infinitori · 1 year
The Supreme Court is to make a ruling that will change the course of the Indian Child Welfare Act, known as ICWA.
Resd more about it here:
video source:
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infinitori · 3 years
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David Suzuki, from this video.
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infinitori · 3 years
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infinitori · 3 years
shifu is Mandarin for master... His name is
Master Master.....😂😂😂
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infinitori · 3 years
I explained to some absolute idiot on discord that as a blind person I hate when people make their blog titles or their usernames a bunch of letters compiled from different languages. If you use the letter that looks like an A but in Greek is actually an s, the screen reader is going to read it with an s sound. So a blind person cannot tell what you have typed because it reads as garbled nonsense.
And they thought it was just the funniest joke to intentionally type like that to poke fun. Please reblog and spread awareness that typing like this is inaccessible
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infinitori · 3 years
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infinitori · 3 years
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infinitori · 3 years
Everyone should know the international sign for Help Me. Let’s make this famous!!
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infinitori · 3 years
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At least 216 wolves were killed in less than 60 hours, exceeding the state quota of 119 and prompting Wisconsin to end what was meant to be a one-week hunt four days early, according to the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources. […] Environmentalists, who fought unsuccessfully in state court to stop the hunt, said the killings had occurred during breeding season, when gray wolves are especially vulnerable. […] “These animals were killed using packs of dogs, snares and leg-hold traps,” Kitty Block, chief executive of the Humane Society of the United States, said Tuesday [2 March 2021].
The hunt, reported by The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, follows the gray wolf’s January [2021] removal from the Endangered Species Act. In October [2020], the Tr*mp administration announced that the species, which had been all but exterminated in the lower 48 states by the mid-20th century, had rebounded enough that it no longer needed federal shielding. […]
Wisconsin is the only U.S. state that requires a yearly wolf-hunting season if the animal is not protected under the Endangered Species Act, according to Nicholas Arrivo, a lawyer for the Humane Society. The […] decision meant the state would have to hold one hunting season a year, which under Wisconsin law starts in early November and ends Feb. 28.
Wisconsin wildlife officials had scheduled the start of the hunting season for this November, citing the need for time to develop a “science-based” harvest quota and work closely with the public and Native American tribes to create a plan. But Hunter Nation, a hunters group led by [LH] of Wisconsin, accused state officials of “intentionally delaying the wolf harvest to […] block the delisting and stop a hunt altogether.” The group filed a lawsuit Feb. 2 in which it argued that under state law, the hunt should be scheduled immediately since the wolf was taken off the list Jan. 4.
On Feb. 12, a Jefferson County circuit court judge ruled in favor of the hunters, ordering the state to start the season that month.
Before the hunt, state officials estimated there were about 1,200 gray wolves in the state. […] Arrivo said it was possible that many of the wolves killed last week were pregnant or might have been mothers with new pups that were still dependent on them and might now die of starvation. “I think the actual death toll is considerably higher because of the rippling effects through the wolf family structure,” Arrivo said. […]
The last time wolves were hunted in Wisconsin was 2014, after President B*rack Ob*ma said the wolf could be removed from federal protection. A federal judge later rejected the Ob*ma administration’s efforts to keep the wolf off the list. […]
Hunter Nation […] said that in 2014, it took two months for hunters to kill about 100 wolves. “This season it took just three days!” the organization said in a statement, describing the hunt as a success. […]
The state had set a quota of 200 wolves, with 119 for hunters who applied for permits with the department and 81 set aside to the Ojibwe Tribes under their treaty rights. […]
But the tribes consider wolves to be sacred and made a deliberate decision not to hunt them, said Dylan Jennings, a spokesman for the Great Lakes Indian Fish and Wildlife Commission, which represents the tribes.
The tribes saw their allocation as a way to conserve a large number of the wolves — not to give hunters more animals to kill, he said.
The losses are “appalling,” Jennings said. “There are a lot of people upset about it.”
Headline and text published by: Maria Cramer. “Wisconsin hunters kill over 200 wolves in less than 3 days after removal from Endangered Species Act.” The New York Times, as reprinted in Chicago Tribune. 3 March 2021.
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infinitori · 3 years
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infinitori · 3 years
sometimes i want to go around to every person who writes action/superhero/genre media for a living and sit them down and tell them all that TORTURE DOESN’T WORK. they have got to stop showing that it does. even for fiction reasons. even for their fun movie where nothing else works like it does in real life. TORTURE DOESN’T WORK AND IT IS YOUR RESPONSIBILITY TO STOP SAYING THAT IT DOES. at the very least.
and then i want to go and tell all fanfiction writers., too, that TORTURE DOESN’T WORK. please think about this before you write a little hurt/comfort scene about torture, even.
why do i want to do this? i obviously, above all, believe that torture is morally abhorrent and should never be used on that basis alone. but the justification we are given - by governments, by military, by anyone with power who wants to defend it - is that torture works. they might try and act contrite, but they say they’re making hard decisions - they’ve got to do it, sorry! they have our best interests at heart! it’s all bullshit. torture doesn’t work:
Chronic and severe stress compromises integrated psychological functioning, impairing recall, and facilitating the incorporation of information contained in leading questions, and the captive and interrogator both might not know this subtle process of incorporation has occurred. Torture fails during interrogation because torture is an assault on our core integrated, social, psychological, and neural functioning. Given what we know of the brain, memory, mood and cognition, it is little surprise that the signal-to-noise ratio from torture is so poor. 
and so all these films and tv shows and comics and books and yes, it filters down into fanfiction… when they make it seem like whether or not you respond to torture is about how morally pure you are (which is what it boils down to when we see our heroes being tortured and they are able to just repeat one line in response), they are buying into the idea that torture works, that humans are capable of a rational response to it. often stories which show us heroes resisting torture will show the same heroes torturing (correct) information out of villains. see how that works? if you’re a hero, you can just repeat your name and serial number and survive. if you’re a villain, you’ll give in and say the truth.
both of these boil down to the same thing: torture works. and not only does it function as an interrogation technique, it also functions as a morality test.
in reality, people usually say things that will make torture end as quickly as possible. this is not conjecture, this is known. the idea that torture works is (incorrect!) folk-psychology, propping up extremely vicious, psychological warefare used by states such as the UK and US against states, peoples, and military groups that it wants to quash.
where do fanfic writers (and other writers!) get their ideas about things like torture from? largely forms of mass-media, or from mass-media informed works like fanfic. i say this because it’s where i have encountered every piece of information i have ever received about torture that i haven’t personally sought out. 
a vast number of big budget films - marvel films, other action films, so much stuff - are funded by the CIA and US military. TV, too. they have script control and influence on the storytelling. you don’t think it props up their international regime of terror against the rest of the world to put this out there the idea that torture works? you don’t think it helps them keep using it? because i do. i think it props them up. it helps keep propping them up. because it makes us think, maybe even unconsciously - wow, this sounds awful. but maybe - but sometimes - but i can see how - but if it saves lives here -
no. torture doesn’t save lives. it destroys them.
and look, fanfic writers are not the powerful people to target here. this post is not angry at fanfic writers, because i understand. we live in the soup of the culture that has been created by military and corporate interests! but i do just - if i can get one person to think before they decide to write a scene about their newest fandom crush being SO RIGHTEOUS and SO GOOD that he can carefully not say anything under extreme torture… look. i just think we need to do what we can to break free from the thought patterns around torture that the US/UK/etc military puts there.
apologies if this doesn’t totally make sense - i am tired and ill and just. i hate it. every time i see torture written about like this, i hate it so much. whether or not we realise it, the way the media represents torture directly helps prop up the very real use of torture against people around the world. please, please think about it.
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infinitori · 3 years
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okay u can make fun of Shrek all you want but if u don’t think they were the most beautiful fucking movies ever then ur wrong
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infinitori · 3 years
one of the ways i know this culture has a massive issue with consent
is the sheer amount of people I’ve known that just lie & tell people they’re deathly allergic to foods they dislike
because otherwise people will hound them, mock them, coax them, harass them, try to force them to eat it, or even trick them into eating it, and they will never hear the end of it
your coworkers will bake it into a fucking pie, call it something else, and wait til your birthday, gather everyone and their first cousins to sit around in a circle waiting for you to put a forkful into your mouth and then point rhythmically at you in a chanting, glaring, sweating, unholy circle like SWISS CHARD SWISS CHARD YOU JUST ATE SWISS CHARD HA HA HA SWISS CHARD NOW YOU LIKE SWISS CHARD
Because forcing someone into a situation where they don’t feel safe declining putting something into their body they’d rather not be there is totes 100% wholesome American fun
And this is something so known that it’s infinitely easier to just lie and tell people that you’ll die if you eat that food…which actually doesn’t always stop it from happening
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infinitori · 3 years
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link to washington post article
justice for Matthew Rushin
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https://www.keithlamar.org/ (includes donations + info about his case)
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justice for Julius Jones
obviously feel free to add more. Despite me not being the creator of the thread I still encourage others to see and share more information
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infinitori · 3 years
Reblog if you're not homophobic
Every url that reblog’s will be written in a book and shown to my homophobic dad. 
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infinitori · 3 years
patient: so the symptoms I've been having are—
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infinitori · 3 years
IF YOU NEED TO CALL 911 BUT ARE SCARED TO BECAUSE OF SOMEONE IN THE ROOM, dial and ask for a pepperoni pizza. They will ask if you know you’re calling 911. Say yes, and continue pretending you’re making an order. They’ll ask if there’s someone in the room.
You can ask how long it will take for the pizza to get to you, and they will tell you how far away a dispatcher is.
Here is an example video
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