kaityslangblr · 2 days
If you understand this, you are JLPT N5 level!
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kaityslangblr · 2 days
When people get a little too gung-ho about-
wait. cancel post. gung-ho cannot be English. where did that phrase come from? China?
ok, yes. gōnghé, which is…an abbreviation for “industrial cooperative”? Like it was just a term for a worker-run organization? A specific U.S. marine stationed in China interpreted it as a motivational slogan about teamwork, and as a commander he got his whole battalion using it, and other U.S. marines found those guys so exhausting that it migrated into English slang with the meaning “overly enthusiastic”.
That’s…wild. What was I talking about?
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kaityslangblr · 4 days
I've been studying Japanese with the help of a program on my phone. I find it easiest to begin with listening and speaking, and then reading and writing. Here are a few videos I've found helpful for learning to write:
I purchased several bilingual books to learn to read. Here are a few (free) stories with narration!
I acquired a kanji dictionary, as well. Here is a useful website which is host to a Japanese dictionary. It has a really awesome search function! I'm a huge fan of books. I like holding something in my hands. I like being able to spread my references out on a table.
I'm still very new in learning. I like Kaname Naito's explanations of different words in conversation.
There is so much knowledge to be found on the World-Wide Web.
What's your favorite thing to learn?
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kaityslangblr · 4 days
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名詞 // Nouns:
霧(きり)fog しかめ面(しかめづら)frown 疎遠(そえん)estrangement 手がかり(てがかり)handhold; clue, lead 髭面(ひげづら)bearded face 閃き(ひらめき)insight, flash (e.g. of inspiration)
動詞 // Verbs:
買い被る(かいかぶる)overestimate 再現する(さいげん)reenact, recreate 下げる(さげる)clear (plates from a table) 接触する(せっしょく)come into contact, get in touch 撤回する(てっかい)withdraw, retract 呪う(のろう)curse 閃く(ひらめく)flash, sparkle
形容詞 // Adjectives:
空の(から)empty 肝心な(かんじん)essential, crucial 切実な(せつじつ)urgent, serious 厄介な(やっかい)bothersome
その他 // Other:
気が進まない(き が すすまない)reluctant to do sth. 霧がかかっている be foggy 言葉を切る(ことば を きる)stop talking せいぜい at the most, to the utmost 羽目・破目になる(はめ)become stuck in an unpleasant situation
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kaityslangblr · 4 days
How I get stuck with conversations
I take classes once a week so it usually starts with my teacher asking:
では、週末は何をしましたか? What did you do on the weekend?
何が予定がありますか? Do you have anything planned?
先週は何をしましたか? What did you do last week?
Main reason is 語彙が足りない
語彙 (ごい) が足りない (たりない): Not enough vocabulary
I had a health checkup recently, I know health is 健康 (けんこう) but don't have the words to say checkup. If I knew the word, it's just 健康診断 (しんだん) に行きました。It make sense to not know all of the words such as 採血 (さいけつ) or 血液 (けつえき) 検察, but at least I can say something like 血を取られた, but at that time I can't even remember 血。
Saying I need to travel around the end of February, all I can remember is 二月中旬 (ちゅうじゅん) and not have the vocabulary for 下旬 (げじゅん), which is supposed to be a pretty common word when talking about my activities.
Explaining things that's too hard for me
Recently, I've watched 陰の実力者になりたくて (The Eminence in Shadow) and am having trouble to explain what the anime is about. I feel like this one is okay-ish because I'm having a hard time saying it in English.
The main character is actually really strong, but has severe 中二病. He also has a hobby of acting like a background character that you usually see in anime. I tried to explain the "what you see usually" part as: like being the first one to get injured, and stuff like that.
The issue here is it's even hard for me to explain it clearly in English. I think I should simplify it and focus only on how the main character hides his powers and stop there.
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kaityslangblr · 4 days
JLPT N2 文法・もの
In this post let's look at various N2 grammar points involving もの.
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if I/we could; if A is possible, then B; if one can do something, then ~
This grammar structure implies that the task is either impossible or very unlikely.
Verb (れる form) + ものなら Verb (れる form) + もんなら (spoken)
帰れるものなら、今すぐ、国へ帰りたい。 If I could, I'd like to go back to my country right now.
やれるもんなら、やってみろ。 If you can do it, then let's see you try.
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so; therefore; the reason for something
This is often used when telling an excuse or declining an invitation.
Verb (casual) + ものだから・ものですから・もんだから (spoken) Noun + な + ものだから・ものですから・もんだから (spoken) な-Adjective + な + ものだから・ものですから・もんだから (spoken) い-Adjective + ものだから・ものですから・もんだから (spoken)
すみません、風邪を引いてしまったものですから、今日は欠席です。 I'm sorry, I caught a cold and so I will be absent today.
私の変わりにこれをしていただけませんか。私は大変に忙しいものですから。 Could you please do this on my behalf? Because I am too busy to do it myself.
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because; indicates reason/excuse/dissatisfaction
This is used to express a reason to justify something.
私何も話すことなんかありませんよ。だって何も知らないんですもの。 I have nothing to say. I mean, I don't even know anything.
謝ることはないよ。君が悪いわけじゃないんだもの。 There's no need to apologize. You didn't even do anything wrong.
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but; although; even though ~
Verb (casual) + ものの Noun + である + ものの い-adjective + ものの な-adjective + な + ものの
私のアパートは駅からはちょっと遠いものの、静かできれいな住宅街にある。 My apartment may be far from the station, but it is in a very quiet and beautiful neighborhood.
秋であるものの、まだ暑い。 Although it's fall, it is still hot.
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kaityslangblr · 4 days
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How to Improve your Japanese Listening Skills 🎧 PS: Learn Japanese with the best FREE online resources, just click here https://www.japanesepod101.com/?src=tumblr_listening_image_043024
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kaityslangblr · 4 days
to carry on one's back
Note: if you look this up in the dictionary the pronunciation is せおう but according to my sources when you pronounce it it should be しょう
リュックを背負ってください。 リュック を しょって ください。 Please put on your backpack.
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kaityslangblr · 4 days
idiom; set phrase; idiomatic phrase
しょうがくせい(こうがくねん)が しって おきたい、よく つかう じゅうよう な かんようく と その いみ を、あいうえお じゅん に ならべ いちらんひょう プリント を つくりました。
We have created a printed list of frequently used and important idioms and their meanings that elementary school students (upper grades) should know, arranged in alphabetical order.
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kaityslangblr · 4 days
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kaityslangblr · 4 days
① musical note; note symbol
② phonetic symbol (incl. the kanji and kana-doubling symbols, vowel-lengthening symbol, etc.)​
③ part of a kanji for which the role is primarily to represent the pronunciation (as opposed to the meaning)​
ジャズはバッハが使ったのと同じ音符を使う。 ジャズ は バッハ が つかった の と おなじ おんぷ を つかう。 Jazz uses the same notes that Bach uses.
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kaityslangblr · 4 days
(ФωФ) Free Self-Study Resource
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I saw this site while looking for information on the Marugoto books. Now that I have decided to actually study, I registered. Did I mention it's free?
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I have enrolled in the A1-1 Katsudoo & Rikai. They also have an explanation on the difference between Katsudoo and Rikai, but from my understanding, Katsudoo is for more casual learners. Up to A2 courses are available in English explanations.
I'll write about my experience once I start studying, but they also have a sample lesson if you want to check it out.
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kaityslangblr · 4 days
Seitokai Discord・May Japanese Bookclub
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This month we are reading わたしの幸せな結婚 in novel format in the Seitokai Japanese Bookclub!
Join us in the Seitokai Discord Server and grab the Japanese bookclub role to get started!
The book club starts May 1st! There's also an English book club if you'd like to join that!
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kaityslangblr · 4 days
① thoroughly; completely; utterly​
② severely; harshly; terribly; miserably; wretchedly; badly​
③ scattered; disconnected; dispersed; smashed into tiny pieces​ (archaic)
雨でピクニックはさんざんだっだ。 The rain spoiled our picnic.
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kaityslangblr · 7 days
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Reminder: learning isn’t supposed to make you feel bad. Sometimes the """right""" way doesn’t work and it’s alright. There is beauty to be found in chaos.
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kaityslangblr · 7 days
I feel like, we as a society, don't talk enough about people messing up needle felting.
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kaityslangblr · 7 days
this tiktok is gonna cure coronavirus
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