jyzdesigncalgary ¡ 4 years
What worked in 2018 won’t work as well now, and it’s up to us marketing professionals to be on top of the ball, to provide our clients with the services and results they expect from us. With that in mind, here are some social media marketing tips that will work in 2020.
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jyzdesigncalgary ¡ 4 years
Building an online following isn’t often a priority for businesses because it can be time-consuming and difficult to measure direct return on investment. We would like to make the argument that there is immense long term value in building up an online presence for almost any company.
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jyzdesigncalgary ¡ 4 years
For the leads, awareness and reputable reviews that digital marketing can provide your daycare, the return on investment is worth the initial costs. Once you’ve attracted parents, word of mouth will spread and with consistent, effective marketing to reach communities, your daycare centre will definitely maintain near-capacity enrollment.
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jyzdesigncalgary ¡ 4 years
Blogging is viewed as a time-consuming commitment that requires an innovative creative output and therefore lacks the desire to fulfill. Websites are the heart of many businesses, so it makes sense that blogs allow businesses to gain 67% more leads than those who don’t utilize them and should be apart of any companies digital marketing strategy.
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jyzdesigncalgary ¡ 4 years
Year 2020 Social Media Marketing Tips
What worked in 2018 won’t work as well now, and it’s up to us marketing professionals to be on top of the ball, to provide our clients with the services and results they expect from us. With that in mind, here are some social media marketing tips that will work in 2020.
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jyzdesigncalgary ¡ 4 years
Content marketing is the type of business activity that collects dust on the to do list shelves until business owners look back six months later, in regret over lost leads and forgotten potential.
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jyzdesigncalgary ¡ 4 years
If you are new to the field of Digital Marketing or want to analyse success of your product online at low/ no cost. Then these tools from Google will help. Here's list of Google’s Free Web & Marketing Tools to Optimize Your Business.
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jyzdesigncalgary ¡ 4 years
Calgary Logo Design & Branding, Make your company memorable with a great logo. Our unique, artistic and marketable approach makes sure you stand out and appeal to your target audience.
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jyzdesigncalgary ¡ 4 years
Embodying the bright colours of the company’s branding, this eye-catching flyer has simplified copy, laid out in an easily digestible manner for an average passerby.
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jyzdesigncalgary ¡ 4 years
We created this brand, business cards, sell sheets and responsive website for Braydon, to make sure he stands out above the crowded realtor space.
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jyzdesigncalgary ¡ 5 years
Shown is a brochure where all the copy was transformed from blocks of text into easily digestible typography, in an info-graphic style.
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jyzdesigncalgary ¡ 5 years
Purest Home Essentials came to us for assistance in designing a website, product packaging, brand identity, and brochure to promote their line of health and environmentally conscious products.
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jyzdesigncalgary ¡ 5 years
Digital marketing professionals know the frustration of chasing the latest developments or alterations with the way the major social media companies run their platforms. From pushing organic content, to hyping videos, to the rush for Stories to influencers, the market changes fast and is unrepentant when it leaves you behind. With that in mind, here are some social media marketing tips that will work in 2020:
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jyzdesigncalgary ¡ 5 years
Something we hear super often in the marketing industry is something along the lines of – my business doesn’t need to be on social media. Customer expectations are evolving with the top companies in the world.
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jyzdesigncalgary ¡ 5 years
Free Website builders are a great place to start if your main objective is to have somewhere for customers to find you. But if your business is in growth mode and want to dominate your industry digitally you need to work with a website design company that is specialized in how to make your website work for you.
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jyzdesigncalgary ¡ 5 years
Attention is a valuable commodity today and we capture it with gorgeous videos, relatable copywriting and smart micro-targeting. Wherever your customers are, they are spending time online.
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jyzdesigncalgary ¡ 5 years
We created this playful, colourful brand to differentiate in the community and show parents how a down to earth, holistic preschool can benefit their children.
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