justglitter · 2 years
you know what sucks?
being the person who cares more
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justglitter · 3 years
I make fairly good decisions in most areas of my life but I am a fool when it comes to dating… n it’s like I can’t stop even tho I know I’m being an idiot
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justglitter · 3 years
when will I learn that being overly nice in the beginning stages of dating someone gets me absolutely nowhere except taken for granted/taken for an idiot
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justglitter · 3 years
it’s all fun and games when u take me for granted until one day I wake up n just completely lose interest in you
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justglitter · 3 years
tired of making excuses for him bc if he wanted to he would
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justglitter · 3 years
So I challenged myself to go a week without weighing myself... I failed as I only lasted 3 days 🤷🏾‍♀️
I’m currently 68kg so I’ve lost 6kg so far and I can really see a difference. I have lost so much fat from my back and my face has slimmed down too! I didn’t think I’d see such a big difference from just losing a few kgs so I’m very happy.
I think that I should start weight training just so my physique looks even better 💭
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justglitter · 3 years
I’m at a point in my weight loss journey where I need to focus and be careful. whenever I try to lose weight and see that I’ve made progress I get overexcited and end up slacking off, I can see that I am slowly starting to go in that direction . I don’t want to be back at square 1 in 3 months and start thinking about how I could’ve been at my goal by now it I had just stuck with the plan a few months back. I really don’t want to be in that position.
As of a few hours ago I weigh 70kg... this morning I was 69kg. I still have 5kg to lose and I am going to start using myfitnesspal again to help me stay on track. I hate counting calories but I know it will help me to stay focused.
Another goal that I have is to stop weighing myself every single day, I’m challenging myself to not weigh myself until 1st of April 😅 . It’s gonna be hard for me because I’m just going to have to trust the process. I think weighing myself less frequently will be a good thing since I have a bad habit of slacking off when I see that I have lost weight or see that I didn’t gain anything after overeating the previous day.
I will be back on the first of April to hold myself accountable lol.
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justglitter · 3 years
Update: 19/03/21
It has been almost 6 weeks since I started my weight loss journey, I am currently 69kg and I started at 74kg which means that I have lost a total of 5kg so far! I can see a difference in my body and in the before and after photos that I have taken which is sooo exciting.
I think this is the longest that I have persisted with losing weight in my whole life and that’s definitely because I still have treats, I am eating food that I actually like and I’m doing what works for me e.g not intermittent fasting.
My next goal is to lose 4kg in the next 7 weeks!
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justglitter · 3 years
Week 1 of 12 complete!
I’ve eaten pretty clean for the most part this week. I’ve tried hard to eat vegetables with all of my meals and stay below 1200 calories (except for one day where I ate McDonald’s).
I am definitely less bloated but I haven’t lost ANYTYTHING since I first started and I don’t know why 😒, i am still 74kg and it’s very annoying. it makes me want to give up because I know that other people see amazing results within the first week of eating healthy food and eating less calories yet here I am.
I’m going to keep going even though I’m feeling annoyed and demotivated, surely I will see results eventually?
For week 2 I plan to eat even less carbs and do x2 HIIT and x2 lower body workouts. I’m also gonna weigh myself once a week instead of everyday.
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justglitter · 4 years
Ok I’m only going on twittr once a day
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justglitter · 4 years
Feelin ugly and restless and irritable
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justglitter · 4 years
After drinking too much alcohol, eating junk food everyday n barely drinking any water I have put on a few kgs 😭
Back to intermittent fasting, rough calorie counting, drinking more water and tea becoming my best friend while I’m losing weight!!
CW: 74kg
GW2: 65kg
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justglitter · 4 years
you won’t always wake up with a heavy heart
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justglitter · 4 years
it’s never too late. for anything: to apologize, to chase a dream, to try again, to forgive, to pick up a hobby, to fall in love, to change. you can do it whenever you want
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justglitter · 4 years
you have every reason to be proud of what you’ve accomplished so far, even if you’re not close to being done. you don’t have to wait until completion to acknowledge and take pride in any progress or achievements. you’ve done so much already and are still doing great!
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justglitter · 4 years
7 Rules of Life
1. Make peace with your past so it won’t screw up the present.
2. What others think of you is none of your business.
3. Time heals almost everything; give it time.
4. Don`t compare your life to others`, and don`t judge them. You have no idea what their journey is all about.
5. Stop thinking too much; it`s alright not to know the answers. They will come to you when you least expect it.
6. No-one is in charge of your happiness, except you.
7. Smile. You don`t own all the problems in the world.
Source: Whisper of the heart.
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justglitter · 4 years
I downloaded instagram again today, within minutes I started feeling bad about myself lol I’m better off without it
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