l3l-diving-service · 29 days
I DID!! I'm super excited! 🤩
Until I found out that it's on Nintendo Switch, instead of on the Wii. And I don't have a Nintento Switch. And everything I look at costs between $150-$300 dollars. 💔😭
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l3l-diving-service · 5 months
endless ocean blue world reblog if you agree
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l3l-diving-service · 5 months
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A rendition of the Endless Ocean’s Valka Castle
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l3l-diving-service · 5 months
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Intro to Deep Hole - Deep Hole
Endless Ocean: Blue World, Nintendo Wii
i was so scared to go back here the first time i played, bc i thought the tiger shark was there all the time...
i finally decided to face my fears, and found him... nowhere
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l3l-diving-service · 5 months
Happy New Year, fellow Divers!! Hope you have a wonderful and blessed 2024!!
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l3l-diving-service · 2 years
GG: Three words. Say them and I’ll be yours.
Hayako: Three words.
GG: I know you’re shy, girl. But don’t worry, GG has you covered. I know you’ve said “I love you” in your heart.
Snorkel: *Confused doggie noises*
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l3l-diving-service · 2 years
Photo Clients: This is a nicely taken photo. I would still give you an F, though.🧐
Salvage Clients: I’m a cheapskate. I’ll give you a finder’s fee and that’s it. I don’t care if I give you obscure and incomplete maps or what they look like, or the fact you have to travel around the world and go to various depths in order to get them.😤😒
Dolphin Show Clients: This is a give and take relationship. If you give me a spectacular performance with your dolphin/whale, then I’ll give you lots of money.🧐
Tourist Clients: Here, take my money!! ALL OF IT!!! Don’t argue with me, TAKE IT!!! I insist!!! Thank you for giving me a memorable vacation!!!🤑😍😁
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l3l-diving-service · 3 years
Salvage Clients: I’m a cheapskate. I’ll give you a finder’s fee and that’s it. I don’t care if I give you obscure and incomplete maps or what they look like, or the fact you have to travel around the world and go to various depths in order to get them.😤😒
Dolphin Show Clients: This is a give and take relationship. If you give me a spectacular performance with your dolphin/whale, then I’ll give you lots of money.🧐
Tourist Clients: Here, take my money!! ALL OF IT!!! Don’t argue with me, TAKE IT!!! I insist!!! Thank you for giving me a memorable vacation!!!🤑😍😁
Photo Clients: This is a nicely taken photo. I would still give you an F, though.🧐
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l3l-diving-service · 3 years
Ask away, my little divers!! 😁
Fanfiction Writer Asks
Most of the writer ask posts I come across are only like ten or so questions long so I thought I'd try to make a longer one because we like talking about our writing! Feel free to reblog! 1) How old were you when you first starting writing fanfiction? 2) What fandoms do you write for and do you have a particular favourite if you write for more than one? 3) Do you prefer writing OC's or reader inserts? Explain your answer. 4) What is your favourite genre to write for? 5) If you had to choose a favourite out of all of your multi chaptered stories, which would it be and why? 6) If you had to delete one of your stories and never speak of it again, which would it be and why? 7) When is your preferred time to write? 8) Where do you take your inspiration from? 9) In your xxx fic, what's your favourite scene that you wrote? 10) In your xxx fic, why did you decide to end it like that? Did you have an alternative ending in mind? 11) Have you ever amended a story due to criticisms you've received after posting it? 12) Who is your favourite character to write for? Why? 13) Who is your least favourite character to write for? Why? 14) How did you come up with the title for the xxx? - You can ask about multiple stories. 15) If you write OC's, how do you decide on their names? 16) How did you come up with the idea for xxx? 17) Post a line from a WIP that you're working on. 18) Do you have any abandoned WIP's? What made you abandon them? 19) Are there any stories that you've written that you'd really love to do a sequel to? 20) Are there any stories that you wished you'd ended differently? 21) Tell me about another writer(s) who you admire? What is it about them that you admire? 22) Do you have a story that you look back on and cringe when you reread it? 23) Do you prefer listening to music when you're writing or do you need silence? 24) How do you feel about writing smutty scenes? 25) Have you ever cried whilst writing a story? 26) Which part of your xxx fic was the hardest to write? 27) Do you make a general outline for your stories or do you just go with the flow? 28) What is something you wished you'd known before you started posting fanfiction? 29) Do you have a story that you feel doesn't get as much love as you'd like? 30) In contrast to 29 is there a story which gets lots of love which you kinda eye roll at? 31) Send me a fic recommendation and I'll post it for my followers to see! (The asker is to send the rec not the answerer) 32) Are any of your characters based on real people? 33) What's the biggest compliment you've gotten? 34) What's the harshest criticism you've gotten? 35) Do you share your story ideas with anyone else or do you keep them close to your chest? 36) Can you give us a spoiler for one of your WIP's? 37) What's the funniest story you've written? 38) If you could collab with any other writer on here, who would it be? (Perhaps this question will inspire some collabs!) If you're shy, don't tag the blog, just name it. 39) Do you prefer first, second or third person? 40) Do people know you write fanfiction? 41) What's you favourite minor character you've written? 42) Song fic - What made you decide to use the song xxx for xxx. 43) Has anyone ever guessed the plot twist of one of your fics before you posted it? 44) What is the last line you wrote? 45) What spurs you on during the writing process? 46) I really loved your xxx fic. If you were ever to do a sequel, what do you think might happen in it? 47) Here's a fic title - insert a made up title. What would this story be about? 48) What's your favourite trope to write? 49) Can you remember the first fic you read? What was it about? 50) If you could write only angst, fluff or smut for the rest of your writing life, which would it be and why?
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l3l-diving-service · 3 years
Tisera: *Gives you swimsuit and leaves with heartfelt thanks*
Me: That’s nice and all — and don’t get me wrong, I loved the adventure, and it’s not like I’m ungrateful for the suit you gave me, on top of the other odds and ends I found at the places where the bluebird was at — buuut have you any idea how much my travel tab is?! Paying me some MONEY wouldn’t hurt, you know!! You got me on the DEFICIT!!😒 
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l3l-diving-service · 3 years
Marzia: I’ll come by and visit again if I want to hear my father’s song. 🥰
Me: I know you’re the client and all, but I feel rather put upon. I also can’t tell if you’re flirting with me or just being presumptuous that I’ll be at your beck and call. 😐
(Also, no, giving me the guitar and stuff doesn’t even come close to rectify you almost getting me killed by Thanatos — at NIGHT!!! Do you not fathom how much I detest swimming in a shark-infested Aegean Sea, at NIGHT, and with Thanatos in particular, madam?! Did you even PAY ME?! I deserved a good $50k for that near-death experience!!!)😤
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l3l-diving-service · 3 years
I can imagine my Player Character OC making this for breakfast. He’d have made himself a better breakfast, but he doesn’t have the time. He has to take a client out for a tour in the nearby Gatama Reef in a half-hour. If only he got up earlier. XD
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Piece o toast
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l3l-diving-service · 3 years
Indeed! It was really sad. I was hoping for an Endless Ocean 3, with bigger maps, more varied terrains such as rivers, lakes, more caves, even more locations like Scotland, parts of Africa, Australia, North America, etc. So sad. :’(
At least we have some fanfic writers who still occasionally write for the Fandom, including myself. ^_^
What is the most frightening place you’ve ever dived to in Endless Ocean: Blue World (or Endless Ocean 2: Adventures of the Deep to you Europeans)? That gives you the shivers no matter how many times you dive there?
For me, it’s TWO places:
1. The Abyss
2. The South Canyons at Night.
Oh, and the Cavern of the Gods at Night when you run into the Goblin sharks. *Shivers*
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l3l-diving-service · 3 years
Wow! This is all super neat! Thank you! ^_^
And it’s fine. It’s never too late to contribute in a discussion for such an underrated series! ^_^
I love Endless Ocean so much! So disappointed when there wasn’t an Endless Ocean 3. ;-;
Thankfully we have some fanfic writers who are still writing the occasional fanfic for this tiny Fandom — including myself. ^_^
What is the most frightening place you’ve ever dived to in Endless Ocean: Blue World (or Endless Ocean 2: Adventures of the Deep to you Europeans)? That gives you the shivers no matter how many times you dive there?
For me, it’s TWO places:
1. The Abyss
2. The South Canyons at Night.
Oh, and the Cavern of the Gods at Night when you run into the Goblin sharks. *Shivers*
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l3l-diving-service · 3 years
Hmm... I think you’re talking about the Flamingo? The one that attracts all the sharks? If not, then it’s probably another ship whose name I can’t remember at the moment. Thanks for commenting and following me. XD
It’s wonderful to meet another fan!
What is the most frightening place you’ve ever dived to in Endless Ocean: Blue World (or Endless Ocean 2: Adventures of the Deep to you Europeans)? That gives you the shivers no matter how many times you dive there?
For me, it’s TWO places:
1. The Abyss
2. The South Canyons at Night.
Oh, and the Cavern of the Gods at Night when you run into the Goblin sharks. *Shivers*
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l3l-diving-service · 3 years
Fanfiction Writer Asks
Most of the writer ask posts I come across are only like ten or so questions long so I thought I’d try to make a longer one because we like talking about our writing! Feel free to reblog!
1) How old were you when you first starting writing fanfiction?
2) What fandoms do you write for and do you have a particular favourite if you write for more than one?
3) Do you prefer writing OC’s or reader inserts? Explain your answer.
4) What is your favourite genre to write for?
5) If you had to choose a favourite out of all of your multi chaptered stories, which would it be and why?
6) If you had to delete one of your stories and never speak of it again, which would it be and why?
7) When is your preferred time to write?
8) Where do you take your inspiration from?
9) In your xxx fic, what’s your favourite scene that you wrote?
10) In your xxx fic, why did you decide to end it like that? Did you have an alternative ending in mind?
11) Have you ever amended a story due to criticisms you’ve received after posting it?
12) Who is your favourite character to write for? Why?
13) Who is your least favourite character to write for? Why?
14) How did you come up with the title for the xxx? - You can ask about multiple stories.
15) If you write OC’s, how do you decide on their names?
16) How did you come up with the idea for xxx?
17) Post a line from a WIP that you’re working on.
18) Do you have any abandoned WIP’s? What made you abandon them?
19) Are there any stories that you’ve written that you’d really love to do a sequel to?
20) Are there any stories that you wished you’d ended differently?
21) Tell me about another writer(s) who you admire? What is it about them that you admire?
22) Do you have a story that you look back on and cringe when you reread it?
23) Do you prefer listening to music when you’re writing or do you need silence?
24) How do you feel about writing smutty scenes?
25) Have you ever cried whilst writing a story?
26) Which part of your xxx fic was the hardest to write?
27) Do you make a general outline for your stories or do you just go with the flow?
28) What is something you wished you’d known before you started posting fanfiction?
29) Do you have a story that you feel doesn’t get as much love as you’d like?
30) In contrast to 29 is there a story which gets lots of love which you kinda eye roll at?
31) Send me a fic recommendation and I’ll post it for my followers to see! (The asker is to send the rec not the answerer)
32) Are any of your characters based on real people?
33) What’s the biggest compliment you’ve gotten?
34) What’s the harshest criticism you’ve gotten?
35) Do you share your story ideas with anyone else or do you keep them close to your chest?
36) Can you give us a spoiler for one of your WIP’s?
37) What’s the funniest story you’ve written?
38) If you could collab with any other writer on here, who would it be? (Perhaps this question will inspire some collabs!) If you’re shy, don’t tag the blog, just name it.
39) Do you prefer first, second or third person?
40) Do people know you write fanfiction?
41) What’s you favourite minor character you’ve written?
42) Song fic - What made you decide to use the song xxx for xxx.
43) Has anyone ever guessed the plot twist of one of your fics before you posted it?
44) What is the last line you wrote?
45) What spurs you on during the writing process?
46) I really loved your xxx fic. If you were ever to do a sequel, what do you think might happen in it?
47) Here’s a fic title - insert a made up title. What would this story be about?
48) What’s your favourite trope to write?
49) Can you remember the first fic you read? What was it about?
50) If you could write only angst, fluff or smut for the rest of your writing life, which would it be and why?
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l3l-diving-service · 3 years
Endless Ocean. Always Endless Ocean.
Reblog and put in the tags: what’s the biggest/most popular fandom you’re a part of, and what’s the smallest/most obscure fandom you’re a part of
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