Pascal’s dice
An argument that’s usually raised by theists to me is Pascal’s wager. Which is basically that non-believers have more to lose if they’re wrong compared to theists. This would be a good argument if it was only 2 choices. The fact is, there are loads of major religions all over the world. Obviously, Pascal was arguing on behalf of his God of Christianity. But what if both me and Pascal are wrong and we end up meeting Allah in the end? We both burn. 
So far, I have not found a religion that claims that you’re home-free as long as you just believe in a non-specific god. All the ones I’ve seen so far tell you to ONLY believe in their ONE SPECIFIC god. So it should not be  called Pascal’s wager. More appropriate I think would be Pascal’s dice since your belief system will all be based on chance. It’s all based on where you’re born, who you’re born to and what information is available to you. Because as a lot of people know, most of the time, religion is not a choice.
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So basically, dust is cleaner than women...
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Eugene talking some sense
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Sigh... Yup!
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Remember the joke, “I’m not a vegetarian cause I love animals. I’m a vegetarian cause I hate vegetables”. 
You can’t use that joke on feminism. Cause it could be their legitimate reasoning for joining the movement.
“I’m not a feminist cause I love women. I’m a feminist cause I hate men”
You ain’t getting no laughs from that
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Hmm... How tolerant...
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Whosoever killed a person it shall be as if he had killed all mankind... 
Except those who’re against Allah! The you can crucify, amputate their arms and legs and expel them from the land!!
Islam: The ‘so called’ religion of peace
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Fuck you Saudi Arabia!
With everyone talking about the Saudis letting women drive, it has me wondering “how on earth is this fucking celebrated??”.
We should not be going “Yay! They’re letting them drive!”.
We should be going “ You’re only  fucking doing this NOW??”
We’re commending a country run by morons for NOT treating women as second class citizens on one thing. And also, they may be allowed to drive legally, but probably have to ask for permission from their father/husband/male guardian. So nothing’s changed really. Women are and always will be fucked over that piece of shit country.
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reblog if you think female rapists should get the same amount of jail time as male rapists
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Harley Quinn and Deadpool are ruining DC and Marvel
Probably a really, really opposed opinion, but there’s no doubt about it in my opinion. My favorite DC comic book story-line is Suicide Squad : Volume One. It had depth, humor, action, drama and all that other shit in perfect quantities. It also didn’t have Harley Quinn. But NOW, the Suicide Squad comics are no longer Suicide Squad comics. They are now Harley Quinn and the Suicide Squad comics. She’s plastered across that shit as if she’s the only one we want to read about.
Deadpool on the other hand is a great character and concept, but is ruined from being overused to oblivion. Ironically, he’s spreading like Cancer. He’s in ALL the super-team story-lines now. It’s ridiculous. X-Factor, New Defenders, Thunderbolts, New Avengers.
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Quran. The perfect book of babble
If the Quran is the so-called ‘perfect book’ it’s claimed to be, then why are there SO MANY “false interpretations”. If it was as perfect as it is claimed to be, then it would be clear about what it wanted you to do instead of there being a need to interpret it all the time.
As a side note, whenever you Muslims respond to the Muslim extremists situation with the argument, “That’s not real Islam”, just bear in mind that the extremists probably say the same about you.
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Fat-pride movement should team up with anti-vax cause they’ll both end up with the same thing.
Fat-pride should not exist. You should not be proud about slowly killing yourself. I have depression. Should I be proud to have depression? No. Definitely not. It’s a horrible and crippling disorder that should be gotten rid of. Just like obesity. Should I be supported every time I rip out a fingernail or berate myself? NO! I should be called out for it or else I’ll just continue down that path which will lead to my inevitable death.
I’m in no way saying that Obesity should be mocked. Quite the opposite. These are people who need the support of their loved ones or else THEY WILL DIE. And when I say support, I do not mean accepting that they’re fat. I mean supporting them in trying to get better.
 I lost my grandmother to Obesity and will  probably lose my sister too unless my other sister stops coddling and enabling her while pushing me and my criticism away.
 Fuck you Meghan Trainor! You’re basically the Jenny McCarthy of healthy eating and exercise.
Seriously don’t understand how society got so bad that we’re actually supporting this bullshit.
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So we’re not allowed to be friends with anyone but Muslims? How progressive!!
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What does Moses do when he wants a beer?
He brews
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Whosoever kills a person, it is as if he has killed all mankind. 
Unless they’re against us... THEN CRUCIFY THEM ALL!!!
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Why are Atheists and Apostates against Islam? Oh. No reason...
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The only thing that's really worked for me as far as lip biting, etc goes is to ask someone else to point it out when they notice. But it only really works if you're around others. Also chewing gum helps and generally keeping hands busy so you can't pick.
Same works for me. Not chewing gum but fidget toys to keep the hands busy. Despite all the hatred towards them they’re working quite nicely. But not all 100% of the time. That’s kinda why I’m asking for advice. 
Anyway... I’ll be sure to try these out. Thank you so much. Hope you’re well. All the best
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