kowai-ai · 2 years
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kowai-ai · 2 years
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.。*゚+.*.。 b r e a k +..。*゚+
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kowai-ai · 2 years
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Beautiful... Truly, so beautiful...
Satsujinki (殺人鬼) CV: Takahiro Sakurai (櫻井孝宏)
Episode 5
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kowai-ai · 2 years
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im such a fool.
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kowai-ai · 2 years
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ଘ(੭*ˊᵕˋ)੭* ੈ♡‧₊˚
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kowai-ai · 2 years
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kowai-ai · 3 years
first base is putting your cigarettes out on each other second base is psychosexual obsession third base is murder-suicide
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kowai-ai · 3 years
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i will be waiting for your call ouo
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kowai-ai · 3 years
Hi I'm so glad ask box is open again yay thanks for your hard work
How about Yandere ichiro,samatoki,jiro reacting to their gf breaking up with them because she thinks she's not good enough
Feel free to ignore *yandere* part or switch jiro with jyushi if you if you're not ok with this ask
can i get uhhhh yandere hcs for ichiro and samatoki 👉👈 ily - another anon
━━ ∘◦ ☆ ◦∘ ━━
Pairing: yandere!Ichiro Yamada x Reader; yandere!Jiro Yamada x Reader yandere!Samatoki Aohitsugi x Reader
Genre: Yandere Fluff (it’s like fluff but...yandere)
Warnings: Yandere content
A/N: Yandere characters and AUs always terrify me, but I’m here to deliver for you guys! Threw it under the cut just in case it was triggering, but it’s not too intense so hopefully it’s along the lines of what you wanted! Enjoy~
(Under the cut for sensitive (yandere) triggering content)
⋘ ──── ∗ ⋅◈⋅ ∗ ──── ⋙
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Ichiro Yamada:
the moment you tell him that you want to break up, he’s frozen in place and staring at you with wide eyes
his head is already running at a hundred miles and hour and it takes everything he has not to immediately ask you a thousand questions
he tries to stay calm, asking you why you’re saying this and that’s when you tell him that you don’t deserve someone like him
he lets out an audible sigh and his face softens, intensity dropping back to his happy, jovial self as he shakes his head
he reaches out his hands to grab your own and pulls you in close to him
as you stare into his eyes, his hold on you stays firm as he smiles longing at you
he tells you that you should never say things like that
because you’re the only person that he would ever truly love and that you belong to him just like he belongs to you
Ichiro will tell you that you can’t leave him just because you think he deserves better
because the only thing he wants and the only thing he has ever wanted in the world is you
this quells your fears and as he pulls you into a hug, you feel his arms tightening around you
“Really, Y/N...did you think I would let you leave me so easily like that?”
he won’t let you out of his tight hug then until you promise him that you won’t leave him
and even then, he makes sure that the next few days you’re doing nothing but cuddling with him so he can keep an eye on you
from then on he’s going to be super attentive to your needs for the the next few weeks, keeping you by his side and being a bit more possessive
always wanting to make sure that you’re getting as much love and care as you deserve
and always remarking about how perfect the two of you are together and how much you need the other to survive
I can imagine him asking you why you were thinking that you weren’t good enough for him
hopefully it wasn’t a friend or family member that said anything, because if so...you might not see them for a long time
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Jiro Yamada:
you pull Jiro to the side one day after school and you’re already shifting nervously, trying not to cry
Jiro can tell and he’s immediately wrapping his arms around you, worriedly asking if you’re okay
his first reaction is to ask if someone’s done something to you, his eyes narrowing in anger
you shake your head and explain to him that it’s not like that and that nobody has told you anything
that’s when you tell him that you think the two of you should break up
Jiro pauses for a moment before scowling and demanding to know who said something to put these thoughts of breaking up in your head
you reassure him that nobody said anything, just that you’ve been thinking about it a lot and you think that Jiro can find someone better than you
it takes him a minute to understand what it is you’re saying but when he does, he’s shaking his head and saying no
he tells you that what you’re saying is ridiculous and that he could never be with anyone other than you
because you’re the only person in the world that he can be with and that if it’s not you, he would never be happy with anyone ever again
he’s very intense about it and he’s holding you a bit more tightly than he usually does
you still look pressed so he lightens up on his hold and instead pulls you into a hug and kisses the top of your head, rocking you back and forth in his arms
“Y/N, we deserve each other. Don’t you understand that we were made to be together?”
he makes you promise that you won’t say things like this again, before he turns back into his smiling, energetic self
whenever Jiro gets angry like that, his personality tends to do a total 180 until he’s happy again
and now that you’ve reassured him that you’re not leaving him, he’s back to patting your head lovingly
I can definitely imagine him taking every opportunity after that to remind you of how perfectly the two of you work together as a couple
and how he’ll never let anything come in between the relationship, even your feelings about potentially being inferior
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Samatoki Aohitsugi:
Samatoki comes home to find you sitting on you couc sniffling and he’s immediately kneeling in front of you, grasping into your hand with his own
he demands to know what’s happened, asking if someone’s hurt you or if you’re okay
you nod, but say that you need to tell him something, looking up at him with worried eyes
he reassures you that he’s here for you no matter what, holding your hand tightly, his ruby eyes flaming
However, when you tell him that you think the two of you should break up, he pauses for a moment before dropping your hand and immediately standing up
he stares down at you and simply says no in a sharp tone, his eyes dark and serious
this sends a shiver through your body as you explain to him that you think he can find someone much better to date that you, and that you don’t think you’re worthy of being his lover
Samatoki hears your words and doesn’t react at first, making you a bit nervous because you both know that he can have quite a temper
he has to hold back from throwing everything on the table to the ground out of anger and frustration and he reminds himself that he needs to reassure you
so finally, he calms down a bit and sighs heavily, taking a seat beside you on the couch and turning to face you
he puts one hand possessively on your thigh as he stares intimidatingly into your eyes
“Y/N, I love you more than anything in this world. You’re not leaving me and that’s final”
Samatoki practically growls at you that you’re the love of his life, telling you that you’re the only person he ever wants to be with
and saying how pissed he is that you’re even thinking that you’re not as perfect as you are in his eyes
when he gets possessive, it’s a cross between anger and desire so it can be a bit difficult to tell what he’s going to do next
you can barely speak at his intensity, only nodding and listening to him tell you how he would burn the world down if it meant keeping you by his side
but eventually you do speak when he makes you swear that you won’t leave him for such a silly reason as this
once he’s calmed down a bit though, he only wants to be close to you and remind both you and him of how perfect the two of you are together
so he wraps his arms around you and pulls you into his lap, lathering you with kisses and lovebitesmarking you as his and holding you so tightly that you can barely move
he reassures you that you’re perfect in every way and he definitely spends the rest of the night showing you as much in...a different way...
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kowai-ai · 3 years
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kowai-ai · 3 years
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kowai-ai · 3 years
Can I request yandere Jiro who has a crush on a female upperclassman? 🥺👉👈 Preferably the possessive and doting type of yandere (;ŏ﹏ŏ)
Happy White Day!  <( ̄︶ ̄)>
Jiro was the last person you expected to garner any attention from when you considered how popular and busy he was. Not even the girls in his class caught his eye, so his frequent trips to your classroom were a surprise. Well, not after the tenth time in a week. There was always a sappy smile on his face when he offered to walk you home – a total contrast to how he roared at anyone who interrupted you talk. He was definitely the boisterous kind but nothing much less than sweet and wholesome.
At least, well-meaning.
In fact, when you saw a note shoved in your locker – written in scrawl – that asked you to come to the rooftop after school ended, you smiled. You had given him a little chocolate gift for Valentine’s Day. Your classmates saw it as obligatory chocolate but it was more of a general thank-you gift for the little things he’d done for you. Any time you lost something he would have found it and delivered it safely before the day ended; it was always things like that that conveniently began your outings with him. And he never asked for anything in return, in fact, he adamantly refused to accept any kind of payback. All he’d ever wanted was for you to “spend a lot of time with me before you graduate, yeah?”
He may as well have had a senpai-is-in-distress radar. The conversations you had with him were full of energy, though there was an underlying feeling about him that you couldn’t quite place, like he always had the upper hand in every interaction. But it could just be his nerves – he was talking to someone a year above him, after all, so you gave him the benefit of the doubt. Anyway, the final bell had rung for the day. The time had come, and there was no way to predict how it would go.
Jiro wasn’t exactly the punctual type, so when class was let out late you didn’t hurry much. However, contrary to your expectations, you spotted a familiar figure through the door to the roof.
“You’re here! Did I keep you waiting?” You asked, skipping over to where Jiro was leaning against the rooftop railing, “Class was late and stuff, I hope you don’t mind.”
“No! You could never… I don’t mind waiting for you. Even if it was a while, heh.” Jiro was unusually sheepish as he turned to face you, “I’ve waited months for White Day so, a few minutes is nothing. I knew you wouldn’t let me down,” His tone was unsettlingly quiet. His cologne was not.
Words came out of him like he’d thought them over countless times.
The next part, even more so.
“I wanted to give you this.” He handed you a flat box and put his shaking – betraying – hands behind his back.
“Jiro! You didn’t have to –”
“I did!”
His assertive bark shut you up. Instead, you nodded with a smile, trying to stay cheery. With cold hands, you opened the box. A single, giant, shortbread cookie sat in the middle, on top of light blue tissue paper. It was burnt and crumbled and broken in a few places – clearly handmade. In blue icing, a simple ‘Happy White Day’ was sloppily written on the top. When you looked back up, Jiro was biting his nails while waiting for your reaction. He was red in the face and practically sweating a river. His eyes were trained on your face, and it didn’t seem like he had blinked in minutes.
Like he wasn’t fully in the moment until now, Jiro realised you were looking at him and his entire body perked up. He puffed his chest then leaned in to gauge your emotions as accurately as he could.
“Do you like it?” Jiro cleared his throat; it wasn’t a question, “You like it, right?”
“I can tell you put a lot of time and effort into this, Jiro.” You weren’t lying. It would be a safe bet to assume he wasn’t a total culinary expert. It was the thought that counted, “Did you do this on your own?”
“Mm hmm!” His eyes twinkled at your acknowledgement. It must mean a lot to him. He rubbed the neck of his neck, giggling to himself, “Only me…”
Then he cleared his throat suddenly, making you jump.
“I’m sorry to scare you,” Jiro shuffled forward, his eyes flicking between the cookie and you, like he was fighting some mental battle. “I… I wanted to make a bunch of cookies but… if I made too many…” He had to catch his breath mid-sentence, “… they’d take your attention away. I can’t have that. You know, when I was baking, Saburo said I should use a recipe… and Nii-chan too… but they don’t get it. I know that my heart would tell me the good way to do it. They said I was in over my head but they don’t know anything about this – what we have. They don’t get why I need to be perfect to keep you safe and happy.”
An hour may have passed before he gasped in realisation, “I… No!” He yelled.
His previously shaking hands became a blur as he snatched the box from your hands and threw it to the rooftop floor behind him, not looking away from you in the process. It broke into pieces, the box and paper flying away in the wind.
“Jiro?! Your gift!”
“I can’t let it!” He grabbed your shoulders, pinning you against the railing as his voice strained, “I can’t let that shitty fucking cookie have any off your attention! You liked it, that’s enough! No, it’ll never be enough.” He gripped the railings either side of your head and pressed his forehead against your own, “No-one else gave you gifts, right? Don’t answer. It doesn’t matter. You know, I got so many gifts today. Valentine’s Day too. I don’t care about them. Yours was genuine. I could feel all the thanks and the…”
Sudden silence. Wind fluttered over the rooftop yet the air was thick. A suffocating heat radiated from his body – you could smell it too. The sweet boy who blushed when you talked to him was gone. In his place, an immovable force was pressing its aura onto the atmosphere you breathed in.
“… the l…” He looked worried, yet insanely strained all the same.
“L? Jiro? Are you okay?” You tried to sound caring. Not as if you didn’t care, but being trapped didn’t put you in an easy spot.
“I wasn’t finished. I meant the… love. The love in your gift. That’s what it was, right? So I put in all of my love into the gift three times as much. And I’d do it a thousand times just to see that happy smile again. It’s so precious… Hey, you love me too, right? Right?”
The wind howled and whipped at your skin.
You could barely hear the sounds of a van pull up to the school, and two pairs of footsteps jump out.
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kowai-ai · 3 years
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“ Hinata-kun Hinata-kun Hinata-kun Hinata-kun Hinata-kun… ”
Komaeda doodle, my doodle usually good more than when I intend to draw Orz…
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kowai-ai · 3 years
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kowai-ai · 3 years
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my edit!
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kowai-ai · 3 years
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kowai-ai · 3 years
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Thank you ♡ ー kumo.
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