jimsbones · 8 years
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It’s easy to get lost in the vastness of space. There’s only yourself, your ship, your crew.
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jimsbones · 8 years
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Star Trek Beyond concept art
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jimsbones · 8 years
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“It wasn’t him. Hydra had control of his mind!” 
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jimsbones · 8 years
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i apparently wrote myself a note about this idea at 3:57 am so i made it a reality 
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jimsbones · 8 years
Bones: Look at my face.
Kirk: Okay?
Bones: Just look at it.
Kirk: Right?
Bones: No, no, keep looking.
Kirk: I am looking!
Bones: No, you're not. Look harder.
Kirk: Is there a point to this?
Bones: Yes, so look as hard as you can.
Kirk: Alright!
Bones: Focus on every part of my face.
Kirk: Alright, alright, I'm doing it!
Bones: Now--
Bones: Does it look like I give a fuck?
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jimsbones · 8 years
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Even 9GAG ships them
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jimsbones · 8 years
hey friends my beautiful bff is abt $75 from where she needs to be so if u want a fire star trek fic pls go commission her i don’t get paid till tuesday go forth and do good in the world friends
Hi! So, as many of you probably know (and have seen on my blog a truly obnoxious amount, sorry), I was fired about a month ago. I’m currently in the middle of a battle about the gender discrimination involved in that firing. It’s a lot of fun.
But what isn’t fun is the fact that being fired right before the end of the semester means that my budget got cut short by about 400 bucks. Which??? Really sucks.
I’m going to be starting a new job in Disney World in 19 days, so that’s good, but what once again sucks is the fact that I am broke. 
Basically I found out a few days ago that my parents are not going to be paying for a lot of things that they said they would be when I moved. (Food, hotel, etc.) And it’s really fucked up my already pretty much nonfunctional budget.
I need to move out of here. I’m in a fairly abusive situation as it is and my parents have told me that staying here is not an option. Plus, I need to get to my job. And like, eat. So…yeah.
I’ve been asking for donations but have received none, so I figured I should give y’all a little more incentive.
So…*drum roll*….I’m going to be doing a FICATHON. Basically, I’m going to be taking all of your prompts (OMGCP or Star Trek, literally ANY SHIP YOU WANT) and all I ask in return is that you drop a couple bucks in my paypal.
What kind of prompts can you give me?
-extensions of any of my fics???? YOU GOT IT.
-litearlly anything you want why did I make this list.
(i will not do mpreg, incest, underage, or noncon)
Please guys, I seriously need some help and I just really REALLY need this money.
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jimsbones · 8 years
psa lmao
ur fav mckirk shiposter is back and now returned to her old star trek trash url!! new and improved blog content to include:
-even more star trek -hockey because lie fabbittle ruined my life -kent parson/the rest of the check please gang -who am i kidding a lot of star trek -probably a lot of tears over star trek -tears over chris pine -tears over sidney crosby -tbh a shitload of marvel too -and last but not least, star trek
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jimsbones · 8 years
Jack Zimmermann has a snapchat but his story is all snaps of bitty. Bitty singing and dancing while he bakes. Bitty asleep on their couch with the dog. Bitty yelling at Jack to stop taking snaps of him. Bitty crying and showing off his engagement ring.
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jimsbones · 8 years
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My makeup was amazing today tbh
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jimsbones · 8 years
I wrote a finnpoe? Idk it's kinda shitty but it just happened and idk it's basically just straight up fluff so go read it if you feel like dying of feels
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jimsbones · 8 years
*poe loses finn in a crowd* poe: POE DAMERON IS A BAD PILOT finn: THATS A LIE poe: found him
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jimsbones · 8 years
ok but also consider: poe whispering to Finn in Spanish when they're laying in bed cuddled up finn learning Spanish so he can understand what Poe is saying in bed and yelling out in Spanish when they're fucking Poe and Finn talking in Spanish in random places where they don't want to be overhead and Rey becoming increasingly pissed every time this happens but also doesn't want to hear their dirty talk Poe leaving lil sticky notes on stuff with the Spanish word for it while Finn is still learning Poe saying something over lunch that no one can understand but Finn turns visibly red and practically carries Poe out of the mess hall
talk to me about poe (in canon and aus bc i refuse to accept that this would die out completely) being so fucking blissed out that he starts talking in spanish when he’s having sex with finn
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jimsbones · 8 years
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jimsbones · 8 years
I have a prompt for Stormpilot! Imagine Poe singing in Spanish to Finn and Finn loving it!
oh my goshhhhhhhhh anon. this is basically all I think about, all the time. 
song poe is singing/inspiration (x)
In the year that Finn has known Poe, he’s still constantly caught off guard by all of the little things he learns about the older man. 
There are small details- like the way Poe takes his coffee, his slightly nocturnal tendencies, the way he bites his lip when he’s got something on his mind he hasn’t quite figured out yet, his pet peeves and his bad habits- and then there are the bigger things- like learning he speaks several languages fluently, and sings in those languages when he plays guitar, which he also knows how to do, apparently. 
Finn finds this out when he walks into their room one day, and Finn is sitting against the far wall, softly strumming the guitar sitting in his lap. 
“Hey”, Finn says in greeting, frozen in place in front of the door. 
Poe glances up and smiles, and then turns his attention back to the instrument in his hands. “Hey Finn. Session go well?”
Finn nodded. “Yeah, I almost have full range of use again.” 
Poe hummed in acknowledgement. “See? I told you that you’d get there.”
Finn smiled at that. “You did. What are you up to?”
“Just messing around. It’s been a while since I’ve played her, figured I would see if I could remember anything.” Poe replied without missing a beat. 
“Just messing around? Looks like you remember everything.” Finn replied, sitting on the edge of his bed, his eyes never leaving the pilot. 
“I’m a bit rusty”, Poe admitted. “Have you seen anyone play?”
“No. First time.” Finn responded. 
“Maybe I’ll play a real song for you sometime.” Poe offered. 
“Yeah? I’d think I’d like that.” 
The corners of Poe’s lips twitched into a satisfied smile as he continued to play, adding a bit of background noise to the rest of their conversation. 
After that night, it becomes part of their routine. Poe practices while they talk, almost as if he doesn’t have to think about it at all, the notes just flowing through his hands and to his fingers effortlessly. 
Finn absolutely loves it. He didn’t have much experience with music during his time serving The First Order, and he finds that he enjoys it. Sometimes, they don’t even talk, he just listens to Poe play. There’s no need to fill any of it with words. 
And then there’s a momentary lull in the conversation and Poe starts singing. Finn can’t understand any of the words he’s saying, can’t even identify what language it is, but he knows he never wants it to stop. The words flow so easily from his mouth, like a language he had spoken his entire life. The way his lips form around each syllable left Finn feeling things he didn’t know how to explain;  and hopefully, he would never have to.  
When Poe had finished, Finn couldn’t tear his eyes away. “That was amazing! What was that?”, he asked, still completely mesmerized. 
Poe felt his face heating up, he knew he was blushing and ducked his head to try and conceal it. “It’s a song my parents used to sing to me. At one point, that’s the language my ancestors used to use. It’s not around much anymore, but I think it’s beautiful.”
“Yeah, it is”, Finn agreed, breathlessly. 
He didn’t know how in the galaxy he got lucky enough to spend every single day with something- someone so beautiful. 
Poe didn’t know why he decided to start playing again. He hadn’t lied when he told Finn that he was rusty. He hadn’t had much time for guitar, with everything the Resistance had to do to prepare for facing The First Order in the past year. 
Regardless, he would never forget the look on Finn’s face the first time the younger man walked in on him playing, and the excitement that Finn exuded every time Poe pulled out his guitar made it completely worth it. He had come to terms with the fact that he would do anything to make Finn happy. 
He had known for a while how he felt about Finn- how he really felt. He had no idea what it meant, or what to do with it, if anything- but he knew it was there, and it wasn’t going away anytime soon. 
“Hey, Finn?”, Poe called out, almost hesitantly.
“Yeah?”, Finn replied, glancing up from the paperwork he was going over. 
“I-…I have a song I want to play for you.”
He saw Finn’s face light up instantly, setting his papers to the side without a second thought. 
Poe had never been so nervous in his entire. He took a deep breath and started playing, closing his eyes as the melody flowed through him. 
“Dime qué haría de mis días,quien soñaría si no estas.Cómo podría respirar el aire,lejos de ti.Cuando no estas aquí…Solo por ti,caminaríaen la infinidad.Afrontaríacontigo la eternidad.Solo por tí…“
Poe opened his eyes, locking eyes with Finn as he continued singing. He knew Finn couldn’t speak Spanish, and didn’t really understand it, but he was hoping he could feel what Poe was trying to say- or maybe he was hoping that he didn’t. 
“Dime lo que siente tu alma,dime por qué vive en mi.No se pero voy muriendo lentoSolo sin tí.Triste me quedo así…Solo por tí,caminaríaen la infinidad.Afrontaríacontigo la eternidad.Solo por tí….”
Finn wasn’t well-versed in many languages. He often found himself wishing that he could understand what Chewie was saying, or what BB-8 was on about, but never in his life did he want to understand a language more than he did right now. Listening to Poe singing, in Spanish, directly to him, was doing things to Finn he didn’t even want to admit to himself. He could feel Poe’s emotions pouring into the song and bleeding out with every word he sang. 
“Te daré mil poesías,las escribiré para tí.Cantaré mis melodías,con la música de tu alma…Solo por tí,caminaríaen la infinidad.Afrontaría,contigo la eternidad…“
It had to be a love song, the way Poe was singing it. He felt it in his bones, and he dreaded ever finding out who captured Poe’s heart so completely, to have him singing it like that. The thought of Poe using it to serenade one of his pilots left Finn feeling empty. He silenced his thoughts, wanting to enjoy it while it lasted, not knowing if he would ever get to hear anything like it again. 
“Solo por ti,caminaríaen la infinidad.Afrontaría,amar por la eternidad…Yo solo,solo por tí…”
As Poe strummed the last chords of the song, Finn felt is mouth dry out completely. How was he supposed to say anything after that? What was he even supposed to say? 
Poe cleared his throat. “So… did, uh, did you like it?” He asked, capturing his lip between his teeth. 
Finn swallowed thickly, nodding his head. “I don’t know what you were saying, but it was beautiful.”
Poe smiled, “It’s called, Solo Por Ti- Only For You.”
“So I was right, then. It is a love song.” Finn responded, mostly talking to himself. “Why that one? Why did you choose to play that one for me?”
Poe knew he was blushing again- this was it. “Because it’s-… I didn’t know how else to tell you.” He paused, gathering his thoughts. “There are a lot of people I would do a lot of things for, but I’d do anything for you, Finn. Only for you.”
“Oh”, Finn responded, shock evident on his face. 
“Yeah”, Poe replied, not sure what his next move was. 
“Poe- I… I can’t play guitar, and I can’t sing, and I’m pretty terrible with words.. but the first day we met, when I thought I lost you, and then seeing you were alive…” Finn began. “You’re more than I could ever ask for in a friend, and so much more than I ever knew I wanted- the fact that I can even want things, is because of you. I guess, what I’m trying to say is…”
Poe’s breath caught in his breath, letting Finn’s words sink in. 
“…I think I’d like to kiss you, but I don’t really know how.”
“Oh.” It was Poe’s turn to be in shock, “I can show you?” he offered, his heart rate increasing exponentially. 
Poe vowed to never neglect his guitar ever again.
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jimsbones · 8 years
url change psa
it’s ur fav mckirk/finnpoe trash blogger reagan here, i was jimsbones for like two years lmao but now im offinndameron bc im huge finnpoe trash :~)
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jimsbones · 8 years
talk to me about poe (in canon and aus bc i refuse to accept that this would die out completely) being so fucking blissed out that he starts talking in spanish when he’s having sex with finn
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