hmsindecision · 10 hours
Okay ladies I have a wild ass thought experiment. I am also giving a warning for gore as I am going to discuss cosmetic surgery very frankly!
You know how they force women to undergo ultrasounds and listen to fetal heartbeats in order to access basic medical care (abortion)?
Okay so what if other procedures required special parameters to obtain? What if there was a requirement before getting optional cosmetic surgery to watch an AI video of you receiving that procedure? Stay with me here for a moment. What if before a facelift you had to watch a doctor cut open your own face and pull up the skin? What if to get a breast implant you had to watch a man cut apart your breast and stuff it with something that looks as secure as a water balloon? Would someone still call it a “tummy tuck” when they watch their stomach cut open and put in the bin?
The point of this thought experiment isn’t if we should do it, or the practical effects. The point is that we have lost or dampened our view of surgical procedures as body horror when we view ourselves as products, tools, or decorations instead of living human animals.
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hmsindecision · 16 hours
been a radfem on here for at least 7 years...iconic
Aw you’re so sweet! Based on which ex gf got me on here… I’m gonna say since 2015
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hmsindecision · 16 hours
Genderists saying that radical feminists are all tradwife conservatives who hate when anyone is gender non conforming ought to see some of our our dyke asses when a hot butch woman shows up lmao
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hmsindecision · 17 hours
Can we all band together and hold hands and smite all the weirdo catholic orbiters that keep trying to call themselves feminists
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hmsindecision · 2 days
I’d rather hear a woman talk about a female musician I don’t jam with than listen to her talk about any man. Literally any man
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hmsindecision · 4 days
Have random ones from different years. Thinking about randomly posting these takes I guess I decided that either they or the world was not ready lmao
Anyone else a save to drafts girl lol
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hmsindecision · 4 days
Anyone else a save to drafts girl lol
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hmsindecision · 5 days
“People with a cervix” immediately tells me you have never worked with or cared about a huge number of people. Literally it’s so fucking CLASSIST in a country with no sex ed.
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Do you have any clue how low the literacy rate is in the United States?????? 18-21% of adults can’t read at all. And yet you think they have a working understanding of the female anatomy to the point where asking if they have a cervix is more helpful than asking if they are female?
Don’t you think that people with a second language are more likely to learn the word “woman” than “cervix” or “uterus”? Or do I’m/migrant communities not matter at all?
How about this? 44% of women in this UK survey were able to identify where their cervix is!!! And that is a country with basic sex education!
Do you know what the most common reactions were to me asking for pronouns and gender identity was in social services? Anger, embarrassment, and shame. Because they had no idea what the FUCK I was talking about. Many people responded with their racial identity.
Literally cannot think of a bigger luxury than a gender. People who are taking medications to change body parts should know better than anyone how to name and care for those body parts, right? So why do all of our public awareness campaigns need to validate them, instead of reaching the most vulnerable populations?
And no, please don’t tell me that a trans man who has medical access to HRT and medical care is somehow more vulnerable than a non-English speaking migrant woman living on the streets. Which one already knows she needs Pap smears????? Which one do we need to cater to???
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hmsindecision · 6 days
radfems reblog this if it’s okay to inbox you for a casual chat sometimes. I need more friends on here, I’ve had a radfem blog for like 6 months but haven’t made any acquaintances really
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hmsindecision · 7 days
Anyway that is my high posting for the night. Next subject: does the Y chromosome make one unable to love?
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hmsindecision · 7 days
The hard part about getting people to recognize sexism is that we try to make comparisons, and people hate that, because for those comparisons to make sense sexism would have to be real, and in order for them to be real men would have to be at fault so therefore:
Nobody recognizes it
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hmsindecision · 7 days
Lesbian tradwife? It’s my job to make the edibles
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hmsindecision · 9 days
Trans people always have and always will exist and it doesn’t hurt anyone one bit! Incredible!
If you acknowledge that gender is a social construct, you must also acknowledge that your gender identities are entirely contingent on that social construct.
In other words, your gender identities are also socially constructed—they’re not innate characteristics the way being female, black, homosexual, or disabled are innate characteristics that exist independently of any social customs or theories.
So no, trans-identified people have not always existed and will not always exist. Trans-identified people have only existed and will only exist so long as the social construct of gender exists. This is like claiming Christians have always existed and will always exist, when in reality Christians have only existed and will only exist so long as the concept of Christianity exists.
Furthermore, if you acknowledge that gender is an oppressive social construct that ascribes feminine expectations to female people and masculine expectations to male people, if you acknowledge that gender is the reason female people were confined to the domestic sphere and denied their most fundamental rights, if you acknowledge that gender is a system created to reinforce female subjugation and male domination and not just a fun, quirky little way to express yourself, then it’s not hard to comprehend that any ideology which hinges on the continued existence of this sexist social construct is inherently regressive and harmful.
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hmsindecision · 12 days
When did we stop calling ourselves women’s liberationists and go with feminist instead? Why did we choose the philosophical word and not the activist one? Even my mom would call me a women’s libber growing up. The term is much more evocative—why did we give it up?
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hmsindecision · 12 days
When did we stop calling ourselves women’s liberationists and go with feminist instead? Why did we choose the philosophical word and not the activist one? Even my mom would call me a women’s libber growing up. The term is much more evocative—why did we give it up?
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hmsindecision · 12 days
Literally every time I think about porn I get so mad. Like millions of people are so tied to patriarchal consumerism that it is the only or major way that they come at all. On the one hard I find that horrifying, on the other pathetic. But truly porn is the most distilled form of capitalism and let it fucking die as soon as possible
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hmsindecision · 12 days
Liberals are all about believing in science until they disagree with science and then science is so mean and awful. Watch this most with how they react to literally any credible study about porn that has ever been done
You aren’t progressive until women are making progress
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