You know what's a really good motivator? Of you die now you won't be able to get that wicked sweet tombstone you want. The super extra design with the funny ass engraving, gotta work to have that, gotta have money to get that. Can't die while I'm broke, gotta work for the good things in life. Or death?
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Swords are bougie garbage, spears and axes are the weapons of the honest working man
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My wedding gown.
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drew kirby
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Prove me wrong
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The blood of the covenant is thicker than the water of the womb.
Meaning, that the relationships you make on your own can be far better, and more like family, than your actual family.
If your family treats you like shit, or they do some terrible shit to you, you aren't obligated to forgive them. If they actually try and make amends and apologize, then yes, you should listen to them at least, but you don't have to forgive anyone. No matter what others say.
I can say I prefer a lot of my friends to quite a bit of my family.
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have a script that hides promoted pins and. dude. dude. why is pinterest 99% ads this is just. what the fuck
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God I love him
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I just recently started reading Gokushufudou: The Way of the House Husband and these two are so great 💕 
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Hey, am I dead?
Doctor: $140,000 a year
Furry artist on Patreon: $160,000 a year
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Ah yes, finally...
But, what is this? The empty feeling this has brought me? The risk of losing at random not there any more?
I cannot live without the risk! I must start anew!
I'm diving back into this hell boys.
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Nebraska - outdoor Ed - almost every cabin had bedbugs except mine.
If you’re American will you reblog this with where you grew up and wether or not they had sixth grade camp. I grew up in southern California and every class in sixth grade would take a field trip and go to a camp for a week and this is absolutely bewildering my wife cause she’s never heard of sixth grade camp
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since people are asking, here’s a list of places you can donate to help the australian bushfires. donating literally $1 means you have done more than our prime minister. (* = can donate internationally; for the other ones you might have to google it) 
cfa (VIC firefighters) 
rfs (NSW firefighters)*
rfbaq (QLD firefighters) 
cfs (SA firefighters) 
red cross*
WWF NSW bushfire crisis*
WWF koala crisis* (both WWF links are in aud so use a currency converter if you’re outside aus)
St Vincents NSW (partnership with channel 9)
St Vincents SA 
here is a list from the abc (but maybe don’t donate to the salvos bc they suck) (x)
i’ll keep it updated as i find more
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America - 10/12 (only got most of them due to the fact I have family members who travel a lot)
sitting here thinking about how stupid americans are at geography yup
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He dance
“Kitty practicing the lion dance for the Chinese New Year”
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Ok, ok so, just hear me out k?
D&D campaign, but SBURB????
Imagine, y'all make your characters, give the dm some basic info like- choose 1 caretaker to have, choose a preferred weapon, favorite reptile, make a house, etc.
Ya have a lil strife with your caretaker, lose or win it's chill, you prolly got some xp.
Then you start the fuckin game, ohhhhh boy here it comes! You get all your shit and a timer starts counting down.
You make your Sprite, let's hope good choices, and then the timer gets to 0
Fire rains down from the sky, destroying everything in it's path. You have to enter the game or else your dead.
Youve doomed your world.... Time to make a new one.
Time to fight, kill, wake, ascend, and become gods.
Sorta gods anyway.
Lots of cool wacky NPCs and enemies
Mannnn imma make this shittt
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Motivational Fact
No matter how much, or how badly you fuck up...
You'll never be a bigger fuck up than the avatar the last Airbender movie.
No one could be. It's an impossible feat.
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@wolvden @wolvdenkingdom
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