[ID: social media post by Medeya Espina:
Just found a wallet on a ground at Macy's. Found the cashier and together we tracked down the owner. They were so happy that I returned their wallet that they tried offering me cash. Of course I refused bc it's not their fault that they lost their wallet.
Anyway the moral of this story is... you do understand the use of They/Them pronouns to refer to a singular person. YOU DO VERY CLEARLY AND SO DOES EVERYONE ELSE
/ ID end]
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The moral of this story is 🤌
270 notes · View notes
[ID: tweet by kieransofar, "one day trains are going to finish whatever it is they're training for and then we're all fucked. / ID end]
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3K notes · View notes
[ID: a pointing and laughing emoji with the text "you are too afraid of charge" [line break] "to give yourself the life you deserve". Everything except "you are too" and "to" has been edited in. ID end]
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55K notes · View notes
[ID: a stained glass of a spiderweb. The glass is clear and colorless, but between the web lines, which are black, there's a different texture of glass. the center of the spiderweb is on the left side from the viewer's perspective. ID end]
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Spider web stained glass 🕸️
6K notes · View notes
[ID: tumblr tags #see also: black panther being as pro-CIA and monarchism as possible. ID end]
ngl i loathe the trend of having the (very often) only middle eastern character be a police officer or secret service agent. like what the fuck is up with that.
2K notes · View notes
[ID: a screenshot from a legal document that reads:
1.1.4 Overtly sexual or pornographic material, defined as "explicit descriptions or displays of sexual organs or activities intended to stimulate erotic rather than aesthetic or emotional feelings." This includes "hookup" apps and other apps that may include pornography or be used to facilitate prostitution, or human trafficking and exploitation.
ID end]
If Tumblr keeps ignoring us regarding porn live, I have some suggestion for all of you. I was reading conditions for apps for Apple store and I found this little boy:
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So, the suggestion is to report Tumblr's powerlessness and lazyness to get rid of porn bots and tumblr live (which is basically porn live) to Apple store as their apps cannot include ANY pornographic material (hence my screenshot above).
Instructions how to do it is shown on this video. Please choose "Offensive/illegal/abusive content".
Spread this like a wildfire and we'll see if it works after massive reports.
35 notes · View notes
[Image description: a cropped image of a person in line at some business. it is captioned "goth Crocs". The person is wearing black crocks with spikes on the back, a chain on the front, and another chain that connects the Crocs to their trousers. image description end]
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47K notes · View notes
[image description: an article
[title start] The UK government declined to attend a UN review of its treatment of disabled people after an inquiry warned of "grave" violations of their rights. [title end]
A 2016 report by a UN committee found welfare reforms had "adversely" affected disabled people in the UK.
The UK government was scheduled to attend a hearing at the UN in Geneva on Monday to assess progress.
But it pulled out, saying it would meet UN officials in March 2024 instead, sparking anger from campaigners.
image description end]
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hate this fucking country
1K notes · View notes
[image description: a tweet by Zane Scacht ( @ voices by Zane).
Seriously man working retail was where I truly learned hatred. Never again. I will happily clean septic tanks with a fucking toothbrush or shovel gravel over dealing with customers. Absolutely vile.
The other night my wife and I were out to dinner and she was like "You're very nice to service workers" and I looked her in the eyes and with one hundred percent sincerity and told her if I'm ever rude to a waiter beat me to death with a claw hammer
image description end]
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38K notes · View notes
hello! i would like to request this post if you can:
the images in the OP are not described, and the images in the reblog have alt text that doesn’t actually describe them.
thank you! :)
Apologies for the long wait, I tried and failed to describe this, but here is another blog's description:
0 notes
[Image description:
a Tumblr post with the start missing
reblog comment by user: non-suspiciousName
post: there are thousands of extremely evil women but they are a minority of women. an all female group would consider sexual abuse absolutely unacceptable and put all those women in prison. sexually abusive men are far more common so they protect each other
reblog by user: sklittlesOwo
post: We literally had a woman in power in Germany for 16 years which drove the country faster to shit then any man ever could have but nice bait
reblog by user non-suspiciousName
Really? Germany has never had a worse male leader? Really? Really? You're going to say that about Germany?
image description end]
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i don't care about the premise of this post but this was funny so im posting it out of context
1K notes · View notes
[ID: a reddit post on r/relationship_advice. it's title is "my boyfriend doesn't wipe his bum after diarrhea". From the text "F22", OP's age and gender, has been circled and connected to a photo of a gray stealth aircraft, the Lockheed Martin F-22 Raptor. And her boyfriend's age and gender, "M28" has been circled and connected to a photo of a camouflage patterned STOL light cargo and passenger plane, the PZL M28 Skytruck. /ID end]
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7K notes · View notes
it seems I missed a request, sorry, I'm going to start now
(sent 2 July)
0 notes
[ID: digital image of hand petting an isopod with a pride flag overlayed. The text is "repost if you want to pet this isopod". / ID end]
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26K notes · View notes
dont make me tap the sign
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93K notes · View notes
[ID: the our "XYZ" meme with the bugs bunny and the USSR flag edited to say "our blog". / ID end]
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48 notes · View notes
[ID: a tweet by RockingRoll777
FoodLover: Food is so awesome!
[with emojis: 36 comments, 43.2k retweets, 280.1k likes]
a line, indicating replies (still the same tweet)
NuancedNathen: What about rotten food?
[with emojis: 25 comments, 3 retweets, zero likes]
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14K notes · View notes