lgcyushin · 5 days
"yes i'm excited about the cast - i have not worked with jiah before but there's always a place to start from and your label's debut is an honour to start from," yushin insists, smiling brightly at amelia. from the concept he's read about, he can't wait to see the actual pieces and the idea she has for her brand. he had a few questions prepared so he takes out his phone, and looks up at amelia from it. "i'm not being rude, i just had some notes on my phone. came prepared," he laughs a little. "okay... so what is your target audience, if you have one or some in mind?"
"and also, what kind of atmosphere or look do you want to convey when people think about your brand?" yushin is taking mental notes here, but he knows that while there can be a hundred of clothing, or shoe, or pajama, or cosmetic brands out there, that each of them can stand out on their own in a fantastical way. and he wanted to be able to attribute whichever skillsets he can for that, especially since he doesn't want to distract in any way for simply being an idol. ( and the man admits, he loves commercial work. its one, if not, his favourite thing. so this makes him very happy to be here. )
When Amelia first found out she was allowed to have her own brand, she was so overwhelmed and she spent so long thinking and planning. It was a long time, but she finally had her brand and now she was finally seeing her baby come to life. Now here she was at the shoot for her commercial. Her brand was in the process of being launched and she was full of emotions. Of course, having Jiah (her best friend) as her lead was like a dream come true. And to find out that Yushin would also be part of her brand was even more exciting. Amelia smiled brightly as she shook the idol's hand. ❛ It's amazing to have you here! I was honestly very excited when they told me who was cast. I can't wait! ❜ She giggled happily.
❛ Oh please don't worry about your hair color! I've very open on image. ❜ When Yushin asked about her brand, Amelia lit up. ❛ Oh, sure! What would you like to know specifically? And don't worry about direction. You're the professional so I trust you! ❜ She smiled brightly, her eyes lighting up.
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lgcyushin · 12 days
of course eunhye would think about something as earnest as that towards workshop notes he could have. it earns a pinch internally for him, and his face melts into a relaxed, peaceful gaze. he definitely doesn't deserve that. "besides, even if you did get 'inspired' by any notes or any ideas i ever have, i promise i won't get mad. unless fabula starts stomping around in... these rubber boots, but that might actually be funny for a challenge of some sort. an investment, and a challenge," yushin chuckles at the thought of the girls doing so.
"maybe we shouldn't think about it as catching up. i try not to have max think that way since he's the newest member. although it was more helpful when we did have keeho around too since they could navigate it together- but it's such a volatile industry. it's no one's fault but it definitely is one of those situations where everyone is in it together. we should... spin the perspective on the new members. how? i'm still getting there, but when i think of something, i'll update you," he groans, rubbing at his temples. he wonders if jiho has shouldered any more of the stress of all the changes, or if he's grappling with it like a champ, as he would. "i have to admit this, because its on tune with this conversation but i used to be so alright with knocking myself down before anyone else does it to me. i always knew i wouldn't be the leader of the group, despite being the oldest, because i don't have the same qualifications as haru or jiho, but... i hate that i didn't have the fight in me for anything." it's truly no wonder why he was ousted out of future dreams immediately, yushin does wear his heart on his sleeve. "i... i'm ready to fight for what i want now. and no, i don't mean the leader position, ha, but - other things."
because eunhye's right. he's also right. they're on the right track. trying to pull themselves out from these porous negative thoughts that could keep them trapped if they let themselves stay there. by no means is it going to be easy, or simple to change, but admitting it or putting it out there rather than internalizing it would certainly help. "i mean.... i can't back down from a dare, can i?" it's a humourous jab in between the thickness of the fog that is their difficult conversation. and with the contrasts of lightness and heaviness, simultaneously, its with confidence that the mental plates were beginning to shift for him. he can only hope that it is for eunhye too. wordlessly but with a big sigh of relief, he positions himself behind her and gives her a tight hug. he's so thankful, and he hopes its mutual, in a weird way where he can't quite vocalize it, but he's pretty sure they're on the same wavelength here. "thank you. i'm here for you too."
humming to herself, eunhye thought about what was said. aside from the cameos she’s made in different dramas, the only other acting opportunities she’s received were for music video appearances and while they were brief, there was a part of her that wanted more but as to why, she didn’t have an answer for that yet. “i’m already getting individual schedules from my team — i mean, hosting for music or radio shows doesn’t take up as much time per day but it’s one that is recurring. hosting for a radio show made me realize that even if i was working daily for short periods of time, i wouldn’t really get consecutive break days if i wanted to.” she let out a sigh, thinking about all of the opportunities and gigs she could do and how it was making her feel overwhelmed in some ways.
feeling the nudge, eunhye turned to look at the other and as soon as he mentioned a particular word, her eyes widened as she thought of an idea. “if you do manage to host a workshop related to that, can you…perhaps… give me some of your notes?” her eyes were beaming with admiration as she was hoping that yushin would help her, even if it’s something she wouldn’t want to touch until months later at the very least. “i promise i won’t be stealing it for a workshop or anything like that — it’s not like i’m anywhere near qualified to teach those things, but i was thinking that if i read through your notes during my free time, maybe it would be the closest thing to attending your workshop without actually being there, you know?” 
eunhye furrowed her brows as she listened to yushin’s response but as he continued on, she began crossing her arms while thinking of something that could help him with his situation. “i think we’ll be in a never-ending cycle of catching up. i know agito hasn’t lost as many members as fabula has, but every time we do get new members, there’s that adjustment period that everyone has to go through. sometimes we spend so much time catching up to be as good as our members but you forget after a while that they’re probably doing the same too — they’re trying to catch up to match with our strengths.” 
giving a lighthearted remark, eunhye patted his arm gently, “if you can’t take care of yourself and i can’t take care of myself, we’ll both be in trouble. i wouldn’t want to lose you over that.” she shook her head before telling him in a nagging tone, “and that’s why you need to take care of yourself! i expect you to try or do something that you want to do. not what will be good for others — i mean, it would be a plus if it helps your group too, but the main focus should be on you! you get opportunities to do some cool stuffs, so if there’s one that stands out to you, do it. shoot your shot even if your doubts say otherwise. i dare you to.” it was unlike of her to propose such a dare especially to yushin, but her intentions were clear; she wanted to see him do something for his benefit. if it meant him doing something out of his comfort zone, she would still support him regardless.
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lgcyushin · 12 days
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lgcyushin · 12 days
yushin makes a noise at the idea of it being his stage name, "don't give them ideas, it might actually happen at this point. cheese-anything. but that doesn't sound very appealing for a cosmetic name," he clears his throat. he nods at her statement. it's definitely not for anyone. "i have a feeling some fans of clio might hoard the stickers instead of using them, which i understand too. too bad they don't sell the stickers on their own. that might be an idea, huh!" he holds out the sheet of stickers that comes with the cat product line. so cute. but he doesn't own too much beyond the normal 'male idol starter pack' in his bag for when he's on the go and for when cameras would be in their face. it would be silly to say that it wasn't second nature for male and female idols to always use something to touch up and freshen up. but cushion and sunscreen were the go-to's for sure.
"would you say you are cool or warm toned, seona? although with our neutral hair colours right now, it may be easier to tell. i find that when our hair colour changes for work, it makes such a big difference and skews our perception of tone." he holds out two different pinks out in front of him, trying to see which one looks more appealing on seona. the rapper does not have the natural eye for this. "but i think that the 'color analysis' rules shouldn't rule everyone's life and that we should use what we like. is that a controversial take?"
"i agree," she laughs at his comment, putting the lipstick down. "i think a more neutral shade would suit you, a little more subtle than what i had in mind," seona's eyes scan the products displayed before them. obviously there's nothing wrong with men wearing more prominent makeup styles, but she does think that with yushin's skin tone he would be better suited to a lighter shade of lipstick.
the actress looks at the compact that yushin holds up and then shakes her head slightly. "i like the product, i'm just not big on the decorating part. to each their own though, i like that the stickers are reusable," seona says, peeling one off of the compact before sticking it to the backside. "more eco-friendly, yeah?"
"cheese cat? is that your new stage name?" seona laughs shaking her head. her brows furrow as she looks at the lipstick in yushin's hands before nodding. "i think that shade will suit you better."
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lgcyushin · 19 days
▶▶ LOADING … sentimental ( w/ @lgcseojin )
look at them go. can you believe it? can you see it now? he can see t now. yushin pats seojin on the back lightly as they look around to the new possibilities they can to utilize for composing, the traditional instruments, new techniques. and my god, they haven't officially released any music together yet, as v&a with max, seojin and akio in there, but the possibility was on the horizon. "when do you think they'll let us release a song together...?" traditional music incorporated into their songs would be fantastic. yushin's all game for it, in fact, he loves that type of sound that they actually haven't utilized in their songs yet.
maybe if they worked real hard on a composition that the producers liked? maybe if they... petition and beg? he's being dramatic but the changes are good, yea, yea. "soon enough, at least they're letting you do official business now," yushin smiles, putting down his phone from where he was trying to read up a bit more on some of the instruments. "i kind of want to invest in at least one of these instruments so i can get better at them, but i don't know if that's a good idea.... a little bird keeps telling me i'm the worst at what i spend money on. it's not that i don't save, it's that when i do use it, i buy strange things."
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lgcyushin · 20 days
week seven was a good time to pop in, wasn't it? he's glad jiho is there because after jiho's solo, and with the v&a leader's history in the company, the attention would probably be more on him and yushin could just ~vibe~, and whatnot, all while keeping an eye on the trainees. there's not much that he loves more than mentoring, so if there's the chance to peek at the trainees and see where their progression was, and help? he's here for it. what was he to expect? yushin wasn't sure, and he'd wait and see. but it'd surely be nice to hear their nostalgic tunes from debut again.
and some of the trainees were particularly well dressed, for training of all things - he feels like when he was a trainee, he definitely did not have a sense for style. some would argue the idol still does not have a sense for fashion, but that's subjective anyway. they hadn't even had the opportunity to watch them perform yet, but one of the trainees in fluffy yellow was evidently struggling with something,
their interruption for the training session was probably already enough, but they aren't here to intimidate so first things first, no better way to introduce themselves than hands on- literally. "hey, not to impose but it looks like you need a bit of help. we can work on the dance moves later but this seems to be more important," yushin laughs heartily, keeping the moment light. "or you could just tell me to keep my hands to myself and i can do that too, but we are here to help with anything we can, even if it happens to be your..... really stuck zipper," yushin grumbles, his hands getting caught as it really... really wanted to stay lodged in its spot. "oh come on."
STAR POWER @lgcyushin
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A care package from Canada did wonders for his mood. Seyoon had his stepmother's gift on today - an oversized hoodie in this soft, creamy-looking yellow. It reminded him of banana flavored ice cream and smelled like home.
The only problem - the zipper had a tendency to misbehave and must be treated with the gentleness of a father with his newborn daughter. Anytime he went even slightly heavy-handed, the whole bloody thing would get stuck.
"Come on," he grumbled, straightening his hoodie before tugging at the zipper again. Of course, it continued to refuse cooperation.
Mid-struggle, he did become vaguely aware that a good-looking person had entered his field of vision. See...His eyes were trained to find all the hot people within a certain radius, and even when distracted, they still managed to do the job well.
It was Yushin, here to provide helpful advice for Blue Hour probably. What a babe, Seyoon thought as he continued to yank at the goddamn zipper. Nice of Legacy to provide eye candy. Perhaps he should try to smile and wave at the guy after...ya know, it would not hurt to appear friendly. He wasn't ever scared of attempting interactions with the idols because what were they gonna do? Say eff off, peasant and step on him? To be fair though, depending on the idol, he might not mind being stepped o-hold on, was Yushin walking towards him?
Seyoon's head snapped up as he looked around to double-check that he was indeed the only person standing in this corner.
Huh? Was this his y/n self-insert fanfiction moment?
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lgcyushin · 26 days
▶▶ LOADING … floating ( w/ @lgcamelia )
"it is fantastic to officially work with you for your brand," yushin all but exclaims when he first meets with amelia for the nyx campaign, shaking her hand. maybe he's being too official but it's always better in his mind to do too much, than too little. "i'm really glad that my hair is black so that it won't clash potentially with what you would like to showcase," and nothing to hide from potential comebacks or anything like that - not that fans had an issue with it. and healthy shiny hair would never be a negative thing, and have less for the hairstylists and photo editors to do. "did you want to tell me a bit about nyx and the idea behind your campaign? i am sure jiah and i would like to do the best that we can to represent your label properly, and... if there's anything you'd like from me, direction wise, please let me know too."
he would be the canvas, although from the script that he read, jiah had a more main part so he'd do his best to support her in his role too. honestly though, the clothes seemed cute and cozy, and yushin loves being able to advertise something he'd be able to use.
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lgcyushin · 26 days
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V&A (AGITO) 뷔앤에이 (아기토) 'Weekend Getaway' The First Mini-Album
▶️ 네이버TV : tv.naver.com/LGCent ▶️ YouTube : youtube.com/channel/LGCENT ▶️ LEGACY Instagram : instagram.com/LGCENT ▶️ V&A Instagram : instagram.com/vnastagram
#VNA #AGITO #뷔앤에이 #아기토 #WEEKEND_GETAWAY Copyright © 2024 LEGACY Entertainment. All rights reserved.
(A/N: This was originally posted on March 30, 2024.)
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lgcyushin · 1 month
since he debuted, yushin always adored being a spokesperson for anything. honestly, someone could throw a scrub daddy in his hands and he'd be all over that. ladies and gents, sign him up! ( seriously, it could be for anything. ) even a bright red lipstick that would look horrible on him. seona and he were the two models for clio, and hey, he's all game for it. clio, cool. being with his friend, even better. they don't see each other enough with schedules that rarely overlapped so he's thankful for the opportunity.
he purses his lips, "i'm ready for my makeover. although i do not think that is my best shade." yushin sifts though and looks for a more neutral pinky shade, but he couldn't find the one he was thinking of. the one that the makeup artist often used on him. "i guess it's always good to try new things. i do wish they made koshort lip products. the cat stickers are so cute from that collection. it will always be one of my favourites," yushin insists, holding up the cushion from that set. "maybe i am simply a cheese cat on the inside. or outside. hmm." the word cheese tips him off since the idol had been referred to with cheese ever since he bought his big ol' shoes that have been a topic of their own. "what do you think?" yushin holds up the lipstick next to his face, waiting for seona's opinion.
 ━━ clio tradeshow ◞ magnetic.· ( @lgcyushin )
having her contract renewed multiple times instills a sense of pride in seona. truthfully, she could do with being less prideful. the actress has been completely full of herself for some time now, especially with the trajectory of her career continuously shooting upwards.
it's like she's on top of the world; unstoppable.
seona is in good spirits at the clio event, a bright smile on her face as she promotes the brand's products. it's safe to say that the actress wouldn't turn down any sponsorship, but she's always been genuinely impressed by the quality of clio's products so it makes shilling for the brand easy.
"i think this color would look good on you," her joke is aimed towards yushin, her partner for today. seona points the cap of a bright red lipstick at him, waiting for his response.
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lgcyushin · 2 months
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240328 Yeonjun's Tweet
티저 전 선물~
Gift before the release teaser~
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lgcyushin · 2 months
"even if you're unsure of what you want, knowing what you don't want is also a start. deduction such as knowing you don't want to act. a commercial or two can probably cut into that craving enough. and we have to act in our music videos anyway, and that is good enough for us. some others who have that strong desire to act can pursue that. 'FOMO' can be a thing of temptation but don't let it take over your mind. we can't possibly do it all. and besides, if you chose to act now, if the opportunity did come up, its a big step away from your group. i'm not saying its a bad thing to take a larger opportunity but that is also another thing to think about - do you want an individual schedule from your team?" when haru had his own acting schedule, there were times at concerts that he couldn't attend to. of course, the show must go on but the hole was felt, especially with a group unit that was small.
"but don't be so hard on yourself. i know you want to do everything, but it's not possible. if you want to act, remember, you already do in a way. think of it like a job interview where... you may think you don't have the skillset, but in actuality, you've probably applied your own acting skills in a way of your own. such as in an interview, or in said music video, a persona on stage. thinking of playing a different character can be daunting when it comes to reading off of a script, but a change of perspective could lend very well in that aspect. but if you do land a project that requires creativity or composing, and you can tell me about it," he nudges her softly, reassuringly, "i can always help you. or you can attend a workshop of mine in the future if i ever manage to host one - i'm sure the trainees would love to have a senior sunbae sit with them - but they might be too distracted to focus on my class..."
at the last statement eunhye makes, yushin looks down at his palms, which suddenly garner a lot of interest. this whole conversation has him thinking., a whole lot. of how he's probably avoided prioritizing his own wants as he's diminished his own ambition and role within the group. "i want to prioritize myself again. i wonder if i always felt like an imposter of an idol within agito, but it's been so many years, i can't feel that way anymore. like... undeserving of what i get.... why i probably didn't take future dreams seriously as everyone else...because it never felt like something i could be or get. i.... felt like i was always falling behind and never able to catch up as a member of agito, but... i'm not." the worst part is its not anyone who made him feel welcome - he downplayed his own role within the group, and he was the one who felt inadequate and let it affect his emotions and decisions. " it sounds so selfish when i lay it out like that though... but i need to better myself, which will only better the health of me as a member of agito too. how am i supposed to be a welcoming older brother figure when i can't even take care of myself? that's not fair to all of my younger members and to max, especially when he's actually the newest addition. i'd be a hypocrite anytime i reassured him."
as she remained quiet and carefully absorbing every word that yushin tells her, she begins to wonder if her perspective is vastly different from what others were seeing. the role of being a leader was a new and foreign experience for her the second she was appointed the title, but while she believed that she was now comfortable in the role, all it took was a simple conversation for her to realize that she still had a lot to learn. she always relied on her sunbaes who displayed their leadership so well to help her become one, but her thoughts along with yushin’s words have caused her to think how much she’s changed since joining fabula (some for the better and others for the worse).
“i might panic if they put us on a one year hiatus!” eunhye confessed and while there was a hint of playfulness in her tone, there was a hint of concern as well. “but i say that because really…when was the last time i—or we, even had a long break that wasn’t for the holidays? since…confession?” eunhye was unsure and even after reflecting on her own words, she’s realized how time has become a blur for her too. exhaling a breath, eunhye focused back on his question, this time wanting to give him a serious and honest response. what would she want to do during that time? she’s already achieved her longtime dream of debuting (and in her mind, she figures becoming ‘famous’ was also completed since getting their first win), so what else did she want to strive for?
breaking her silence, eunhye admitted as she turned to look at him. “i don’t know,” she paused, biting her bottom lip as she tried figuring out how she could explain her answer in a way that it made sense. “i guess it’s because when i was a trainee i was searching for that and when i found variety…along with hosting, to be my strengths, that became my passion until…well, you know. lgc girls happened.” she didn’t want to reiterate the rest of the story since he was there to see it all happen, but the question resonates with her even longer as she remembered her trainee times. “i…don’t know if i could see acting as a passion…” her voice softened as she let out another sigh. “i know musical acting probably won’t be my thing, but sometimes i think about the acting gigs that i skipped out on because of my schedules. heck, i even missed a chance to be in the one musical you starred in because i was in japan!” while she still thinks about the internal struggles she felt during lgc girls japan, eunhye was proud of herself for overcoming them even if yushin’s presence did help her immensely, just like it was right now.
“i kept wondering why i would think about that when as a trainee, acting was the one thing i was bad and terrified of.” she reasoned before slowly wrapping her arms around him. “and after future dreams, i’m not sure if i’m ready to tackle on anything creative, but if and when the time comes…can you help me?” while she could trust the coaches to assist her in the composing side of music, eunhye felt that she needed him to help her first. thinking she had focused so much on herself, she looked up at him and asked, “and what about you, hm? what do you want to do for yourself?”
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lgcyushin · 2 months
"my choice? isn't that too much freedom?" yushin has an idea of what type of flavours he wants but he doesn't want it to be too overwhelming just because he likes super strong flavours. what about the general public? "i really like super strong matcha.... coffee... the less sugar the better but tiramisu also tastes real nice. definitely going to choose something i always order though."
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he definitely wants it to be something he typically likes. apologies ahead of time if its something too strong in espresso for the drink but they could possibly do a non-espresso version too for those who didn't want it. or...matcha, strong and less strong. easy peasy, less powder or more powder, depending on the person's preferences. "i do love me some hojicha or matcha. always delicious. but.. if the drink is bitter, then the pastry should be sweet. maybe we will do tiramisu after all, since that tends to have more cream and sweetness. and since that already has espresso, we could do a matcha latte for a drink. hot."
tiramisu could be done as a parfait-style, or a cake. he'd prefer more cake than cream so yushin ultimately chooses the cake-style for the pastry. "alright, that's fantastic. i love that. nice and simple, and straight to the point." he could add some zest, or other flavourings but sometimes it was nice to stick to the way things were supposed to be.
"no, i think we're on the right track here. i think the last thing to think about is whether it should be an iced or hot drink. the weather in march is always somewhere in the middle. not hot enough for summer iced drinks, so.... i think it'll be safer to go hot. can't only think about myself when it comes to these things, right?"
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lgcyushin · 3 months
▶▶ LOADING … any progress is good progress ( workshop solo )
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as it was his first time hosting a workshop, he was immensely grateful that he could bounce ideas back and forth with insung. there's been some group sessions and one on one's for yushin to check in after the initial introduction of the workshop. people often act and grow differently - some better solo due to personality traits, and some who flourish in a unit. he can barely think back to how he was as a trainee. it's strange. and he's not envious at all to be in the position of a trainee again, but he did remember enjoying attending workshops. it's surreal to be hosting one though...
"you know, i wasn't sure if the trainees were particularly interested in being rappers specifically, but ones who were willing to improve on it. and i can relate to that because i was in a similar position as a trainee and idol. if you asked me as a trainee, i would have never thought i'd be pegged to be the main rapper of my group," a position he's held proudly for years now. "and i think that's where a lot of them come from too, at least with this roster. better at singing... or dancing... but there was the intrigue and understanding that rap has a completely different energy that is applied to the same song. i don't need them to be or want to be the rapper of a group. but its a nuance that is often missed for an opportunity if not explored. perhaps an advantage of the main vocal of the next hot group would be that the main vocal can also cut it as a lead rapper but that's going a bit too far in the future, let me wind it in a little."
since all the trainees were getting the hang of the task at hand right now, he wonders what type of evaluation would be the best. "i know im not expecting any freestyle or anything like that," because it's definitely not the point of yushin's workshop to begin with, "but i wonder if it would be better to give them an element of surprise with a completely contrasting song or lyrics sheet, or if.... we can give them something that makes sense so that it doesn't throw them off too much." this workshop isn't about punishment but growth after all. "although it would be perhaps more familiar if it was a song from legacy's discography already.... or maybe i could whip up a simple melody but i also don't want it to be too simple. what if i think of a few examples and send them over to you in a day or so, and you can let me know what we ought to ultimately decide on?"
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lgcyushin · 3 months
a bit of a shame on him moment, as yushin has to reel in his own feelings despite being prompted on what caused him to ramble. it's not about him right now, he's here to help, and he wants to be able to facilitate that. the eye-opening fact is that it took eunhye cracking at thoughts that he'd kept sealed away for so long to even realize he felt this way about himself and future dreams was a bit daunting. ignorance is so blissful. yushin has a lot to think about. listening to eunhye carefully, it was evident she put so much burden and expectation on herself, and he knew that: she always did, even from before they debuted. but even moreso after they debuted. that's his opinion from the view that he is privileged enough to have on her. the corners of his eyes and heart both crinkle a bit at how the challenge reminded her of him, and he gets it. even after leaving, ahem, being eliminated, yushin could only contemplate the ways that eunhye would tackle the upcoming challenges he'd miss out on, sorely disappointed when she didn't make it to the final.
"we don't have to be everything. you. you do not have to be everything, or do everything for the group. sacrificing every bit of yourself, i mean. for starters, that.... that cannot be healthy," he sighs, moving over to move some of eunhye's hair out of her face from when she looked downards. "and fabula is doing so well. heck, even agito's doing alright, and you guys are faring much better, if i must say so myself. i know, i know. biased opinion, doesn't count, but i'm not overexaggerating. it's okay to take a few steps back especially during the downtime to think about..... what does eunhye want to do?" agito has lost a member here or there, but not fared the same fate as fabula, type zero, and versus. they were lucky that way. but he's felt the stress of the constant changes from versus even as one half of the subunit but he can't imagine being the leader of constant formation changes. the remaining three girls prior to any changes had held down the fort very well and excelled through it all. but the chances of possibly failing must have been a lot of pressure.
"that's a good place to start.... so the company did allow us an opportunity to be a soloist. and we did not achieve it. that doesn't mean it might not happen again, or that.... we might not get solo songs even through our own careers. it might not get as much fanfare as the winner's gig of course, but.... since we can't change what happened, think of it this way.... theoretically of course. because we can't control what the company wants to do-"
what she says resonates with him. they really do everything on autopilot so easily which is what happened to yushin too. whether out of self-preservation or just 'doing what was best'. "if for some strange reason legacy suddenly put fabula on a one year hiatus while....they magically recruited some more members or were rebranding the group's concept.. what would you want to do? if it wasn't the company giving you the one pathway, do you have anything you're still passionate about? we don't all have to be composers. or... extremely good entertainers. we can't do it all. maybe one or two lucky ones do have all of that star quality, but certainly not the majority of us. don't sell yourself short. you are already so much."
listening to yushin’s words, eunhye felt as if her mind had become even messier as some thoughts were confirmed while others left her with more questions over her current predicament. but in between all of that, there was a hint of comfort knowing that it wasn’t just her facing these kinds of problems as well. while the last few months (or at least since joining future dreams) have led her to a rollercoaster of emotions, once year end ceremonies concluded, eunhye finally felt all of the emotions and thoughts suppressed during that time resurfaced. leaving eunhye feeling despondent, she looked back at yushin while reminding herself at that moment how much faith he had in her. exhaling a defeated sigh, eunhye’s voice softened as she admitted, “but i didn’t do well in the end. the second i found out what we had to do, i knew i couldn’t fully convince myself that i would pass with flying colors. it… reminded me a lot of when i joined legacy, except that time i didn’t have a huge solo debut near my grasp.” she let out an airy laugh, trying to find some way to prevent the conversation from being too serious and disheartening in her eyes.
“but during that time, i thought a lot about you and how you would have loved the task they had given to us. i… also thought about all of the times i regretted not fully paying attention to your discussions about agito and your thoughts on the musical direction… i still love you though for knowing all of that.” her words were filled with honesty as she glanced down at her hands. slowing down her words gradually, eunhye thought carefully how she could express her emotions, “it was just… when it happened, it was as if legacy threw in the one major weakness i had and it led to an unfortunate result that made me realize… i never knew until then how much i wanted it. i wanted that solo debut so badly because i felt like that was something i could call mines.”
thinking about what yushin had told her earlier, eunhye pointed out, “‘what am i doing for myself’ … i had that thought in my mind lately since the moment i became fabula’s leader, i was doing everything for fabula. every hosting and variety gig was to help the group gain recognition but it was hard. it was tough with the loss of members and something i loved doing became more of a desperate need to catch up with the other groups and all of their accolades they've gained since then. but with all of this happening, i’m…” she paused while knowing the word she wanted to say, however there was some hesitation with showing her vulnerable side. “…lost. lost over what to do. i can follow whatever legacy offers me, but now it’s starting to feel like i’m doing it all on autopilot.”
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lgcyushin · 3 months
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happy 26th birthday, lee yushin!
#vna #agito #lgcent #leeyushin #lgcbirthday
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lgcyushin · 3 months
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📆 March 10, 2024 from 12PM - 4PM KST 📍 The LEGACY Café 🎟 Admission free upon entry. Receive a CUSTOMIZED CUP SLEEVE and 1 of 3 RANDOM PHOTO CARDS with every purchase of the limited edition dessert + drink combination, designed by V&A’s YUSHIN himself! Limit one order per customer. Offer valid while supplies last.
▶️ 네이버TV : tv.naver.com/LGCent ▶️ YouTube : youtube.com/channel/LGCENT ▶️ Instagram : instagram.com/vnastagram
#LGCENT #VNA #LEEYUSHIN #2024_HAPPY_YUSHIN_DAY Copyright © 2024 LEGACY Entertainment. All rights reserved.
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lgcyushin · 3 months
▶▶ LOADING … it's cheesecake day, so they say... ( birthday livestream! )
he'd done well so far, with the quiz with kyuwon and it's probably leading up to the end since yushin has gotten most of the ingredients to make japchae with. and no duds so far. it's towards the end now, and kyuwon plays a melody, and his mouth works faster than his brain at answering and it declares, "this song is crystallis' dance on!" to which kyuwon quickly buzzes back with a big fat 'nope'. "oh dangit. it was crystallis' whistle like that. i knew that! i just... brain went fast forward. and here i thought i could escape all the punishments.... what is the food item you have for me?"
and this might be a good food item for some people, but yushin it really wasn't. throwback to the hot spicy sukiyaki that he had to guzzle on the last show. he grimaced, and looks at the chili spice that the staff member handed to him and he makes a prolonged pained expression at the camera, at the staff, and kyuwon. "...nooooooo."
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but the funniest thing is that the assistant also pulled out his darned yellow boots that apparently gained a personality of their own. "you don't have to cook with it if you dance in these!" to which yushin reaches out and looks at the camera and kyuwon slowly, before accepting his fate and taking off his shoes and squeaking his feet into the rubbery boots. "i've never tried dancing in these before, but if i break an ankle... see you next year," yushin pauses, putting both shoes on and standing up. "do i get a choice with the song at least? yes? no?" and they flick through some of the songs that the birthday boy had gotten right earlier and land on type zero's kick it, of all the dang songs. one with quick flitty footwork in these clunky shoes. the intro wasn't too bad as the started with some hand movements, and he comments while doing the moves. "not bad, it's doable so far. yeaa. derek, check this out!" he says, hoping that type zero's leader would get a chance to watch the stream, if not at a later time. mini shout out, if anything. "not bad not bad." but then the dance moves got considerably harder in a split second as he has to go into the kicks. "these make you considerably less coordinated than normal... but it's worth it," he grunts out. "five words of advice for everyone watching. 'don't do this at home'."
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