heirofall · 6 years
yo so i wanted your opinion on something. im pretty sure im a maid of space but recently ive been wondering if im a prince of time??? i was wondering if like.. you knew a way to tell or give advice as to how i could figure it out. (sorry for another out there ask)
for sure! 
well, a prince of time starts off by ghosting space. so the prince of time would likely be very destructive towards time, possibly wanting more order or creation by destroying any other avenues towards it. As they developed, they would learn how to healthily destroy over abundances of their aspect and balance it all. The Prince is more likely to be aggressive, stubborn, and energetic.
on the other hand, the Maid of Space would have an affinity with space, and would start off not really having a solid idea of Space, relying off of other people. Eventually through their adventure they build their own concept of Space. we actually have a canon Maid of Space (Porrim) which helps as well! The Maid is more likely to be friendly, indecisive, and curious.
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heirofall · 6 years
hi! this is a bit of an out there ask, but i was wondering if you could tell us what you think the base powers for the aspects are? like, can all time players time travel? can all space players teleport, that kinda thing, nothing super in depth, just "all [x] players can [y]" kinda deal. if you dont want to do that, could you instead just do an analisis on a thief of heart? thank you so much and hsve a good day.
this sounds like a wonderful idea! (also, i’ll analyse your thief of heart later, i’m just heading to bed now!)
all space players should be able to change the size, speed, and location of something
all time players should be able to change the temporal characteristics of something
all mind players should be able to know the ideas/mind of something
all heart players should be able to know the identity + emotions of something
all hope players should be able to manipulate reality in some way
all rage players should be able to go into some kind of “berserker” rage
all life players should be able to rebel and heal something in some way
all doom players should be able to have visions of some description
all breath players should be free and find confidence and enhanced movement
all blood players should be able to rally people and bond with them
all light players should have either good or bad luck, and knowledge of things in general
all void players should have some kind of weird aura around them and likely are able to obscure things
of course, not all of these are instant, but mainly achievable by full development!
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heirofall · 6 years
quest for a witch of void?
A quest for the Witch of Void would be something revolving around their need to control their powers of Void with responsibility. Therefore, in their land, they would want to harness their powers in a way to make themselves invisible or create illusions at will, perhaps to sneak past angered enemies, but also bend “nothingness” to their will - maybe this would involve dispersing darkness by accurate means!
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heirofall · 6 years
okay so a quick question before i start asking questions-- obviously for god tiers, you explain how each god tier works. But what do you mean by explaining lands/quest? do you explain the quest for each land? The land and quest for each god tier? that confuses me. same with sessions and quadrants. what is there to explain?
land: the land! like how john has the land of wind and shade
quest: the quest which takes place on the land, which unlocks access to the denizen and tests the player. in john’s case, he had to play the pipes and clear the oil away
sessions: how a bunch of people would work together in one session! like the beta kids!
quadrants: how two god tiers work together, in some quadrant of the troll society!
since god-tiers have a kind of personality that they tend to encapsulate (that’s kinda the point of this blog), I can kind of predict how these things would work!
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heirofall · 6 years
could you analize a knight of space for me please? and if it isnt too much trouble could you describe how you think their session would lack space? thanks and have a nice day!!
Ahhh, the Knight of Space! I certainly can >:D
The Knight of Space exploits Space, usually as some kind of weapon. They’re quite an active class, but traditionally have a lot of power. They often have interests relating to aspects similar to their main aspect as well.
The Knight of Space would be very good at improvising and innovating, probably having some kind of inventive flair. They would be the epitome of a jack-of-all-trades, able to turn anything into a weapon. However, they wouldn’t know how or where to put all of this creation, and would likely get annoyed by it. They would hide behind a mask of impulsiveness, pretending to not care very much, but would secretly think a lot about things and could suffer from anxiety.
As the Knight progresses through the game, they would need to understand how to drop the illusions not only of their personality, but also of their crafts, making it easy for other people to help them and for the Knight to play the necessary role in the session. The Knight would be able to hone their art (in this case literally) and be able to fashion it into a metaphorical (or literal) blade, precise and direct.
Once the Knight of Space had god-tiered, they would be probably the most versatile combatant out of any god-tier. The Knight would have mastery over many Strife Specibus, and would be able to use the strength of the enemy’s weapons against them. They would be able to harness velocity and size, probably being able to travel at high speeds and change their size and shape at will. A very powerful character!
To address the second part of your question, here’s a couple of ideas! 
1) The whole session takes place on one planet, but in quarters (or however many players you have).
2) The Genesis Frog is impossible to find for some reason (i’ll let you think of that one), so they would need to bend the rules and find it.
3) Perhaps the session would lack creativity, so maybe nothing would have been prototyped before entry.
Hope this helped!
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heirofall · 6 years
heyo! was wonderin if you could do a rogue of life. (sorry if this went through twice, something weird happened with my net.)
Sorry for the delay! Let’s get into it.
The Rogue of Life is someone who distributes Life, or distributes with Life. They’re a passive class, the foil to the Thief of Life, and the inverse of a Knight of Doom, but that’s neither here nor there - just flavour text.
Anyway, the Rogue, as all Rogues do, would start off with a deficiency of some sort in terms of their aspect. In this case, the Rogue of Life may be unsure of which authority to rebel against, and would be unsure of how to act on their desires. They may secretly have a lot of energy, but ultimately unable to display it in whatever way.
As they progressed, the Rogue would be pressed into stepping up into the team, building upon themselves so they can help other people better. They could find energy in caring for plants, for example, or even just cultivate something not as physical, like stronger relationships! Eventually they will become adept in passing along not only energy, but Life as a more abstract concept - perhaps even able to give some of their health to other people!
God-tiered, the Rogue of Life would be a great support player. Not only would they be able to keep everyone’s vitality up, but they could do this by taking the energy of the enemy and giving it back to the team. They would be likely able to manipulate nature to some degree, perhaps being able to use plants as a kind of energy store? Either way, the Rogue of Life would be very versatile and useful!
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heirofall · 6 years
question time!
i was wondering if i could get some feedback off of you lovely people. preferably  a little more than “it’s good!” or “it sucks!”, perhaps something that i don’t do that you like seeing in other analyses, or things i do do that you like! constructive criticism welcome! 
(you can send an ask or just reply to the post!)
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heirofall · 6 years
Hi! I had a few quadrant asks I hoped you could help me out with... A Thief of Light Mage of Light? Thank you!!
Can do!
Thief of Light
This is an interesting combination you’ve got here, because Thieves and Mages have a weird kind of gist to them. They’re pretty polar opposites in terms of personality, but they would compliment each other really well in terms of their actual classes. I think that if they were already friends before then i could really see this being a decent matespritship!
Thief of Light Mage of Light
This one’s a little different! I’ll be upfront with ya - I don’t think this would be a great moirallegiance. The Thief and the Mage, as previously stated, have some weird kinda chemistry going on, and someone who steals Light and hoards it vs someone who learns from it? Wouldn’t exactly pick it as a great combination. Possible, but not probable.
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heirofall · 6 years
If you don't mind could you tell me how would a moirailigence between a witch of doom and and heir of void work out?
Hmmm... interesting!
The Witch of Doom is straight up one of the most powerful classes in the game, being able to literally manipulate the rules and sacrifice of the game - rendering it almost impossible to lose! This means they’re also potentially SUPER dangerous, and would mean they would reallllly need someone to bring them down to earth.
In this situation, I don’t really think that the Heir of Void would be the best choice for the role, as they have a habit of being swamped and taken out of the picture, but I suppose it would work! I would generally suggest someone like the Sylph of Light or Knight of Heart, but I digress! 
The reverse is also true. The Heir of Void needs someone who will understand them and not let them be overwhelmed by Void, finding some kind of balance in between. Therefore, I don’t really think the Witch of Doom would be the best there! I would maybe suggest the Rogue of Life, or even a Knight of Light! 
Again, this could work, but I wouldn’t call it 100% successful just based on the classpects!
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heirofall · 6 years
How good would a Maid of Blood Austipice be?
This is a good question
The Maid of Blood would start off having problems with relationships, needing other people to help give them an idea of how best to base their understanding of Blood on! This would mean that they could be manipulated into being an auspistice. However, I truly believe that at the Maid’s peak power and development, they would be one of the bestauspistices in the game! Incredibly attuned and in touch not only with people but how they interact with others!
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heirofall · 6 years
hey there! i sent this ask before but i think tumblr ate it. i was wondering if you could analize a mage of hope for me? tysm!!
ah sorry! must have gotten caught up, i’ll get to it now! it’s been a while since i’ve done a traditional analysis
The Mage of Hope is someone who understands Hope and learns from their experience with Hope. They also suffer from Hope, and use this experience and the information they get from it to better understand their aspect and how to wield it.
The Mage of Hope would start off having numerous bad experiences with Hope. Perhaps they have had bad history with some kind of religious institution, or somehow feel alienated with the general passion of belief. They would likely have either too much belief and nowhere to put it, or no belief whatsoever, being a passive role in the world.
The Mage of Hope would probably struggle with interpersonal AND intrapersonal relationships, being too afraid of ruining things to try and make things better not only with other people, but also within themselves. However, this does not mean the Mage of Hope would be timid and shy - it just means that they’re likely to suffer from a real sense of what is right and wrong.
Eventually, the Mage of Hope would need to learn from their suffering how to properly deal with Hope. They would need to find something proper to believe in, but also to broaden their horizons and not just focus on one particular thing, similar to a jack-of-all-trades. They would become someone who anyone can talk to about what to believe in, but would also be able to look within themselves for answers, and would likely become less self-deprecating.
Once god-tiered, the Mage would be able to know anything and everything about the enemy’s faith and what they fight for, and consequentially any spiritual weak spots. Of course, the Mage would also know about reality itself, and would be a great person to work with a Void or Breath player.
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heirofall · 6 years
How would go a session with a witch of life, sylph of void, knights of hope and space, a thief of breath, rogue and heir of light and a seer of heart? (my friends god tiers ajdkdnsofnfkw)
I don’t really do sessions right now, but i’ll give you a quick rundown because you asked politely!
It’d go well!
Alright, I’ll go a bit more into depth than that!
You’ve got two Knights which is... pretty cool! Knights are good people to have around in a session, and your other members work with this dynamic really well.
No Prince or Bards which is good, because they often complicate things a lot more
Witch of Life is an incredibly powerful character who will probably ensure success for your session!
The only anomaly in your session is that you have two Light players, but I highly doubt that that will cause anything major to go on, probably just a bit of a relative lack of Light in the session!
All in all: good session!
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heirofall · 6 years
quadrants for a prince of breath and a witch of light???
I’m going to assume you mean all the quadrants for both the Prince and the Witch, not separately but... we’ll get to that anyway >:D
The Prince of Breath is one of my favourite Princes, and is less destructive to the session, but more volatile when it comes to interpersonal relationships. Due to this, I would probably assign someone patient but also not taking any of the Prince’s shit as a matesprit, so perhaps a Mage of Void! A moirail is a little easier - someone who can help them not simply ghost Blood, so someone like the Heir of Heart could be good! In terms of kismesis, the Witch of Light themselves would actually be a decent one, but also someone like the Maid of Breath could work!
In regards to the Witch of Light, they would get along with most people, so it’s a little easier to assign this. A good matesprit could be a Rogue of Life, whereas the moirail would be someone like a Seer of Doom. A kismesis on the other hand would be someone like a Prince, perhaps Hope or Light!
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heirofall · 6 years
Hello, sorry that this is yet another quadrant thing, but could you do quadrants between a Seer of Heart, Rogue of Light, Witch of Breath, and a Bard of Void? Thank you very much! It's quite hard to find a person still analyzing Homestuck these days :^)
Alright, let’s do this!
Seer of Heart: The Seer of Heart’s moirail is most likely to be the Rogue of Light. A good matesprit would be the Witch of Breath, but as always this depends less on classpects themselves! Bard of Void would probably be part of an ashen relationship, though I’m not sure what position.
Rogue of Light: As above, the Rogue’s moirail would probably be the Rogue of Light! As the Bard of Void and Rogue of Light are very interesting foils to each other, I could see this perhaps being a healthy kismessitude or even an ashen relationship mediated by the Seer of Heart!
Witch of Breath: The Witch’s matesprit could well be anyone above, though I am a little reluctant to assign it to either the Rogue or the Bard, so the Seer seems to be the most likely. If I was to guess, I’d probably say someone like a Sylph of Hope, but I digress. 
Bard of Void: The Bard of Void is actually quite an interesting character, and as all Bards are, very unpredictable. Due to this, I could honestly see a relationship between the Bard and the Rogue, or even a beneficial relationship with the Seer, but i’m not entirely sure what quadrants - probably moirallegiance if I were to take a guess.
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heirofall · 6 years
Would you be alright analyzing how a Rogue of Hope
For sure! I’ll get onto it >:D
A Rogue of Hope struggles with the idea of Hope and how to use it, and begins with a deficiency in it. So the Rogue of Hope would need someone who can provide them with something to believe in, whether that be an idea, a person, or a thing. On the other hand, the Knight of Heart puts up a facade of emotional distance, although they secretly (or not-so-secretly) care very deeply about their friends. This would mean that the Knight would greatly benefit from someone who they can feel like themselves around, and someone who can inspire them to stand by their friends.
All in all, I believe this would be a very good matesprit! Not only do the aspects have good compatibility, but so do the classes, and the personalities would most likely meld very well together!
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heirofall · 6 years
shoot my bad, i meant the quadrants between those four?? like heir of doom
all good!! sorry for the misunderstanding!
so, the knight of space would most likely be a kismesis with the prince of life (princes are like that!), and could be a good moirail to the heir of doom! knights and heirs generally work well together!
the prince of life, as previously mentioned, would likely be a kismesis with the knight of space, although I don’t think that they have enough in common to have the love part of love-hate! therefore, it’s more likely to have a kismesis between the prince of life and the thief of time! both very chaotic people!
the heir of doom could have a matesprit with the thief of time, as the aspects work really well together and their heirs are generally people who like thieves! all above applies too!
i’ve already mentioned the thief of time above, but it bears repeating that thieves are volatile and unpredictable people, so i can never be quite sure! the thief are good at being loved and hated by the same person, so the knight could also be a valid kismesis, same with the heir (though not as much!)
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heirofall · 6 years
henlo! hopefully i got here in time?? this may not be the type of question you answer, but could you do quadrants with a knight of space, prince of life, heir of doom, and thief of time? thank you :')
sorry, you might need to be a bit more specific! i can’t list each four quadrants for four different god tiers, that’s a little bit much sorry!! feel free to clarify and i’ll get onto it!
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