lexreadsdiversely · 15 hours
Remember to make space for the heteros this month too - yes, really.
Lesbians who became straight men
Gay men who became straight women
All straight drag artists (note that not all of them are cis!)
People with complex identities who thusly encompass multiple orientations (like genderfluid and multigender people who, yes, are sometimes straight, or even simultaneously with other labels)
Hetero aro and ace people. Especially. Seriously.
People with fluid orientations
Gnc people who find joy in their straightness
Many queer people are also straight. Queerness is note solely reliant on gayness. These people too, are a part of pride. Remember that.
[All discourse attempts will be swiftly blocked. Exclusionists fuck off]
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Unexpected bookstore trip yielding fantastic results, but I'm frustrated that I spent so much time trying to find this in the horror section (a section that seems to be shrinking?) and finally found it over in lit fic. This is going to be part of my Pride reading list.
Book pictured: Our Wives Under the Sea by Julia Armfield
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I really should not listen to literary podcasts I didn't even make it fifteen minutes into this episode of The Stacks before I was putting a book on hold. I'm working on two rn and had four others on hold already why am I doing this 😭
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Ah yes, tomorrow is June. That means I need to throw together a Pride tbr that I'll stop following halfway through the month in favor of libby holds that come five weeks too early
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lexreadsdiversely · 2 days
I'm so fucking tired of listening to people carve exemptions for parental privilege out of every single principle they express. "sure it's reasonable for parents to want a say in what books their kids check out of the library, but they shouldn't be able to control what others—" NO! FUCKING NO!! THAT IS NOT REASONABLE ACTUALLY! and the kids whose parents are most invested in having that control are exactly the kids who most need to be able to access those books
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lexreadsdiversely · 2 days
I get most of my horror recs from horror fans on booktok and booktube, as well as some goodreads hopping in the "readers also enjoyed" section. I think if you search for diverse horror or queer horror book recommendations on YouTube you'll get a ton of book recs.
I also dig through reactormag and find horror short stories to read, as well as check in with Tor occasionally to see what's new.
Edited all the typos, sorry about that!
Question for the horror fans in the room
where are you finding new horror books to read or getting recommendations?
I get a couple of newsletters from horror publishers but they never seem to spark my interest and most of my favourite writers seem to be taking breaks (or have very recently published books) and I’m feeling that horror itch but I’m having trouble finding new things that intrigue me
moving these tags to the body of the post: feel free to send queer or women-focused recs to my askbox. don’t recommend me Stephen King, I’ll cry
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lexreadsdiversely · 2 days
“delululu” “what a narcissist” “i’m so ocd” “i let my intrusive thoughts win” “im an empath” “are you acoustic” “bpd girls 😍” “im so manic” “my trauma made me spicy and funny”
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lexreadsdiversely · 2 days
You guys see an autistic character being headcanoned as trans and then start repeating transphobic and ableist ideas
“He’s too autistic to understand gender” hmmm you know I wonder what other group of people think autistic people are too dumb to understand gender and therefore don’t deserve bodily autonomy
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lexreadsdiversely · 2 days
You too! Hope you enjoy them :D
Hi! I’m looking for books to add to my summer reading list. Do you have any favorite books you would recommend?
Hi there! I'm still pretty new to reading (I haven't read a whole book in many years until this February) so I don't have many finished books I can 100% recommend, but here are a few:
Light from Uncommon Stars - Ryka Aoki
Your Shadow Half Remains - Sunny Moraine
Bliss Montage - Ling Ma
Severance - Ling Ma
The Weight of Blood - Tiffany D. Jackson
Legendborn - Tracy Deonn
The Poet X - Elizabeth Acevedo
bone - Yrsa Daley-Ward
Be sure to check the trigger warnings if you need to, as some of these can get very heavy very fast.
And here is my goodreads page if you'd like to browse and find some cool stuff :)
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lexreadsdiversely · 2 days
Hiya! I’m just starting to branch into the sci-fi, and I saw ur post about the genre! If you want a recommendation, I’d say The Darkness Outside Us by Eliot Schrefer is an incredible read! It’s a YA mlm space survival drama where the two characters are trying to rescue the mc’s sister (there are a lot of twists). Smth to note though; ignore the cutesy pastel cover, it’s low key been mismarketed, romance is one of the lesser elements in this book. Also check content warnings, it’s heavy on the existential crisis :”)
Ooh sounds interesting! Thanks for the rec :D
Edit: the goodreads summary vs the reviews is wild! Thanks for the heads up about mismarketing. I actually read the summary and was thinking this might not be for me, but your comment and the reviews made me thing otherwise. It sucks the way it was marketed, but hopefully it will still find its audience.
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lexreadsdiversely · 2 days
Hi! I’m looking for books to add to my summer reading list. Do you have any favorite books you would recommend?
Hi there! I'm still pretty new to reading (I haven't read a whole book in many years until this February) so I don't have many finished books I can 100% recommend, but here are a few:
Light from Uncommon Stars - Ryka Aoki
Your Shadow Half Remains - Sunny Moraine
Bliss Montage - Ling Ma
Severance - Ling Ma
The Weight of Blood - Tiffany D. Jackson
Legendborn - Tracy Deonn
The Poet X - Elizabeth Acevedo
bone - Yrsa Daley-Ward
Be sure to check the trigger warnings if you need to, as some of these can get very heavy very fast.
And here is my goodreads page if you'd like to browse and find some cool stuff :)
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lexreadsdiversely · 2 days
why dont you read/watch something that forces you to confront the fact that you are capable of feeling empathy for a person who has done deeply cruel or evil things. And maybe you’ll calm down
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lexreadsdiversely · 2 days
Confession time: I struggle with hard sci-fi and high fantasy. I always have. Something about these two genres I really have a hard time wrapping my head around. I get confused easily, and then I lose interest. There's a line somewhere, and my brain will tell me where that line is.
All this is to say, my friends, I am struggling with Time War. The first two chapters were fine, but the further I get, the more I get lost in all the sci-fi bits, the more I lose interest. This is such a beloved book that I really want to give myself the chance to love it, but idk. I'm not making any promises.
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lexreadsdiversely · 2 days
I ended up having a really interesting conversation with some people at the bus stop today. They were getting out of some sort of ‘clean and sober’ meeting and had starting saying how they were so bored because they didn’t have anything to do, and had to stay at home because all their old friends would pull them back. So I said something like, ‘So this is the time to do all the stuff your parents told you they didn’t have money/time for!’ “Whatcha mean?” “You know, like when you were five and you REALLY wanted to have that toy or do that thing and you were like, ‘Please mom please I gotta have this I gotta go do this’ and they went ‘Hell no you think I’m paying for that do you want to goddamn EAT?’ “ And this light went on in their eyes. The lady is going to go check thrift stores for an Easybake Oven and I told her about Wilton cake decorating classes. The dude is going to Griffith Park and ride horses, because, ‘I always wanted to be a cowboy, and you can’t drink when you’re on a horse ‘cause you’ll fucking die!’ Fuck it. This is what being an adult is. Sure it’s bills and work and relationships, but damn it, it’s also time to do the things you LIKE. I signed up for a free class/lecture on Water Gardens. I’m going. It’s time.
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lexreadsdiversely · 2 days
I honestly should have seen this coming lol
I picked up Time War again last night, and since it got the least votes I'm also going to finish Once Ghosted, Twice Shy in the next couple of days. If you're looking for Black sapphic romance, you might want to check it out! It's a bit repetitive at times, but the chemistry between the two mcs is absolutely electric!
Being a mood reader is fun, but every so often I need a kick in the ass to get me to actually finish something lmao. I know logically I should focus on the arcs, but I'd love some input :D
I'd appreciate if you could reblog this!
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lexreadsdiversely · 2 days
anger is such a funny emotion because ill be sitting down eating lunch and suddenly i understand why orcas kill for fun
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lexreadsdiversely · 3 days
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