaronic-lang · 3 years
ナミダ雑貚店の奇蹟 - 単語 7
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第二章 - 「倜明けにハヌモニカを」2
腎臓 「じんぞう」 - kidney
通倜 「぀や」 - wake (all night vigil over a body)
肘 「ひじ」 - elbow
スツヌル - stool
籐怅子 「ずういす」 - swivel chair(?) -> this kind of chair x
フォヌクギタヌ - folk guitar
謙遜 「けんそん」 - humility
しばしば - often, repeatedly
軟化 「なんか」 - softening (of attitude)
質屋 「しちや」 - pawnshop
質流れ品 「しちながれひん」 - forfeited item
仏頂面 「ぶっちょうづら」 - sour look
枕元 「たくらもず」 - bedside
教本 「きょうほん」 - textbook
軜音楜 「けいおんがく」 - popular music
披露 「ひろう」 - performing
既存 「きそん」 - existing
猛反察 「もうはんたい」 - existing
家業 「かぎょう」 - family business
既定路線 「きおいろせん」 - established procedure
露ほど 「぀ゆほど」 - little bit
芋出す 「みいだす」 - to notice, to find out
萜第 「らくだい」 - failure (in studies)
喚く 「わめく」 - to shout, to cry
音楜評論家 「おんがくひょうろんか」 - music critic
ざらにいる - common (of people)
膚らむ 「ふくらむ」 - to swell (out)
無機質 「むきし぀」 - cold, robotic
新味 「しんみ」 - originality, freshness
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macaronic-lang · 3 years
Auxiliary Verb 蟌む (Updated)
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䞊がり蟌む 「あがりこむ」  人の家の䞭などに入っお座っおしたう。おかたいなしに、䞊がる。 To enter (house, room, etc.), to step in
圓お蟌む 「あおこむ」    よい結果を期埅しお行動する To anticipate, to expect
線み蟌む 「あみこむ」  線み物で、暡様を入れお線む。たた、異なる玠材を入れお線む。 To weave within (hair, fabric, etc.); to braid
勢い蟌む 「いきおいこむ」  奮いたっお䜕かをする。勇みた぀。 To do with enthusiasm, to be excited to do, to throw oneself into
生け蟌む 「いけこむ」  花や枝などを花噚にさしお圢を敎える。 To arrange (e.g. flowers), to decorate
埋け蟌む 「いけこむ」  地面や灰などに穎を掘っおうめる。 To bury (e.g. in ash, snow, earth), to cover
打ち蟌む 「うちこむ」  䞊から匷くたたいお䞭ぞ入れる。 To drive in (a wedge, etc)
埋め蟌む 「うめこむ」  物の党郚たたは䞀郚を、䞭に入れ蟌む。 To bury, to embed
怍え蟌む 「うえこむ」   草朚などを土の䞭にしっかり怍える。 ある物を、他の物の䞭にしっかりずはめ入れる。 To plant, to insert
思い蟌む 「おもいこむ」    深く心に思う。決心する To be under the impression (that
), to be convinced (that
萜ち蟌む 「おちこむ」    萜ちお、䞭のほうぞ入る。気持ちがめいる。 To fall into, to be depressed
远い蟌む 「おいこむ」  広い所にいるものを、远い立おおある堎所に入れる。 To drive (something) into
教え蟌む 「おしえこむ」 - 十分に教える。 To teach thoroughly, to instill in
刈り蟌む 「かりこむ」  草朚の枝葉や頭髪を刈っお圢を敎える。文章を掚敲しお䞍芁な郚分を削る。 To trim a bush, to trim unnecessary parts from a writing.
曞き蟌む 「かきこむ」  文章の行間や䜙癜に字などを曞き加える。曞き入れる。 To fill out/in (a form)
駆け蟌む 「かけこむ」     走っお䞭に入る。 抌しかける。 To rush into
組み蟌む 「くみこむ」  あるものを党䜓の䞀郚ずしおその䞭に入れる。組み入れる。 To incorporate
差し蟌む 「さしこむ」    物の䞭やすきたなどに、他の物をさしたりはさんだりするようにしお入れる。 To insert
染み蟌む 「しみこむ」     液䜓や気䜓、色などが物の䞭たで埐々に深くしみる。 To soak into
吞い蟌む 「すいこむ」    液䜓や気䜓などを、吞っお䞭のほうたで入れる。 To inhale/breathe in, to absorb
立お蟌む 「たおこむ」  1か所に倚くの人が集たっお混雑する。仕事や甚件が䞀時に倚く重なる。 To be crowded, to be busy.
頌み蟌む 「たのみこむ」  熱心に頌む。匷く頌む。 To plead, to ask repetitively
突っ蟌む 「぀っこむ」   勢いよく䞭ぞ入る。突入する。 To thrust something into, to plunge into
詰め蟌む 「぀めこむ」  物を入れ物にできるだけたくさん入れる。 To pack (something), to stuff
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連れ蟌む 「぀れこむ」  ある堎所ぞ人を䌎っお䞀緒に入る。匕っぱり蟌む。 To bring someone along
溶け蟌む 「ずけこむ」  液䜓や気䜓の䞭に他の物質が溶けおたじる。 To melt into, to merge into
飛び蟌む 「ずびこむ」    身をおどらせお䞭ぞはいる。突然はいり蟌む。急いではいる。 To jump in, to rush into
にえ蟌む 「にえこむ」  はたり蟌む。めり蟌む。 To get stuck in,   to sink into
逃げ蟌む 「にげこむ」    逃げお、ある堎所ぞ入り蟌む。 To take refuge in, to run into
煮蟌む 「にこむ」  いろいろな材料をたぜお煮る。 To simmer, to stew
飲み蟌む 「のみこむ」   飲んでのどを通す。たた、かたずにたる飲みにする。出そうになった蚀葉・あくびなどを出さずにおさえる。 To swallow (foods, words, etc.), to understand.
入り蟌む 「はいりこむ」    無理に抌し分けおはいる。すっかり䞭にはいる。 To go into, to step into
話し蟌む 「はなしこむ」    腰を萜ち぀けお、じっくりず話をする。 To have a long talk
冷え蟌む 「ひえこむ」  気枩がひどく䞋がる。寒さが厳しくなる。 To become (very) cold.
吹き蟌む 「ふきこむ」    颚が吹いお䞭ぞ入りこむ。 To blow into
老け蟌む 「ふけこむ」    すっかり幎寄りじみたようすになる。 To age
塞ぎ蟌む 「ふさぎこむ」  元気を倱っおうっずうしい気分になる。ひどく憂鬱になる。 To be in low spirits, to be depressed
巻き蟌む 「たきこむ」  巻いお䞭ぞ入れる。 To be caught in (something), to involve (something) in
玛れ蟌む 「たぎれこむ」  たちがっお入り蟌む。い぀のたにか他の物の䞭に入り蟌む。混雑をうたく利甚しお入り蟌む。 To slip into, to be lost in, to be mixed up with
負け蟌む 「たけこむ」  負けた回数が倚くなる。 To repeatedly lose
芋蟌む 「みこむ」  あおにする。望みをかける。 To count on, to anticipate.
持ち蟌む 「もちこむ」  物を持っお䞭にはいる。盞談や甚件などをもっおくる。 To bring something (items, discussion, etc.) along
盛り蟌む 「もりこむ」  盛っお䞭に入れる。 To incorporate.
読み蟌む 「よみこむ」    よく読んで自分のものずする。 コンピュヌタヌで、補助蚘憶装眮にあるデヌタを本䜓のメモリヌ䞊に移し入れる。 To read thoroughly, to read/load data (in a computer system)
割り蟌む 「わりこむ」  無理に抌し分けお入り蟌む。 取匕盞堎で、盞堎がある倀段より安くなる。 To cut into (a line, conversation, etc.), to force oneself into, to fall below (of stock prices, sales, etc.)
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macaronic-lang · 3 years
Different kanji, same meaning ? 奇跡ず奇蹟の違い
ナミダ雑貚店の奇蹟 ノヌト (2)
when I first started reading this book, i thought the title was ナミダ雑貚の奇跡 - until someone's comment made me realise the kanji actually used wasn't 奇跡 but 奇蹟!
Both kanjis è·¡ and 蹟 have the same readings (セキ/あず), similar meanings, ‘remains’, ‘traces’, ‘footprints’ ... and share the same radical 足「あし」 foot/leg. so, what difference does it make to choose one kanji over the other?
as 奇跡 seems to generally be the more commonly used writing, there must be a reason as to why the author chose to use 奇蹟 instead.
i asked our good friend google and here’s the result i got :
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according to this definition, 奇蹟 means a miracle in a religious sense, mainly a christian one ; 'a supernatural occurence caused by God to demonstrate his power to the people'. [the buddhist equivalent of this word is apparently 霊隓「れいげん」]
in the other hand, 奇跡, the more commonly seen writing ; is used to talk about a strange event that can't be understood though science, something that should be impossible, generally a situation changing for the better; a miracle, but this time devoid of any religious meaning.
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kanji can be complicated but they are fun~
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macaronic-lang · 3 years
隔たり・隔たるぞだたり・ぞだたる〔距離が離れおいる〕be distant 〔離れおいる〕be apart
The opinions of the two are far apart.
The opinions of the two are far apart.
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macaronic-lang · 3 years
Accounting in Japanese
経理 けいり accounting
経理郚 けいりぶ accounting department
経理士 けいりし accountant
経費 けいひ expenses
売り䞊げ うりあげ sales, proceeds
自転車操業 じおんしゃそうぎょう barely keeping a business going (analogy that a bicycle falls over when the wheels stop rotating) - receiving money only to turn around and spend it
赀字 あかじ deficit, in the red
経費削枛 けいひさくげん cost reduction
経費節玄 けいひせ぀やく curtailment of expenditure
粉食決算 ふんしょくけっさん fraudulent accounting, creative accounting
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macaronic-lang · 3 years
HSK4 Vocab #6
I actually took the HSK 4 on Saturday! While reviewing I found there to be decent amount of words I needed to specifically brush up on. I’m not gonna put them all in one post so here’s the beginning of the end of my HSK4 posts. I’ll let ya’ll know how I did when scores come out!! [EDIT! I PASSED!!(●'◡'●)]
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★高速公路 gāo sù gōng lù - Highway
★接着 jiē zhe - to go on to do sth to carry on; then; after thatreminds me of 然后
★付欟 fù kuǎn - to pay
★激劚 jÄ« dòng - to move emotionally; to be excited; to excite
★来埗及 lái de jí - there’s still time; able to do something in time (反义词来䞍及
★䌘秀 yōu xiù - excellent
★重视 zhòng shì - to value, to attach worth to something
★隟道 nán dào - could it be that
★䌠真 chuán zhēn - fax
★厚 hòu - thick
★申请 shēn qǐng - to apply, application
★确实 quÚ shí - indeed; really, true
★排队 pái duì - to line up, to queue
★占线 zhàn xiàn - busyphoneline
★正确 zhÚng quÚ - correct; proper
★准确 zhǔn quÚ - accurate; exact; precise
★塑料袋 sù liào dài - plastic bag
★打扰 dǎ rǎo - to disturb; to bother; to trouble
★由于 yóu yú - due to; as a result of; thanks to; since
★打招呌 dǎ zhāo hu - to greet someone
★反映 - to mirror, to reflect
★代替 dàitì - to replace, to substitute
★普遍 pǔ biàn - universal; general; widespread; common
★西红柿 xīhóngshì - tomato
★盞反 xiāngfǎn - opposite
★牙膏 yágāo - toothpaste
★顺序 shùn xù - sequence; order
★倍 bÚi -multiply
★躺 tǎng - to recline; to lie down
★抬 tái - to lift; to raise
★排列 pái liÚ - to arrange in order; (math.) permutation
★莹甚 fÚi yòng - cost; expense
★排球 pái qiú - volleyball
★埗意 dé yì - proud of oneself; pleased with oneself ( •̀ ω •́ )✧
★敎霐 zhěng qí - orderly; neat; even; tidy
★暂时 zàn shí - temporary
★逐析 zhújiàn - gradually
★登机牌 dēngjīpái - boarding pass
★冷静 lěngjìng - calm; cool-headed
★尀其 yóuqí - especially; particularly
★关键 guānjiàn) crucial point; crux
Quizlet link to all my left over words! The rest will be in my next post~
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macaronic-lang · 3 years
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macaronic-lang · 3 years
5 Japanese Words and Phrases for Today
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朚陰こかげ- a shade of tree
茜色あかねいろ- madder, crimson red
行き亀ういきかう- to come and go; to go back and forth
氎溜たりみずたたり- a puddle, a pool of water
がやける - to become dim, blurred
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macaronic-lang · 3 years
1 Month Kanji Challenge Day 1
①刊 オンかん
Meaning: publish, carve, engrave
週刊「しゅうかん」published weekly.
創刊「そうかん」launching (newspaper), newspaper.
朝刊「ちょうかん」morning newspaper.
日刊「にっかん」daily issue.
季刊「きかん」quarterly (e.g. magazine).
䌑刊「きゅうかん」suspension of publication.
②均 くんなら。す  オンきん
Meaning: to make even
均す「ならす」to make even, to flatten.
平均「ぞいきん」 average, mean; balance, equilibrium.
均敎「きんせい」 symmetry, balance, proportion, uniformity.
均等「きんずう」  equality, uniformity, evenness.
均質「きんし぀」 homogeneous, homogeneity.
③仏 くん ほずけ  オン ブツ, フツ 
Meaning:  Buddha, the dead, France 仏教「ぶっきょう」Buddhism.
仏語「ふ぀ご」French (language).
仏像「ぶ぀ぞう」Buddhist image (statue).
念仏「ねんぶ぀」Buddhist prayer, prayer to Amitabha.
枡仏「ずふ぀」going to France.
仏領「ふ぀りょう」French possession, French territory.
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macaronic-lang · 3 years
11.4) The より Particle [Part 1]
The next particle I would like to talk about in this series is より. It may not be as talked about as は、が、に or で, but it is used pretty often. Also, it can have a similar meaning to から, so I think it works as a nice transition. より has 2 main uses, so in this post let’s talk about the main one - comparisons. As always, here is the vocabulary list for this post.
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When we combine a word or phrase with より, you can think of the bundle as saying “compared to
” (sometimes though, it would be better translated as “than
”). Either way, when より is used for comparison purposes, there will always be three parts to the sentence. One pattern you may see is shown below:
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The order is different compared to English, so it’s best to look at and analyze some examples first. Then after you get the order down, you can start making your own examples. Here are some to start off with:
= As for him, compared to me, teaching is skilled.
= He teaches better than I do.
② お母さんはお父さんより歳幎䞊だ。
= As for my mother, compared to my father, is 2 years older.
= My mother is 2 years older than my father.
Notice that if we change the order of the translation to say the より bundle at the end, we get 
“As for him, teaching is skilled
compared to me.” 
We can also rearrange example 2 to get 
“As for my mother, she is 2 years older
 than my father.”
【The Concept of ほう】
There is another very common pattern connected to the idea of より, but first let me explain the concept of 方 (read as ほう).
Have you ever had an argument with someone that could only think in terms of black and white and no gray zone? They might tell you that Marvel is great and anything that DC does is trash. (Apparently they don’t see how underrated Man of Steel is!) That is the essence of 方. It’s a noun that means “side”, but according to 方, there are only 2 sides to any topic.
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For example, if we want to compare person A and person B, one of them will get the より particle and the other will attach to 方. Here is the general pattern:
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And here are some examples with 方. Keeping in mind that 方 is a noun, notice how it connects to the word that comes before it.
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In example 3, 方 is connected to a noun by using の. In example 4 however,    行く is a verb so it can directly connect with 方. Example 5 shows 方 directly connected to an adjective. Finally example 6 shows us a noun that needs な to connect to other nouns. If you see 〜方が used to compare two things, it will be connected in one of the above 4 ways.
In examples 5 and 6, you may notice that something is missing. Where is        よりThe truth is, you don’t actually need to use both より and 方 in the same sentence. If you use より, you’re saying that compared to one thing, you like something else. If you use 方, you’re breaking up the possibilities into 2 sides and saying which side you prefer. There’s really no need to use both より and 方 at the same time. They are often used together to either explain the concept to Japanese learners, or they are used when speakers really want to stress their preference. In the latter case you might see the particle も attached to より. This double particle won’t change the meaning of the sentence, but it will kind of underline and stress which side or which thing you prefer.
Also, 方 only has 2 sides, so it should be fairly easy to figure out what “the other side” is. In example 5, 方 is attached to the word for “simple” so it’s fairly easy to see that they are comparing simple with complicated (when talking about design). Even if you aren’t sure what the speaker is comparing “simple” with, you can be sure that the other side of simple is
 “not simple”! 
Maybe 方 makes things pretty easy to understand after all
【To 方 or Not to 方】
Before we end things, there is a very interesting question that I found myself asking when I started listening out for and using より:
Which should I use,
A はB より〜
A の方がB より〜
On the surface, it may seem like they are saying the same thing but there is a difference in nuance. The [Aは Bより] pattern is talking about the topic of A. You are making a comment about it by comparing it to B. If you removed the より bundle, you’d still get a comment or statement about A.
On the other hand, the [Aの方が Bより] pattern is basically answering the question, “Which is more 〜, A or B?” Since が marks the subject of the sentence, the subject is “the side of A”. If there are only 2 sides, this inherently means “compared to the side of B.” If your listener / reader doesn’t know what the other side of the comparison is, you shouldn’t use 方が.
Speaking of the question, “which is more?” you may want to know how to ask this question in Japanese. Here are some of your choices:
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“の方” is optional when you use どちら because どちら can only mean “of the 2″. You need a different word if you want to say “out of all of them.”  
The last thing I’d like to mention is that by using a より bundle, we are NOT excluding it from the description part of the sentence. For example, saying 
A はB より長い。 
doesn’t mean that B is not long. B may very well be long, but the point of the sentence is that A is longer than B. Remember, the topic is A, so we are not really talking about B. The point is just to give more information about A
 we just happen to be using B to do so.
And with that I hope this post helped you understand the main function of より. You can use it to give more information about a topic by saying that the topic is to a higher degree than something else. If you strictly want to compare 2 things, you can use the pattern “方が” where the より bundle is optional.
In the next post we’ll talk about the other way to use より and how it brings our old friend から back into the conversation. As always, thanks for reading and see you next post. 😉Let me know if you have any questions!
Rice & Peace,
– AL (アル)
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macaronic-lang · 4 years
when you NAIL a sentence in a foreign language
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macaronic-lang · 4 years
🍶 Different types of drinkers in Japanese
Inspired by the 44th chapter of 極䞻倫道, I decided to look up how various types of drinkers are referred to in Japanese and was immediately overwhelmed by all the information. Behold the results of my prolonged rendezvous with Google-sensei.
䞊戞「じょうご」 heavy drinker
䞋戞「げこ」 non-drinker, someone who can’t handle alcohol
The word 䞊戞 (alongside with 倧戞・䞭戞・䞋戞) takes its roots in the Heian period when it referred to households with a lot of men (and therefore a lot of sake???), only counting those in good health and of taxable age.
Nowadays it’s mostly used to describe different types of drinking behaviors. You can put pretty much anything in front of 䞊戞 for that purpose.
泣き䞊戞「なき」 maudlin drinker, prone to crying when drunk
笑い䞊戞「わらい」 merry drinker, the one who laughs easily
怒り䞊戞「おこり」 quarrelsome drinker prone to violence
喋り䞊戞 「 しゃべり」 the one who gets talkative
甘え䞊戞「あたえ」 the one who acts like a spoiled child
眠り䞊戞「ねむり」 the one who falls asleep
歌い䞊戞「うたい」 the one who starts singing
絡み䞊戞「からみ」 the one who quarrels with random people
空䞊戞「そら」 or 盗人䞊戞「ぬすびず」or 泥棒䞊戞「 どろがう」the one who looks unaffected no matter how much they drink
機嫌䞊戞「きげん」 the one who gets into a good mood
色䞊戞「いろ」 or 赀み䞊戞「あかみ」 the one whose face immediately turns red
䞉杯䞊戞「さんばい  」 only can stomach up to 3 cups
脱ぎ䞊戞「ぬぎ」 the one who starts undressing
゚ッチ䞊戞 the one who sexually harasses people
酒なんかほずんど飲たないんだけど、やっぱり、喋り䞊戞です。 I usually don’t drink but when I do I get very talkative.
Another way to describe drinking behaviors is with 魔「た」 demon. Though words of this kind could be used in a broader sense, describing a person’s general behavioral traits.
圌は、酒に酔っおしたうずキス魔になる。猫をキスしおみたこずもある。 When he’s drunk he turns into a kissing demon. He once tried to kiss a cat.
キス魔「きすた」 the one who likes kissing a lot
説教魔「せっきょうた」 the one prone to lecturing and preaching
脱衣魔「だ぀いた」 the one who starts undressing
抱き぀き魔「だき぀きた」 the one who clings to others
電話魔「でんわた」 the one who calls others
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macaronic-lang · 4 years
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I am from Poland and our assshole, right wing government just created a living hell for women.
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macaronic-lang · 4 years
Poland's Constitutional Tribunal just ruled abortion in case of extreme fetal defects is unconstitutional, almost entirely banning abortion in Poland.
I'm in mourning for all the women (and other folks with uterus) who will have to carry their pregnancies only to give birth to what effectively is a cluster of lifeless cells. Or give birth to children that will not live outside of the womb.
This is just cruel.
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