Whats next?
Last week I decided, after 6 months of feeling down and lonely, to resign from my job in Dubai, where I have been the last 3 years. 
I am terrified, I have no job, I will be moving back in with my parents in 3 weeks and I have no qualifications. Yet, I feel like a weight has been lifted. I will be moving back home to people who I miss dearly and I know will support me until I discover what to do next. 
I decided to start documenting my journey as, if this is something that I can do, for the sake of my happiness then anyone can! I am the most emotional worrier out there so I want to share my journey in the hopes that I become a success story, although I am ready for road bumps and I am not even sure what it is I want to be a success at. I know one thing for sure is I will be happy and in good company.
I don’t have all the answers, maybe none at all but I'm going to be sharing my journey to rediscovery and hope that it helps just one person to take the much needed leap too.
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