𝐒𝐞𝐱𝐲 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐲 𝐝𝐨 𝐰𝐡𝐞𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐲 𝐠𝐞𝐭 𝐡𝐨𝐫𝐧𝐲.
Claudia : her eyes. Despite being a succubus, Claudia looks shy or at least, distant in a classy way. But when she is in the mood, Oswald knows it just by the way she looks at him. The soft and tender kisses become passionate and all the restraint of someone of her status in society disappear. In her husband embrace, she has no shame and she is no lady to keep those things in the bedroom, she can enjoy it as much, half naked on his desk. She whispers in his ear how much she wants him, how good are his hands on her body. Edda : Edda is a woman from the North and she melts entirely in Eric’s embrace. As being a leader in her life, she likes to let go when she is with him. There is no way back at the very moment her body is against his and she starts kissing him. She is not really talkative but her eyes say it all and beg him to take her breath away. That’s why she prefers him to face her, so she can look at him and kiss him as much as she pleases, and the gods know she never get tired of it.
Alpha : In her youth, she was playful, carefree, curious. She had no complex or restrictions. Everything stopped after the successive tragedies happening in her life at the time. Once she chose the path of the faith and that she changed, unaware of parts of her life, she was confident, using her body language and her look as seductive weapons. She was sensual, teasing, with a thing for dirty talk both to hear or to use herself. Again, pleasure was the only matter and she wasn’t scared of anything. However, since her memory is complete and her responsibilities always greater, it has been now decades where she didn’t reach this level of intimacy with anyone.
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𝐒𝐞𝐱𝐲 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧��𝐬 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐲 𝐝𝐨 𝐰𝐡𝐞𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐲 𝐠𝐞𝐭 𝐡𝐨𝐫𝐧𝐲.
Otto : Steinmann is not a talker, Myrrha knows it. But she knows he speaks with acts. He usually wrap an arm around her, pressing her back against his torso. She can feel his breath on her neck, making her shiver before he kisses her skin. His free hand would adventure itself under her garments, on the inside of her thighs, his fingers playing with the lace of her underwear. Tobias : Tobias Silverstein worships his fiancée, Serana. Often, he needs to leave for a few days for work obligations, but when he comes back, his dear Serana knows no words need to be shared, he won’t even let her the time to breath properly. In the blink of an eye, her body is between a wall and his torso, or any surface available and every inch of her skin is being devoured by his burning lips. Maximilian : The way he looks at Appoline is enough to make her feel as if she was already naked. His hands touches her neck, down to her hips, softly and slowly while he kisses her and he would ask her in a brief respite between two kisses what she would like him to do to her this time, keeping her attention with his eyes, as if he was bewitching her. 
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Keep the faith.
Le combat final avec Hazazel qui avait pris place en Enfer, avait laissé des stigmates que l’on pouvait difficilement ignorés. Les démons avaient vu la terre de leur royaume se fendre, du feu explosant de ces cratères, des pluies acides rouges comme du sang. Le mécanisme de défense du royaume infernal n’avait jamais eu à être éveillé avant ce jour de cauchemars. Pourtant, malgré le sol qui avait tremblé, certaines structures avaient tenues. Parmi elle, le Haut Temple. Le symbole ancestral de la foi satanique, demeure millénaire des haut prêtres, tenait encore debout, fier. Lors de ce jour funeste, il avait été l’abris de nombreux habitants de la cité infernale. Depuis, on s’était hâtés de dégager les routes, il fallait reconstruire, déblayer les corps, panser les plaies. 
Les portes du Haut Temple restaient ouvertes, les rites funèbres étaient devenus une messe continue, on allumait des bougies, on se recueillait. On s’accrochait à la foi plus que jamais auparavant. La Haute Prêtresse n’avait pas dormi depuis des jours. Elle avait à peine eu le temps de se reposer après l’attaque. Son temple, qui faisait encore office d’asile pour de nombreux fidèles qui avaient perdu leur domicile lors de l’attaque, était devenu un symbole d’espoir et elle, une gardienne. Dès que son temple ne pu plus accueillir de réfugier, elle avait fermé les portes derrière elle, pour défendre les démons ayant trouvé l’asile à l’intérieur. Pourtant, depuis la seconde guerre contre le Paradis, les sirens la terrifiaient encore plus qu’auparavant. Mais elle avait tenu et les portes de son temple n’avait pas cédé. 
Elle priait, debout devant la statue de Lucifer de la chapelle, son pentacle dans les mains, murmurant la tête baissée et les yeux fermés. Les mots s’enchaînaient mécaniquement, elle n’avait plus besoin de réfléchir ou de se concentrer pour les prononcer. D’ailleurs, elle était là sans réellement l’être. 
« Your Eminence ! »
Cette voix résonnant dans la chapelle ne l’avait pas faite réagir tout de suite, puisque l’esprit de la prêtresse était ailleurs. La voix se répéta et Alpha sursauta, se retournant rapidement pour se faire percutée. Avant qu’elle ne réalise quoi que ce soit, elle s’était retrouvée dans l’étreinte d’une jeune femme qu’elle pouvait sentir se serrer davantage sur elle. La tête du clergé resta figée, surprise. Elle était une figure sacrée. Dans l’usage, on ne l’appelait plus par son prénom, elle s’était habituée à des titres honorifiques. On ne la touchait plus, non plus. Cela n’était plus arriver depuis des années. Personne n’aurait osé! La Haute Prêtresse était la voix, les yeux et l’ouïe du créateur lui même, choisie par lui! Pour la première fois depuis des décennies, elle ressentait la chaleur d’un autre corps que le siens et la sensation d’une étreinte. Mais cette étreinte pris fin. La demoiselle ayant commis ce que les plus conservateurs considèreraient comme un affront, fini par la relâcher et s’inclina promptement. Alpha pu cependant la détailler un peu. Une démone, relativement modeste, certainement vivant à la limite du Cursed Ground. Elle aussi, accumulait la fatigue. Ses doigts étaient rouges et tâchés de sang, trop fins pour soulever des pierres, mais sûrement participait-elle au déblaiement de la cité.
« I apologies for my careless act, your Eminence, dit-elle les larmes dans la voix. But I wanted to thank you. I found my children back! When the attack started, we were on our way to their school and… a siren’s scream scared us. The second after, the ground shattered under our feet. I asked my children to run as fast as they could, to the temple. I spent days afterwards, to find where they could have ended, and they were here! You saved my children and… - I did naught but my duty, madam’. Please stand up… »
La demoiselle rougit légèrement et se redressa, comme le lui avait demandé la prêtresse. D’un coup de manche, elle essuya les larmes qui coulaient sur ses joues et tenta de reprendre un peu de contenance. Elle était encore essoufflée après avoir couru et certainement épuisée après les efforts que la reconstruction demandait. Cependant, elle admirait la prêtresse avec des yeux remplis d’espoir et de reconnaissance. Tout n’était pas perdu, elle avait été chanceuse. 
«  You are a blessing for our people, your Eminence. Please, keep praying for us, may our Lord grace us with a new beginning. I hope He will grant you with the comfort you deserve.  - I will, I promise you. »
La jeune femme sourit à la prêtresse avant de s’incliner une dernière fois et de partir pour rejoindre ses enfants et son mari qui l’attendait aux portes de la chapelle. Elle les salua d’un mouvement de tête avant que les portes ne se referment sur eux. Dès lors qu’ils eurent disparu, ses doigts se resserrèrent sur son pendentif qu’elle porta à sa poitrine avant de baisser la tête et de fermer les yeux en espérant retenir les émotions qui la submergeaient. La solitude, la peur, l’incertitude… Puis les mots de Satan quand elle fut choisie à la tête du clergé résonnèrent en elle.
« Your duty has no end, but keep the faith. They need you and even when you feel helpless and lonely in front of your great task, remember they will cherish you. »
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Dante : -feels sick-
Elise : -put her hand on his forehead- Oh, you're hot...
Dante : Thanks, you are too.
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Mili : Here. Can you hold this for me?
Snorri : But that's your hand...
Mili : Yes.
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Tobias : I left you a love note on your table for while I am away!
Serana : Dearest, it looks like you compiled the memoirs of all your ancestors.
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Violette : Edwin, could you help me? I am not tall enough to reach the glucose sustenance on the top of the shelf.
Edwin : Aren't you scared to became perfectly spheric? You ingest a lot of glucose sustenance lately.
Violette : The glucose sustenance helps my emotional bloodpump to stay healthy.
Edwin : So it's a noble cause I may help you to achieve.
Violette : I appreciate your support, tall being.
Edwin : My pleasure, small being.
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Irena, as a child : -is anxious to play with other children outside-
Wolfgang, pokes on her shoulder and signs : Keine Angst. Ich bin da.
Irena, smiles and signs back : Immer bist du.
Wolfgang, signs back : Und werde ich immer sein.
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Lotte : Father, look at Tobias!
Adrian : Oh, my boy! He looks at his Serana like I look at your mother. Each times, it seems like he discovers a treasure.
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Alpha : What made up your mind to join the way of the preach? I thought you wanted to go on a journey on Earth.
Chrysanthe : I want to stay here for Lucius.
Alpha, smirks : Ah! The blossoms of young love, lovely!
Chrysanthe : Don't mock me, high Priestess! Haven't you ever loved?
Alpha : I sure did, my dear. But blooms are not eternal and mine faded for mourning.
Chrysanthe : You must be lying, Priestess. Men must be on their knees, imploring for a look from you.
Alpha : The common mistake of the youth. Love and passion are not the same, even though they can be combined nicely. You still have a lot to learn, young Morningstar protégée.
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Kassandra's way to say «I love you».
Accepting to get touched by him.
Learning how to understand and speak Russian, to know what he is rambling while sleeping or when he is frustrated. But also having more communication with his family.
Joining his passion for cooking and good cuisine by being a dedicated assistant. She would share time with him to cook and help him with each gesture he cannot do anymore. Theodorus would see Kassandra extremely focused just to cut vegetables the exact way he wants it to be.
Working on her self confidence in intimacy, to lead on each time he isn't able to do so because of his disability.
Being is ultimate support in business and pushing him for the better. He would never feel let down and can behave the same way than before he lost his arm.
Initiating a slow with him during occasions, so he can dance with her.
Genuinely complimenting his personable/charisma. She is conscious the loss of his arm killed his self-confidence. She often fight her own shyness to tell him what she finds attractive in him, when he wears something she really likes and how impressive he can look when he is in business mode.
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Mary Silverstein, stabbing a man in the stomach : You won't have the occasion to threaten my husband ever again.
Claudia Silverstein, stabbing a man in the stomach, decades later : Me alive, none of you will ever touch my husband.
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Grace : You know playing guitar is not a personality trait, right?
Noah : It's enough for some girls!
Grace : Obviously, trying to find a caretaker.
Noah : Let me be, cold ass wolf!
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«The girl certainly saw all nords insides by now, she won't get traumatised by a hunt!»
— Anna Bodmer defending Violette's participations to the hunts.
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Edward : I was wondering, high Priestess, what leads you and your peers to devote yourself to such position and to faith.
Alpha : I might not talk on the names of all my peers, but most of the time, we give our existence to our Lord when he became the last being to believe in us.
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Edward : People are making assumptions about the private courses you give me.
Alpha : Do you care about what people think, my Lord?
Edward : Well, no, high Priestess...
Alpha, crossing her legs : So let them speak. Yet, the Nightmare family has enough problems to take care of to not add consanguinity on top of that.
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Claudia : Oh, I see the darling got his father's sharp tongue. Well, I will follow your career with great interests, lovely boy! ~
Phoebe's kid probably : In 20 years, I guarantee I will be Claudia's second husband.
Claudia : What happened to my first husband ?
Phoebe's kid : Nothing you can prove.
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