katzifilth · 7 months
This. All of this. I just love the Joker, he has always been my number one favourite character, and shall remain so 💚
I’m on a bit of a Joker kick rn ✨✌️
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katzifilth · 10 months
When you try to consume a media but it consumes you instead:
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katzifilth · 1 year
Why ship canon x canon when you can just ship yourself with canon character?
It's 2023 get over yourself. Self ship. You self ship with that character rn!
Make an oc. Make a self insert. Make yourself love that blorbo. Ffs!
Fuck what people think. Stop being a bitch and do it! You go fucking love that character!!!
I am being aggressively self ship positive.
If anyone gives you flack for self shipping. I will find them and throw hands!
Like srsly cringe culture is dead. It's time to be clown!
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katzifilth · 1 year
Who's your favorite Riverdale character and why is it Jughead?
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katzifilth · 1 year
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Important if your in an abusive situation you can turn off this alarm
Please reblog to spread awareness
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katzifilth · 1 year
I too, would like to be hunted down throughout the galaxy by Darth Vader, and have him rip towns apart for me.
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katzifilth · 1 year
How to Survive a Haunting now launched on Kickstarter! Running 3/2/23 to 3/31/23!!
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ID in Alt
In How to Survive a Haunting, you play as Stranger, an entity plagued by ghosts who try to possess you, and take over your home and your life. Luckily, you have come across a mysterious old journal, written by a man only referred to as The Journalkeeper. He has spent his life studying ghosts, and made it his mission to record everything he knew about how to defend yourself from them, and how to tame them
On the journey to taming your ghosts, you will represent your accomplishments through tokens, keep a magical deck of cards that help you ward off unearthly possessions, and log your adventure in a journal. The Journalkeeper will walk you through each stage of this process, and teach you how to customize the game to fit your specific needs
Haunting is a gamified mental health aid, designed to help people learn more about how their body works, adopt a challenge mindset, and achieve post-traumatic growth. It is designed with a light horror aesthetic (though no actual scares in the game) to meet people in the mental space that they’re at, and not make light of extremely difficult circumstances. It is geared towards the recovery of those with trauma and (c)PTSD
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artwork by @prose-n-scripts
Haunting was inspired by my own journey of recovery and exploration with gamification and tabletop roleplaying games as I struggled for years with PTSD, dysphoria, mental health issues, and more. Games were a safe space for me, and allowed me to grow and heal more than almost anything else. With games, I was able to put the power of recover into my own hands, go at my own pace, and focus on what was important to me
I wanted to create Haunting to help all the people who may find traditional therapy unhelpful, intimidating, inaccessible, or unsafe. Or for others who find therapy helpful but need more structure and guidance outside of sessions. Haunting explores many different ways to help your brain and your body, explains the science and psychology behind its advice in cited research, and never breaks character as a helpful old man giving advice on ghosts
It is geared entirely around building self-efficacy, building resilience, and achieving post-traumatic growth
The funding goal is $3500. This original goal funds for consultant Hayley Twyman Brack, a therapist and avid gamer, to go over the game and make sure everything is cited from the latest peer-reviewed research, and make sure all the psychology advice is up to date on the latest therapeutic practices
I am pulling the knowledge in this game both from my own recovery journey, and my last two years as a social worker working with a large variety of clients with disability and mental health challenges
If we can reach a little further than our original goal, the game will be fully illustrated by wonderful artist Vicky @prose-n-scripts
Please check out the Kickstarter page to learn more and spread the word to anyone who may be interested! I believe in the power of the TTRPG community to make this happen! Thank you everyone!!
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katzifilth · 1 year
And that's why i don't like reading fanfics or imagines with real life people, especially smut or stuff like that, not anymore bc it's just... weird
I don't see a problem with fictional characters because, obviously, they don't exist, but writing a scenario where a real person, who has a family, a job, relationships, etc, fucking you or doing whatever, is already absurd to me (my opinion) 🤷🏼‍♀️
It seems that people see these public figures as an object and not as a REAL person that should be respected.
Edit: if pedro already feels uncomfortable with some thirsty tweets about his person imagine the fanfics
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katzifilth · 1 year
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katzifilth · 1 year
Hajime Saito is so fine ❤️ Yōsuke Eguchi 😍
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“You want a fight, Shinsengumi?” // requested by @falsecargo
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katzifilth · 2 years
Like the thrush's knocking was heard in the depths of Erebor, so has this awoken me from my deep slumber.
We never left, we were simply hiding in plain sight.
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is the lotr fandom still active on this site?? like if i were to say the magic words "hey request lotr stuff" will they crawl out from the depths or am i doomed to a life of loneliness here
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katzifilth · 2 years
Prey was so good, my gosh! Loved every second of it! The acting was flawless, special effects were on point, story was great.. Just go watch it, now! ❤️
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The feral predator puts back his 💀 mask
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katzifilth · 2 years
This is a ✨ #mood ✨
Be your own daddy, make your own sugar.
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katzifilth · 2 years
Cuties 😍🤗❤️
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how to capture a san by song mingi
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katzifilth · 2 years
Same, dude, same.
i genuinely don’t think i could go to bed without reading fanfics first.
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katzifilth · 2 years
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katzifilth · 2 years
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211212 ◇ the real (san)
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