joshdunimagines · 7 years
What Do You Mean You're Dating?
[hey i love your blog and i was wondering if you please could write a one shot where you are Tyler's younger sister, and you and Josh are secretly dating and then you're having dinner with Tyler and Jenna. Tyler says something like "wow Y/N slow down you foodmonster" and then Josh says "oh it's okay, she doesnt have a gag reflex" Tyler gets shocked and is all like "whut wtf??" you can write it how you like from there. - Anonymous] [A/N - So I'm kinda going through past submissions I didn't get to before. Also I don't have a computer, so I wrote this on my tablet. So sorry!] - You had been starving all day but were too lazy to actually get up from your computer, much too focused on your ten page essay that was due for your Western History class the next day. At least tomorrow was the last class of the semester, thankful that your teacher had decided that a final paper was good enough for the end of class and you didn’t have to take a final exam. Although you definitely felt like this paper was going to be the death of you. The sound of your phone beeping pulled your face out of your computer and you picked it up, noticing a text from your older brother, Tyler. He wanted to go out for a late dinner, insisting that you needed to tag along so his best friend, Josh, wouldn’t be a third wheel. Oh if Tyler only knew that he and Jenna would probably end up as the third wheel. You laughed quietly to yourself, replying with a quick ‘yes’ before getting up a rummaging through your dresser for something suitable to wear. Although Tyler and definitely Josh wouldn’t mind going out with you wearing sweats but you felt self-conscious and didn’t want other people to think that you were homeless. A honk sounded outside as you walked out of the bathroom, quickly running to the window to see Tyler’s car was in the driveway. You threw your hair into a bun, grabbed your wallet and phone before you ran out your front door, locking it. You ran to the car, opening the back door to climb in, giving a quick smile to Josh before making a face at Tyler in the rear view mirror. Soon you guys were on your way, heading straight for the city, listening to Tyler go on and on about this one pizza place that just opened and that he heard the pizza was to die for. You didn’t argue as you watched the world fly by, once in a while giving secret smiles to Josh, who would return them tenfold. Soon you arrived and you hopped out, stretching your arms as you were ushered into the restaurant. The four of you were seated quickly and Tyler ordered a large pizza with every topping you could imagine. Small talk was made while you waited for the pizza. Josh asked how your paper was coming along and Tyler kept making kissy faces to Jenna, who just laughed and attempted to smush his face into the back of the booth. Finally your pizza was delivered, and you couldn’t help but inhale the smell of it. It looked so good and you didn’t realize just how hungry you actually were as your stomach made the loudest growl you’ve ever heard. Of course Tyler had to start laughing at you and you just stuck your tongue out at him as you grabbed a slice of pizza. Taking a bite of the pizza was the best thing you had ever done. It was definitely the best that you ever had and quickly the slice was gone. You reached for another slice, not even bothering to put it on your plate before you started to basically inhale that slice down as well. “Wow, y/n, slow down you food monster.” You looked up at Tyler as you ate the last bite of that slice, noticing that his first slice was only half gone. “Oh don’t worry, she doesn’t have a gag reflex.” Instantly, you began coughing, trying to get the last bite down your throat as you looked over at Josh. He was nonchalantly eating his pizza as he looked around the table. “Dude, wh…what the fuck?” Your face burned as Tyler looked from Josh to you and back again, his eyes comically wide. He then looked to Jenna, who sat back in the booth, arms crossed and very highly amused. Josh shrugged, very calm about the whole situation as he took a sip of his drink. “Dude, we’re dating.” “Since when?” “For a while now. I can’t exactly remember when I asked her out.” Josh shrugged again and started to eat his half untouched slice of pizza. Tyler blinked and looked down at his food, taking bites here and there as his face gradually turned more and more into a scowl. You knew exactly what he was thinking. Just how long have you two been together? How could I not have known? Did Jenna know? Why didn’t she say something? Then he dropped his slice of pizza directly onto the table, his head snapping up to look at Josh. “How the hell do you know she doesn’t have a gag reflex?” Josh coughed, his face turning red. “She kinda, yeah…um, yeah.” You covered your face with your hands, not wanting to see your brothers’ reaction to the fact you actually sucked Josh off, multiple times. “Dude! That’s my sister!” You groaned, trying to sink further into the booth, hoping that the boys didn’t get into a fight. You took a peek through your fingers. Jenna was amused, watching the exchange with a smirk. But Josh and Tyler were having a stare down. You knew that they wouldn’t actually get in a fight, but Tyler was protective of his little sister. Even if you were an adult and could take care of yourself. Plus, technically, you had your own place so Josh could come over whenever he wanted, just like how Jenna practically lived with Tyler now. So in reality there was no way Tyler could stop you and Josh from dating. “Well, I guess you are the best guy for her.” You let out a breath you didn’t know you were holding, slowly prying your hands from your face. Josh looked over at you, giving you a bright smile before lightly bumping his shoulder into yours. You smile back and gave him a small peck on his cheek. “Good, can we go home now?” - I've missed you guys!
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joshdunimagines · 7 years
So, I'm actually not dead. It's been well over a year since I've posted anything and my only excuse is that I just had massive writers block. BUT! I would love to get back into writing more imagines for all of you. So, if any of you have any ideas, shoot them my way and I'll see what I can do.
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joshdunimagines · 8 years
These are listed in order of how they have been posted. The newer imagines are at the bottom.
[x] = smut
Red Bull Surprise Eyebrows Crushing  Gas Station So Much Love All The Reasons Tours Sleigh Ride Party Time Backstage Dinner Date Crowd Surfing Victoria Secret [x] Heart Breaks Hospital Visit Staying In Good Morning Meet and Greet Family Dinner You’re Perfect Like Father Like Son Forgive Me Please Sickly Cuddles Accept Me Stood Up Camping Your Tumblr Can You Not Meet And Greet: Part 2 Right Here Mind If I Join?
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joshdunimagines · 8 years
10/10 imagine my fren. Awesome writing!
Thank you love! (:
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joshdunimagines · 8 years
Mind If I Join?
[ Can u do one where Josh hops into the shower with u and your both really nervous. I love you by the way. - Anonymous] 
[A / N - I hope to start writing more. I’m not as busy so look for more imagines!]
You woke up, stretching out your legs, and turned over in bed. The sun streamed through the window and across your face, making you squint against the harsh light. Lazily, you pushed the covers off yourself and swung your legs over the side of the bed. You ran your hands across your face and through your hair, slowly looking around the bed room. That’s when you began to panic.
This was not your bed room. The walls were too bright like they had just been painted and they were covered in various band posters. There was a drum set pushed into a corner of the room, but that was the only area that was clean. There were clothes thrown around on the floor, the top of the dresser was a mess of magazines and cologne, and the night stands held cans of red bull. There was a bookshelf against one wall but it looked like no one had bothered to actually put the books away properly. Most of the covers were bent in awkward angles and some of the books had even fallen to the floor. If you didn’t know any better, you would have guessed that the place had been robbed.
You got up from the bed and carefully made your way around the mess and out the door. Thankfully the hallway looked much better than the bedroom and you noticed a bathroom a short way down the hall. You walked in and flipped the light on, immediately squinting against the harsh, intruding light. You quickly flipped the switch back off and walked over to the sink.
You turned the faucet on, splashing water on your face before you looked in the mirror. Your hair was a complete mess and would be a bitch to try to untangle. You lifted up a knot in your hair and sighed, realizing that the only way you would be able to get it out was to take a shower. At least you hoped conditioner would work.
The shirt you were wearing was definitely not yours though. It was way too big on you, the hem of it reaching your thighs, but the material was soft and it looked like it had been worn a lot. There was a NASA symbol on the front and you couldn’t help but giggle at the irony of how generic the shirt was. Anyone in the entire world could have a shirt like this.
You walked out of the bathroom and down the hall in the direction you thought was the rest of the house. You came across another bedroom that was extremely clean, but it held the same band posters across the walls. You quickly shut the door and continued down the hall, pausing to look into what looked like a game room. It had a giant flat screen tv with all the gaming consoles you could imagine.
The end of the hall opened up right into a living room. All of the furniture in here looked like it had been picked out very carefully and everything matched, unlike the furniture in the rest of the house. You guessed that this must be the front of the house because the windows felt entirely too big and they let in way too much light, making you squint and hold your head.
You walked through the living room and through the dining room that looked like it had never been used. You had to pause when you walked into the kitchen, almost letting out a squeak when a man popped up on the other side of the island as he shut the oven door. You paused as you tried to catch your breath, clutching onto the edge of the counter.
The man was shirtless and you could see all of the toned muscles in his back. His right arm was covered in a colorful tattoo and you were so curious about what it was that you found yourself tilting your head trying to get a better look at it. You didn’t realize the man had turned around until he cleared his throat.
You snapped your eyes up to his and, oh god, was he hot. He was everything that your wet dreams consisted of. He was tall, dark, and handsome. Okay maybe not the dark part. His arms were tanned but his chest was almost a milky white, but the two tones worked well together. You raked your eyes over him, from his red hair all the way down to the low riding sweatpants. You could clearly see the deep V and a happy trail that definitely told you his hair was naturally dark.
He cleared his throat again and immediately you could feel heat spread across your face as you adverted your eyes to the counter top. He crossed his arms over his chest and out of the corner of your eye you could see that his muscles flexed. Whether he did that on purpose or not you didn’t care because your mouth was practically watering from it all. This was definitely not the worst thing that you had woken up to find.
“What do you remember from last night?” You pushed a hand through your hair, getting your fingers caught on a knot briefly and you winced.
“I went to a bar with a friend. I remember that about an hour later she left with some guy and I stayed there. I think I only ordered like a drink or two.” You adverted your gaze to the ceiling, trying to recall the previous night. You had stayed at the bar while your friend left, knocking back drink after drink as you tried to forget the fact that you got fired from your job earlier that morning. You also remembered that around midnight, you think, you left the bar and began walking, trying to make your way home. But your mind was so clouded and you were so drunk that you ended up crashing on a random porch. Immediately your face paled and you looked back down at the man.
“I am so, so sorry. I wasn’t planning on getting that drunk and I definitely was not planning on passing out on your porch. I had just gotten so miserable and wanted to forget that I had lost my job earlier and then my friend left and I stayed and I am so sorry oh my god I can make it up to you I swear I just don’t…” Your voice slowly got quieter as you rambled on, trailing off when the man raised a hand to silence you.”
“It’s really not a problem, honestly. I’m just glad that I was home and awake when you fell on my porch. I could have been asleep or on tour or something. And then I would have felt really bad for leaving a person out in the cold all night.” You scowled as he turned around, averting his attention to the stove. Did he just say tour? He definitely looked kind of familiar to you, but then again your mind was still hazy. What did he mean by tour?
“Um, who are you exactly?”
“I’m Josh Dun, drummer of Twenty One Pilots. Have you heard of them?” So that’s why he looked so familiar.
Instantly you dropped down into a stool at the island as you stared at the counter top. You placed your head in both of your hands as you tried to cope with the fact that you were with Josh Dun. That you were in his house, in his kitchen, and even slept in his bed. No wonder there was a drum set and band posters all over. This man was freaking Josh Dun. If this didn’t wake you up, you were sure that nothing ever would.
“Hey are you alright?” Josh had rounded the corner of the island and stood next to you, placing a hand on your shoulder. You just nodded your head, letting out a small sigh as your brain tried to keep up with all of this information. “Would you like some aspirin or something?” You nodded your head again and Josh immediately left. You could hear his footsteps fade down the hallway, probably heading towards the bathroom. He came back a few seconds later with pills and a glass of water. You thanked him and swallowed the pills and drank some of the water, placing it on the counter and holding it like you would a glass of beer.
“I’m making some pancakes, would you like some?” You nodded your head, definitely not trusting your voice at the moment. Josh just nodded his head in response and headed to a cabinet, bringing out two plates for breakfast.
Surprisingly, it was only ten in the morning when you both sat down to eat. You made small talk, attempting to make it as less awkward as possible. Josh kept asking you if you were alright. You responded with a ‘yes’ each time because, truth be told, you were feeling much better. The pills were starting to get rid of the pounding head ache and Josh’s presence just made it that much better. Although that also might have been because you’ve had a crush on him for years now. Even going as far as to turn down dates with other guys because you could only see yourself with Josh.
On top of all the weird stories Josh had about the tour, he was a fantastic cook. Well, okay, he could make so damn good chocolate chip pancakes. Every single one had chocolate chip smiley faces, and when you first saw them you could help but start laughing, making Josh laugh as well.
“I put your clothes through the wash earlier. Do you want to get a shower?” You pushed your plate away and leaned back in the chair at the dining table.
“I don’t have to, I can just get dressed and leave. Thank you for breakfast though.”
“It’s really not a problem. I think Jenna left some shampoo the last time her and Tyler stayed over. Go ahead, I can clean up.”
“Thank you, for everything.” You got up from the chair, careful to make sure that the shirt was pulled down over your butt before you proceeded down the hallway.
You stepped into the bathroom, shutting the door and flicking on the light. You immediately noticed your clothes were folded in a pile on the toilet seat and there was a towel draped over the side of the tub. You crossed over to it and picked it up before you turned the shower on, closing the curtain so the water didn’t go all over the place. You placed the towel on the counter by the sink and slowly took off Josh’s shirt.
It was then that you realized that when Josh had taken you in the night before that he had undressed you and put you into one of his shirts. Which meant that he had completely undressed you. Which also meant that he had seen you naked, and you weren’t even awake for it. Damn it!
You sighed and checked the water, mentally declaring that it was warm enough before you stepped into the tub and under the water. Sluggishly, you went through the motions of wetting down your body and scrubbing shampoo through your hair. It really did feel good to get clean again.
You were just running conditioner through your hair when you noticed the shower curtain had moved out of the corner of your eye. You turned around, immediately noticing that Josh was now standing in the shower, with you, completely naked. You willed yourself to not move your eyes to his lower regions, so instead you focused all of your attention to the tattoo on his arm, the colors popping against the water.
“I hope this is alright.” You nodded your head in response, absent mindedly running your fingers through your hair. “There’s just something that attracts me to you. And I swear I didn’t do anything to you last night when I changed your clothes.” You could feel the heat spread across your face and down your neck. Your ears burned against the steam in the shower and you held your breath to keep you from saying something stupid. “This is probably awkward. Here, let me wash your back.”
Slowly, you turned around and he lathered up a wash cloth, running it across and down your back. You both fell into a comfortable silence and you could feel your eyes starting to droop, your head tilting to the side slightly. Josh chuckled and he kissed your shoulder gently, running his hands up and down your arms. You turned and let the water hit your back, washing away the soap, and you leaned your head on Josh’s shoulder as a wave of exhaustion rolled over you suddenly. He wrapped his arms around you as he ran his fingers through your hair, letting the conditioner rinse out.
“You don’t have to leave just yet right?” You shook your head, burying your face into the crook of his neck. “How does a nap sound?”
“Only if I get to wear one of your shirts.”
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joshdunimagines · 8 years
I will be uploading a new imagine tomorrow. Its taken me a while to write so it's really long (I apologize for that). So stay tuned! I love all of you!
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joshdunimagines · 8 years
Right Here
[A / N - This is just a short little friendship imagine. I will get back to writing the requests as soon as my power is back on and I don’t have to use my crappy phone service to update. I love all of you!]
It was the middle of spring. The birds were chirping, the sun was shining and the wind was blowing flower petals through the air. But your blinds were closed and the curtains drawn together. You had a pounding headache right behind your eyes and even the tiniest sliver of light that got through your windows was enough to send you back into bed. You threw the covers over your head and curled into a ball, wishing that sleep would help with your head.
Thankfully your parents had gone off to work before you were even supposed to be awake for school, trusting that you would get up on time and catch the bus. You weren’t one to even think about skipping school. You knew that if you tried, you would surely get a lecture from both of your parents and the high school teachers. But it wasn’t like it even mattered to begin with. You were a straight A student with grades high enough that you technically didn’t have to take the finals and you would still pass.
But here you were, two hours after school had started, curled under your blankets with a splitting headache. You could hear your phone buzzing from its place on the nightstand, but you didn’t bother to check it. It was probably just your friends asking where you were. You would text them when you felt a little better. No big deal.
You were awoken to the sound of your window opening and the blinds being moved, their sharp sound making you wince in your cocoon of blankets. The person made an ‘oof’ and a loud thump shook the bed slightly. They must have tripped on the ledge of the window and there was only one person you knew who would even take the time to climb up to your second story window.
“Josh, I swear to god that if you pull these blankets back and the curtains aren’t closed I will make your death look like an accident.” Your voice was just loud enough that you knew he heard it, wincing slightly at your own raised voice. You heard some shuffling, muffled by the blankets over your head, and then the bed dipped and you knew that Josh had sat down.
“You okay?” You shook your head to his question, realizing a moment too late that he probably couldn’t see your reaction so you opted or silence. Hopefully he took it as a no. “I did close the curtains.”
You smiled slightly and stretched out your legs, accidently bumping Josh. You lifted up a corner of the blanket and peered out into your room. The sun was still shinning outside but Josh had closed your curtains, just like he said, so the light wasn’t too bright. It still made you squint and pull yourself back under the blankets. You kept the one corner up so you could look at Josh, a silent invitation for him to crawl under them with you.
He stood up and removed his hoodie, tossing it on the floor next to the bed. He toed off his shoes, kicking them away before he crawled on the bed. He lifted up the covers more so he could move under them and you inched towards the other side of your bed, making room for Josh. He settled down on his side facing you, making sure that the blankets covered all of him and no ounce of light could get through.
It was almost pitch black and you let your eyes slowly adjust to the darkness. Josh reached up with one hand and ran his fingers through your messy hair. His fingers would get caught sometimes and he would utter a small ‘sorry’. But you still closed your eyes and tried to relax, hoping that maybe Josh could take away the pain in your head.
After a while, Josh stopped petting your hair and linked his fingers with yours squeezing gently when you opened your eyes. You felt a little better, the pounding that was once there was just a dull throb.
“Jenna tried calling you in between classes. She said it wasn’t like you to skip and I told her that maybe you were sick.” You hummed out a ‘mhmm’ and closed your eyes, burrowing your face down into your pillow. “I skipped the rest of school and came to check on you.”
“What time was it when you got here?”
“About eleven. It should be close to noon by now.” Just then your stomach growled and you groaned, turning your face all the way into the pillow. Josh squeezed your hand and chuckled lightly, turning so he was flat on his back.
“Do you want some food? I could make you pancakes and we can eat them under these blankets.” You smiled, tilting your head to the side to stare at Josh. His hair was ruffled and his shirt had risen up slightly, revealing the skin on his hip. You had the sudden urge to reach out and skim your nails across it, just to see if it felt as soft as it looked.
“You are the greatest person alive.”
“You tell me that every day, y/n.”
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joshdunimagines · 8 years
Meet and Greet: Part 2
[A / N - A lot of you have asked for a part 2 to Meet and Greet. I’m so sorry that this is shorter but i still hope that you enjoy it.]
It had been two weeks since you had gone to the Twenty One Pilots concert with your best friend. You still felt bad about practically ruining it for her, but she had assured you that everything was okay and all that mattered was that you got better. You were trying to get better. You talked about your feelings more and you surrounded yourself with things that made you feel comfortable. But there was one thing missing in your life and it made you feel so hollow inside.
Josh was missing. Sometimes he would text you or call you when he had a free moment, but that was rare. You knew that he was busy with the tour and his band and being a rock star. But you couldn't help but feel like you had been put on the back burner, taking more 'sick' days from college than you would care to admit, opting to stay in bed most days. 
But your best friend had had enough of your moping and somehow she dragged you out to a bar, insisting that you needed to loosen up, get your mind off things. Of course her first reaction would be to get you drunk. You didn't mind alcohol, you drank whenever there was an occasion and you had a reasonable excuse. But you did not like the hang overs the next day and you definitely did not like how bars could quickly sweep up at least a hundred dollars out of your wallet. You never would understand why they had to charge so much money for a measly shot of liquor. 
You spent most of the night sitting at the bar, fingers clutched around a glass of some type of alcohol that you hadn't even taken a sip of. The music felt too loud in your ears and people were moving around too fast, clinging to others for support in their drunkenness. Of course your best friend had ditched you for a group of guys that she knew, taking a whole bottle of vodka with her.
You knew that she would be okay by herself and in twenty minutes she would be begging you to take her home. You still couldn't help but keep an eye on her as she sat down in a booth with the four guys, chatting and laughing while she drank straight from the bottle. 
You sighed and pushed your glass away, leaning your elbows on the counter. It was cold to the touch and you shivered, wishing that you had the foresight to bring a sweatshirt with you. You hung your head and ran your fingers through your hair, messing it up more than it already was. Being sober in a room full of drunks was not something that you could deal with at the moment, a headache forming behind your eyes. You wished that you had the nerves to drag your best friend out of the bar. But you didn't want to look like a bad person and she was having such a great time. You couldn't ruin another night for her. 
"Mind if I sit here?" You turned your head and there stood Josh. Your eyes grew wide and you smiled, immediately jumping up and launching yourself at him. He caught you and you wrapped your arms around his neck, standing on your toes so you could be somewhat eye level with him. 
"What are you doing here?" You pulled away from him and looked him in the eyes, your smile growing bigger when you noticed he was smiling. 
"Tyler had been talking with your friend, organizing a way that we could meet. She said that you haven't been feeling like yourself." He flagged down the bartender and ordered a drink for himself. "I'm sorry that I haven't been in contact much. We've been so busy."
"No, it's okay. I understand. I just thought that maybe you had gotten tired of me like everyone else." You took a breath and averted your eyes to stare at the top of the bar, the smile dropping from your face. "I thought that maybe you were just being nice to me at the concert and that maybe you weren't really that into me."
Josh brought his hands to your face and made you look at him, leaning his face towards you and captured your lips in a quick kiss. Your eyes widened, your body stilling with shock. You couldn't believe that Josh had kissed you, let alone practically flew across the country to see you. Josh leaned back, a grin spreading across his face when he saw that you were completely still.
"I like you y/n, a lot. That's why I came to see you." He lowered his hands to your shoulders, his eyes locking on yours. "Y/n? Will you be my girlfriend?"
That seemed to snap you out of your shock and you nodded your head almost frantically before surging forward and placing your lips on Josh's. He sighed into the kiss and you smiled, wrapping your arms around his neck. Thank god you were sober for this because you wanted to remember every single detail and maybe things wouldn't be so bad now that Josh was in your life.
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joshdunimagines · 8 years
when/what will you be posting next?
I hope to have a new imagine up tomorrow (I'm so sorry, I haven't been feeling well). It'll be part two to Meet and Greet.
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joshdunimagines · 8 years
whenever i get so overloaded with negativity and burning anger i come to your blog and its basically saved my life
Awww, I'm glad I could help out. I hope things get better soon.
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joshdunimagines · 8 years
Can You Not
[Mmkay so I have an idea Josh n y/n are dating and they aren't too much into pda and (ty n Jenna are all over ea other 24/7) keep their relationship in the down low bc that's just how they are but then one time ty n Jenna walkin on them doin the do and ty n Jenna are all suprise and Josh is like"... Can you leave in tryna.. Yaknow " ❌ - Anonymous]
You were absolutely ecstatic when you were able to get three weeks off from work. Especially when it was such short notice. But they had hired a new person so you didn’t feel so bad when you knew that your shift was going to be covered.
You immediately called Josh, talking so fast that he had asked you to say it slower because he couldn’t understand you. But then he was just as excited as you and told you he would send you a plane ticket via email that night and you would be flying out the next morning. You couldn’t help but jump, a huge grin on your face as you quickly ran to your closet, stuffing a suitcase full of clothes.
You couldn’t sleep that night, constantly checking your email for the ticket. And when you saw it pop up around midnight you decided that there was no point in even lying in bed. Your flight was at six that morning and you liked to at least be there two hours before your flight would leave. You sat down on your couch, turning the tv on trying to find something to watch to kill at least three hours.
You were jittery when you got to the airport, practically a nervous wreck because you hated flying alone. You were always scared of who you would sit next to on the plane. It was only a two hour flight but that was two hours that you would have to restrain yourself from strangling someone stupid.
As it turns out, you shouldn’t have worried. You sat next to a nice elderly lady. She told you all about her children and grandchildren, pulling out her wallet to show you pictures. She had four cats and a bird that liked to say ‘no’ when a cat got too close to the cage. You laughed along with her and hugged her when she told you about her husband that died in the Vietnam War before his last son was born.
She had made your plane ride the best one yet and, when the plane landed, you said your goodbyes. You looked around for Josh or Tyler, at least someone you recognized that worked with the band. But you didn’t see anyone except this big guy who held a sign with your name. You clutched your suitcase and walked with him to a car.
In a way you were disappointed that Josh wasn’t there to greet you but yet you were also glad that neither Josh nor Tyler had come to get you. There were no fans screaming and pushing in the airport, which meant you could get out and straight to the car without any problems. But the car ride is what killed you. It was so tense inside the car and you kept trying to talk to the guy who picked you up, but he never said one word to you. So, for half an hour you sat in silence, until he pulled up in a parking lot where the tour bus was parked.
As soon as you stepped out of the car and grabbed your suitcase the door to the bus flew open and Josh ran down the steps. He ran across to you, lifting you in the air with a hug. You laughed, dropping your suitcase on the pavement so you could put your arms around him.
“God, I missed you.” He gently put you back on the ground and grabbed your suitcase, pulling you towards the bus. You couldn’t stop grinning, stumbling up the steps slightly as you walked into the main room of the bus. Immediately you were tackled by both Jenna and Tyler. You let out a whine as the three of you crashed to the floor, narrowly missing the table on your way down. Jenna laughed into your shoulder and Tyler rolled off you, a grin plastered to his face. You  groaned and pushed Jenna off of you, playfully claiming that she stunk and needed a shower. She stuck her tongue out at you and Tyler laughed at your banter.
You were glad to be reunited with your friends, able to spend three whole weeks with them. But you were most excited about being able to spend some time with your boyfriend. You missed Josh and hadn’t been able to see him in two months as they started their tour. You thought this was going to be the best weeks of your entire life.
Two days into your nice little vacation you realized you were wrong. Tyler and Jenna were all over each other all the time. It was nice that they had a healthy relationship and were open about everything to each other. But, honestly, you really didn’t want to ever walk in on them having sex again, or hear them for that matter. There was no way that you were going to be able to bring yourself to sit on the couch in the tour bus ever again.
Two days later, you found yourself clutching your suitcase as Josh fiddled with the keycard to a hotel room. You were dying for a shower and you wanted to sleep in a real bed. Nobody had to do anything the next day, which you were glad about because the only time you had gotten to spend with Josh was when you fell asleep in the same bunk.
Finally the door opened and you both rushed inside. You set your bags by the bed and flopped on the bed, face first. You groaned into the comforter and Josh chuckled, the bed dipping as he sat next to you. You felt his fingers card through your hair and you turned your head so you could look at him.
“I’m so exhausted.” Your voice was muffled but Josh just smiled, leaning back on the bed. You both stayed like that for what felt like forever, just relishing in the fact you could finally relax after so many stressful days.
You turned over and shifted up the bed so your feet weren’t on the floor anymore. Shadows had encased the room now, the sun beginning to set behind the trees outside. It was fairily quiet in the hotel room, the only sound coming from the air conditioner below the window. It was so peaceful and you wanted to go to sleep. But you knew that you should probably take a shower before you did anything.
The bed shifted and suddenly Josh’s face replaced the spot on the ceiling you were staring at. He was straddling your legs, his arms propping him up on either side of you. He smirked and leaned down, gently kissing your lips. You smiled against his lips, pushing forward to deepen the kiss. You brought your hands up to run through his hair as Josh gripped your sides with both hands.
You licked across his bottom lip and he opened his mouth, granting you access to run your tongue against his. You noted that he tasted like red bull and something very sweet, but you couldn’t figure out what. He shifted on top of you and you realized just exactly where things were going, his hard on rubbing against your hip briefly.
Your breath hitched as Josh brought his hands down to the hem of your shirt, rubbing his thumbs across your bare skin as he pushed it up. Your fingers tightened in his hair as he brought his lips to your jaw, kissing along it softly before moving to your neck. He left sloppy kisses until he found the sweet spot on your neck, nipping and sucking while you gasped. There would definitely be a nasty looking mark in the morning.
He tugged at your shirt and you let go of his hair so he could pull your shirt over your head. He tossed it to the floor and your heart jumped to your throat when he looked down at you, his eyes raking over your torso. Thank god you had the hindsight to wear one of your better bras today.
He kissed you again, nipping at your bottom lip before he pulled away and pulled his own shirt over his head, tossing it on the floor. You brought a hand up, running it along his tattooed arm to the back of his neck, pulling him in for another deep kiss.
Suddenly everything became almost frantic as you both reached down to get each other’s pants off. You both laughed when your hands bumped but somehow you managed to gets his unbuttoned and Josh had managed to get your belt unbuckled.
Soon both pants were off, Josh standing up so he could kick his off on to the floor. You giggled as he crawled back on the bed, bending your knees so he could sit in between your legs. He reached forward, brushing his hands along your sides as he looked over your body. You felt so open, like Josh could read everything about you, and you wanted to feel embarrassed but you were too turned on to actually care.
Josh ran his hands under your back, quickly unclipping your bra and tugged it off your shoulders. He leaned forward and placed a kiss right in between your breasts. You gasped and your hands flew to his hair, tangling your fingers in the strands. He grazed his teeth along the underside of your breasts, biting slightly before trailing kisses along your stomach.
He was just about to pull off your panties when the door practically flew open. You squeaked when you saw Jenna and Tyler walk in, immediately covering your chest with your arms. They didn’t notice the situation right away, chatting about what movie they should watch later that night. Josh gripped your hips, almost painfully, and he stared at his best friends. Why did anyone think it was a good idea to give them a copy of your hotel room key?
“Oh.” They had stopped halfway to the bed, arms dropping to their sides as they took in the situation. They just stared at you and Josh like you were a museum exhibit.
“Can you both leave? We’re trying to…you know.” Josh practically grit his teeth when he talked, a hint of venom in his words. You know that he didn’t mean it and he would apologize to Tyler and Jenna later. But you couldn’t deny that this was definitely upsetting. Now there was no way you could back into the mood.
“We didn’t actually think that you guys do it.” Jenna covered her eyes and turned around. At least she had stopped starring.
“We’re not so open about our relationship like you guys are.” Your voiced sounded foreign to you, raised an octave as heat spread through your face in embarrassment.
“Come on Tyler, let’s leave them alone.” Jenna grabbed Tyler’s hand and dragged him back out through the door. It slammed after them and suddenly the room was in complete silence. You looked up at Josh, his eyes instantly locking onto yours.
“Well that killed everything.” You chuckled and Josh sat back on his legs, placing his hands in his lap. You shifted back, swinging your legs over the edge of the bed. You stood up and turned, noticing Josh was watching you. You grabbed his arm and tugged, coaxing him to get off the bed.
“C’mon, let’s get a shower.”
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joshdunimagines · 8 years
guess what!!!!! i was at the sneaker store buying new sneakers and they were playing a twenty one pilots song that wasn't car radio tear in my heart or stressed out! they were playing ride and i got really excited lmao
Oh my god that is awesome!! That’s one of my favorite songs, tbh. I usually only hear Stressed Out on the radio.
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joshdunimagines · 8 years
I live in the US. But that's so exciting! I'm so happy for you! Much love!!!
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joshdunimagines · 8 years
Your Tumblr
[Can you do a fluffy/smutty Josh Imagine where you’re friends he finds your tumblr and it may be filled with inappropriate thoughts about him. - Anonymous]
[A / N - I am so sorry if this isn’t what you wanted. I have had a lot on my plate lately. ]
"Hey, Josh, when do you have to meet Tyler?" You walked into the living room, your eyes glued to the screen of your phone as you sat down next to Josh on the couch. You were just scrolling through your texts, noticing one from your mom. She wanted to know if you could go shopping with her later that night, but you weren't sure what time Josh had to meet Tyler so they could go to the studio to record more songs. 
When you didn't get a reply from Josh, you looked up at him. He didn't look at you, it didn't even look like he had heard a word you said. His eyes were starring at the screen of his laptop. 
You followed his gaze, squeaking loudly when you noticed that your tumblr page was visible. It was definitely yours, unless someone decided to have the same layout, background and username. You leaned forward and grabbed the laptop out of his lap, quickly shutting it and placing it on the coffee table. Josh didn't move, he didn't even blink. He kept staring off into space like he was in a trance. You sighed, pushing yourself against the back of the couch and waited. You waited for your four years of friendship to shatter into pieces.
To say that you had a crush on Josh was an understatement. You were completely head over heels in love with him even though your weren't dating. He was everything that you wanted, and, sure he may not be the perfect person out there, but he was perfect to you. He could always make you smile and he always had a lot of energy, acting like a kid sometimes. But, there was the small problem that you didn't know if he liked you or not. And lately he had been so distant, barely answering your texts and sometimes ignoring your calls. When you asked Tyler about it, he just shrugged, saying Josh was going through a tough spot right now.
So you dropped it and adapted to the way Josh was acting. It took your best smile to drag him to your house tonight, cooking him a nice dinner just to say that you hoped he didn't push you away. 
But then, somehow, he found your tumblr, completely filled with posts about him. There were pictures and text posts where you absolutely gushed about everything he did. You didn't have very many followers and most of them thought that you were just like any other fan. But, only if they knew that you knew him in real life.
"That was your tumblr." You nodded, placing your hands over your face as Josh kept staring off into space. "Why were there so many posts about me?" 
You took a breath, peaking through your fingers to see that Josh was looking at you now. Suddenly, you felt very aware of just how close you were to him, feeling the heat radiate off  him. "Because I like you." You voice cracked as it went up a couple octaves, hoping that he wasn't going to walk out on you as you confessed to him. "I like you more than a friend." 
Josh placed his fingers around your wrists, gently pulling your hands away from your face. You adverted your eyes to the floor, not wanting to see the rejection in Josh's eyes. How could he like you back? You were plain, boring, you never did anything exciting, and if you even went to a party, you never drank and stood against a wall. There was no way that Josh was going to return your feelings.
"I like you too."  You looked him in the eyes and didn't see any rejection. He was smiling, holding your hands in his. You blinked, nodding your head and looked away again, your face burning with heat. "I like you more than a friend." He leaned in and gently brushing his lips against your, silently asking if it was okay to fully kiss you. You smiled and leaned forward, pushing your lips against his. 
It was an awkward first kiss. Your noses bumped and your teeth clashed. But his lips were so soft compared to your slightly chapped ones. After a few short seconds, Josh pulled away, leaning his forehead on yours. You smiled at him, finally realizing that he wasn't going to go anywhere just yet, and that maybe he was being distant because he liked you back.
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joshdunimagines · 8 years
I want to let you all know that I am alive and I should have an imagine up by tomorrow afternoon. I haven’t been feeling well lately, I think I have food poisoning, and I’m also attempting to pack all of my stuff up cause I’m moving.
I’ll be back into the groove of things soon. Just hang in there
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joshdunimagines · 8 years
These are listed in order of how they have been posted. The newer imagines are at the bottom.
[x] = smut
Red Bull Surprise Eyebrows Crushing  Gas Station So Much Love All The Reasons Tours Sleigh Ride Party Time Backstage Dinner Date Crowd Surfing Victoria Secret [x] Heart Breaks Hospital Visit Staying In Good Morning Meet and Greet Family Dinner You’re Perfect Like Father Like Son Forgive Me Please Sickly Cuddles Accept Me Stood Up Camping
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joshdunimagines · 8 years
I just want to say that I love your imagines so, so much! They always make my day ten times better, you're such an amazing writer! I just thought I'd ought to let you know!
Awwww! Thank you! This made my day and I'm glad I can make yours as well! Thank you so much!
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