half-hell · 4 hours
me, already looking up names: this plot bunny isn’t going to be a Thing™ tho
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half-hell · 6 hours
'do it badly' but if i do it badly i'll hate myself ....... have you considered tgat
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half-hell · 6 hours
tag that oc that everyone is BEGGING to get therapy
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half-hell · 6 hours
sunshiney characters who adore the mean grumpy character, platonically or romantically, but not DESPITE them being mean as if that isn’t who the other “really” is deep down. they love it. they think the other is the funniest cleverest most delightful person alive
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half-hell · 6 hours
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half-hell · 6 hours
tell us more about this magic polyamory … and the pirate / royal
my magic + polyamory wip is one of the two that i'm actively working on more than the others. i still don't have much for it plot wise because i've been having too much fun fleshing out the characters and making sure that i've given them sufficiently traumatic backgrounds.
but. we have gabriel, who is a little bit of an asshole but really, deep down, is a ray of sunshine and a ball of energy. his prickliness mainly stems from a place of hurt and trauma and misguided attempts to protect himself. but, once he's shown that there are better ways to cope and heal and that there are people out there willing to do the protecting for him, he finds himself settling into the person that he wants to be, and not the person that he's been taught to be.
kade quickly goes from referring to him in his head (and probably out loud, too, honestly) as little shit (derogatory) to little shit (affectionate) even if he doesn't notice the transition himself at first.
and kade is. grouchy and grumbly and he comes across as a glass half empty kinda guy, but really, he's just not had anybody to show him that it being half full is the important part. he is someone who cares and cares and cares, and it scares him and he doesn't know where to put it all, doesn't know if it'll be well received, so he locks it down and pretends that he doesn't care at all. that he's all anger and hard edges, but in reality, he is the softest teddy bear.
and we have ainsley, who is bubbly and quirky and another ray of sunshine. but also, maybe a little bit sad inside, too. she likes to fix things, doesn't like to see anyone struggling or hurting and is always ready to offer whatever you need; an ear to listen, a shoulder to cry on or a hug, advice and a solution, or a smile to brighten up your day. but forgets that, sometimes, it's okay to not always be the one with the answers, to not always be okay. to need these things in return, too.
and somehow, they all end up fitting together. find, when they all let themselves just. be. they compliment each other's existences very nicely. even if they refuse to admit it at first.
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and for my pirate/royal meet hate wip, i don't have much yet. i don't even have names for my oc's, i'm honestly just working on vibes right now.
i love the idea of having everything in terms of a roof over you head, money, clothes, food, etc. and never having to worry about losing any of that, but having very little in the way of emotional connections, friendship, support, love, etc. vs. having the complete opposite of that. and how when your looking at someone with the opposite of what you have, and you're only getting to read the cover of their life and not the pages inside, how that can make you jump to conclusions and make assumptions, and make you clash with each other. but also, upon getting to know each other a little better, come to an understanding of each other in a way that surprises even yourself.
i do also know that they meet after my royal oc gets into a shipwreck and my pirate oc (and his little rag tag found family of pirates) saves him. and that when they look at each other for the first time, they both think something along the lines of 'that is the most beautiful human being i have ever seen', and then they open their mouths and they both immediately think '... and i hate him'.
which is fun for them because they're stuck together until they can get royal oc to where he needs to be, and a pirate ship, even if bigger than most ship, is still only so big.
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half-hell · 16 days
I'm not ignoring my WIPs. they're ripening in my mental cellar
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half-hell · 16 days
WIP title tag
tagged by @ashfordlabs and @half-hell
RULES / post the names of all the files in your wip folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it!
the trouble is, my wip folder contains more than thirty sub-folders, some of which then also contain a plethora of other folders [for example, under cover of darkness contains five folders for five of the wips in that series, plus eight more folders for untitled or barely touched projects in the series] so i will list only a few
under cover of darkness
devil in the details
80s jams
jams 2.0
morons 2.0
lost cause
mourn the day
the coming storm
tagging @wintherlywords , @winterandwords , @bardicbeetle , @indecentpause , @cwritesfiction , and @noblebs
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half-hell · 16 days
TAG GAME / wip title.
thank you @half-hell for the tag!!
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RULES / post the names of all the files in your wip folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it!
i love making theo's life hell apparently. ACT II: whatever scene has the spanish dance. casual meets backstage romance.
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tagging (no pressure!): @noblebs @coarsely @revenantlore + anyone else who wishes to take part!
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half-hell · 17 days
fuck it. be creative even if you never really *make* anything. write out plot synopses of stories and then move on. design OCs you'll never use. make mood boards and concept art and don't do anything with them. life's too short to forget everything that inspired you and creation doesn't have to be "complete" to be worth the time you put into it.
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half-hell · 17 days
My favorite type of characters are “they’re not dumb but they are a dumbass”
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half-hell · 17 days
hello! my name is erin (he/they) and i'm a 23 year old neurodivergent and queer writer. i've been floating around tumblr for years now, but after a lengthy hiatus, i felt the urge to return once more. ever the occasional writer, snippets of my writing will remain elusive for now, though i'm not one to turn down an opportunity to ramble about my worlds and ocs.
this writerblr is both ask and tag game friendly. just know that i can be slow to respond most days (i'm working with a low social battery and a general lack of spoons), so please be patient with me.
you may find a list of all my wips here; every single one includes queer characters, and I'm rather fond of writing fantasy stories with found families, enemies to lovers, and/or tragedies (sorry not sorry).
general writing tag
tag games
worldbuilding wednesday
flash fiction friday
storyteller saturday
answered asks
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half-hell · 17 days
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i was tagged by @phynewrites [here]. thank you for the tag [i hope you meant to haha] and i'm sorry i'm a little late!
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RULES | post the names of all the files in your wip folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it! then tag as many people as you have wips.
i only really have two wips that are more than just a vague idea, with actual characters with names and such, but i shall list all the wip's in my folder anyway bc maybe it'll help to get me talking about them!
+ half an heir + magic + polyamory + pirate/royal meet hate + karma's a bitch + magic + older trans mc
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gently tagging:
@ashfordlabs @tinywater @thegreatobsesso @revenantlore @nullkraken
if you'd rather i not tag you then please let me know!!
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half-hell · 1 month
The thing people don’t realize about writing is that time spent just staring out the window is CRITICAL
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half-hell · 1 month
Sorry for staring at you for several prolonged minutes i was thinking about my ocs and didn't see you in the middle distance
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half-hell · 1 month
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KAL | uk, 20's, she/her.
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+ you can call me kal. + i live in the uk, i'm in my mid 20's, and i use she/her pronouns! + i am ask and tag game friendly -> i'm likely to be sporadically active, so it might take me a minute to answer sometimes. + i'm not new to tumblr, or writeblr really, but i've never managed to keep up with a blog for long. so here's to hoping this time sticks!
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+ new adult/adult. + third person and past tense, but i don't mind reading first person and other tenses every now and then. + since i live in the uk, most of my wip's are likely to be uk based. + i would say that my writing is more character driven than plot driven. + (low) fantasy, usually with lots of magic, sometimes with a variation of fantastical/mythical/supernatural creatures thrown into the mix and i always seem to find room to fit in a sword or two! -> also, most of my wip's are set modern world with a fantasy twist. because while i love world building, world building does not love me. + lgbtq+ main characters and romances. + characters with physical and mental disabilities. -> i'll always do my research and try to portray any disability i may write about as accurately as possible, but feel free to call me out if i've done something wrong! + found! family! + i hate with a capital H love triangles, so none of those here. only polyamory. + complicated family relationships. i love giving my babies all the traumas and issues. + i'm quite fond of characters who start out as assholes, but slowly, as the story goes on, reveal their soft and kind side. especially when they don't completely lose their asshole edge, either. they just don't use it against their people anymore. + sunshine x grumpy dynamic. especially when the aforementioned asshole character turns out to be the sunshine character, too. + enemies to friends and enemies (to friends) to lovers. + angst and hurt/comfort are my jam! + i do love a good bit of fluff, too. also, characters in established relationships being soft and domestic-y. will never get enough of that. + as much as i love putting my babies through it, i'm not really a fan of unhappy endings (they usually leave me crying and having an existential crisis for days). so, i probably won't be writing much, if any, of those.
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HALF AN HEIR | intro. characters. tag. pinterest. ↳ planning. third person, past tense. new adult/adult, (low) fantasy, found family, lgbtq+, romance, poly rep, enemies to friends, sunshine x grumpy, ptsd, grief. -> my first ever wip. my love. my baby. i started writing this when i was 15/16 and i haven't known a day of peace since. i will see it finished even if it's the last thing i do. -> currently in the process of re-working a lot of aspects, trying to make it a little more coherent and a lot less ya. so i don't really have a lot to give you right now. -> BUT, what we do have is: kylen emerson doesn't know just how powerful he is yet. being held captive and tortured by your (adopted) uncle will (un)surprisingly take your attention away from figuring out important key facts about yourself. after escaping and going on the run, he unintentionally gathers a found family, who, ignoring kylen's insistence that he can do it alone, tag along on his journey to take his uncle down and out, for good. -> also, this wip originally included werewolves, vampires, warlocks, etc. and while i'm undecided if i'm keeping this aspect, i can say with 100% certainty that there'll still definitely be lots of magic and lots and lots of swords involved.
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UNTITLED | intro. characters. tag. pinterest. ↳ planning. third person, past tense. new adult/adult, (low) fantasy, found family, lgbtq+, romance, poly rep, enemies (to friends) to lovers, exes (to friends) to lovers, complicated family relationships, sunshine x grumpy (x sunshine), child abuse (past and present). -> i don't have a lot in terms of world building for this wip, and the plot is basically non-existent, except for the vaguest of idea's and that one scene that the whole wip is built around, but we do have vibes, characters, and lots of feelings about said characters! -> gabriel keller jr. is our asshole but hidden sunshine character, who's a lot stronger, and more powerful, than he's been led to believe. he has a rocky past and relationship with both his ex, ainsley- another sunshine character -and her current boyfriend, kade 'bram' bramwyll- a grumpy, but less grumpy for his people, character. but, having no one else to turn to, he's forced to ask them both for their help after finding himself in a sticky situation. they all, of course, however much they try to deny and fight it, fall in love along the way.
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UNTITLED | intro. characters. tag. pinterest. ↳ brainstorming. third person, past tense. new adult/adult, (low) fantasy, found family, lgbtq+, romance, trans main character, friends to lovers. -> i have nothing for this wip right now other than vibes and the want to write something with an older, trans main character.
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...and i will update with better, more eloquent wip intro's when i have things more figured out. eventually. at some point.
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half-hell · 1 month
It’s fine because I’m actually using a secret technique called writing it in my head and nowhere else.
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