i-am-to-indecisive · 6 months
If you saw my last post you know that I crocheted two gifts for my geek cousin for Christmas the last one was a tLoZ keychain and this is a semi movie accurate slytherin scarf this was the best movie picture I could find. Separate note I think there is a separate version of the scarf but I guess this version is for the bigger kids or something and my cousin is an adult so it seems appropriate. He loves Harry Potter and took the Hogwarts house test and he’s a Slytherin.
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I used a mix of two patterns one knit and one crochet. And I can’t find either of them but basically I did 30 or so chains and then in rows I did 30green, 3gray, 6green, 3gray, repeat. You can interchange that for whatever other houses colors you so wish.
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I am aware that there is a patch in the movie version I even found a solid way to iron one on without burning the yarn however when I went to order it it said it wouldn’t be here on time so…bummer. Regarding other details the frindg at the bottom was made up of the green and gray yarn. Then ,and I’m aware that it’s not movie accurate, I attached little snake charms to the green yarn and lightning bolt charms to the gray yarn. And although it’s not completely accurate to the movie I think it’s a cute touch
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Now I never read the Harry Potter books myself so I can’t say but if you’re a Harry Potter fan let me know would you be happy to receive something like this for Christmas?
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i-am-to-indecisive · 6 months
Crocheted two gifts for my geek cousin this Christmas the first I finished was a key chain inspired by the legend of Zelda.
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It looks a little wonky and the sprite came out a bit bigger than expected but I think it’s still cute. The wings keep curling, i think that if I do this again I’ll add wire to the wings to keep them stable. I used a sparkly blue yarn for the body of the sprite because you know fairy’s usually have some sort of particle effect and that’s what it looked like in all the reference photos I’ve seen. There are actual patterns that you can buy for the tLoZ fairy but instead of that I just used a simple sphere shape for the body and a teardrop shape for the wings. I attached a keychain attachment on the top and crocheted a double reinforced sparkly gold thread to the charm heart. Funny story about the heart I saw a post about the tLoZ heart and recognized it as a charm I had gotten in one of those misanalyses jewelry bags. That’s what inspired this project in the first place. And of course I made this because I know he’s a big fan of the breath of the wild game and possibly the others I’m not sure. Anyway if you’re a tLoZ fan let me know would you be happy to get this for Christmas?
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i-am-to-indecisive · 6 months
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Made two scarves as Christmas presents for my cousin and aunt with the most beautiful yarn I’ve ever seen in my life!!! It’s also super soft! It’s ’I love this yarn’ from hobby lobby. The only problem is I live nowhere near a hobby lobby and I couldn’t find this exact yarn on the web so I doubt I’ll see it again anytime soon:( I used a basic double crochet stitch for the whole thing so making the two scarves only took me about 3 days.
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i-am-to-indecisive · 8 months
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Finished my new poncho! It was stupid easy and super quick! only fore squares a three row border and the fringe. And I did all that with LESS then a cone of yarn! Perfect colors for fall. I also added some beads but I don’t totally love them so I might just cut them off… 🥲I’m guna give it to my sister so I hope she enjoys it but I’m making another one for myself soon. Here’s the link to the video tutorial I used. But seriously this was super easy and y’all should try it. And as always suggestions are appreciated!
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i-am-to-indecisive · 9 months
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Just finished my new vest! I didn’t buy the pattern I just copied what I saw. Its very easy I think anyone could do it. It is a bit big on me but that’s just cuz I can’t measure properly😅. Oh well there’s always next time and for my first vest I still like it. Now I just have to figure out what I’ll do next. Suggestions are welcome and appreciated.-Sam
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i-am-to-indecisive · 10 months
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My first sewing/ quilting project finished! Turned out well for previously only sewing buttons. I did this thanks to my moms help and steelemakes tutorial on TikTok. Took me a few weeks but I’m glad it’s done and I think it turned out well. Might wear it to the state fair. Excited!😊 wondering what I should do next. Probably a blanket but what? I’m open to suggestions and or helpful advice/ critiques!
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