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I feel sorry for el. Having power like this can’t be easy. It can separate you. Make you feel alone. I think i know how she feels.
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Sick Day
Will is sick and Jonathan is always here for his little brother.
Sick day
Will was sad he couldn't hang out with his friend. He was sick. Joyce wanted to miss work but she couldn't. Jonathan called off work so Will won't be alone. Joyce told Jonathan to call her if they need anything. He looked at his mom and told him not to worry.
After she left Jonathan went to check on Will he lying on his bed curled into a ball. Trying to stay warm. His big brother frowns.” Hey buddy I am going to go get you another blanket.” He told him and Will just nodded. He left for a few minutes and came back with a bigger blanket.” Here go buddy this should keep you warm.” Placing the blanket on Will.
Jonathan rubs Will back trying to comfort his little brother knowing he was sad he couldn’t hang out with his friends and he felt bad that his younger brother was sick. He rubs his back for a while and Will stops shaking and can hear him snoring a little. Jonathan chuckled and left his brother's room and went into his room to relax.
He sat in his room while Will was falling asleep he was wrong about something for Nancy was going to surprise her later this week. Jonathan worked on Nancy surprised when he heard Will and then heard a lot bang. Jonathan ran out of his room and opened Will's door and saw his little brother lying on the floor. He fell getting out of bed. He got twisted in his sheet and blanket trying to get out of bed.
“ Will are you okay?” Jonathan rushed over to him and checked to make sure he was seriously hurt. Will looked up at Jonathan had tears in his eyes.” I had a nightmare I couldn’t find you.” Tears rolled down his face and he had hurt from falling out of bed. Jonathan was heartbroken. He helps Will up and back on his bed.” Don’t worry buddy I am here now.” Jonathan sat on Will's bed.
He wiped the tears from Will's face and felt bad that he wasn’t feeling good and had a bad dream. When Will had nightmares Jonathan would sometimes stay and cuddle with him or would bring the tickle monster out just to cheer him up but Will was too sick for the tickle monster. So Jonathan got on his bed with him and over him back up.” You wanted to talk about your nightmare?” Jonathan held him close. It took Will a few minutes.
“ I was lost in the upside-down and looking for you and Mom but found her i just couldn't find you.” Will wanted to cry again but he didn't he just stayed close to his big brother. Jonathan squeezes him gently.” Don't worry Will, I will always be here no matter what.” He rubs Will's back as he did earlier but Will doesn’t want to go back to sleep he doesn't want to have another nightmare◦ Jonathan had his arm around his little brother and Will looked back up at his brother.” Hey Jonathan can we go to the kitchen and get something to drink.” He would had Jonathan go get it but he didn't want to be alone right now. Jonathan got off his bed and Will got off to follow him to the kitchen. He got him something to drink and he had Jonathan make some soup for him. Once that is all done. ◦ ◦ They went back into Will's room and he went back into bed. He ate his soup when he was finished he snuggled back into Jonathan. He put on a movie and held his little brother. Will did fall asleep after their third movie. He mumbles. I love you to his big brother. Jonathan's heart melts.” i love you too Will.” ◦ Later that night Joyce came home to find Will and Jonathan fast asleep. She really did love moments like this and Jonathan would always protect his little brother.
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Who your favorite character on stranger things? Mine Will.
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Lock in a closet with best friend
Request for @willbyersoffical
Lock in a closet with a best friend.
Mike and Will were having a great day at first. They played DND with their best friends. It felt good to laugh and joke around like they used to. When Will went missing? It devastated all of them but hit Mike the hardest they had been friends since kindergarten. It hurt him deeply but he was just happy to have his best friend back.
They started to have a great day but now they are locked in a closet hiding from the demogorgan. Will couldn’t believe that the demogorgan was here. He thought they all died when El closed the gate. Mike was trying to stay calm but started to crack jokes. He asks Will why the chicken crossed the road. Will rolled his eyes playfully.
Knowing that joke wasn't funny at all. But Mike had a big grin on his face. Will couldn't stop smiling even if the joke wasn't funny at all but Mike always made Will laugh and smile because Mike was a big goofball at times.
Mike trying to make this awkward moment not so awkward they were starting to grow up more. But Will always had feelings for Mike. But wasn't sure how Mike felt about him. They have been locked in the closet for a while. Will started to get bored. So he leans on Mike. He put his head on his shoulder.
Mike just smiles and the next thing Will knows their lips are touching. He was surprised but his heart melted. After he pulled away from their kisses. Will had tears rolling down his face. Wondering if this was a dream. But it wasn't.
Mike wipes aways his tears”. I love you.” He smiles. Will choked on his own tears after calming down. He smiles back at him.” Love you too.”
They both couldn't stop smiling.
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Being there Mike got into a fight that day with his dad and ends up at Will's house
Mike left his house two hours ago and Nancy was starting to worry. He got into a fight with his dad calling him a jerk. Which was true. He wanted his dad to be there for him. After when Will went missing he was lost without his best friend. His other two best friends Lucas and Dustin were by his side and then he met El who helped them find Will.
Mike was glad when Will came back and it has been a crazy year. But Mike was always scared ones he loved would go missing or disappear. He was always on edge and Nancy could see it. El is with Hopper now. But tonight when Mike was mad at his dad asking why never did anything anymore. His dad didn't answer. It made Mike mad. This year was hell for him and his friends.
Mike ran out of the house and was too angry to go back. Nancy kept yelling for him to stop but he was already gone. He went to Will's house. He always went there when he was upset or angry. He knocks on Byers door. Joyce open the door.” Hey sweetie are you okay?” She saw that Mike's eyes were red.” Yeah, I am okay.” He didn't want to be rude and not answer. She let him in.” Will is in his room.” Mike nods and walks toward his room.
Mike knocked on Will's bedroom.” Come in.” He was listening to his favorite song while he was drawing. He looked and saw Mike his eyes were red probably from crying. But didn't want to make him more upset. Will moved over so he could sit on his bed.” You okay?” Will asked while Mike sat on his bed. Mike didn't say anything at first. Will give him a minute. “ I got into a fight with my dad.” He looked down and wiped his eyes.
Mike took a deep breath and look back up at Will.” This year was crazy and I am always scared I am lose all of you and been having nightmares and I got D on my history test.” Wiping his eyes again.” My dad yelled me for not having good grades.” Mike was mad he had tears in his eyes.” I told my dad he should been there for me more and I just keep yelling at him.
Mike started to sob.” When you went missing I was scared I wasn’t going to see you again or I thought you got hurt in the woods somewhere”. He just couldn’t take the heartache if Will didn’t come back he was his best friend and like brother to him. Will moved closer to him and put his arm around him.” You won’t ever lose me not without a fight.” Will hated seeing his best friend upset.
Will held his friend to comfort him like Mike always did for all his friends. He was just important like the rest of them were.” i am sorry about your dad Mike but you got a bigger heart and you better person than he is.” Will rubs his back. He hugged him until he was ready to let go.
Mike stopped crying and let go of Will.” Thank Will, It means a lot.” He smiles at him.” Why don't stay here tonight I’m sure my mom won't care.” Will smiles back at him.” Sure, let me call home.” Both Mike and Will got up and went into the kitchen he called home and talked to Nancy telling her not to worry and be stay with Will.
When he hung up the phone he was glad to have his best friend Will by his side and with the rest of his friends just knew they would always be there.
He knew he was loved by all of them.
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Thank you to everyone who got me to 50 likes!
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Little heartbroken
Little heartbroken
Will just wanted to play Dungeons and Dragons with his best friends but they were busy talking about their girlfriends and he just wanted to have fun this summer with his best friends. He was moping trying to get them to pay attention but none of them would.
He took off the robe he had on and was getting ready to leave. Mike ran after him.” Will don’t go we play for real this time.” He didn’t want him to leave it was pouring rain.” Forget it Mike i am going home.” He got his bike ready for him to leave.” All you care about is El.” Will told him.” It’s not my fault you don’t like girls.” Looking at Will.” Look sorry I am not trying to be a jerk.” He felt bad for what he said.” You know what Mike you are a jerk!” He yells at him.” Yes, we might be a little old to play Dungeon and Dragons but i just wanted it to be like old times.” Will yelled more and then got on his bike and went home.◦ Mike was standing there speechless and knew he had messed up big time. He walks back into the house and down to the basement.” Guys we got go get Will we all mess up and he needs us.” Mike told Lucas, and Dustin they both felt bad too they haven’t been very good friends to him.
Will didn't go straight to his house he went to the fort he had. He sat there thinking of the game they played before he went missing. He sat in the pouring rain crying thinking how stupid it was to play kids' games. His heart was so broken that he got into a fight with Mike but that wasn't the only reason why he was upset he felt alone all summer.
Mike was the first to make it to Will house and knocked on the door.” Will please open up i am so sorry.” knocking at his door but no one answered. Dustin looked around.” Let go to the fort.” He got off his bike.” Good idea.” Lucas got off his bike.
They walk to the fort. Will was sitting on the ground crying. Mike went up to his friend and hugged him.” I am so sorry Will please forgive me.” Mike held his friend. Dustin and Lucas joined in on the hugs which turned into a group hug.
Will wipes his eyes.” It's okay I forgive you.” He was still sad and guys were going to make it up to him. Mike promised to be there for him and never wanted to hurt his best friend again. Lucas and Dustin made the same promise.
They all went back to Mike's house to eat soup snuggle on the couch with a bunch of blankets and watch TV.
Will was not heartbroken anymore he got best friends and always be his family. They would always have his back.
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Big brother is the best
Will was sitting in his bed drawing a picture. when his older brother Jonathan knocks on his bedroom door." Hey Will I got us movies to watch what you want to watch first. Will look at him." Whatever you want." Will told him and went back to drawing his picture. He walked over to his little brother and sat on his bed. " Hey, who zombie boy?" Jonathan looks at his brother's drawing." Me?" Will told him.
" Hey Will you know can talk to me I am here for you" Jonathan looked at him." Stop that, stop treating me like everyone else does?" Will never snapped at his older brother before but was sick of everyone acting like he was going to break." Look I am sorry when you were gone it sucks." He told his little brother and missed him like crazy." I promise I won't treat you like a baby." He smiles at him.
" Now come on let's go order pizza and make some popcorn we can watch movies until we fall asleep." He smiled and helped Will up went into the living room and called for pizza and made popcorn they ended up watching a cheesy movie and pizza came they stuffed their face with pizza. They both laugh it has been a while since he heard Will laugh and he misses it.
Will misses hanging out with Jonathan he was one of Will's best friends and knows he could always count on his big brother he did something he hasn't done since he was little. He cuddles up to his big brother. Jonathan smiled and wrapped his arm around him. Will big brother would protect him.
the first story wrote of stranger things Hope doesn't suck. But also hope you like it.
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Ponyboy and Johnny are playing around and Johnny gets hurt. What the gang says to him hurts and goes too far. Johnny does live with his parent anymore he lives with his aunt. Pony runs away to Johnny's house.
Everything happened so fast and all heard was Johnny screaming in pain. Ponyboy was shocked.” I am gosh Johnny I didn’t mean it”. Sounding scared.” It’s okay Pone it wasn’t your fault.” Johnny gave a weak smile.” Let's go to aunt's house”. Getting up from the ground. They walk about to his aunt's house.” She going to hate me?” Pony frowned.” No, she won’t Pony she loves you.” 
Johnny's aunt only lived four houses down from his best friend. His aunt Harper was nice and got custody of Johnny once she found out what was happening to Johnny and his parent moved some else which he didn’t mind.
Once got back to his house they walked into the house.” Hey Aunt Harper I am home.” Johnny yells but not too loud.” I am in the kitchen.” She replies and he walks into the kitchen.” Hey Aunt Harper can look at my arm I was playing a lot with Ponyboy and we got carried away and he pushed a little too hard and I fell.” He told her. Ponyboy heads his head down the whole time he walks into the kitchen with Johnny. His aunt looks more sad seeing that Ponyboy is upset.
“ Hey Ponyboy it’s okay I know won’t hurt Johnny on purpose and I know that care about him a lot.” She smiles and messes with Pony's hair and he hurries up and fixes it. Johnny chuckles and Harper checks his arms was a nurse. Johnny hisses when she pushes on his arm a little.” Sorry sweetie but looks like might broken your arm.” 
Pony felt bad he broke his best friend's arm he didn't meet and it was all his fault.” Hey Pony it’s okay It was an accident”. Johnny told him.” Well let's go to the hospital sweetie.” He wasn't using her to call him that.” I better get home, Darry will get worried, and almost dinner time I come by later Johnnycakes.” Pony gave a sad smile.” See you later Pone I called you later.” He nodded and walk out the door.
It didn't take him long to get home. When he walked in and saw Dally, Twobit, Steve, and Soda drinking and playing cards. Darry was sitting in his chair.” Hey, where are Johnnycakes? Dally taking a drink of his beer.” He went to the hospital with his aunt.” Know they all were asked questions.” What happened?” Dally was pissed thinking he got jumped.” Did you guys get jumped?” Steve asks.
“ No, we were in the lot messing around pushing each other like we always do, and Johnny fell and got hurt and broke his arm.” Pony told them. He waiting for them to say something. They all were in shock.
Darry was the first to speak.” Can't you ever use your head look what did now”. His voice was harsh.” Now look what's done Johnny's arm is broken.” He said more harshly before Pony anything.
Then Steve said something.” Maybe if Johnny I won't ever talk to anything but a tag-along and annoying.” Steve gives him a cold glare
“ It was an accident, Steve.” Why didn't they believe him? Soda said he was sick of sharing a room with him because of nightmares and crying like a baby after his nightmare. Telling him that his parents would be disappointed for what did to Johnny. That hurt him.
Twobit said he was tired of always babysitting him and sick of hearing how smart and what a good runner he was. If he was so good at running then why does he always get jumped? He didn't look at Pony he just smirked.
Dally was the last one to say something.” None of us can stand you all are annoying and crybabies I wish could punch you.” He growled at him. Ponyboy couldn't take anymore his heart was broken and ran to his room. He was in tears no one cared about him. Pony could hear the gang laughing and still talking about him.
He grabs his duffle bag and starts to pack it. He grabs some clothes some books and his comb. Since didn't want him around he was away at Johnny's house. Once he got everything he needed he climbed out his window. But he stayed outside his window for hours to make sure no one saw him. He ran to Johnny and right when he got to the house. Johnny and his aunt were pulling into the driveway
Johnny got out of the car and saw Ponyboy with his bag. Before Johnny could ask what happened he ran to his best friend hugging him and crying.” I am so sorry Johnny I didn’t mean to.” He sobbed into him. He was shocked and held his best friend.” Let’s go to the house and you can tell me what happened” Walking inside with his aunt and Ponyboy. When got into the living room he told them everything that happened.
Ponyboy didn’t want to go home.” Even after I went to my room I heard Darry said I was nothing but trouble.” He was so sad.” You can stay with us as long as you.” Johnny told him and his aunt agreed to let him stay.” I am going to make dinner soon.” Harper told them and she gave Pony a hug letting him know everything would be okay. She was upset that his brother and friends would try him this way and wanted to give them all good smack. But she won't. Pulling away from the hug.” I am going to start dinner.” As she walked into the kitchen. 
Johnny was mad at the gang.” Come Pony let's go to my room we can hang out in my room.” He got up to go to his room. Maybe he could cheer Ponyboy up later he was too mad his best friend was hurting. Even they all might be drunk and say things they didn't mean. But still wasn’t right that say that. He opened his bedroom door he got two beds in his room, a TV, a desk, a bookshelf, and his own bathroom. His aunt let him have a bigger room In the house.
He let Pony make himself at home while Johnny went to get them a drink. Johnny came back a couple of minutes later with two Pepsi. Johnny frowned seeing looked down. He hated it and got the idea.” Oh, Pony.” He still looks sad. Johnny gave him a side hug and he didn't even say anything. After what felt like forever both stomachs growl they both laugh.” We go see if dinner is done.” 
Dinner was done when both reached the kitchen his Aunt Harper made spaghetti, meatballs, rolls, and green beans. They all were hungry and sat to eat.” Thank you for dinner Harper it’s good.” Pony smiles and eats his food. Johnny thanks his aunt too. After dinner, Johnny and Pony washed the dishes and got changed into their pajamas to watch TV they fell asleep.
The gang was too drunk even to notice that Pony was gone but in the morning going to regret it.
Johnny woke up this morning and went to Curtis's house he was so mad at all of them. When up go inside. Dally, Twobit, Steve, Soda, and, Darry were eating breakfast and trying to get rid of their hangover. They look up.” Hey Johnnycakes, want something to eat?” Darry knew probably wouldn't want anything but he thought he just asks
“ No Darryl Shane Curtis want anything to eat!” Boy was he mad.” Wow, Johnnycake what's wrong?” Darry crosses his arms as the rest of the gang is shocked by Johnny's outburst” You know what's wrong, Do you even where Ponyboy at?” Look at him them. They shake their no.” Well, I tell you where he at, He is at my house completely broken.” As guys were holding their heads.” Please no so loud Johnny and what talking about?” Soda asks.” You tell me not to be too loud!” He yells more.” I tell you what I am talking about.” He told them everything they said. With time down he was done. He still yelling.” Don't know he feels bad enough going to you when has a nightmare or when he needs us around because he feels safe.”
They didn't remember any of it because drinking beer and hard liquor. They felt bad.” You guys hurt bad and I expect from you my old man but not from you guys.” He told him.” Until he forgives you guys stay away from me.” Johnny walked out not looking back. He got home and back to his room Ponyboy was still asleep.
Boy did guys mess up and feel bad.
Later that night Darry called Johnny asking for Ponyboy to come home. He did and spent most day watching TV with Johnny and joking around. When got home he was scared they we all going to yell at him. Darry and Soda hugged him saying how sorry they were. Ponyboy cried and hugged them tight. Twobit, Steve, and Dally said sorry too.
Ponyboy forgives them and all get a good night's sleep. But the next day Johnny's aunt Harper came and smacked all across their head hurting Pony and if did something like that again she would smack them silly.
Johnny and Ponyboy laughed so hard they were crying. They were family but made mistakes too.
Sorry if the story sucks I know he didn’t know ran way too far but Pony knows he can always go to Johnny. 
Sorry for my grammar and spelling mistakes.
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Does anyone have any stories they want me to write.
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Send me story request
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This story but all the things Scott and Stiles when through and always been there for each other.
Stiles and Scott meet each other at 4 years old in the sandbox and became best friends right away. They talk about cars and superheroes. Even if Stiles was hyper and goofy what Scott loved about him and always knew how to make him laugh.
When Stiles was 8 years old his mom was sick and Stiles was talking about how much fun he had with his best friend Scott and all the adventure they had. He was always happy when he was talking to his mom about everything and he tries his hardest to stay awake but when he fell asleep and dad walked in he knew his wife was gone. It just is him and dad.
When Scott got bit by a werewolf Stiles was there for there him and would always help his best buddy no matter what happen he would be there for his best friend. Even as dangerous and they got to go on a crazy adventure. Stiles was going to be there.
Stiles was there when Scott didn't want live anymore at that hotel that was affecting his best friend. Scott wanted it to go back to how everything one was before. Stiles stood in front of his best friend and told him that he was his best friend, and he was his brother and if he was going he would have to take him with him.
Scott and Stiles when through a lot together. They have been there through a lot of happy times, sad times heartbreak, death, and fighting off supernatural and in the end, they were always there for each other. Stiles and Scott weren't just best friends they were brothers for life. No matter how bad things got they were there for one other.
Stiles and Scott met each other in the sandbox at four years old and became best friends it was him and best friend against the world with their crazy adventure.
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Trouble at school
Ponyboy was having a rough day at school he failed his math test and he got into a fight at school and now sitting in the principal office waiting for Darry to pick him up. He wishes it was Soda picking him up he would understand more than Darry would. He saw his brother walking into the office. Pony could tell he was pissed off. Darry talk to the principal and he was suspended for two weeks. Giving him all of his homework, Darry looks at his brother told him to let go.
Pony walked to the car with Darry and once he got into the car he wanted to tell him what happen. " Darry." He began to talk but then was cut off." I don't want to hear Ponyboy you're grounded for a month and be working around the house." He screams at him." Also lost money to come to pick you up I'm sick of you always being a brat." Darry scold at him he was so mad. Pony didn't say anything all way home. Darry parked the car and Ponyboy ran out when to his room. Darry walks into the house and sat in his chair to read the newspaper he needed cool down from yelling at his little brother.
About an hour later Soda came home from work and was laughing with Steve about something that happen at work and saw his older brother sitting in his chair reading." Hey, Darry you're home early." Soda smiles. " Yeah well, I had to go pick Ponyboy." He told him. Soda smiles disappear" It's okay is hurt or sick." Soda asks Darry. Waiting for him answer him." No, he was fighting again got suspended for two weeks in his room haven't seen him since got home." He was still mad. Soda didn't say anything and then saw Johnny, Twobit, and, Dallas walk in. It was pizza and movie night." Hey guys did Ponyboy tell you about the fight?" Johnny asks." No, but he grounded so won't be watching movies with us tonight." Darry told them.
Johnny figure that Darry didn't hear the story." That's a shame because think you be proud of him." But Darry was about to say something but Johnny stop him and explain the reason, why Pony was fighting, was because there was a new girl in school and English wasn't good and the soc were picking on her and even pushing her down and Ponyboy help her up and when the Soc saw that push him into the wall and started punching him and he started fighting back. Once Johnny was done telling the story. Soda was proud and so was the rest of the gang.
But Darry felt like a big jerk and yell at him. He got up." I will be back and order some pizza for us Sodapop." Darry shout while he walks upstairs and knocks on Ponyboy's door. He didn't hear anything he walk into his room. Ponyboy was sleeping and had tears stain down his face. Darry felt horrible and sat on his bed and rubs his back gently trying to wake him up. Ponyboy started to he saw Darry and cover his face. He chuckled little seeing his little brother hiding from him." Hey, you can hide from me forever." He chuckled but saw that Ponyboy was still hiding his face." I am sorry I yelled at you and called you a brat." Darry told him." Johnny told me what happen I should have listened and I was just mad but that is no excuse." He told him.
Darry did really hurt his feeling and he still didn't want to talk to him. So Ponyboy ignores his big brother. He was upset and hurt that Darry was always yelling at him. Darry saw that Pony wasn't going to talk to him anytime soon so he did something that always made him talk when he was mad or upset. He started tickling him. He started under his arms since he was hiding his face. Pony wiggles and try not to laugh. But couldn't help it.
" Darry stop it." Laughter pour out of his mouth but Darry didn't stop he started to tickles his stomach which made his lttle brother laugh more and wiggles more." Please Darry stop it." His stomach was his wrose spot after few minutes he stop and gave him a hug, " I am sorry Ponyboy." Darry told him and Ponyboy smiles." It's okay Darry." He forgive him and then they when downstiar to eat pizza and watch movies. Darry ungrounded him and all happy. They end up watching the shining and Ponyboy cuddle up to his brothers watching the movie.
Sorry if this story suck and sorry grammar and spelling mistake.
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I always need you
Lydia was worried when she hasn't heard from Stiles and not hearing anything make her worried sick. Stiles got hurt trying to protect her from whatever creature was after him and she need to know if he was okay. She called him, text him, and heard nothing. She need know if he was ok.
She didn't want to wait any longer and drove to his house. It didn't take long for her to get into his house. She didn't see his dad's car there knowing he was at work because he was the sheriff and always need him. She was happy seeing Stiles jeep was here. Parking her car She got out and bang on the door. " Stiles it's me, Lydia."
No answer she starts to panic some and try open the door. She try to think and forgot Stiles had hidden a key outside his house. She looks for it and found it under the welcome mat Lydia hurried and under lock the door running into the house into Stiles's room and flung his room door open. Stiles was on his laptop with his headphones blasting music.
She almost had a heart attack and rip the headphone off his head. Stiles jump." What the hell." Turning around see Lydia in tears." Lydia, what's wrong?" Rushing to her and hugging her." I thought you were hurt I've been calling you and texting you I am worried sick." She held on to him tight and sob into him.
Lydia stays in his arms for a while and then lets him go. " I am sorry I thought I lost you after last night." Looking at him. " Lydia you never lose me I promise." He told her and wiped the tears away from her eyes. Stiles took her hand and they lay down on his bed with her wrapping his arms around her." I never leave you, I love you." Stiles talks softly to her.
Lydia listens to him " I love you too Stiles, I always need you." Snuggling close to him." I always need you too."
Late the night Stiles's dad came home finding those two sound asleep. While Stiles held her close to him. Noah smiles and closes Stiles's bedroom door.
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