iamquitepissedoff · 4 months
You look at me.
All through December, it's green. It's enough rain to turn everything into a quagmire. Another green Christmas day. Everyone is talking about how abnormally warm it is.
Suddenly, the "once in a generation" blizzard from last year is back for round two. Last week there was over 50,000 people without power from those freak winds. The winds are back, that means 50,000 more. We're shutting down the entire state because of a blizzard for the second year in a row.
You are going to sit there and explain to me how this is still a normal fucking winter. GO AHEAD. REASSURE ME THAT WE AREN'T ROYALLY AND COMPLETELY FUCKED OVER.
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iamquitepissedoff · 4 months
I emerge to screech about how much I hate climate change deniers now that a massive lethal blizzard is guaranteed every winter
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iamquitepissedoff · 8 months
To the Helluva Boss fanbase:
I am sorry. The post I made was offensive and only worsened conflict between the Hazbin fanbase and the Hazbin critical communities.
Vivziepop is not spoiled. I called her a fraud when she has worked as hard as any animator or writer, whether I like it or not. I understand that my failure as an artist doesn't mean I get to wish failure on her. And I don’t get to drag her team down with her, either.
Though the post has been removed from my blog, it has been reblogged, so I acknowledge that I will be a receiver of further backlash here on out, and I destroyed any reputation I might've had.
From here on out, I will leave Hazbin Hotel and Helluva Boss alone. I will not watch them, but I will not criticise them anymore, either.
@jaded-canadian @dreaming-of-imagination @angel-aj , I would like to apologize to you two for continuing to send my unneeded anger towards you, which was also unacceptable.
Addendum, since this is picking up and I do hope it reaches everyone who saw the meme:
Yes, I'm aware that this is the end of me and any reputation I may have had. Honestly it was over the second I resorted to using slurs against Vivziepop's fans, like that was going to be okay just because I'm autistic. But you know what, I already knew a callous post detailing every shitty thing I ever did was always coming. So rather than cry about it, I want to suck it up and to go out on my own terms. There's stuff I did on the internet that only I know about, anyway. It'll be coming sometime soon. But in the meantime, I will be deactivating my Tumblr.
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iamquitepissedoff · 8 months
idk the full story of everything in your latest helluva boss post about apologizing to the fandom so feel free to correct me (i do remember your initial post and actually did agree with parts of the meme which summarized some of my own frustrations with viv, but i also felt parts of the meme as well as your post description went beyond a critique and into a personal vent.)
but i just wanna say this…
it’s ok for both sides to have opinions on how much of a “fraud” or “spoiled” viv is or isn’t. bc at the end of the day *none of us know her personally.* not even her fanbase.
we can each only theorize based on how she acts, what she creates, and what we see. some ppl see behavior they perceive as spoiled or fraudulent while other ppl see behavior they perceive as selfless or hard-working.
maybe you acted unnecessarily angry, but the angry behavior is what should be called out, and the only thing you need to assess about your opinions is whether or not they were influenced by bias. if they weren’t, you’re allowed to have them. if they were, reconsider where it comes from. having angry feelings is valid, blaming others for that anger is not, but good on you for acknowledging it.
alla y’all should let ppl express their opinions regardless of “what side” they’re on. bc even those believing in the best of her are still making a judgment based off their own opinions/feelings/perceptions.
none of us know the full story.
Yeah, I fully acknowledge that it's over for me.
I let my mask slip. I called out Vivzie never changing, but this is how I have always been. The amount of communities I have been kicked out of is more than I've let on. I've been sexist. I've been ableist. I have been banned from Tumblr before for being prejudiced against members of the right-wing.
What I said wasn't okay. Period. Ableism IS NEVER OKAY. Sexism is NEVER OKAY. What I called the Spindlehorse team was never going to be okay. But nothing I can say can save my skin. Tumblr has seen who I really am. I can basically never take that back.
Time to start thinking of my new internet name.
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iamquitepissedoff · 8 months
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Oh, look, everyone. ANOTHER shooter who was a cisgender male, motivated by anti-LGBTQ+ rhetoric. I would like someone to send this tweet to Gsirvitor, please.
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iamquitepissedoff · 8 months
Everytime this is reblogged, Trump gets incarcerated on another felonious crime.
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iamquitepissedoff · 8 months
Oh, uh, hi again people
I kinda cooled down on my crusade against the certain individuals, and this blog in general. I'll still use this for political posts and people who piss me off.
For more consistent posting, follow @popcornpieispissedoff . Cheers.
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iamquitepissedoff · 9 months
Say, this reblog chain is missing the part where the US military poisoned Hawaii's water with jet fuel, antifreeze, and all sorts of other nasty chemicals nobody should ever drink.
can white people stop boo-hooing about how they lost their favorite vacation spot because of the fires on maui? it’s vile. people lost their lives and their homes. no one gives a shit that your colonizing ass can’t go somewhere you were never welcome anyway
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iamquitepissedoff · 9 months
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Long overdue
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iamquitepissedoff · 9 months
Never thought I would see myself siding with anarchists so much.
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iamquitepissedoff · 9 months
Conservatives pushed for the security state to completely withdraw your rights then stole more of your income to pay for it and still have the audacity to say they want "small government and fiscal responsibility".
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iamquitepissedoff · 9 months
And yet, blam, yesterday marks the one-month anniversary of Ao3 getting wiped from the internet by bigots. Who also shout about freedom of speech in their off time, no doubt.
There’s been a lot of talk about AO3 and censorship lately, due to one of the candidates to the OTW board. And I realised I have very strong Opinions:tm: about censorship and the freedom AO3 stands for.
Censorship is not a solution. It doesn’t work and it’s not even easily agreed upon where the line should be drawn. What some people might deem as immoral or reprehensible is not the same others will consider so. For example, you and me can agree that sexual stories about minors turn our stomach, yet other people would also include LGBT+ content there, even the sfw ones, and others might decide that any sexual content at all is immoral. So, how do we agree about what to ban, when nothing of it is even illegal?
because let’s be honest, it’s all fiction. As in, not real. Things like incest, rape and pedophilia are illegal irl, but not in fiction. Cause they’re not harming anyone. Really. You can find it disgusting, I certainly do, but I also recognize no person, no actual human, is harmed in the making of those stories. Because they’re made up and about made up characters. I won’t seek it out, and if I see someone making that kind of content I will most probably avoid them/block them (without harassing them), but they have the right to create any kind of fiction they want.
It always baffles me how readily understood that is when it comes to murder and violence in fiction. Nobody thinks that someone who writers murder mysteries or procedural shows really wants to go out and kill people. However, as soon as it’s about sex, people are up in arms ready to believe that those make believe scenarios are an indicative of someone’s real desires. Why is that? And since we’re on the topic of double standards: why are people clutching their pearls about fanfic, but literature gets a free pass, more or less? You go into a library and you’ll find lots of books with shocking and distasteful topics, including those that contain pedophilic content (like Lolita, to put a famous example), incest (Game of Thrones, among many others), rape, murder, etc. But they want me to believe that fanfic, the medium with severely impaired social acceptance and magnitudes smaller reach, is the actual problem that will “normalize” those ideas? Nah fam, I smell a moral panic, and people finding fanfic writers easier to bully into submission. Because this is all about controlling what forms of creative expression are deemed acceptable. Fanfic IS a form of art, popular art if you will, but still art. And by virtue of how AO3 is designed, it’s ridiculously easy to never see the kind of stories that you find objectionable.
Tags are a wonderful thing. I can specify what I want and what I don’t want in my story results when searching! Tags are the author being responsible and giving due warning. Especially the “dead dove: do not eat” tag, it lets you know that the content of the story will have questionable content, proceed at your own risk or keep scrolling. Same as the “chose to not use archive warnings” that one is a warning in itself that the story might contain triggering/upsetting content, and it’s the prerogative of each reader to decide whether they’re comfortable continuing reading or not. Ultimately, it’s all about taking responsibility for one’s decisions. People who are in favor of censorship in AO3 either don’t know how to control and curate what materials they access, or feel entitled to everyone else taking their morals into account instead of taking responsibility for their own experience in the archive.
None of the stories on AO3 is illegal. Fictional stories are not illegal, not even those dealing with unsavory topics. The archive makes people agree to continue reading whenever you click on a story with a certain rating (or without any rating at all, just in case!), so the reader is giving their consent to continue reading, they’re making an informed choice. Same as with the tags. They’re there, they’re a warning. If someone reads the tags, finds them displeasing and still continues reading, that’s on them. If I find a story with tags about rape/non-con, for example, I keep scrolling. Cause I know I will find the story displeasing and upsetting. The people clutching their pearls and going “but think of the children!” are, mostly, people who refuse that responsibility and ask the world to accommodate them and their morality. And then throw around words like pedohilia and accusations of “kiddie porn” careleslly, watering down the seriousness of such accusations. No, an explicit fanfic of twin, underage siblings going at it is not CSA. Cause there’s no real children involved in it. It might be disgusting for a lot of people (me included), understandably, but you can 100% avoid reading it and interacting with the people who write those. 
Finally, let’s not forget the recent history of fandom spaces, shall we? LiveJournal and Fanfiction.net both had purges of content, after some campaigns for censorship gained traction and popularity. So now everything relating to certain topics is eliminated! Well, except that also includes communities of support for survivors of sexual abuse (it happened in LJ). Well, except that the people pressuring for censorship weren’t happy with the gay smut either, so a lot of LGBT related stuff is now also gone! (happened both in LJ and ff.net). Except, in some countries anything sexual at all, is frowned upon, so why not ban that too? Censorship supporters will always move the goalposts, forever shifting their aim whenever they accomplish something. Because it’s easier and more comfortable to make others conform to their standards than accepting some artistic expressions will be uncomfortable to some people. And trust me, none of them will care if the dark fic in question was written by a survivor of similar experiences trying to cope with their trauma or raise awareness, or if it was done simply for titillation or to safely explore different scenarios in fiction. And the topics that were banned in those websites didn’t disappear at all, they just weren’t properly warned for/detailed in the summaries, so anyone could stumblre upon them by accident. The complete opposite of what happens in AO3.
AO3 was created by people who lived through those censorship events in different fandom spaces, as a response to it. To seeing whole communities and swathes of fan content being unceremoniously deleted overnight. AO3 is an archive and an online library, not a social media platform. It’s a safe haven for anyone to host their fan creations, but that doesn’t mean it’s a safe space as people understand the term in other platforms. In AO3 you make your safe space by using the tags. Because that is the only real way we can have a safe haven for EVERYONE. 
The thing about freedom of speech is that sometimes, you have to defend things you dislike (that, I repeat, are legal in this case), because experience has shown time and time again that as soon as you give an inch to the censors, they take more and more. And today they’re up in arms about “pedophilic fanfics”, but once that is done? It might be all nsfw content, it might be trans related content, it might be something else. But it will happen. 
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iamquitepissedoff · 9 months
Senate Bill 686 of the 118th Congress (The Restrict Act)
I’m honestly a bit disappointed here at Tumblr for not talking about this bill more, so I’m going to share what I’ve learned about it with you all
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The link above goes to a pdf file going over the entire bill that has only been introduced atm as shown in the image just above from congress.gov.
Now, people only see this as a means to ban Tiktok, but that’s just the mask this truly cruel bill is hiding behind.
To boil it all down, this bill lets the Secretary of Commerce to have the power to ban…basically ANYTHING on the internet.
This includes hardware like video game consoles or Wifi networks as well as software and applications such as VPNs.
It also gives the government the power to monitor, basically everything you do online, private messages, posts on social media, streams, you name it, they can monitor it.
And the punishment for using, say, a VPN to access Tiktok, will result in 20 years in prison with a 1/4 million fine, a full million if you did it on purpose.
Now, I please ask you all to go to your representatives and tell them about how you don’t want this bill to be passed whatsoever. Heck, if you have to, (passively) threaten them with supporting their opponent in the next primary in any way they can. Just remember to be respectful and civil.
If you don’t want to do that, I respect that decision, and I understand that you wouldn’t want to deal with politics. But, I at least ask you to signal boost this post by reblogging it to your own followers and give any other thoughts about this that you might have in the tags or just normally.
I don’t want this lovable hellsite we all call home and made such good friends and memories on to be under the eyes of those pedophilic heathens who can’t seem to even know how to unlock a smartphone.
I thank you all for reading this, and I hope you all have a good day/night.
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iamquitepissedoff · 9 months
Freedom of speech means you can't even call your friends by nicknames anymore
The Orange County Public Schools (OCPS) system in Florida has announced new guidance that means trans teachers will be misgendered and students will need parental consent for “any deviation” from their legal name.
Under the guidance, published Monday (7 August), teachers at schools in Orange County must use pronouns and titles that correspond to their “biological sex” at birth, and parents must fill out a form to let teachers know of any deviation from their child’s legal name, even if this is a simple nickname.
It means a student named Robert would need permission to go by Rob.
The guidance states that parents of trans students may authorise teachers to refer to their child by their chosen name, but that teachers would not be obligated to use their correct pronouns.
Under the new rules, trans students will be provided with “single stall” restrooms and changing facilities and must not enter “group” facilities that don’t align with their sex assigned at birth.
There will be a penalty for any student who enters a bathroom or changing facility aligned with their gender.
As well as this, any visitor, including parents, who enters such a facility and refuses to depart when asked risks being prosecuted for the criminal offence of trespassing, with the school district facing a fine of up to $10,000.
It follows Florida lawmakers passing House Bill 1521, which makes it a misdemeanour trespassing offence for someone to use toilets that don’t align with their biological sex, in May 2023.
Another measure, HB 1069, passed the same month, restricts public school instruction on human sexuality, sexually transmitted diseases and related topics from grades 6 through 12.
The bill, which been branded absurd by sexual healthcare organisations, also states that sex is determined by genitalia “present at birth” and that employees are not required to refer to a person using preferred pronouns or personal titles.
OCPS is the eighth-largest school district in the nation and the fourth-largest in Florida. It serves around 209,000 students across 210 schools and has more than 25,000 team members, according to its website.
The guidance comes amid a flood of laws that target trans people and other marginalised groups, including many limiting discussions of gender, sexuality and diversity in US schools.
In Florida, Governor and US presidential hopeful Ron DeSantis has supported a number of measures including the notorious Don’t Say Gay law.
PinkNews has contacted Orange County Public Schools.
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iamquitepissedoff · 9 months
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iamquitepissedoff · 9 months
No it's just because we're always on our damn phones
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iamquitepissedoff · 9 months
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