itskaianderson · 5 years
Just kinda curious how/why you decided on March 26th for Kai’s bday. I’m just always interested in other people’s headcanons for him.
I think Kai is a fire sign and thought Aries would be a perfect sign for him as male Aries are often characterised as “fearless warriors” and “undisciplined children” which just screams Kai to me! they are also bold, aggressive and impulsive, and can sometimes be seen as selfish, insensitive, domineering, blunt, outspoken and impatient. They're never afraid of taking a risk and again that just spoke Kai to me. As for the specific date, I chose the birthday of my Aries male friend but the birth date isn’t too important, more so the zodiac sign behind the date :)
Hope that answered your question and thank you for taking the time to ask it!
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itskaianderson · 5 years
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“there is nothing more dangerous in this world than a humiliated man”
Name: Kai Anderson Age: 30  (universe dependent) Sex: Male (he/him) Birthday: March 26th Zodiac: Aries Sexual orientation: Bisexual Relatives: Winter Anderson (Sister) Dr Rudy Vincent (Brother)
This is an independent and semi-selective blog. I will accept anon asks/questions for my character! I will not become exclusive with anyone. I may tone Kai down for RP purposes (in regards to the racist, sexist, and homophobic views he displays) Please let me know what sort of RP you would enjoy, unless you do not mind - I only wish to make it as fun as possible and not boring for you!
This blog does not support any form of hate against any form of RP. Everyone has their own ways they portray certain characters and if you the way they portray certain characters doesn't suit you, it doesn’t mean they’re playing them incorrectly. You do not have to view my blog. Nothing but respect and love here please. :)
(18+ ONLY PLEASE! I AM 21, I AM LEGAL TO WRITE SMUT AND ANY SMUT CONTENT WILL BE UNDER READ MORE. I DO NOT UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES WANT TO RP WITH MINORS. If you are under 18, please do not sexually interact with me and my character. This goes for underaged characters too. If your character is underaged I do not want to be involved. YOU WILL BE BLOCKED IF I FIND OUT YOU HAVE BROKEN THIS RULE)
NSFW POSSIBLE CONTENT: BDSM (any form of harsh sexual content including caning, spanking, slapping, tying up, blood/knife play, sadism/masochism) DDLG/B, ORAL, HYPOXYPHILIA, DEGRADATION, DP, INTOXICATION, JOI, ZELOPHILIA
I will also explore other NSFW content as long as it is consensual! The above is what I think Kai would be into!
- RP with OCs - RP with any AHS characters  - RP crossovers and multiverses - RP AUs (check out different possible verses below!) - RP friendships / enemies 
I WILL NOT: - RP with minors (see above warning!!!) - Participate in call out culture - RP HEAVY fluff (Kai will be difficult to form a meaningful and romantic relationship with as I don’t really see Kai’s relationships being healthy at all. A fluffy and cute relationship most likely won’t happen) - RP incest
Cult Verse (Main Writing Verse)
Takes place throughout the events of the canon storyline. I particularly favour episodes 1-6 but will go deeper into madness Kai upon request.
Pre-Cult Verse
Before the events of the canon storyline. Completely up to you how this can play out eg. can be college related, before / after his parents died etc.
Post-Cult Verse
After the events of the canon storyline. Completely up to you how this can play out eg. Ghost!Kai haunts his old basement. More deets coming for this specific Kai soon!
Murder House Verse
Kai either lives in (or haunts, up to you!) the Murder House. More deets coming for this specific Kai soon!
Asylum Verse
Kai is a patient at Briarcliff Asylum. More deets coming for this specific Kai soon!
I just want to get this across that just because I am roleplaying Kai does not mean in any way shape or form I agree with his actions and or will defend the things he has done or said. I simply enjoy his character and do not stand by any of his bigoted, misogynistic, racist world views and actions.
That being said I want to make it clear this blog will post content relating to drug abuse / addiction struggles, self - harm, mismanaged mental illnesses, suicidal / homicidal ideation, violence, and often bigoted language. I would like to stick to the character as much as possible but in terms of politics I do not know enough about this to discuss in full length, nor do I feel comfortable being bigoted etc. just for the sakes of portraying this character and would like this to be respected :)
I will tag all of my posts as best as possible and would never intend to do harm to anyone through this blog. If something does upset you however, please feel free to message me to discuss ooc!
I am Katherine, I am 21, I go by she/her pronouns, I am queer! I am a busy bee and have two jobs and look after my family so there will be times when I hardly post! I would appreciate if this would be respected :) I am new to roleplaying and am super excited to talk to you all! This blog is still under construction but I just wanted to go ahead and get all this stuff out the way!
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itskaianderson · 5 years
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“Did you come up with that yourself?”
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