likablenightmare · 6 months
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I.. uh..YES. I’m down. Sorry guys.. are u mad at me?
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likablenightmare · 6 months
"i could fix him", good for you. i’ll be joining him in his insanity.
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likablenightmare · 6 months
Making him submit // Tate x Fem Reader
(Reposted with all parts included)
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Summary: sucking his pretty cock turns you on making you need him. Usually you submit to him but this time it’s different..
Warnings: 18+ only, nsfw, smut, oral sex, sex in general… come on it’s Tate Langdon, duhhh.
Word count: 2k
You hated sucking dick and you were never really good at it but with him it was different..with Tate you needed his pretty cock to be in your mouth. As you start to softly lick all around his cock he starts to let out little moans and it turns you on so much you start to suck on it while twirling your soft little tongue all round.. he grasps onto the sheets squeezing them hard, you’re so turned on by his excitement that your throat opens up and sundenly his whole cock is down your throat.. you’re deep throating him.
You have never been so turned on by giving head before but now you’re dripping wet… you want to keep hearing his moans and whimpers. “Mmm.. ahh. Your soft mouth w..with those pretty eyes staring at me..I’m going to cuuum.” You start to feel his cock twitching in your mouth and you’re desperate for his yummy cum. “Ahh, mmm.. I’m cumming!” He yelled as you feel his warm yummy treat fill your mouth. You are so turned on you swallow his cum and let out a little moan… you’re soaking wet.
You want more… you look at him and give him a sexy sweet smile. You wrap your lips back around his beautiful cock, he starts twitching because it’s sensitive from just orgasming. His eyes widen and he grabs onto the sheets again.. sweating with intense pleasure, he is breathing so heavy and making the cutest groans you have ever heard. “Ahh, yea. This feels way too good!” He says. Your tongue swirling and swirling as your sucking him and your pussy is throbbing for him.
Finally you get up and take off your panties and get into doggy position. He quickly rushes to fill you with his cock. As he desperately puts it in, you both let out a lil moan. He grabs onto your waste and is thrusting in and out of you like a maniac… so fast and hard that you can’t help but scream with pleasure.
As he pounds you, the sounds of him hitting against your ass made it that much hotter. “I love hearing myself clap against your perfect ass,” he said. Lucky for you, you already made him cum so he will last long while he fucks you.
You’re starting to shake because feeling him in you makes you weak with pleasure. You turn your head looking behind you to see his face and watch him pump in and out of you… his eyes are glossy as if he is about to cry from how good it feels, his cheeks are turning pink, and there is sweat dripping from his forehead. He bites his bottom lip to hold in a moan as you look into his pretty brown eyes. He flips you onto your back and gets on top of you while making intense eye contact.
Tate leans his head down to yours and starts making out with you as you moan into each others mouths. You both twirl your tongues together and it feels like absolute heaven… he spits into your mouth and licks your tongue so you can both share his spit. As you start to cum, your pussy is throbbing on his cock. He whispers into your ear, “yesss, cum for me.”
You reward him for making you cum by telling him he is a good boy. You get on top of him and ride his cock..hard. As your riding him like he is your bitch, using all your strength and weight, you can feel it allll the way inside of you. Usually you completely submit to him but this time its different.
You put your hands around his neck choking him making him whimper like a submissive dog.. he is completely surrendered to you. He can’t stop moaning as you start to nibble and suck on his neck. He whines “,Uuugh , yess… mmm don’t stop.” Of course you weren’t going to stop. It felt too good seeing him be surrendered to you.
You tell him to sit up and he does exactly what you ask. Instantly, sitting up with those submissive eyes. You’re on top of him, hugging your arms around him, you start to give him scratches all over his sexy back. You’re nibbling on his neck softly and then you start sucking his neck hard as you are bouncing on top of him, leaving hickeys all over his neck.
He won’t try to hide the hickeys you give him later on because he is so proud to be yours. Something about him sitting up while you are sitting on top of him facing each other with your arms wrapped around each other is so incredibly intimate..
After you completely covered his neck with hickeys, you get a great idea… you remember there are some old ropes in the basement and you want to use them to tie Tate up so you can have complete control. You tell him to wait right there and not to move. He says, “okay.. whatever you ask I’ll do,” in a soft sexy voice. You quickly run down the stairs to the basement and grab the ropes.
You get back to your room and he’s sitting there in the exact same position you left him in, like a good boy. You tell him to lay down and put his arms up by the railing of the bed and start tying his wrists around it while he is looking at you submissively with his dark eyes. After he is all tied up you start to gently lick and suck on his neck.. his weakness. He starts to twitch desperately. You smile at him mischievous. “Please give me your pussy.. please?” He whines. You say ”not yet”.. he softly whispers, “please?” He is so cute when he begs, so you want to make him beg more.
Slowly, you run your hands down his abs, getting closer and closer to his pretty cock and right as you’re about to get to it you stop. He lets out a frustrated moan. You start to lightly touch his cock and giving it soft little kisses.. you give it one good lick then grab onto it with your hands for a couple of seconds. He looks sooo so hot when he is frustrated. He complains, “please don’t stop, please? It feels so good… I’ll be good for you. I’ll do whatever you want!”
You’re starting to become even more wet. You didn’t know how fun it was to make a guy beg for it! You say, “okay baby, I’m going to make you cum so good!” You get on top of his cock and only let the tip into your pussy. “Ahhh,” you both moan at the same time.
Going up and down slowly but only letting the tip slip in and out, not only teasing him but yourself too. But that kind of frustration feels so unbearably good. Unbearable in the sense that you can’t hold back any longer but you need to hear him beg for you just one more time. “P-pleaase, ugh it feels sooo good.. please let it go all the way inside of you! Please I- mmm I can’t take it anymore. I need to feel all myself inside of you! Please,” he begs as youre slowly going up and down on his tip. Finally you give him what you both want.
You’re going all the way up and all the way down on his cock but still at a nice and slooow pace. “Thank you!” He says with blushing cheeks as if he is embarrassed for begging and being so desperate. As you’re riding him you start to choke him with your hands around his neck and he lets out a choked up moan as his eyes start to roll back as if he died again but this time went to heaven.
You spit into his mouth and he swallows it like it’s the best thing he has ever tasted and sticks his tongue out for more. You spit into his mouth again and put your fingers down his throat to play with his soft tongue as he suck on your fingers. You can feel his cock throbbing as he starts to cum. It didn’t matter if he came in you because you are both already dead! One of the plus sides of being a ghost.
As he is pumping cum into you, you start to orgasm too. There is nothing like cumming at the same time while his warm sweet syrup fills you up. After you both finish, Tate almost instantly falls asleep despite his wrists being tied up to the railing of the bed. You wore him out! It’s as if he finds comfort in being possessed by you. He didn’t mind sleeping that way because you make him feel safe. You lay your head on his chest and start to fall asleep as you listen to his soft breaths. You both fall into a nice deep sleep.
The sun starts to come up and peak through the blinds. You open your eyes and look at Tate. You look down and see his cock. Tate is still asleep but part of him is awake. You slowly start to trace your hands down his abs and grab onto his cock. You wake him up in his favorite way possible. He starts to moan as you lick all the way down his tummy until you make it to his delicious cock. You wrap your mouth around it twriling your tongue around. “What a pleasant way to wake up,” he says. “Hmmm ahhh.. y-yesss! Don’t stop!”
You start to deep throat him and he is already about to cum. He cums all the way down your throat and asks you to untie him. You get up and untie his wrists and as soon as he is let loose, he grabs you and lays you on the bed positioned exactly how he wants you. He licks your stomach allll the way down as you did to him and makes his way to your pussy.
He starts licking and licking. It feels soooo good. He’s looking up at you into your eyes as you moan his name. He starts to softly suck and the continues licking. He slips his finger into you and starts going in and out hard and fast hitting all the right spots.
Tate gets on top of you and puts his cock where it’s meant to be. The bed is shaking and loudly thumping the ground from how hard he is pounding you. It feels so so deep in missionary. Now it’s his turn again to dominate you. He puts one hand around your neck and the other one on top of the railing of the bed so he can get a grip to fuck you as hard as possible.
Tate looks so fucking hot above you. He has fucked you hard before ,but you didn’t know it was possible to be fucked this hard. It’s so rough it hurts but it hurts sooo good. You’re moaning so loud as he calls you a good girl laying there and taking his dick. “Don’t stop! Right there!” You yell. You cum all over his cock as your legs twitch. Your pussy is so sore from all the sex you’ve been having so you give him a hand job to finish him off.
Hand jobs might sound boring to some ,but you loved playing with his cock in your hands and staring into his eyes, especially after you guys are both worn out! After you make him cum you both go downstairs and he makes you your most favorite breakfast ever! Pancakes!
Fucking him is the most amazing thing in the world but so are his pancakes. You thank him, “Yummy, I really appreciate these! My favorite.” he smiles and kisses your forehead. How lucky you are to find someone just a psycho but just as in love as you are!
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likablenightmare · 6 months
“is it ok for mutuals to dm u” there are some mutuals i’d fuck if they asked come on now
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likablenightmare · 6 months
Making him submit
part 2 // Tate x Fem Reader
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Summary: (This is part 2. Please read the first part for more context) Usually Tate has complete control over you.. but this time it’s different. He is completely surrendered and submitted to you!
Warnings: 18+ only, nsfw, smut, oral sex, sex in general… come on it’s Tate Langdon, duhhh.
After you completely covered his neck with hickeys, you get a great idea… you remember there are some old ropes in the basement and you want to use them to tie Tate up so you can have complete control. You tell him to wait right there and not to move. He says, “okay.. whatever you ask I’ll do,” in a soft sexy voice. You quickly run down the stairs to the basement and grab the ropes.
You get back to your room and he’s sitting there in the exact same position you left him in, like a good boy. You tell him to lay down and put his arms up by the railing of the bed and start tying his wrists around it while he is looking at you submissively with his dark eyes. After he is all tied up you start to gently lick and suck on his neck.. his weakness. He starts to twitch desperately. You smile at him mischievous. “Please give me your pussy.. please?” He whines. You say ”not yet”.. he softly whispers, “please?” He is so cute when he begs, so you want to make him beg more.
Slowly, you run your hands down his abs, getting closer and closer to his pretty cock and right as you’re about to get to it you stop. He lets out a frustrated moan. You start to lightly touch his cock and giving it soft little kisses.. you give it one good lick then grab onto it with your hands for a couple of seconds. He looks sooo so hot when he is frustrated. He complains, “please don’t stop, please? It feels so good… I’ll be good for you. I’ll do whatever you want!”
You’re starting to become even more wet. You didn’t know how fun it was to make a guy beg for it! You say, “okay baby, I’m going to make you cum so good!” You get on top of his cock and only let the tip into your pussy. “Ahhh,” you both moan at the same time.
Going up and down slowly but only letting the tip slip in and out, not only teasing him but yourself too. But that kind of frustration feels so unbearably good. Unbearable in the sense that you can’t hold back any longer but you need to hear him beg for you just one more time. “P-pleaase, ugh it feels sooo good.. please let it go all the way inside of you! Please I- mmm I can’t take it anymore. I need to feel all myself inside of you! Please,” he begs as youre slowly going up and down on his tip. Finally you give him what you both want.
You’re going all the way up and all the way down on his cock but still at a nice and slooow pace. “Thank you!” He says with blushing cheeks as if he is embarrassed for begging and being so desperate. As you’re riding him you start to choke him with your hands around his neck and he lets out a choked up moan as his eyes start to roll back as if he died again but this time went to heaven.
You spit into his mouth and he swallows it like it’s the best thing he has ever tasted and sticks his tongue out for more. You spit into his mouth again and put your fingers down his throat to play with his soft tongue as he suck on your fingers. You can feel his cock throbbing as he starts to cum. It didn’t matter if he came in you because you are both already dead! One of the plus sides of being a ghost.
As he is pumping cum into you, you start to orgasm too. There is nothing like cumming at the same time while his warm sweet syrup fills you up. After you both finish, Tate almost instantly falls asleep despite his wrists being tied up to the railing of the bed. You wore him out! It’s as if he finds comfort in being possessed by you. He didn’t mind sleeping that way because you make him feel safe. You lay your head on his chest and start to fall asleep as you listen to his soft breaths. You both fall into a nice deep sleep.
The sun starts to come up and peak through the blinds. You open your eyes and look at Tate. You look down and see his cock. Tate is still asleep but part of him is awake. You slowly start to trace your hands down his abs and grab onto his cock. You wake him up in his favorite way possible. He starts to moan as you lick all the way down his tummy until you make it to his delicious cock. You wrap your mouth around it twriling your tongue around. “What a pleasant way to wake up,” he says. “Hmmm ahhh.. y-yesss! Don’t stop!”
You start to deep throat him and he is already about to cum. He cums all the way down your throat and asks you to untie him. You get up and untie his wrists and as soon as he is let loose, he grabs you and lays you on the bed positioned exactly how he wants you. He licks your stomach allll the way down as you did to him and makes his way to your pussy.
He starts licking and licking. It feels soooo good. He’s looking up at you into your eyes as you moan his name. He starts to softly suck and the continues licking. He slips his finger into you and starts going in and out hard and fast hitting all the right spots.
Tate gets on top of you and puts his cock where it’s meant to be. The bed is shaking and loudly thumping the ground from how hard he is pounding you. It feels so so deep in missionary. Now it’s his turn again to dominate you. He puts one hand around your neck and the other one on top of the railing of the bed so he can get a grip to fuck you as hard as possible.
Tate looks so fucking hot above you. He has fucked you hard before ,but you didn’t know it was possible to be fucked this hard. It’s so rough it hurts but it hurts sooo good. You’re moaning so loud as he calls you a good girl laying there and taking his dick. “Don’t stop! Right there!” You yell. You cum all over his cock as your legs twitch. Your pussy is so sore from all the sex you’ve been having so you give him a hand job to finish him off.
Hand jobs might sound boring to some ,but you loved playing with his cock in your hands and staring into his eyes, especially after you guys are both warn out! After you make him cum you both go downstairs and he makes you your most favorite breakfast ever! Pancakes!
Fucking him is the most amazing thing in the world but so are his pancakes. You thank him, “Yummy, I really appreciate these! My favorite.” he smiles and kisses your forehead. How lucky you are to find someone just a psycho but just as in love as you are!
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likablenightmare · 6 months
Making him submit
part 1 //Tate x Fem Reader
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Summary: sucking his pretty cock turns you on making you need him. Usually you submit to him but this time it’s different..
Warnings: 18+ only, nsfw, smut, oral sex, sex in general… come on it’s Tate Langdon, duhhh.
You hated sucking dick and you were never really good at it but with him it was different..with Tate you needed his pretty cock to be in your mouth. As you start to softly lick all around his cock he starts to let out little moans and it turns you on so much you start to suck on it while twirling your soft little tongue all round.. he grasps onto the sheets squeezing them hard, you’re so turned on by his excitement that your throat opens up and sundenly his whole cock is down your throat.. you’re deep throating him.
You have never been so turned on by giving head before but now you’re dripping wet… you want to keep hearing his moans and whimpers. “Mmm.. ahh. Your soft mouth w..with those pretty eyes staring at me..I’m going to cuuum.” You start to feel his cock twitching in your mouth and you’re desperate for his yummy cum. “Ahh, mmm.. I’m cumming!” He yelled as you feel his warm yummy treat fill your mouth. You are so turned on you swallow his cum and let out a little moan… you’re soaking wet.
You want more… you look at him and give him a sexy sweet smile. You wrap your lips back around his beautiful cock, he starts twitching because it’s sensitive from just orgasming. His eyes widen and he grabs onto the sheets again.. sweating with intense pleasure, he is breathing so heavy and making the cutest groans you have ever heard. “Ahh, yea. This feels way too good!” He says. Your tongue swirling and swirling as your sucking him and your pussy is throbbing for him.
Finally you get up and take off your panties and get into doggy position. He quickly rushes to fill you with his cock. As he desperately puts it in, you both let out a lil moan. He grabs onto your waste and is thrusting in and out of you like a maniac… so fast and hard that you can’t help but scream with pleasure.
As he pounds you, the sounds of him hitting against your ass made it that much hotter. “I love hearing myself clap against your perfect ass,” he said. Lucky for you, you already made him cum so he will last long while he fucks you.
You’re starting to shake because feeling him in you makes you weak with pleasure. You turn your head looking behind you to see his face and watch him pump in and out of you… his eyes are glossy as if he is about to cry from how good it feels, his cheeks are turning pink, and there is sweat dripping from his forehead. He bites his bottom lip to hold in a moan as you look into his pretty brown eyes. He flips you onto your back and gets on top of you while making intense eye contact.
Tate leans his head down to yours and starts making out with you as you moan into each others mouths. You both twirl your tongues together and it feels like absolute heaven… he spits into your mouth and licks your tongue so you can both share his spit. As you start to cum, your pussy is throbbing on his cock. He whispers into your ear, “yesss, cum for me.”
You reward him for making you cum by telling him he is a good boy. You get on top of him and ride his cock..hard. As your riding him like he is your bitch, using all your strength and weight, you can feel it allll the way inside of you. Usually you completely submit to him but this time its different.
You put your hands around his neck choking him making him whimper like a submissive dog.. he is completely surrendered to you. He can’t stop moaning as you start to nibble and suck on his neck. He whines “,Uuugh , yess… mmm don’t stop.” Of course you weren’t going to stop. It felt too good seeing him be surrendered to you.
You tell him to sit up and he does exactly what you ask. Instantly, sitting up with those submissive eyes. You’re on top of him, hugging your arms around him, you start to give him scratches all over his sexy back. You’re nibbling on his neck softly and then you start sucking his neck hard as you are bouncing on top of him, leaving hickeys all over his neck.
He won’t try to hide the hickeys you give him later on because he is so proud to be yours. Something about him sitting up while you are sitting on top of him facing each other with your arms wrapped around each other is so incredibly intimate..
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likablenightmare · 6 months
Tate Langdon smut
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contains very sexual content. <3
Summary: Tate and you get in an argument and it ends in a very pleasant exchange!
Warnings: 18+ only, nsfw, smut, oral sex, sex in general… come on it’s Tate Langdon, duhhh.
As you’re walking out of your room you bump into Tate. You’re already in a bad mood because you just got into in argument with your mother. Tate innocently smiles at you.
“Hi! Wanna play a game?” He asks excitedly. You tell him “not now Tate, I’m not in the mood.” His smile turns from innocent to mischievous and he says “Oh, someone woke up on the wrong side of the grave.” You yell at him to shut up and he pins you against the wall and wraps his soft hands around your little waste.
He gently whispers “stop being so mean,” as he starts to lick and suck on your neck you feel yourself getting wet. You tell him in a soft voice trying to hold back a moan “not right now Tate,” and he teasingly asks “are you sure,” as your eyes roll to the back of your head, he continues to gently lick and nibble on your neck.
You’re getting wetter and wetter and can’t hold back anymore… you’re begging for him to fuck you. He gives a cute laugh and says “I’ll fuck you baby, just be a nice girl for me,okay?” As he pulls your panties down from under your skirt he turns you around quickly undoes his belt and softly rubs his cock on your pussy and slowly puts it in as he let’s out a little moan. He tells you how wet you are as you feel him start going in and out slowlyyyy…
it’s feels so good soft and slooow. It’s a good kind of tease. Slowly making you more desperate and giving you butterflies all at the same time. His cock is soooo warm inside of you. The slow pace makes you ache for more.
You sweetly ask for it harder and as soon as you ask he can’t hold it back and he starts going hard and fast. “You feel so good wrapped around my cock,” he softly whimpers. Something about him having his way with you against the dark haunted walls is erotic and romantic. You can’t hold back your moans anymore.
As you loudly moan and look back into his beautiful brown glossy eyes, he gently grabs your face and puts his mouth on yours while your both moaning into each others mouths he slowly spits into yours and twirls his tongue around and around inside.
He tells you he is so close and you tell him, “no Tate, not yet! I don’t want this to end!” So he pulls out of you and gets on his knees and puts his soft lips onto your pussy making you weak with pleasure he slowly licks and softly sucks, then puts his beautiful fingers inside of you while he continues licking with his perfect tongue making you shake with intense pleasure while he is looking into your eyes.
It’s the greatest feeling you have ever felt… butterflies and pure excitement of complete surrender and pleasure. No one has ever been able to make you cum before but you can feel yourself.. so so close. He continues licking and licking and you can feel yourself throbbing around his fingers.
“I..I’m.. imm so close Tate!” He smiles and lifts you up off of your feet and starts fucking you while holding you.. your legs wrapped around him.. you start to cum while squeezing your legs around him tightly. You both let out a moan as you cum at the same time, he fills you with his warm cum. You can feel it filling your insides as you have your first ever orgasm… you feel his cock twitching inside… you start to cry of happiness.
It was the best feeling you’ve ever had. He came inside of you but you’re both dead so it didn’t matter. You may be dead but at least you get to experience Tate fucking you for eternity.
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likablenightmare · 6 months
All I have to say is… Evan Peters
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likablenightmare · 6 months
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Soft pink
soft pink in the sky on a dark cold night
soft pink in her eyes as she starts to get high
soft pink on his tongue while he makes her cum
soft pink in my nose after doing a bump
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