inlovewithallarts · 3 years
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London, United Kingdom (detail), Jane Vivian (British, active 1869–1877)
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inlovewithallarts · 3 years
Le soleil brille de mille feux
Sa chaleur, agonisante
Ils la ressentent, eux.
En moi, une crevasse béante.
Je ne ressens plus rien
Tel un squelette debout,
Oubliant comment être bien.
Plus rien n'est doux.
Ce monde qu'il déteste
Ces gens qu'il évite
Sa vie, tel un test
Son existence, parasite.
Il n'arrive plus à vivre
Respirer devient une tâche
Juste pour survivre
Il est l'image du lâche.
Son enveloppe corporelle
Ne représente rien pour lui.
Sa santé, étendue sur une ficelle
Au fur et à mesure, s'évanouit.
L'ombre à finit par le gagner.
Le néant s'empare de ses émotions
Par tout, il est répugné.
N'habite en lui aucune passion.
Vide, se sentiment puissant
Et tout aussi impitoyable
Il en devient usant
Indéfiniment indomptable.
Il vit avec comme deux amoureux,
Ils se partagent la douleur.
Le vide forme un creux
Elle n'existe plus, sa peur.
Sans sourire, coeur de pierre
Dépourvu de toute joie,
Le regard fixé par terre
Devenu comme une proie,
Il divague dans la ville
Sans avoir de buts précis,
Son souhait, être tranquille
Il déraille à l'infini.
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inlovewithallarts · 3 years
A different love
I want to love you, from the bottom of my heart. But I don't know what love is. I learned that love is brute, violent and ephemeral. I just know I don't want that. I want you to embrace me without me being afraid. I want to buy our favourites snacks and drinks, and then watch our favourites movies. We'll do marathons of movies and series. We'll fall asleep on the couch and wake up in the middle of the night, groggily going to our bed.
I want to support your dreams and hobbies, and you mine. I want trust, passion, kindness, patience, feelings. I want us to understand each other. I dream of the day where I'll feel safe being close to someone. I dream of me reading a book while you play, snuggling. I dream of peaceful days, sunny days, runny days, and of us going on a walk, pretending to be in those cliches scenes.
Will you dance with me under the rain, pretending to be the main character? Will you take my pictures like I take yours, as if my life depended on it? Will you smile fondly while looking at me being clumsy? Will you convince me love is not just purely negative? Will I believe you when you try to tell me I deserve everything good there is?
At the end of our day, I will listen to your complaints and good times. I want to know all about your work and colleagues. I want to be a part of your life like nobody else. Because I know I'll see you like this for me. I wish for a lover, but you'll have to be my best friend too. You'll have to come with me on rides, singing all sorts of songs at full volume, admiring the sun sets. You'll have to follow me on fun rides in the many amusements parks we'll go to. And I'll go where you want. Because for me, you'll be my safe place.
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inlovewithallarts · 3 years
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“There is nothing as certain as silence, stillness, and solitude to introduce you to the secrets of yourself.” Guy Finley
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inlovewithallarts · 3 years
The beauty of the moon and stars. The magnificence of the sun and blue sky. The softness of the clouds and grass. The diversity of nature and beings. That is what I love. I don't have feelings for a specific person, only the whole universe.
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inlovewithallarts · 3 years
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inlovewithallarts · 4 years
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inlovewithallarts · 4 years
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A book crystallized in the ocean
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inlovewithallarts · 4 years
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Disney concept art ⇢ Blue
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inlovewithallarts · 4 years
Cool Tip
If you are like me and always need to be working on something to keep your anxiety under control, during this quarentine why not helping scientists by looking at pictures of some neat penguins? or even galaxies?  There’s this site call Zooniverse, where you can help on scientific projects by analyzing pictures and data!  Right now my favorite project has returned, called Penguin Watch (where yeah, you get to watch penguins, it’s amazing)
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you basically have to analyse photos looking for penguins, their chicks, eggs or even predators and human interaction But there are lots of interesting projects you can help in areas such as biology, physics, history or even art: 
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Oh and the best part, some institutions even accept it as volunteering/service hour requirements for graduation and scholarships!! It’s helping me a lot during this time, so I thought it was worth sharing 
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inlovewithallarts · 4 years
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Can we support him please?!
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inlovewithallarts · 4 years
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inlovewithallarts · 4 years
Je pense sans cesse à toi,
À jamais dans mes pensées
Je voudrais tout recommencer.
Dans mes rêves, je te vois;
Mais je voudrais toujours plus
Cela ne me suffit pas,
Je veux t'avoir dans mes bras
Mon rêve, car tu n'es plus.
Sache que je t'aimerais
Pour le restant de ma vie
Sans une contrepartie
Sans arrêt, je t'admirais.
Crois-moi, tu m'est important
Ainsi qu'à tant de personnes.
Sans fin, ton rire résonne
Perdu dans l'espace-temps.
Aucun souvenir me quittent
Car tu m'est bien trop précieux.
Mes désirs sont audacieux,
Mon affection est maudite.
Je t'aime de tout mon être,
Cet amour, il me consume.
Malgré cela, je l'assume.
Tel un phénix, je renais.
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inlovewithallarts · 4 years
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I stopped myself at these eight, but I could go on  ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
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inlovewithallarts · 4 years
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inlovewithallarts · 4 years
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The purple wisteria in chinese garden
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inlovewithallarts · 4 years
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