historic-riley · 9 years
OOC update
Hi Guys I actually have wifi for like 5 minutes so I wanted to post an update here. So I had a close family member pass away so I was gone for a while and then I'm in Mexico now studying some things and yeah that's why I've been gone :( I miss you boops though, and I hopefully will be back soon. It's gunna be cray trying to figure how to fit in and pick things up again, but we'll figure it out. Xoxoxo love u guys AIrwrecka
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historic-riley · 9 years
New Vines, Strong Roots - Part 1 || Regan & Riley
Keep reading
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historic-riley · 9 years
[pm] As exciting as that could be....I wouldn’t mind skipping all that hullaballoo and just picking you up in my normal person car instead of playing Indiana Jones. 
Do I really get to see you?
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[pm] I can give you my address now.
Unless you’d rather I give you the coordinates to a mysterious note, with a cryptic clue written on it to direct you to some weird landmark you’ve never heard of. Actually, that might be fun…
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historic-riley · 9 years
That sounds a bit...ominous?
Yeah? How’s the fishing over there?
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Dark Score Lake might be nice to camp by.
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historic-riley · 9 years
Good camping sites around AC. 
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historic-riley · 9 years
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csi-kavanagh replied to your post “[pm] Let's go camping. Like we used to.”
[pm] Are you avoiding me now?
[pm] That depends. Are you okay with a crazy brother who hears voices on occasion?
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Shall I pick you up or will you be meeting me at some remote location of your choosing? 
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historic-riley · 9 years
[pm] Let's go camping. Like we used to.
[pm] Regan, I can’t...you don’t know what’s been happening to me--
What’s wrong with us? What’s been going on?
Wait, wait, wait. You mean I get to see yo--
It’s pretty hard to go camping when the other person is trying to avoid you....
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historic-riley · 9 years
Special Edition of Kavanagh Denial Party: I am NOT hearing voices in my head
“Maybe I should try to visit Gen again this weekend.”
Riley woke with a start after falling asleep at his desk. He rubbed his eyes, the dream still fresh in his mind. Gen. Who the heck was Gen? Weird dream? Okay then. His irritation and confusion with Regan bubbled underneath the surface as he walked to his bed, but there was nothing he could do about it now. The clock read 10:30 pm, and he had an exam to give tomorrow.
"She can tell me more about that boy."
Yes, that boy. Riley turned over, already drifting off to sleep. Regan and the boy. Of course. 
Exam days were just an excuse to surf the internet and come up with a million and one medical internet diagnoses pertaining to his family. Something her and mom shared....his heart hurt to even go there. Surely Regan had no idea about his own disease, and either way, it wouldn’t be a family genetic thing she’d be worried about. Mental illness...depression...bipolar disorder? Why would Regan not want to talk to him about it? 
"I'm sick of all this sodding blood."
“What!?” Riley shot out of his desk, his papers slowly drifting to the floor in a somewhat comedic manner as the entire class stared at him. “Uh..bleeding. Who’s bleeding? I can walk you to the nurse.” 
More silence. Suzy Rankin raised her hand and spoke. “Mr. Kavanagh, I think you’re the one bleeding.” She pointed downwards and Riley looked. Sure enough, on his knee was a tiny pool of blood from where he had quickly stood and most likely slammed his knee against the corner of his desk. Oh shit. Shit shit shit, blood. 
“Right, duh. No one cheat, okay? Be right back.” Riley walked out of the room, wondering what the hell had just happened, and he needed to find a first aid kit ASAP. 
"God, there goes another one."
Whirling around, Riley made sure he wasn’t the only one in the hallway. Except...he was. What the--”Mr. Kavanagh? Is everything alright?” 
Great. Principal Henderson. “Hi Sally. Yeah, everything is great. I just need a band-aid. Quick patch up should take care of--” 
"Suppose we should be grateful. It could always be the fecking termites again."
“Principal Henderson...you haven’t happened to hire a new British secretary, have you?” Riley’s heart was racing and he needed to get out of there. Something was wrong. Very, very wrong. 
“What? Of course not...Mr. Kavanagh, you’re sweating. Are you sure you’re alright? Do you need to go to the nurse?” 
“I’m fine!” He didn’t mean to snap at her, but-- 
“These vampires--” 
“Actually I’m sick.” He coughed dramatically for emphasis. “Can you get a sub for me? Kids just have a test, they’ll be great. Okay, bye!” He turned and high-tailed it out of school. 
****************************************************************************************************“You’re shagging vampires again, and soulless no less, but I’m fine.” 
“There are no such things as vampires let alone I AM NOT SHAGGING them!” 
Three days. THREE days of this pompous voice in his mind and no matter what he tried, it wouldn’t go away. Not only was the voice British, but it was absolutely INSANE. Riley took sleeping pills, he searched online for hours for explanations. More than once he sat at his computer, the email heading with Regan’s middle school name written on top. He needed answers, God he needed to know what was happening to him. Was this what Regan was talking about? Was he...was mom...
“More wine.” 
No. No wine. He wouldn’t give in to that urge... Despite all of this, he refused to give in to the temptation. The fact that his house was alcohol-free and he was terrified to go outside had no influence on the choice at all. Nope. 
Riley sat at his computer. 
voices in my head. 
Hearing voices is a common symptom of severe mental illnesses such as schizophrenia.
Vampires and blood and killing and someone named Gen. He didn’t even know a Gen, no matter how hard he’d racked his brain for some sort of connection.
A brain disorder in which people interpret reality abnormally.
Was that what all of this was? An abnormal reality? Was this going to be his reality for the rest of his life? 
“Taking all of this a fair sight better than she was.” 
“Because you’re not the crazy one,” Riley muttered, downing his third cup of coffee. He wasn’t really sure how long he’d been holed up in his apartment. Long enough to have grown some decent stubble, at least. 
“He accepted me.” 
“Good for you! Go tell Gen!” Maybe he needed something stronger than coffee.....
The next morning Riley woke up. 
Riley made breakfast. 
Riley brushed his teeth.
Riley got dressed. 
Riley sat on the couch expecting for something or someone to chime in with a little update about Gen’s day or some slaying vampire story or...something. 
Riley went to bed, and for the first time in a week, all was silent. 
Maybe it was just a lucky day. 
Maybe this was all in his head which---okay that wouldn’t be a good sign, either. 
He logged on tumblr and saw a message from Regan.
Let's go camping. Like we used to.
So lucky day it was. 
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historic-riley · 9 years
OOC note
Hey guys I'm so sorry I've been MIA, I've had a lot of stuff going on right now and really needed sometime. I'm driving home like 6 hours and then I'll have time the next few days to catch up im so so sorry!! I wasn't expecting this >.>
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historic-riley · 9 years
[pm] You got it. 
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Love you, too. 
[pm] You can drop it off at the station– the one in Ashkent Creek. It’ll get to me.
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Thank y I love you.
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historic-riley · 9 years
[pm] Yeah fine, but you’re scaring me. 
Of course. 
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I’ve got a cup he left in my car from the drive-thru. That’s about all I can help you with. I can mail it to you tomorrow. Just give me an address. 
[pm] There’s no point in scaring him if I’m wrong about the condition.
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historic-riley · 9 years
[pm] He’s not just a psychologist. Sure, he’d probably ask questions like I want to right now, but don’t you think he deserves to know if there’s a possibility something is wrong with his daughter?  
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I am home. Don’t know what you’re talking about. 
[pm] No. He’s a psychologist. He’d start asking questions and I’d never hear the end of it.
You should go home, Riley.
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historic-riley · 9 years
[pm] Please just---. 
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If you’re worried, then maybe you should talk to Alvin. 
[pm] I’m not avoiding it. I’m avoiding you.
Damn it, Riley, you make it too hard to say things like th
It doesn’t matter. You wouldn’t believe me and I’m treating it anyways. And it’s Mel I’m concerned about.
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historic-riley · 9 years
[pm] It does matter. A lot actually. 
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If you’re going through something...I can help. I’m here for you, but you got to talk to me. All of these roundabout avoidances aren’t going to solve anything. You can be honest with me. You know that right? You don’t have to keep running away...
[pm] I can’t tell y It doesn’t matter in the context of this conversation.
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historic-riley · 9 years
[pm] Whoa, slow down. Reverse.  
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What are you talking about, Regan? 
[pm] This is exactly why I left in the first place! You’re never going to believe m You say everything is about family, but you don’t even listen to me when it involves our mom.
I’m only going to say this once. There is a very real chance that Mel inherited what mom had. What I have. You don’t have to believe me, but that doesn’t change the fact that it’s true. Wait. Didn’t someone say that to m And if she has it, she’s going to be miserable someday, unless we catch it early and prevent it.
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historic-riley · 9 years
[pm] I don't care if there aren't any laws! That's not the point! I'm not going to help you breech the privacy of our brother and his family. If you think something like that is okay, you need to reassess your values. Family, Regan. We're all we got and you are NOT going to insult Alvin by even SUGGESTING that Mel is sick. She's not. End of story. She's a happy go lucky one year old which maybe you would know if you came to visit more than once every lifetime!
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We’re not talking about her anymore. You can hypothesize whatever fantasy you want to help you sleep at night, that’s fine. You’re an adult. Half the time. But I won’t let you spill over those delusions on our niece.  
[pm] Technically I can. There aren’t any laws against taking saliva and hair from people without their permission or knowledge. They just don’t have to volunteer it; there are other ways. 
I’m fixing myse It’s important, Riley. Mom’s psychotic break might not have been a psychotic break.
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historic-riley · 9 years
What's the weirdest thing to happen to you today?
I wiped blood off of my shoes
My sister asked me to steal DNA from my niece and brother.
My cereal boxes were all on the floor when I woke up. Think I have a mice problem. 
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