lgchyunhee · 1 day
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say cheese ✌🏻
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lgchyunhee · 1 day
“no thanks,” she makes a face at jisoo’s suggestion. “clay brown isn’t my first choice for decor,” nor was it in the top ten. hyunhee has always been attracted to brighter colors. “i wanted to do a lot of pink!” she tells her cousin cheerfully. “pinks, purples, lots of pastels,” she lists off colors she think would look good in her apartment. “right now everything is like, a really drab beige.”
she plucks the organizer from jisoo’s hands, turning it over and pondering where it could go. “this could hang in my closet, i could organize my pajamas with it,” hyunhee says before tossing it into the shopping cart. “i’m shopping for both, yeah,” she tells him.
“i’ll make sure to send you a video of me cutting it up into pieces,” she responds cheerfully. “you know, like green as a decor piece isn’t the worst,” hyunhee wonders how bad a lime green pillow or stuffed animal could really be. “it would fit the theme better than clay brown.”
“oh, should we stop by the foodcourt before we leave?”
finally — it's hyunhee's turn to leave the nest. she wasn't suited for dorm life, always wanting her own space. "i haven't really started decorating yet," she tells jisoo, eyes gazing widely at all the furniture around them. "i organized my closet, but all my knick knacks are still in boxes," she sighs, trying to remember how long it took her to hang up and fold all her clothes.
"i have some furniture, a bed, a couch, a television," she lists off what she would deem were 'essentials' that she needed before fully moving into her new apartment. hyunhee pauses, one of the display rooms grabbing her attention. "oh this is just too cute," she holds up a cat shaped pillow next to her head. "we're getting it," she makes the decision laughing, tossing the cushion in their shopping cart.
"aw jisoo," she coos, smile lighting her face. "that's so sweet of you, i didn't realize you cared about me," hyunhee jabs her elbow into his side, teasing him. "i'll let you pick something out for me, how does that sound? i can look at it whenever i miss you, or," her smile turns devilish. "break it if you ever piss me off!"
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lgchyunhee · 2 days
“it’s decided! our first purchase will be a pair of red ballet flats,” she tells hayoung before looking over to the production crew and getting their approval. unfortunately, they do not give the pair the approval to get an extra item despite hyunhee’s pouts and pleading look. “well, at least we tried,” the model shrugs, laughing a bit. “a bag would be nice, though. i really think accessories can elevate an outfit more, so maybe we can suggest that she looks into purchasing some bags after the show?”
“i think flowy skirts or dresses would be in line with her style,” hyunhee nods thinking back to their client’s personal taste. “she likes comfortable clothes, right? i doubt she would enjoy wearing something skin tight or revealing, but i could see her enjoying something that would allow more movement, especially since she’s a mom.”
“what did you have in mind?” she asks hayoung, eager to hear the other’s suggestion.
“i think a red ballet flat paired with some jeans and a pink shirt would look really nice on her,” hyunhee smiles, agreeing with hayoung. “it would elevate the outfit, and also i think the ballet flats could be worn in a lot of different ways. it could elevate her more casual outfits but also be worn with whatever she wears to work as a pop of color!”
“yes!” she agrees, happily swiping on the device in front of her. “i love looking at pinterest for outfit inspiration,” hyunhee fingernails tap at the screen, a bright pink shade with glitter. she searches for ‘casual outfits with ballet flats’ and shows hayoung the pictures.
“what do you think?” she asks turning to face the other girl. hyunhee points to one in particular, noting the red ballet flats. “this isn’t the same vibe we’re going for, but i think it gives us a good idea of the kind of shoes, and also i like how it’s styled with a similar color purse.”
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lgchyunhee · 2 days
she’s glad the older model agrees with her. though hyunhee’s never been a nervous person, or one that seeks approval, she wants to do well. her best may not be the best, but she’s trying hard to make a good first impression.
throughout her journey she’s realized what she lacks. while she may have wanted to become an idol in the beginning, there wasn’t enough freedom in that route. hyunhee hopes that modeling won’t let her down, and she won’t fall far enough behind to be scolded.
“oh, i’m confident ours will be the best,” she laughs. “i’m sure we can make this color work someway without it looking too . . . muddy.”
hyunhee is glad that she's not the only one lamenting over the color brown given to them by the fashion magazine. "we have imagination, creativity, but more importantly," she gives amelia a mischievous grin. "we have our good looks," the model finishes off her sentence with a giggle and a wink.
of course, they wouldn't have been cast without them.
"we should ask jinseo," she agrees with the other girl, truthfully not knowing where to start. hyunhee's never really been the creative type, at least not in this sense. "i'm sure it'll turn out nice regardless, you know?"
even though she doesn't know where to start.
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lgchyunhee · 2 days
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lgchyunhee · 2 days
though hyunhee doesn't consider herself a nature-oriented girl, sometimes a breath of fresh air is what she needs. being cooped up inside the agency building, breathing in stuffy, stale air doesn't bring her joy. you may ask: what brings her joy?
the answer is coffee.
so as hyunhee strolls looking for a place to settle down and enjoy the americano clutched in her hands, she feels the bow tied into her hair slide down, getting looser. she tells herself she'll fix it when she stops, but there's no time as the bow keeps slipping.
a saving grace, bitna, swoops in. hyunhee holds still at her command, only turning around once she's allowed. she smiles once she recognizes the face, glad that it wasn't a random person messing with her hair. bitna is a stranger still, but someone she's seen around the halls and had the chance of talking to a handful of times.
"thanks so much," she laughs, using her free hand to pat the bow, making sure it's in place. "what do i owe you for your services?"
pink bell—flower ﹠ stubborn sun ﹕ @lgchyunhee.
yoon bitna can spot any shade of pink from a mile away. it’s like her and the color are mutually bonded, if that’s even possible. this time around, it’s caught right from the corner of her eye — arm extends out on a whim for it before it hits the ground, or flows away with the wind.
her gaze is quick to follow its way onto the owner of the silk—fabric swirled ‘round palm and wrist, shuffling in close enough to be able to reach for where the other’s hair is loosened. “hey. hold still,” bitna murmurs softly, clear enough for hyunhee to hear. she doesn’t wait for an answer, though, already in the process of combing fingers through long strands in gentle motions.
fingers fiddle with the ribbon, before eventually smoothing out into a bow that sits perfectly, just like before, in hyunhee’s hair; securing the ponytail. “there we go.” as soon as she’s done, bitna’s fast to step back on her heel, half returning the personal space and half admiring her work.
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lgchyunhee · 8 days
“i think a red ballet flat paired with some jeans and a pink shirt would look really nice on her,” hyunhee smiles, agreeing with hayoung. “it would elevate the outfit, and also i think the ballet flats could be worn in a lot of different ways. it could elevate her more casual outfits but also be worn with whatever she wears to work as a pop of color!”
“yes!” she agrees, happily swiping on the device in front of her. “i love looking at pinterest for outfit inspiration,” hyunhee fingernails tap at the screen, a bright pink shade with glitter. she searches for ‘casual outfits with ballet flats’ and shows hayoung the pictures.
“what do you think?” she asks turning to face the other girl. hyunhee points to one in particular, noting the red ballet flats. “this isn’t the same vibe we’re going for, but i think it gives us a good idea of the kind of shoes, and also i like how it’s styled with a similar color purse.”
her face lights up with hyunhee's suggestion. it's exciting, she thinks. the fact they are styling a regular woman and helping her to find her confidence again makes it more fun than if it was some high fashion thing with crazy styling. or at least, that's the type of 'fashion' she liked. "i think ballet flats can elevate the outfit," she grins with a nod. "i heard cherry red shoes are trendy right now so we could try that? oh- and add a tonal pink shirt since she likes pastels!"
after the words roll down her tongue, hayoung wonders if the red would be too out of their client's comfort zone, but wasn't it the perfect time to try new things? "should we check some outfit references? we could get inspired by other things..." as casual as it was, hayoung wanted to do a good job and make the woman happy with her new wardrobe options. besides, it was good to keep their minds open to new ideas.
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lgchyunhee · 16 days
finally — it's hyunhee's turn to leave the nest. she wasn't suited for dorm life, always wanting her own space. "i haven't really started decorating yet," she tells jisoo, eyes gazing widely at all the furniture around them. "i organized my closet, but all my knick knacks are still in boxes," she sighs, trying to remember how long it took her to hang up and fold all her clothes.
"i have some furniture, a bed, a couch, a television," she lists off what she would deem were 'essentials' that she needed before fully moving into her new apartment. hyunhee pauses, one of the display rooms grabbing her attention. "oh this is just too cute," she holds up a cat shaped pillow next to her head. "we're getting it," she makes the decision laughing, tossing the cushion in their shopping cart.
"aw jisoo," she coos, smile lighting her face. "that's so sweet of you, i didn't realize you cared about me," hyunhee jabs her elbow into his side, teasing him. "i'll let you pick something out for me, how does that sound? i can look at it whenever i miss you, or," her smile turns devilish. "break it if you ever piss me off!"
ikea date
the best part about moving out on their own, in jisoo's opinion after he moved out of his first place, was furniture shopping and starting to build up his own surroundings rather than what was already pre-chosen for him from family. not that there was anything wrong with his childhood room but it was definitely the him from when he was young and not representative of him now. while he hopes he's not forcing it on her, jisoo had insisted heavily on buying some personalized things for his cousin's place. it's too bad they haven't worked on anything together yet, but at least they were under the same agency, and hey, maybe they could make it happen one day.
"how do you feel about the whole move? is your place still empty? my first apartment was so barren but if you really want something that is out of your budget, i could totally gather chip in or treat you since you're officially a model now," jisoo smiles at hyunhee, and pats her on head as if she was a child. "you're growing up!"
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lgchyunhee · 16 days
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‘ the Billage of perception: chapter three ’ jacket making ↳ SHEON
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lgchyunhee · 23 days
"i agree, i think she has a lot of good basic pieces to work with," while hyunhee doesn't consider herself a master stylist, she's picked up a few things here and there from her own stylists and of course through modeling workshops at the agency. truthfully, she doesn't really know if she's the most suited for this gig, part of her wishing that she had instead signed up to take care of cute cats and dogs. she thought as one of the newer models, she should do what she was highly suggested to do.
and so that's what hyunhee did.
"we get to purchase one new piece of clothing for each outfit, right?" she asks the staff, looking over. once she gets their approval, her eyes turn back to focus on hayoung. "i wonder if we should purchase her a new pair of shoes, maybe some kind of ballet flat? i know those are back in style these days," hyunhee nods to herself. "that way her casual outfits will still feel comfortable, but she can look a bit more put together compared to if she were to wear sneakers."
her friendly nature and genuine excitement to film the show make it easy for her to mirror the other's smile and energy when she sits down next to hyunhee in front of the cameras to start. as much as she'd like to call herself a fashion enthusiast, there wasn't much she knew about styling, just tips she got from fabula's stylists here and there. still, it's a challenge she felt ready to take on.
"me too! so let's go ahead and find out whose style we are working on today!" she exclaims happily, then for once, listens to the info about the woman quietly and attentively.
hayoung nods at hyunhee's comment, "it's also a good start for us before we move to the other outfits." tilting her head with her lips pursed, the idol takes a moment to think. "from what we learned now, i think comfort is the key. i love both jeans and pastel colors, but i'd like to see her step out of her comfort zone a bit." instead of turning the woman into someone else, they could just elevate her style. "did you have anything in mind, hyunhee-ssi?"
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lgchyunhee · 23 days
it's always been hyunhee's mission to find the best coffee in seoul. recently, her expedition led her to a hole in the wall café within walking distance from the company building. always in need of a pick-me-up, she heads over during one of her breaks.
she hears her name being called and wrongfully assumes it's the barista at first. hyunhee turns her head to see gyuri, offering the girl a bright smile followed by a wave.
"it's nice to see you too," she bounces on the heels of her feet in excitement, glad to see someone she knows. "i just found this place actually, i started coming here maybe a week ago?" hyunhee tilts her head, biting her lip trying to remember the exact date. "i normally only get coffee from here but i got one of those little cakes from the display counter too, i couldn't resist," she giggles. "have you tried their food yet?"
₊ ˚ ⊹ 𝐒𝐓𝐄𝐀𝐌𝐄𝐃 𝐌𝐈𝐋𝐊 , ft. @lgchyunhee.
the lull between active projects and periods of rest has always made gyuri rather anxious, her years spent in constant motion cause for the need to never be stagnant, the very idea of not participating in anything often making her feel as if she's wasting time. gyuri has always been an active girl, so, with no real plans, she decides to carve out little goals for herself for that day: start packing up her belongings for her inevitable move offsite, maybe stop by the company building to touch base with managers and staff on future career plans, kill some time with a coffee run— oh, coffee sounded wonderful right about now.
as a caffeine connoisseur, her minds catalog of cute hole-in-the-wall coffee shops has increased drastically since her move to seoul, a particular favorite within walking distance coming to mind immediately. she's expecting it to be easy, a quick trip seeing as they tended not to be too busy during the earlier hours of the evening, their clientele often quiet and present. she's surprised, however, when she recognizes a somewhat familiar face a moment after stepping into the space, brows shooting up as she approaches, thoughts no longer wrapped around her need for a drink as a grin spreads across her lips. "hyunhee-ssi, is that you? how nice, i didn't know anyone else came here, too!"
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lgchyunhee · 28 days
 ━━ lgc style ◞ pinterest board dreams.· ( @lgchayoung )
hyunhee greets hayoung with a smile, waiting for the other to sit down before the cameras start rolling. taking a sip of her americano, she pulls up pinterest on the tablet propped up between the two of them, ready to start searching for items she thinks would go well with their client's current style. she's excited for this new journey, even though the task of styling someone is quite unfamiliar to her.
after getting the go-ahead from the director, she takes the lead, picking up the info packet in front of her.
"i'm excited to see who we're going to be working with!" hyunhee's buzzing with energy, barely able to sit still in her chair. she reads parts of the profile out loud, taking note of the woman's preferences and what pieces she already had in her closet. "i think based on this, it'll be easy for us to come up with her casual outfit, don't you?"
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lgchyunhee · 1 month
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i've been collecting hearts...haped jewelry 😉
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lgchyunhee · 1 month
it takes a while for hyunhee to take in all the information given to them by their managers. truthfully, meetings have always made her feel exhausted. they drain the life force out of her, and it takes everything she has to not fall asleep. she's always had a short attention span, mind constantly wandering different places.
she hangs around a bit afterwards, flipping through some of the documents given to her. she's thinking of which brands casting calls she would like to attend when jinyoung approaches.
"you don't say," hyunhee flashes the other a smile. "i'm still getting used to things, so . . ." she shrugs, trailing off. "it's like a whole new world out here, you know?"
jinyoung meets hyunhee's eye after the meeting, trying to send her a polite smile and a comforting nod. he remembered his first few months in the model path and his first completed trimesters and how lost he still felt even if people told him he was doing well and he was receiving gig opportunities all around.
in a way he wanted to reach out and ask if hyunhee was okay, if she was comfortable- but he wasn't quite sure how....
so getting up from his seat slowly, he at least attempts to start a conversation, raking his brain for the best way to start a conversation. "looks like this trimester will be busy," he ends up choosing, thinking it was the most non-committed yet inviting way to start a small chit chat.
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lgchyunhee · 2 months
“maybe i should dye my hair red, to look like ariel?” she runs a hand through her hair, “then again… ive been blonde for more than four years, blonde suits me so well, i don’t know if i dare try something else…”. how her hair hasn’t all fallen out yet is a mystery and miracle, been dyeing her hair blonde for ages, never giving it a break. “is there any hair colour you would like to try hyunhee?”. she holds her hand over her mouth, a laugh escaping her lips. “tried imagining how land-mermaids would get around on land, no matter how i imagine it, it looks funny in my head. i don’t think i would wanna be a land mermaid…” “if i was a small fairy i think i’d try to communicate with insects, i wanna hear their thoughts, i feel like insects are so dumb they’d make even me feel smart” she shrugs, “what about you?”
"the blonde is so iconic," hyunhee says, nodding in agreement. "honestly, i miss my blonde hair," she says suddenly with a pout. "i feel like it was my trademark too but i dyed it darker quite some time ago," she says, remembering the moment she and jisoo dyed their hair together. though her cousin has gone through many shades since, she's kept hers the same, enjoying not having to go through having as many root touch ups as she used to.
"as for hair colors i'd like to try, i'd love to try pink! it's my favorite color, after all," she says, laughing.
when cherry mentions insects, hyunhee makes a face, grimacing. "sorry," she says laughing. "i hate insects, they're so . . . creepy looking. i wouldn't want to talk to them. maybe some woodland creatures instead? like squirrels?"
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lgchyunhee · 2 months
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don't i look cool?
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lgchyunhee · 2 months
hyunhee is glad that she's not the only one lamenting over the color brown given to them by the fashion magazine. "we have imagination, creativity, but more importantly," she gives amelia a mischievous grin. "we have our good looks," the model finishes off her sentence with a giggle and a wink.
of course, they wouldn't have been cast without them.
"we should ask jinseo," she agrees with the other girl, truthfully not knowing where to start. hyunhee's never really been the creative type, at least not in this sense. "i'm sure it'll turn out nice regardless, you know?"
even though she doesn't know where to start.
❛ It would have been so much easier if we got a nicer colour instead of brown but alas, ❜ Amelia clicked her tongue and sighed. ❛ I guess we gotta make it work somehow, right? We've just gotta use our imagination and creativity. ❜ Amelia smiled.
Amelia has been a model now for so long that she's used to these meetings and staff members walking around. Still, she loves when there's new models - like Hyunhee.
❛ Ideas, hmm? ❜ Amelia hummed softly and tapped her chin. ❛ I mean, I have a few but we can also ask Jinseo hyung since he's the most experienced? I'm sure he'd have some ideas. If we brainstorm together I'm sure we'll come up with some amazing photoshoot ideas. ❜ She grinned brightly.
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