jupiterkittenwrites · 11 months
fuck writers block tbh
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my sister, the non reader, read my book of poetry and liked it. i could cry it's so sweet BAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH
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In a fit of mania I said fuck it and published (yes thru Amazon) a book of poems. It's not any of my fiction, that I keep close to the chest for now, but it's a start. It's published work. That's good enough for now. It's hidden deep and I plan on not really advertising it but I did it and fuckin hell it feels great to just say fuck it and do the thing.
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i've been struggling with writing lately. The drive just isn't as there as it had been and I really fucking hate that. I want to write. I want to delve into these stories I have all ready to go and tell them. But I'm like trapped by wanting to constantly change and shift directions. I know this is because I'm working on taming my mental health and it's just the burden of the beast but holy shit it sucks.
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I just love making covers. It's one of my favorite parts of writing. Trying to tie a woven story to a visual. I'm not the best and am sure as shit no graphic designer but I do love what I put together for my little collection of stories.
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The children
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Aka my new writing hyperfocus
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dear writers who are slower/take more time with their writing or writers who are on hiatus or writers who are trying to find their voice again, i see you and i love you and you are valid
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Seeking Alpha Reader
Hello! I am seeking an alpha reader. Not beta, alpha. I write contemporary mainstream and romance. I have also dabbled in urban fantasy and scifi (lite mode). I write in third person past tense. My stories are about 50k with one clocking in at 75k and another at 39k. If you use the NaNoWriMo site religiously like I do, add me! I’m jupiterkitten there. :) 
First question: Who the hell are you? My name is Shae. I’m an anxious recluse. I’m working on my mental health but as always, it is a battle. I’ve struggled with reading novels the last few years as reading fanfic has taken up most of my time. No, I don’t write it, though I wish I could. I’m one of those people that likes to dabble in a little bit of everything. Nothing holds my attention too long because I got to try the next thing. I more than likely have ADHD but we’re working on that diagnosis still. I’ve spent the last twenty years of my life wanting to craft stories more than anything and I got on meds and it’s finally clicked. Now, I need feedback. I used to be an alpha reader back in the day. I have fond memories of making notes in little bound books with a red pen. My grammar is terrible but I make up for it by understanding the larger mesh of a story. At least I hope I do. I’m in two writing Discords where I should be asking for help instead of screaming into the void of Tumblr but I’m so damn anxious, I can’t ask. So instead I’ll put this out there and see if someone screams back.
Second question: Why should I invest my time in your work? Fair question. I really don’t know if I have an answer. I’ll share two summaries  and if you like it ayy maybe you’ll like the rest. Or maybe you’re looking for an alpha reader of your own and are willing to trade time? I’m down for that too. 
Now for the summaries!
Contemporary romance:
When Sam meets B, her best friend's boyfriend best friend (bbb for short), she thinks he's hot as fuck and probably the funniest person she's ever met. Other than herself, of course. Major bummer though as she quickly finds out he's off the market. Not that it would be a smart choice to date him anyway, as she repeatedly tells herself. As she navigates the pitfalls of life, she finds herself growing closer with him until finally they come to an agreement: friends with benefits. Of course, she's a big fat liar and has the feels. Now what?
Contemporary mainstream:
All David wants to do is work on cars. That’s it, end of story. He wants to work on cars and watch people work on cars and drive cars. Everything in his life revolves around them. Well except his mama of course. So when he gets an opportunity to work for the crazy old witch in her shop, he doesn’t hesitate to take it.
Jamie knows she’s slowly slipping into becoming an old hag of a woman. She was still young, only a few years past thirty, yet all the kids called her a crazy old witch. She only yelled at the kids one time and it was with valid reason. She came out here to hide, not make friends. She needed a break from life and she’s not ready to give it up yet.
Together they navigate the pitfalls of life at wildly different stages of it. The friendship to family pipeline really can be a rocky one.
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I am a writing genius who totally planned this
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She hissed through her teeth as he pressed harder on her leg. 
“Seriously. Fuck off.”
He scoffed, pressing harder.
“I told you specifically to not touch the snake and what did you do? You poked it. With your fucking finger.”
She laughed breathlessly, kicking at him as she sat up.
“It wasn’t venomous.”
“And yet,” he growled, keeping pressure on her wound.
“It’s not even that much blood. You’re being dramatic,” she huffed as she crossed her arms. 
“And you’re not being dramatic enough. You have no idea what bacteria could have gotten in there,” he said, narrowing his eyes at her. 
“It’s just a snake.”
“Just a snake. Just a wild animal. No big deal. Not like you’re bleeding.”
She turned, ripping a part of her flannel shirt off. She bopped his hands and quickly tied it onto her leg. 
“See? No harm no foul.”
“No harm no foul?! No harm no foul?! What about my sanity, huh?”
“The drama,” she muttered, making sure it was good and tight before standing up. 
“Now can we continue this hike or what?”
He growled but stood up.
“Fine but no more touching snakes.”
“With my hands you mean.” 
He scoffed angrily, shaking a stick at her. 
“At all dammit.” 
She rolled her eyes but nodded.
“Ok ok, I’ll behave.”
“Good,” he grumbled. 
“I’d really rather be alone right now.”
“Tough shit.”
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Won’t anyone tell me if my writing is good! I say, hoarding it all viciously like the angry dragon that I am
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Lost Little Introvert
Little is probably a terrible description for me but I’m not going to sweat those details now.  I’ve isolated myself pretty nicely into a niche little bubble as one is likely to do and have decided that posting into the void of Tumblr space is the only way I can exercise this demon. At least until I get embarrassed and delete everything. Not that I got off topic. Hi! I’m Shae. I’m 29 (nearly 30 whyyyy) and painfully introverted. Combo effort of anxiety and untreated ADHD whoo go team. I write. I didn’t use to write but now I do. In October I started taking meds to kick depressions ass and it worked so well, I found myself doing NaNoWriMo. And then when I finished that project, I got started on the WIP I’d had floating in the ether since 2018 and finished it.  And then I kept writing. And writing. And writing. Of course, no one’s really read my writing. It just sits on my computer (backed up on the cloud I’m not that crazy) and collects dust.  So I have decided to say fuck it and post little bits of pieces of my work in a place that’s open and public because brave face time. Just do it. Don’t let my dreams be dreams and all that BS.  So here we go! Trying to be bold and brave (not like I am on Discord the silent lurker that I am) and put myself out there. Let’s hope I can last at least 24 hours I guess.
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