lgclili · 4 months
i know you don’t speak my language but i love the way she’s talking to me   —   @lgcamelia, april '21.
it’s one of those days. 
the days where lili couldn’t be fucked to do anything the coaches asked of her — they’d told her time and time again that she should be pushing herself, that securing her spot in whatever choreography they were currently going through wasn’t enough — that she should be front and center, present and determined to do what it takes to prove that she wasn’t going to do the same things she had done at her last company.
as if whatever she had done at said company had warranted such treatment.
( sure she flaked on debut but did that mean she was a flake — lili liked to think not )
so, it comes again — probably the fourth time today — that a coach comes and goes, exasperated at lili’s reeling and appalling plethora of excuses. once more using the — ‘sorry, can’t understand’ — to her advantage.
that is until a trainee — who obviously could understand her — is suddenly brought to the helm and into the throes of lili’s obnoxious display of unintentional rebellion. fuck, there goes her fun.
when the girl comes to her, lili only raises a brow in amused surprise, “huh — that was quick. didn’t think they would send in plan b so soon.” she says in mandarin, flicking the plastic spoon that held the last bites of her yogurt back into its cup. 
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lgchyunhee · 4 months
━━ color photoshoot ◞ cool ( your rainbow ).· ( @lgcamelia )
diving in headfirst has always been hyunhee's preferred way of doing things. today marks the start of her new career, and she's absolutely buzzing. whether it's from excitement, or the two iced americanos she chugged prior to meeting up with the other models, the world will never know.
in reality, it's most likely a mixture of both.
hyunhee approaches amelia with a smile and a wave, bouncing on the balls of her feet once she's in front of the other girl. she's paired with someone she's comfortable and familiar with, but she's never had a problem with introducing herself or making friends in the first place.
"i'll be honest," she whispers to amelia. "i'm not a big fan of the color brown."
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lgcyushin · 23 days
▶▶ LOADING … floating ( w/ @lgcamelia )
"it is fantastic to officially work with you for your brand," yushin all but exclaims when he first meets with amelia for the nyx campaign, shaking her hand. maybe he's being too official but it's always better in his mind to do too much, than too little. "i'm really glad that my hair is black so that it won't clash potentially with what you would like to showcase," and nothing to hide from potential comebacks or anything like that - not that fans had an issue with it. and healthy shiny hair would never be a negative thing, and have less for the hairstylists and photo editors to do. "did you want to tell me a bit about nyx and the idea behind your campaign? i am sure jiah and i would like to do the best that we can to represent your label properly, and... if there's anything you'd like from me, direction wise, please let me know too."
he would be the canvas, although from the script that he read, jiah had a more main part so he'd do his best to support her in his role too. honestly though, the clothes seemed cute and cozy, and yushin loves being able to advertise something he'd be able to use.
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seyoonlgc · 7 months
harmless matchmaking fun.
PART ONE (because this got too long)
Time to get down to some serious business.
Cupid Seyoon was on the move, ready to hand out matching candies to his fated couples. He walked around the entire Halloween party ground, pretending to be innocently admiring people's costumes while in reality, diligently observed and schemed.
If any of his ships end up sailing after tonight and people get laid, he shall consider it his contribution to humankind and expect karmic rewards.
Please ctrl + f your character's first name if you don't want to read the whole thing. If I mentioned you, it's because you liked my plot call or told me on discord/twitter that you would not mind participating. Thanks everyone, for indulging me, this was so fun to write!
***Don't see your character? Probably in the next part (s)***
The first person he pulled to his side was Taeha (@lgctaeha), just to let her know that it was time. As Cupid's assistant and fellow Legacy shipper, he intended to take her opinions into consideration (because let's be real, his alone should not be trusted). Of course, he also had a match for her. "Here," he said, passing her a strawberry candy. It was identical to the one he had handed off to Wenjun (@lgcwenjun) earlier because he thought they would make such a cute couple. "Your match is tall, gorgeous and incredibly sweet. He's one of the only two men I really trust here at Legacy." Only the best for dear Taeha. Seyoon considered this ship sunshine x sunshine, and thought about everlasting summers.
He went to Yoojoon (@lgcyoojoon) next, because his brother's wellbeing was always on his mind. He handed him a peach candy, which was the same kind he had given to Milan (@lgcmilan). "Your match is a real peach," he promised Yoojoon after explaining his little game tonight. Milan was a pretty Christian girl and probably wanted a vanilla good boy. Who would be a better fit than his step brother? Nobody. Seyoon gave this ship the name of holy union, because both of the people involved were angels, at least in his eyes.
"Kiwi for you!" He grabbed a wild Ollie (@lgcoliver) by the back of his shirt as the guy was running past and placed a bright green candy into his hand. Seyoon planned to hand the matching candy off to Jaekyung (@lgcjaekyung) because she was really fun and could probably match Ollie's energy.
Seyoon looked down at the next candy he'd pulled out of his basket. It was watermelon, which was the flavor he gave to Yujin (@yujinlgc). The idea of matching her hurt, because she was a goddess and his idol, so nobody really deserved her. A part of him wanted to take the candy back for his Yujin shrine, but the other less selfish part wanted to find her someone. While contemplating, he accidentally bumped into Akio (@lgcakio), and ended up dropping the candy into his pocket. It would be weird to reach into his fellow trainee's pocket now and get the candy back, so instead he accepted fate and gave Akio a sulky look. "You better treasure her," he told the guy. All things considered, this one was not a bad option - Akio was a good man as far as he knew, better than a lot of the others.
Minjun (@lgcmjun) was a difficult one, because Seyoon still couldn't look at him without feeling the guilt. He assigned the guy grapefruit flavored candy, because that was Asher's favorite and gave the matching one to Jisoo (@lgcjisoo). Maybe back then, he, Jisoo and Asher were never meant to be a trio. Sometimes he wished he could go back and change things. This was his attempt, he supposed.
Perhaps BK (@lgcbk) would be confused about getting paired up with Sori (@lgcsori) via the apple candy but he should trust Seyoon's judgement. Sori was a cutie, especially whenever she got a bit tipsy. There might be a party girl hiding inside and those rosy cheeks were incredibly charming, which he highly doubted any man could resist.
Who on the earth should he pair up with Yuxi (@lgcyuxi)? She was real spicy with guys, but Seyoon had seen her interacting better with the ladies. Since Yuxi was working with the cool older sister vibe, he figured he'd find her someone with a little sister look. Maybe Amelia (@lgcamelia) would be a good choice! They can enjoy their raspberry candies together.
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lgcmedia · 8 months
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happy 24th birthday, zheng amelia!
#lgcmodels #lgcent #zhengamelia #lgcbirthday
(a/n: this was posted on 23 sep 2023)
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leolgc · 10 months
time away - closed starter @lgcamelia
with their profession, thankfully they didn't have too much prep work to do for the family concert. of course, they had to get ready with the questions and all. but it was something they were always prepared for. it wasn't anything new.
but this meeting was even more special. not only were they planning their way home for the upcoming holidays. but his sister had landed her first acting role! and he couldn't be more proud. he stopped by a local flower shop, picked up an arrangement of amelia's favorite flowers and began his trip home.
"melie you home?!" leo shouted walking into his apartment. "i got you something"
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lgcagency · 8 months
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📆 September 23, 2023 from 12PM - 4PM KST 📍 The LEGACY Café 🎟 Admission free upon entry. Receive a CUSTOMIZED CUP SLEEVE and 1 of 3 RANDOM PHOTO CARDS with every purchase of the limited edition dessert + drink combination, designed by AMELIA herself! Limit one order per customer. Offer valid while supplies last.
▶️ 네이버TV : tv.naver.com/LGCagency ▶️ YouTube : youtube.com/channel/LGCAGENCY ▶️ Instagram : instagram.com/amelia.xo
#LGCENT #ZHENGAMELIA #2023_HAPPY_AMELIA_DAY   Copyright © 2023 LEGACY Entertainment. All rights reserved.
(a/n: this was posted on 23 September 2023)
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lgchyoseop · 9 months
oh it's bad
scavenger hunting during university time was not exactly something hyoseop had expected. hyoseop had mostly expected university life to be pretty boring, the fun part only being the friends you made from school. hyoseop still isn’t completely sure why he’s in university, he didn’t originally want to go, but he also had no other plan, he didn’t know what to do with his life, so he picked a major he perhaps would like to have his life revolve around for a long time.
this is hyoseop’s first house tournament in the university, and hyoseop isn’t exactly sure how to feel about the theme being ‘search’, whether he’s good at that or not, he’s still not very sure of. but he’s on the journey to complete the list he’s been giving, along with him some other people from younggong. for now they were tasked with finding a stranger which would suggest a drink which they had not tried before. hyoseop knew of this drink, as he was a barista, but never had he tasted it before, and truthfully, he didn’t want now to be his first time. “it’s… it’s called a flat white, it’s… it’s espresso and steamed milk” he smells it shortly before stretching his arm out to get the drink as far away from his face as possible “amelia i think i’ll die if i drink this”.
<3 @lgcamelia
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lgcoliver · 7 months
MINUS ONE⠀›⠀@lgcamelia
⠀⠀⠀“amelia, amelia. come look -” … except he doesn’t really give her a chance to come on her own accord. he grabs her arm and drags her over to his side to show her what he’s been secretly ( amelia wasn’t even allowed a peek!! ) working on for the past ten minutes. “it’s us!”
⠀⠀⠀there, lined up along the sidelines, are five gingerbread ghosts. he has drawn in 😙 and 😝 expressions onto the smaller two on the far right. the center ghost, meant to represent their big brother, has a 😏 face. originally, he had angry eyebrows chosen but figures that would ruin leo’s cool image, so smirk-y expression it is.
⠀⠀⠀“i was thinking about giving dad a smile-y face, but i feel like mom is the smile-y face. i don’t want to make one of them sad, but i don’t want them to match either ’cause that’s boring.” he purses his lips, eyebrows furrowing as he ponders this very serious decision. “what do you think?”
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haeminlgc · 6 months
lemon overdose
legacy retreat day 2, lemon tea game with @lgcamelia
After having survived the night in the forest being inside with everyone from the company was a welcome sight even if he was only running on the barest minimum of sleep. A few cups of strong coffee later and he could face any game that they could throw at him, short of a very physical one. If they needed him to run... then they were out of luck.
"Lemon tea game?" he muttered to himself after all the agency people had gathered in a room and introduced to the game. It didn't sound very scary, in fact it sounded almost pleasant, conjuring up images of tea and cakes. Until the die was produced. It was then Haemin realised that once again his fate was in the hands of fickle gods.
"Oh my god, lemon juice and coffee? I'm going to get an ulcer," Haemin said to his neighbour, Amelia, with a grimace. "I'm so bad with sour things! I will actually die if I get a high number."
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cherrylgc · 1 year
spot on!
             there should be some kind of warning sign coming when cherry was near. like you know, when a storm or hurricane is about to hit they’ll send out a warning to everyone, there should be one of those for cherry. logically that wasn’t possible, because cherry was moving around all the time, it was difficult to keep track on her, but also… there wasn’t actually a need for it, cherry wasn’t a serial killer or something, she was just cherry, which included being clumsy and dumb. falling was not uncommon for her, running into things was not uncommon for her. there was the whole concept of ‘learn from your mistakes’ which cherry somehow had never learned, because she’d commit the same mistakes over and over again.
at least this wasn’t a wall, which was quite a hard hit running into, a person was softer than running into a wall, but on the negative side, running into a wall only hurt her, not a stranger too. yes, as you might’ve guessed, cherry has not learned from her other million times of running in the legacy halls that it’s a bad idea, so she runs, just looking to the side for a second and then it happens, slam! straight into someone else, and quickly falling down to the floor, wow they should really make these floor softer or something.
written for... @lgcamelia
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lgchyuk · 8 months
back hug, with @lgcamelia timeline: the very first hours of prom
hyuk didn’t want to do that, it wasn’t really in his personality to take that step but nothing during that night was remotely regular.
finding a place outside the main room where prom was being held, he turned his back to the sea of couples dancing and grabbed his phone from his pants pocket. the name he sent a text made him smile because if there was someone who he would like to talk to right now, someone who he could trust was her.
[✉️ - am.lia] hey [✉️ - am.lia] can you drop your date and dance with me? [✉️ - am.lia] its ok you if you can’t
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lgchyunhee · 2 months
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━━ modeling mission ◞ moodboard.· ( wc : 260 )
although she's never been a fan of anything neutral, hyunhee takes pride in standing out and making something feel hers. with the help of senior models amelia and jinseo, the trio set out to create an intricately detailed photoshoot with the hopes of it being the talk of the town. if not the talk of the town, she hopes that it will be the talk of nylon magazine hq.
the general consensus is that clay brown is not a very youthful color, nor is it well suited to amelia and hyunhee's tastes. however, they do not fall short when faced with adversity coming up with the concept of 'to my youth,' leaning into nostalgia and digging up sentimental feelings.
trying to find items that are her own that also compliment the photoshoot proves quite the struggle. her dormitory is covered in bright pinks with a touch of pastels. hyunhee winds up having to bring perfume, the amber glass and golden liquid fitting in perfectly to the theme, and a reminder that she needs to purchase more. she supplements these belongings with a brown teddy bear that she dug up from an old chest in her parents house.
even though she thinks that jinseo and amelia are having an esier time, hyunhee herself is not nervous for her solo photoshoot, and the pictures come out looking well. the model gazes at the objects on the shelf dreamily, imagining what once was and trying her best to get into character, even though this territory is still quite new and foreign to her.
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lgcnoriko · 1 year
between pages
with @lgcamelia
everything there is to learn can be found in books, at least that's what noriko believed. even when it came to ballet, reading words on pages made more sense than someone telling her how to do it. it's seemed bizarre to most, that the first thing she would grab when met with a subject she did not know, is a reading material, often, a book. it was not that she had utter dislike for applying theory, she just liked the way she can see it in her head. the way the imagery just leaps from the page, on her own terms.
nothing has changed to this very day really, she was still the same reach-for-a-book type. even with the limited time she had, every now and then, she'd find herself trying to pick a book to learn more about things that caught her attention. not that she'd finish most of them, there were stacks on her bedside that had become a makeshift phone stand for weeks now. she will get to those eventually... as soon as finished the short reading she had to do on this fascinating world of fashion and modeling.
she stumbled upon a few great articles online a few weeks back, but with the bootcamp and the audition, she had forgotten the print-outs. she only remembered that she had ordered a couple of back issues when a friend of hers from paris sent them over. the stack was taller than expected, but noriko was determined to finish it all by the end of the day, even if meant spending her break time at the cafeteria going through them. nose-buried between the pages, she begins to dive into this world that maybe she could escape to... if being an idol doesn't work out well.
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lgcjaekyung · 2 years
after the sausage fest happening on her podcast so far, jaekyung was more than happy to switch things up with inviting a girl onto her show instead. when coming up with the concept she truly hadn’t expected so many to be interested to guest on her show but it did make her insanely happy and want to make her guests feel as comfortable as possible.
“well, well, well,” she begins with her usual intro, a grin already directed towards amelia, who she truly was talking to for the first time here. “it is i, your kyungchi-nim back with the third episode of dungeon noob discussions! oh my- can you guys believe this is already the halfway mark? time truly flies when you’re having fun, let me tell you! but without further ado! let me introduce you my guest for today’s episode! zheng amelia! lets give her a hand, wuey!”
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lgcmedia · 1 year
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@LGCENT just posted a photo!
Right here is where you can find the Legacy Coffee Truck! Such amazing coffee! So if you like good coffee and want to try and meet your favourite that is the spot! ^_^
#lgctrainees #lgcent #zhengamelia
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