gummibearyoongi · 6 years
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gummibearyoongi · 6 years
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gummibearyoongi · 6 years
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my last two brain cells trying to communicate with each other
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gummibearyoongi · 6 years
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gummibearyoongi · 6 years
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would you sign up to ARMYFLIX?
(click to enlarge for HD) © please do not repost. insp
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gummibearyoongi · 6 years
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© HOPE UTOPIA | Do not edit.
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gummibearyoongi · 6 years
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i love making these 
creds to @pdmingenius
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gummibearyoongi · 6 years
Yoongi hates capitalism, thinks college is overrated, thinks mental health should be discussed in every setting, is gay, likes to hold hands; truly a millennial in its purest form
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gummibearyoongi · 6 years
My bias Jimin needs to STOP BEING SO RUDE! No man should be allowed to be cute one moment and then incredibly sexy the next. I swear thats illegal in at least 14 countries (I love him so much I could die)
I FEEL THIS SO HARD FAM Yoongi needs to stay in his lane and stop being so frickin talented, witty and sexy at the same time 😭😭 a girl needs to keep her sanity ffs
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gummibearyoongi · 6 years
voicemail (2)
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summary: Jungkook couldn’t lose you; not like this (amnesia!AU) 
pairing: jungkook x reader
words: 3.7k
genre: angst
warning(s): language 
pt.1 | pt.2
If waiting was a form torture, Jungkook would’ve been on the verge of death already.
He sat in the car stoically as Jimin drove, the latter not trusting him enough to keep a level head and to avoid speeding. They didn’t need anymore tragedies for tonight. He tried your cell at least five times, and it all went to your voicemail.
“Kook, I don’t think you should clog up her phone,” Jimin muttered, attempting to seem rational. If your voicemail was clogged up, there would be a lesser chance for you to pick up his call. 
He sighed, sagging against the head rest, the shimmering road flicking in and out of his focus. The streets of Seoul were quiet at this time of the night, and the silence unnerved him. He wanted something to distract him from the gnawing anxiety. Unfortunately, Jimin was exhausted and couldn’t keep up with any conversation beyond grunted syllables, and the radios were filled with mindless electronic music. There wasn’t anywhere he could stop his thoughts from being directed to you.
Your apartment materialized in the front, and Jungkook told Jimin to stop outside. The moment Jin’s car shuddered to a stop, Jungkook ran out, past the guard who startled, but didn’t stop him. He hadn’t believed you when you said security was lax at your area until he saw it with his own eyes.
Jungkook rushed up the stairs, your unit on the second floor as he stopped outside the door. Pounding on it, he called for you.
Your housemate, Hyorin opened the door instead, bleary-eyed and stifling a yawn.
“J-Jungkook-ah? What are you doing here?” Hyorin asked, looking around him as if expecting you to appear out of thin air.
Jungkook felt like someone had punched his gut, all breath leaving his chest in one fell swoop. “She didn’t come back home?” he asked, voice barely above a whisper.
“If you mean __, then no,” Hyorin said, frowning. “Jungkook, what’s happening? I thought she was staying over at your place?”
He cursed inwardly, and made to leave but turned back, remembering something crucial. “If she comes back, please call me, okay? She left after we had a fight and she’s not picking up her phone.”
That seemed to distress Hyorin. “What do you mean? Is she in trouble?”
Jungkook didn’t need her panic on top of his. His emotions were already overwhelming as it was.
“I don’t know,” he confessed. “I’ll let you know if anything comes up. Please call me if she comes back, okay?”
Hyorin barely got a word out when Jungkook was rushing back to the car. Jimin startled when the door flung open, having dozed off.
“Do you want me to drive, Jiminie?” he asked, worry shining from his expression.
Jimin shook his head, blinking rapidly. “N-no. I’m good.”
He started the car and Jungkook watched from the rearview mirror as your apartment disappeared. His thoughts were filled with the dread of contemplating how much things had changed in this short night. You were supposed to be in bed now, cuddled next to him; you were supposed to be telling a joke as he blushed and laughed. Jungkook resisted the urge to call you again.
Jimin had even tried your number, but you didn’t answer. There was no reason why he shouldn’t believe you were hurt; if you hated him, you would have answered Jimin’s phone call.
The night wore on, until he had an idea to visit the hospital. Jimin agreed and turned the car around towards the direction of the place. The hospital rose in the dark, a subdued aura around it, shining like a beacon. The car tires squealed loudly on the tarmac, glaring lights ahead casting shadows around them. He didn’t know if he should feel anxious at what he might find, but he left the car, Jimin offering him comfort at his side.
His band-mate gripped his elbow, leading him into the emergency room, towards the reception. Their presence caused a slight stir, but Jungkook didn’t care; let the tabloids speak. If they asked, he was here for a friend and it was true; he was here for you, his status as an idol be damned. A nurse with frown lines who was clad in a severely starched uniform greeted them with a placid expression.
“Yes? How may I help the both of you?”
She was obviously judging them on their lack of injuries and the morose expression on their faces.
“I need to know if a…a friend of mine was admitted.”
The nurse’s frown deepened. “Excuse me?”
Jungkook was growing flustered, but Jimin was there to the rescue.
“Our friend left a party early and we have reason to believe she may be hurt. She hasn’t answered our calls since two in the morning.”
Jimin’s honesty caught her by surprise, and she considered his request.
“We had someone admitted early in the morning from a car accident. But, I’m not allowed to give any more information than what is required. Company’s policy.”
“Was it her?” Jungkook blurted out, desperate for an answer.
Her face scrunched into sympathy. “Sorry, young man. I can’t answer your question.”
Jimin’s quiet voice grounded him. “They have to determine if it’s __ first, and then they’ll call her family.”
“Jiminie, she doesn’t have a family,” he reminded, voice low and tormented. “Hyorin and I are the only people in this city she knows. Besides our band and her workmates, but she isn’t that close to many people.”
His expression crumpled, and Jungkook felt even more helpless.
“Is there anyway we can find out if our friend was the one involved in the accident?”
“We notify immediate family members first. Are you immediate family?” she asked.
“No. I’m her boyfriend. She doesn’t have any family,” Jungkook muttered, catching the older woman by surprise. Under the harsh lighting, her crows feet-lined eyes crinkled in sympathy. “If that’s the case, then I will notify the doctor once he releases the medical records. It’ll take him one more hour. Would you boys mind waiting here?”
Jungkook didn’t hesitate to agree.
Jimin waited with him for fifteen minutes before deciding to go back and take a shower. He came back later, looking fresher, and brought a cup of coffee for the younger man. Jungkook couldn’t doze off, the plastic chairs uncomfortable and cold under his back. The coffee helped, and so did Jimin’s silence. Jungkook couldn’t believe that his friend was incredibly willing to stay with him, marveling at Jimin’s kindness. He would have to repay him one day, preferably with a trip to Tokyo.
The nurse arrived about half an hour later with a file in her hands. Jungkook sat up straighter and even Jimin snapped out of his fatigued stupor, anxiety rolling off him in waves.
“I’ve gotten the green light from Dr. Park. You’re right; the patient didn’t have any immediate family. She’s been orphaned since she was five.”
Jungkook swallowed heavily.
“Is her name ____?” the nurse continued.
Jimin exhaled shakily.
“Yes,” Jungkook said, eerily calm. “It’s her, isn’t it?”
The nurse snapped the records shut, mouth etched in a saddened frown. “Yes, I’m afraid so. The doctor will be with you in a moment. He’s in the surgery room as we speak, but he’ll be out soon.”
She walked away, leaving the two boys stumped. Around the hospital, phones rang, bells chimed, and a low murmur of voices pervaded the space. Everything faded into a blur, and Jungkook could only hear the thunderous rush of blood in his ears.
“Kook?” Jimin prodded, patting his shoulder. “Kook, it’ll be fine.”
“No,” he muttered harshly. “Hyung, this is my fault.”
Jungkook never called Jimin ‘hyung’ unless he was experiencing an intense emotion like fear or anxiety.
Jimin sighed. “No, it isn’t—”
“It is,” he whispered. “If we hadn’t had that stupid fight, if I was more caring…if I put in a little more effort to take care of her—shit.”
The words ‘operation room’ bounced in his head, and he didn’t doubt the seriousness of this situation.
“We should let Hyorin and her aunt know,” Jimin said, steering him back from those self-destructive thoughts.
He knew how much you hated to involve your aunt in your life. There was a reason why you left your small town for Seoul, where you had met him at a grocery shop in a moment of sweet serendipity. Jungkook remembered you as a slight young woman with a hunger in her demeanor to better herself. He admired your tenacity, and though you were leagues wiser than him, he fell in love with your determination and zest for life.
You wanted to escape your boring small-town life, where your fate as an inheritor of your aunt’s small convenience store would be imminent. Jungkook knew you had a rough relationship with your aunt, the older woman being difficult to handle and constantly asking too much from you. He had no idea what to do next.
“But hyung, she’ll kill me if I call her aunt,” he whispered.
“She still deserves to know.” Damn Jimin and his rational self. Sometimes, Jungkook though that Jimin was the wisest despite his age.
He inhaled deeply and exhaled shakily. “I’ll do it in the morning. She’s probably still asleep.”
From the corner of his eye, he noticed a girl whipping her phone out and snapping a picture of them, none too quietly.
Jimin rounded on the fan, plastering on his sticky sweet smile that hid a mountain of anger underneath.
“Excuse me, did you just take a picture of us?”
The girl startled, as if she didn’t anticipate that they would notice. She flushed and nodded, “Y-yes, oppa. I did, I—”
“Delete it,” Jimin said, still with that sweet voice. “We’re here on a personal business and we have notified our security to take away any evidence that we were here.”
He could sense the girl’s blood running cold, as she squeaked and nodded vigorously. “I-I’m so sorry Jimin-oppa.” She took her belongings and left the room, lowering her head promptly.
“Did you really think she bought that?” Jungkook asked under his breath. “We don’t have any security with us.”
Jimin snorted. “What she doesn’t know won’t kill her.”
Sometimes, Jungkook was genuinely terrified of his friend.
He let it slide when a short man wearing a long white coat and a haggard expression stepped into the room. He conversed with the nurse for a moment, who pointed subtly at them. The man who was known as Dr. Park approached them and shot what Jungkook thought was a smile, though he could never be sure. Doctors looked like they were grimacing most of the time.
“Are you ____’s boyfriend?” he asked, glancing between the two of them.
“Yes, I am,” Jungkook said quietly.
Dr. Park’s grimace grew. “Ah, okay. Alright – um, due to the…complicated matter of this situation, and your presence here, I’ll let you know how her state is. She’s…she’s not good, Mr…?”
“Jeon,” Jungkook added, and hastily asked, “She’s not good?”
“Yes, Mr. Jeon. She suffered a head-first collision with a truck. Fortunately, her right shoulder took the brunt of the force, but we had to induce her in a coma as the trauma brought upon some internal bleeding. She’s stable right now and we’ll be monitoring her, though I must inform you that her recovery would take a few weeks. We might also have to deal with some short-term amnesia.”
Jungkook’s blood froze at the mention of ‘amnesia’. “What?!”
“It’s natural for a patient who’s trying to get his or her bearings back,” Dr. Park said emphatically. “I would recommend some reminders of her life to get her well soon, and if you would want to commit – since you are her boyfriend – it would be better for her if you help.”
Sensing the young man’s inner turmoil, Dr. Park softened his tone and added: “Also, if you need counselling for this ordeal, we can set you up with our psychiatrist. Sometimes, second-hand trauma is far worse than first-hand ones.”
He gave a slight nod of his head and left the room; an unnerving silence filled the space where he had been.
“Jungkook,” Jimin started, but he shook his head.
“I need some time to think,” he muttered hoarsely. “I need some time to come to terms with it.”
“You don’t have to be there for her,” Jimin said, sounding eerily rational once more. “Like the doctor said, it’s only if you want to commit.”
“I sent her here. I should be the one to help her.”
Jimin sighed, finding it futile to change his mind. When Jungkook wanted something, he became terrifyingly singular in his focus.
“Just be careful, Kook,” the older man cautioned. “We don’t need the media on us for this. We have to watch our steps.”
Jungkook nodded. “I’ll borrow some masks and wear my hoodie always.”
Jimin pursed his lips but seemed appeased. He patted his friend’s thigh and uttered, “Let’s go back home. We have to tell the others what happened.”
Jungkook didn’t want to leave, but he was hard-pressed to go against the facts. You were still in a coma, and it would be no use waiting here, exposing himself to the mercy of the media and saesangs which were no doubt lurking around the area. He was pretty sure that the girl who took a picture of them would’ve alerted her friends.
“You’re right,” he said, standing and tightening his jacket around his broad shoulders. “Let’s go,” he said and Jimin trailed along behind.
The hospital doors opened to an early morning, the time of day where he could feel the impending sunrise, but it was still too dark out. It was also too early for any paparazzi and saesangs, so Jimin and him rushed to the car park, half jogging and half-walking.
Cold air drifted around their forms, causing puffs of smoke to hang in front of them with their every breath. The ride back was filled with silence, and he didn’t have to gaze hard at Jimin to see the dark circles pronounced under his eyes.
“Thank you,” Jungkook whispered.
Jimin chuckled, sounding bone-tired. “Don’t mention it, Kook.”
He let himself drift off into a fitful doze as Jimin drove back home, trying hard not to imagine your bruised face and broken body, but ultimately, the guilt swallowed him up whole.
Up next: Jungkook visits you in the hospital. 
A/N: I’m so glad many of you expressed interest in this series. To be quite honest, I was scared that it wouldn’t get much attention, but I’m glad to be proven wrong. Thank you for your love shown in the first chapter, and I hope that you would continue loving on all the chapters yet to come! 
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gummibearyoongi · 6 years
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some of my favourite emo quotes
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gummibearyoongi · 6 years
namjoon said that hoseok would actually make a great leader for bts
bts admitted that next to seokjin, hoseok is the most attentive member
hoseok scolds namjoon and others A LOT when they get messy with their stuffs
hoseok is the band’s de facto leader when it comes to practicing the choreography
yoongi said that hoseok was actually kind of SHY
hoseok’s solo song is dedicated to his mother, he said since hes successful now his mama can lean on him instead and he’ll protect and take care of her like she did to him when no one else did
hoseok is jimin’s favorite HYUNG
jimin gets needy and whiny when hoseok leaves him for too long
even though in terms of personalities both him and yoongi are the polar opposites, but yoongi still claimed that hoseok is his soulpartner and hoseok said that he’s the most compatible with yoongi
2seok are each other’s biggest support system and fan
jin gets scared of hoseok when its time for him to rehearse the dances
jungkook is the most needy and legit take his maknae role seriously when he’s with hoseok lmao
every member of bts is in love with jung hoseok and YOU SHOULD TOO
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gummibearyoongi · 6 years
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gummibearyoongi · 6 years
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talking in pout ♡
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gummibearyoongi · 6 years
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© VIEW | Do not edit. (1, 2, 3, 4)
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gummibearyoongi · 6 years
reblog this and tag your bts bias and your favorite dessert 🍰💓
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gummibearyoongi · 6 years
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© SCENE STEALER | Do not edit.
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