islandofdream · 18 days
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𓊆 Evermore/Folklore Taylor Swift inspired snpt 𓊇 
┈➤ mirrorball system , invisible string system , exile system , illicit system , hoax system , willow system , mad woman sys , autumn system , amber sky system , red string system , ricocheting tears system , seven system , beautiful thing system , sweet tea system , saturn system , haunted house system , august system … ⟢
┈➤ mirror/mirrors , string/strings , ex/exis, illi/illis, hoax/hoaxs, wi/wils, mad/mads, aut/auts, am/ams, sky/skys, red/reds, rico/ricos, che/ches, tear/tears, seven/sevens, sev/sevs, 7/7s, beau/beaus , sweet/sweets, tea/teas, saturn/saturns, haunt/haunts, august/augs … ⟢
┈➤ the witch , the broken mirrorball , he who is connected by an invisible string , the exiled , the hoax , the mad woman, he who flies in an amber sky , he whos tears ricochet , he who peaked at seven feet , the one , the beautiful thing , the one with the ring in his pocket … ⟢
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