loveandlive4eva · 9 months
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Images from the Angelic Pretty Museum event
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loveandlive4eva · 10 months
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hello ~ I made this post originally to rationalize to myself why I personally don’t see reality shifting as a sin, and to respond to points made by other Christians as proof reality shifting is unholy. If you’re not christian/religious, totally feel free to ignore, and if you disagree with my opinion, also feel free to reply (I’d prefer if you’d do it respectfully tho), as I’m always free to accept contrarian opinions to further construct my values. anyways, if you’re interested, please click below to see the post! I hope this will give Christian LOA users and reality shifters solace and comfort when faced with fear and uncertainty.
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Reality shifting is allegedly a sin because :
it is untrue - counter claim - if shifting is just meditation - which encompasses focus and calmness, which are undoubtedly real, visualization, which is undoubtedly real, and lucid dreaming, which is clinically proven, how is it untrue? see also how in regards to God’s existence, it has been repeatedly questioned by humans who believe they control and understand truth, the bible repeatedly tells us to forsake wisdom and knowledge to hold a blind faith in God, so how can we in good faith contest what is truth?
it is forsaking the reality given to you by God - counter claim - God’s promise is diffused all across experience, we need not to remain in this world to experience God’s fruits if in itself loving God is enough. We can still love and cherish what God has given us, respect his craft and his sacrifices.
Jesus will forgive your sins, so you do not need to leave this world - counter claim - shifters may not be looking for answers or a perfect world while shifting, just a different lens to experience life, we can still hold Jesus’ promise to heart, and shift to worlds where Jesus is/was present.
you are seeking spirits, which is a sin, and are susceptible to demonic possessions - counter claim - shifters may not be looking for spirits at all, simply looking for another plane of consciousness, permitted by self. If shifting is no different than thinking or dreaming, then we are no less susceptible to demonic possession than on the OR field
 looking towards yourself for answers and perception is futile, prideful, and disrespects God - counter claim - we may not shift just to look for answers, but to explore self in a way which doesn’t conflict with Gods teaching, if shifting experience is as valid as OR perception by means of vivid visualization, then is living in itself also a sin? Again, shifting is no more prideful than living in the OR, it’s simply another form of experience, and we can keep the same humility and reverence for God, we can even ask for this experience to be blessing, including others, we can also use these experiences to give. with all of these reasons, shifting doesn’t place us on a higher pedestal than God. While instead of looking towards the self for peace and understanding, we should look towards God, we can also ask for God to give us the peace to push forward and forsake our inhibitions and lacking courage to take us forward on our shifting journey, and once again, shifting is just experiencing life implementing a different train of thought to sense it, we don’t have a need to forsake God’s practice and law. Self understanding can be found, but it’s found in the fruits God gives us, same to the OR.
God empowers us to do wonderful and miraculous things, he sacrificed his only son in order for us to do so, so why should we believe he wouldn’t permit us to explore Godly principles and change our selves for the better? We don’t even truly know if God allows us to eat food other than it’s something we can do that’s good for us in moderation, Eve participated in original sin by eating, but that doesn’t mean all food is a gateway towards hell and must be repudiated with no grey area. shifting is in that same category. Humans were blessed with the ability to be explorative, creative, disciplined, and courageous, these qualities have created some of the most holy and righteous creations sanctioned by human hands, and shifting involves all of those qualities.
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loveandlive4eva · 10 months
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[ hi guys! I’ve been researching for ongoing shifting attempts I’ve been doing and I found out about a really interesting meditation/yoga method, yoga nidra, that looks like it could help a lot with visualizing our imaginations/4d and shifting to the void/dr! disclaimer- I’m like not at all an expert on this technique. yoga, or desi culture in general, I literally like just started researching it today, what I hope to do is introduce LOA methodology to some of this technique to help manifestors and shifters in their LOA journeys, if I get anything wrong, offend anyone or if theirs something you’d like to enlighten on, please comment, reblog, or send an ask! ♡ anyways let’s get onto the post ~ ]
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so, what is yoga nidra?
[ from my (brief) research, yoga nidra is a yoga technique which allows for access to the states between sleep and waking consciousness, which is relevant to manifestors and shifters because this intermediary state allows for the brain to be more susceptible to allow our subconscious to manifest our dream live and wants. Yoga Nidra is an ancient practice vital to the Hindu religion for millenia, but the specific form of yoga nidra I’ll be discussing was established during the 1970s, and I am mostly going off of the teachings of Satyananda Saraswati (this figure is controversial and is tied to accusations of sexual abuse, I in no way am supporting his actions and only want to share the information he provided with my additions, his action are super, super, gross, don’t support him as a person or financially). The following brackets will be profiling the seven steps needed to achieve the yoga nidra state. Also, this method is greatly aided by the assistance of a guided meditation, which can be provided through audio form such as through youtube or spotify (which there are numerous resources) or irl through a yoga instructor or friend, but make sure this environment is safe, and research your yoga gurus. you can lets begin ♡ ]
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[ the first position which is recommended for yoga nidra is to assume the shavasana position, more commonly known as the starfish position in western circles due to having all four limbs spread openly, similarly to the animal. We’ll be further using the effects of this technique during the course of the yoga nidra state. ]
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[ this step might be familiar to shifters and some manifestors, as we’re often instructed to think with intent to achieve your desired manifestations or reality. In this state, we will think with intents to fully relax our mind and body, and later, think with the intention that no matter what, you will achieve your desired state or want, think with the intent that all limiting beliefs have been discarded. ]
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[ I think this is basically just body scanning, but can also be used as an oppurtunity to position your consciousness into that of the desired person, state, reality etc you want to achieve. Disconnect your body fully from the 3D world at this point, you should only be aware of the 4D world ]
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[ it’s basically what it sounds like lol, so just do your preferred breathing excercises ]
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[ this is where you should start to visualize your inner world more vividly, invoking the ability to use your 5 senses in your inner world to further immerse your brain in this experience. I’ve already made a post (that no one read) about how to easily invoke your five senses to shift :) ]
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[ this is an extension of the previous step, where you visualize your inner world. in this step, the focus is specifically on the sense of vision in the inner world, where intense mental traning and concentration is used to invision complex imagery. remember, visualizing (and vision in general) is a sequence of succeeding imagery, it’s not that complicated at all, and you’ll become better and better every time you try! ]
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[ This final step invokes once again intentional thinking, but instead of easing you into the dream world, it eases you out, returning the mind to wakefullness. ]
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conclusion ~
[ what originally drawn me into this method was that it provided the clearest instruction of how to bring ourselves to the inner world I’ve seen before, and I hope it was able to inspire you also~ you’re going to manifest your desires, it’s literally destiny, remember that, and byeee! ♡ ]
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loveandlive4eva · 2 years
my laptop has been broke ASF for a bit so I WILL (!!!!) fix it using the loa! willbe giving updates and a success story when im done and my laptop is back 2 normal <3
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loveandlive4eva · 2 years
is there a genuine, REAL reason you guys think you can’t have your desires? is there an actual valid reason you guys believe that what you want isn’t destined for you?
everything about manifestation and the law of assumption is completely illogical - one of the main parts about your desires coming is not using logical thinking. your manifestations will come no matter WHAT. circumstances don’t matter in the slightest. it isn’t supposed to make sense.
the more and more you try to map out in your head how you THINK your desire will come, or how the events will play out, the more resistance you’re giving. THE HOW AND THE WHEN DOESN’T MATTER! what matters is that you already have it, RIGHT NOW.
nothing in this world will stop you from getting what you want except for yourself - you know that. i have said it a million times and i will say it a million more, STOP SABOTAGING YOURSELF! let yourself feel relief that your wants and wishes are already fulfilled for you!
the law is not made to be stressful, it’s made to get you what you want - so let it!!
- sacred ♡
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loveandlive4eva · 2 years
I shifted to Harry Potter after working on my self concept for just 3 days! I got rid of all my limiting beliefs, I began to see myself in a better light and stopped assuming things that did not benefit me. I was there for a few years, then I shifted back here. I scripted that 1 year in my Harry Potter desired reality = 1 day in this reality. I got to experience all that I desired which made me feel fulfilled enough to shift back here. If anyone here loves fantasy, magic, etc. consider shifting to a fictional world OR manifest this current reality to be fantasy like! It’s truly so much fun and I loveee life even more now.
AHH, congratz! You just reminded me to finish the Harry Potter movies … ANYWAY, I‘m so happy for you :’) thank you for sharing and I‘m glad you love life; as you deserve.
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loveandlive4eva · 2 years
I FINALLY SHIFTED!!!! +Word of Advice
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Hello Baddie Army!!! I wanted to come back with a HUGE update post, during my long break I shifted TWICE and I shifted this morning, making it the third time. WARNING: LONG POST AHEAD.
The first time I shifted I remember waking up in my waiting room, however I felt like I was in a daze, between this awake and asleep phase. The first thing that came to my mind is: "Omg I shifted." I immediately did a reality check and I had ten fingers and I touched my palm. It was solid!! I felt this huge surge of excitement and I ran to a mirror, I looked different. I had straight black hair and red eyes. That was my first shift before I came back here.
The second time I shifted, I remember first being in a dream. I was at my old high school with my ex best friend. I just remember it was lunch time and she was talking to another friend, and I felt sad and left out. The bell rang, and I had statistics class, then somehow in my mind I thought to myself: "I want to shift to a biochemistry class" (why am I saying the most random shit???) Then, the scene around me changed to pitch black darkness. I was in a weird state where I felt like my eyes were open even though they were closed, in between asleep and awake. Then I heard this loud WHOOSHING sound right in my ear as if there was a loud wind. I felt myself started to spin faster and faster and I just kept affirming that I was shifting. I saw my surroundings change into a classroom setting, keep in mind, I have never been here before. I look around me, and I don't recognise anyone in this classroom, nor did it look like Hogwarts. The professor was giving a lecture in Spanish. I immediately raised my hand and he kept going with the lecture, ignoring him. Then I asked, "Excuse me, but are we in a biochemistry class?" The professor looks puzzled, and continues his lesson, everyone started to laugh at me. I looked down at my notes, my notebook was empty and I was very confused, scared, and trying to keep my composure. I did a reality check, I had ten fingers and everything felt solid. I looked around again, everyone went back to the lecture like nothing happened except a cute guy who was staring at me with a concerned look. In my mind I kept asking: Where the fuck am I? I was mentally freaking out. So, I raised my hand again and asked in Spanish: "Excuse me, are we in biochemistry class?" (It was cringe af though because my Spanish was broken and I forgot to say biochemistry in Spanish so I said it in English. Once again, the professor gave me a baffled look, said nothing to my embarrassment, and went back to his lesson. Everyone was giggling, and I started to flush with embarrassment. So a few seconds later I just said in Spanish: Sorry, I don't feel well at all excuse me. I ran out of the class-it looked like a small college campus surrounded by trees and it was very foggy outside. I began to run around campus and I screamed: Where the fuck am I??? Then I stumbled upon a map that said: Undergraduate Campus and then I woke up in my CR.
This morning's shift was much blurrier, but I'm fairly positive I stayed there longer. I just remember being in a dream and then I said: "I want to shift to my current reality" (again, why the fuck would I say that???) Suddenly, there was pitch black darkness, and I was in the same exact state I was last time. I heard the whooshing noise again and started to feel myself spinning. Then I said: NO I WANT TO SHIFT TO HOGWARTS. I AM SHIFTING TO HOGWARTS and kept repeating that over and over again. Then my surroundings changed to the Hufflepuff Common Room, I was in my dorm. I couldn't keep my cool, I didn't even do a reality check. I immediately bolted out of the common room excitedly, it looks just like it would in Pottermore. Then, a girl with curly black hair and green eyes was waiting for me outside of the common room. I don't remember who she was supposed to be, but I'm pretty sure I shifted to the wrong Hogwarts because she had an American accent. I remember getting super excited and yelling that I shifted to Hogwarts, and she gave me a very puzzled look and told me that we are going to the library to look for Lucius Malfoy. For context, in the Marauder's DR I am shifting for Lucius Malfoy but in my DR he is good and Death Eaters and Lord Voldemort DO NOT exist. I remember going to the library and the school interior looks exactly how it would in the movies. I was looking for a guy with blonde hair, but instead we ran into a girl with dark skin and curly hair braided who was Hermione Granger in that reality. She had a Southern American accent. Then, I woke up here.
EXPLANATION: So, as you all may have noticed, I keep shifting to random realities in this weird between asleep and awake state that makes it hard for me to control my own actions and determining whether I shifted or not. I asked my friend, who has shifted many times and has done hours of research on shifting. They're so experienced with shifting they can shift on command without fail even while fully awake with their eyes open. What they explained to me is that the majority of the people who shift while asleep tend to shift and stay in their DR, or shift through a lucid dream where they are aware that they are dreaming. This makes it much easier for their subconscious to ground itself in that reality. However, in my case I have been shifting from a dream-like state, which makes it harder for my subconscious to ground itself because a part of my subconscious still thinks it is dreaming, while the other part of it is aware that I shifted, hence the confused daze I was in. On top of that I haven't done any grounding exercises and my subconscious is still adjusting to me shifting, it does take practice!!!! The way I've been shifting is very rare though, unfortunately. The difference is with lucid dream, you have full control and are aware you are dreaming, while in the state I was in I didn't have full control or awareness. I am setting the intention today that when I shift I will have full control and awareness and immediately ground myself no matter what state I am in.
MY ADVICE: My biggest advice is firstly when you shift all you need is intention. Just say once where you want to go, and then let it go-don't pressure yourself to visualise, use your 5 senses, meditate, or whatever. You can start thinking about anything else you don't need to focus on your DR unless you want to. My second piece of advice is that setting intention is just wanting to shift, but not only that-also KNOWING that you want to shift. DECIDE that you want to shift for sure. Most people may want to shift, but a lot of them have their own fears, doubts, intrusive thoughts, negative emotions, and limiting beliefs that hold them back. You need to know that you want to shift. You can absolutely still shift with limiting beliefs, doubts, intrusive thoughts, negative emotions and fears but don't let them overpower you. Assume that NOTHING stops you from shifting no matter what. Use the law of assumption to work through those doubts and fears to not let it overpower you. My third advice is that the law of assumption is the KEY to shifting, whatever you assume about shifting is true. There's no "right" or "wrong" way to shift, and shifting can be easy or hard depending on how you see it. Use the law of assumption to work towards having a good mindset. My fourth advice is to start celebrating every shift, even if you accidentally shift to the wrong reality. It will help you with your confidence and motivate you to keep shifting. Start viewing every shift as a huge accomplishment because it is and be proud of yourself!!! My last advice is to start viewing yourself as a master shifter, it will definitely help. I'm starting to see myself as the best and most powerful reality shifter in the multiverse, and it really helps with my mindset. Right now, I am working to becoming so good at shifting that I can shift on command even while I'm fully awake with my eyes open instantly no matter what. In fact, I already am!!!! Huge credit to my shifter friend for all of their wise advice!!!!
Conclusion: You guys I am so unbelievably happy and proud of myself you have no idea. I have come a very long way, however I really believe I wouldn't be here if it weren't for the law of assumption. This law and this community really is a gift from the multiverse and saved my life in so many ways. To all of my other shifters who are still attempting, trust me when I say this, shifting is real and you got this!!!! I believe in every single one of you!!!! This is coming from a person who had so many doubts, limiting beliefs, and at one point believed that I would never shift. If you have any questions please let me know.
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loveandlive4eva · 2 years
alsooo how do we become master shifters that shift on command & awake, whenever we want?? ur friend is so cool for being able to do it share the knowledge pls 😭😭💕
Hi dear!!!! THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!! 🖤🤗 So, I asked my friend the same question and in their belief, anyone can become this good at shifting but that it will take a while, as it requires shifting practice. Their reasoning is because your subconscious needs to feel confident that you have the capability to shift like that, which may take a while because you yourself will have a hard time believing at first that you can shift just like that. However, in my personal opinion, it all comes down to your mindset and how you view shifting. If you think you can shift whenever you want to, however you want to-then you can. If you don't think you can, then you won't. You must apply the law of assumption to change this mindset, but you must be disciplined and PERSIST NO MATTER WHAT. If you get doubts, negative feelings, or intrusive thoughts that is okay-just assume they won't affect your power and keep persisting onto your positive thoughts and how you view shifting. I'm actually going to do the 3DOL and ROE challenge to get these powers soon!!! Please read this, it is very short but I swear by it it's a huge game changer with shifting: https://aminoapps.com/c/respawn_dr/page/blog/how-to-shift-effortlessly/PE48_rMtmukdx72VxkPvzgn7v1nYG82Ek
What my friend does is they focus on an item and say: I want to be at _____ right now. Within a few seconds, their current reality around them begins to fade away and change around them to their desired reality. They said it feels very weird, like their body vibrates like crazy and they can FEEL their awareness moving. Another time, they shifted with a safe word by setting the intention that the word "pineapple" would make them shift and the same thing happened!!!
Another thing to keep in mind is that every time you manifest, you shift to another reality, you are always shifting to another reality where you have said desire, no matter how significant or insignificant it is. You are shifting all the time, every single decision you make and every single thing you do makes you shift to another reality too. Here's another blog for further explanation: https://www.tumblr.com/blog/view/goddessktl/675240727274455040?source=share
I hope that I was able to help. If you want to join me on the 3 day challenge to get these shifting powers let me know :D
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loveandlive4eva · 2 years
tip: work with your weaknesses and not against them. for example, i’m impatient asf so i made one of my manifesting rules “being impatient makes me manifest instantly” “the more impatient i am the faster my desires come to me” you’re sitting here struggling with shit when you don’t have to. struggle with doubt? saturate your mind with the rule that doubting only brings you your desires. “the more i doubt the more my desires come to me” struggle with spiraling? saturate your mind with the rule that spiraling only brings you your desires. “spiraling only makes my desires appear in the 3d instantly” etc. stop trying to fight against yourself and work with yourself
❕❕bc nothing can mess up our manifestations
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loveandlive4eva · 2 years
hey love! so i tried to set an intention ti shift but i didnt and like idk what to do next like...? what would your advice be to someone who has like zero progress so far like not even mini shiifts basically nothing?? sorry if this sounds annyoing
Hi dear, my biggest advice is to start applying the law of assumption to shifting because in my personal opinion the law of assumption is literally the KEY to shifting. Start off small by affirming and persisting no matter what that you are a master shifter. Keep telling yourself that all the time if you can, every time you get a negative thought FLIP THEM to your affirmations immediately. Then, maybe start by setting the intention for a small difference like maybe your bedroom wall colour is different or you have a different eye colour. This will help you build your confidence to shift! I hope that I was able to help.
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loveandlive4eva · 2 years
The KEY to manifestation is :
<3 killing your old self, limiting beliefs and the 3D
<3 Reawaken as your desired reality self and living in your dr
<3 maintain her by affirming, perfecting self concept and persisting that you are your dr self, and why wouldn’t you be?
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loveandlive4eva · 2 years
Hiii I’m a new law of assumption/manifestation/shifting blog, and I’ll like to mostly post shifting content like guides, methods and challenges that I use to help shift realities, if you’re intrested, please follow!!!! <3 <3 <3
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loveandlive4eva · 2 years
[ visualization tips ]
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[ when I was a loa community baby, I was so lost whenever anyone would mention I had to visualize for a method, bc i thought I was so horrible at visualizing I could barely visualize an apple 😭 but over time I found tips and tricks that made visualizing so much more easy and fun! These tips can also help you shift and reach the void easier. So I hope you can learn from these tips too ♡ ]
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[ Your feelings while visualizing is the #1 thing for more real and vivid visualizations, I can’t stress this enough. Stop thinking of visualizations of just looking at something in your mind, look at it as how you would feel in this scene that you want to visualize and amplify it. If you want a happy visual, smile through the entire visualization, if you want an angsty one, think of thin that make you sad or angry and hold those thoughts in while visualizing. If you want to feel like an it girl, think of the thoughts and actions of confident women you look up to as inspiration and embody them in your visualization. This tip is so important, this is what makes and breaks the vividness of your visualization. ]
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[ this might seem difficult at first, but it’s actually way easier than you might think. Visualizing is more than just what you see in your head, and realizing this can make your visualizations a lot easier to picture and way more vivid. For hearing, visualizing a conversation with a comfort character, sp or literally anyone is a huge huge help for vivid visualizations and is literally so easy, it’s just talking to yourself. This is the one thing that makes visualizations so easy, and even if you’re visualizing a scene that’s silent or only yourself, you can just visualizing yourself that you’re talking to your subconscious. Visualizing lip movement in conversations also helps. For taste, imagine eating an amazing meal with your comfort characters or people in your life, or eating your own lip gloss and feeling like a total it girl. For smells, imagine smelling your own perfume and it smelling amazing, smelling the cologne or something idfk or your sp, or nostalgic smells that make your feel warm and at home, the options are literally endless with smells and can enhance a visualized scene. If you find it hard to imagine a smell, just imagine the feeling of that scent and what it makes you feel, that goes with all senses. For touch, there’s a million ways this can go, and touch can make a visualization feel a million times more real and lived in and enhance your scenes to the next level no aespa. Think about the certain types of touch that make you feel the emotions that you want to feel in this scene, and then apply it to your visualization. The five senses can enhance your visualizations so much it’s unreal, and can turn a visualization vivid so quickly, using the five senses in visualizations is one of my #1 tips for vivider visualizations. ]
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[ using the 3D to your advantage while visualizing can be very helpful, a lot of people while visualizing feel like they’re just pretending or the mood doesn’t feel right, so setting the scene in the 3D can be really helpful to make your visualizations more vivid! It’s very simple, you can just put on some music that remind you of what you are looking to visualize, wear an outfit that the you in your visualization would most likely wear, and you can even light a candle or put on a perfume or air freshener with a scent that reminds you of visualization. ]
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[ I hope you found all these tips helpful and they make your visualizations so much better, just remember that you are amazing, and all of your manifestations and affirmations are true. Please reblog and follow to help me out, I’m a small blog so I really need the support. byeeeeeee! ♡ ]
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loveandlive4eva · 2 years
Hiii I’m a new law of assumption/manifestation/shifting blog, and I’ll like to mostly post shifting content like guides, methods and challenges that I use to help shift realities, if you’re intrested, please follow!!!! <3 <3 <3
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loveandlive4eva · 2 years
[ ♡ shifting methods ♡ ]
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[ Hii, so since I’ve been fascinated by shifting, I’ve found a multitude of methods, but some of them are pretty stupid ngl 😭 but I’ve also found some that’s given me actual results! So here’s three that I’ve found useful over that I hope you do two ♡ ]
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(I found this method on the shifting Reddit so credit goes 100% to the og creator!)
[ “Meditate for 5 to 10 minutes prior. Just clear your mind completely and if you get any thoughts (which I’m sure you will and that’s okay) just acknowledge them for a second and then put them aside, then go back into clearing your mind by focusing on your heartbeat. If you can’t focus on your heartbeat, focus on your breathing and just clear your mind. After the 10 minutes, after you’ve done the meditation, just lay back and relax all your muscles, and just focus really intently on the emotion of love and imagine your heart center, you can use the word chakras if you feel comfortable with it. If not, just imagine the center of your body expanding outwards and imagine this energy is just bursting forward into the universe. And imagine it’s such an immense feeling that you can’t move. Just pinned to the bed and you can’t move, this energy is emanating out of your heart and at the same time as doing that, hold the emotions associated with what you want to experience. So you could say your desired reality, and just hold it there. Don’t move, don't do anything, just hold that energy there. And that’s all you need to do, just hold that loving energy and your emotions in your heart chakra or center. Focus on your desired reality, (and again, this is after you’ve meditated, so after 5-10 minutes of meditation) hold the energy there and then just release it to the universe.” ]
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[ ok so I know a lot of ppl are scared or unknowledgeable about astral projection, but astral projection can actually be very useful for shifting, void method, etc. It helps your body escape the confines of the 3D, which is literally what shifting and manifestation is all about! I found this astral projection guide on Reddit very useful! And the pinned page on that sub Reddit also has useful information, just be wary to go further because there’s a lot of limiting beliefs and creepy men, as most Reddit pages have. I’ll try and make more posts on astral projection soon so be sure to look forward to that! ]
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(this is a personal method i made myself!) [ Twice now, i’ve had very vivid dreams from taking a nap, and both were related to some media i recently consumed or a recent experience, so if i get really sleepy or if i haven’t slept at all in a while, meditate, do a guided shifting (or any other type!) meditation or affirmation video and then visualize while it plays in the background. The time I had this dream while doing this it felt like i had the dream for hours and hours even though I only slept for about an hour or two. ]
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[ I hope you enjoyed reading, and found the methods useful! pls reblog or like for exposure since I’m a new small acc if you did pls <3 ]
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