giirlhi-blog · 5 years
4 Instagram Influencers Killing It In the Wellness Space
We all read or hear “according to, according to…” blah blah which leads us to believe what we are about to hear or read is without a doubt correct, but how can we be so naïve? As wellness becomes more popular, we need to become more critical and skeptical of what we’re being fed. Is what we’re being told genuinely good for us or is it just another trend that a brand is trying to use to make their bottom line look good? Below I’ve shared with you 4 individuals using Instagram to shine a light on what taking care of our body and mind is really all about.
1. @Sophia_Roe
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Raw and Vulnerable are the first two words that come to mind when I think of Brooklyn based Chef and Instagram Influencer, Sophia Roe. She delivers real, plant-based cooking tips that show cooking isn’t about following a recipe, but rather learning how to let ingredients guide you through the kitchen. Along with her kickass culinary skills, she shares real stories from her difficult past without portraying herself as a victim. She has the ability to inspire and move her audience in a way that leaves me with tears in my eyes every. time…but most importantly inspires me to keep going in whatever aspect of my life that may be. Her unapologetic, yet well-articulated stories call out those who shame or bring negativity in a space meant to build people up. I know this may sound a bit contradictory but go give her a follow and you’ll see what I mean. PS. My regretful decision to get curly bangs last year may or may not have been inspired by her AMAZING curly do…lesson learned: just because it looks good on Sophia Roe, doesn’t mean it will look good on you ;)
2. @OchoSystem
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I recently discovered Joe Holder and my initial thoughts were, “oh no, not another fitstagrammer trying to make a name in an oversaturated space whose foundation is to feed off our insecurities”. But, boy was I wrong. This dude is SMART – take a look at his content. Not only is he smart, but he is actively trying to change the direction of the wellness industry, by pointing out that in order to progress we must admit that consumption of materialistic things is an idea of the past, and a focus on wellness is what will save us in the future. Ok yeah, I see him all over supermodels, celebs, famous artists accounts…I could see how this could be viewed as negative, but maybe these are the people we need to target the most if we want to make this shift. If we’re being completely honest, all eyes are on these kinds of people. I like to think he is building genuine relationships, but also strategically spreading his values to a population of people who will be able to spread it on an even greater scale.
3. @Sarahs_Day
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As I sit here tapping my fingers on my chin thinking “How do I describe Sarah?” I immediately realize it’s as if I’m describing a close friend. A strategy used by so many influencers these days is to make their audience feel like a close friend. A majority of these influencers come off as insincere or portray over-the-top and unattainable lifestyles. Sarah genuinely feels like a girlfriend I could call up and ask to meet for a coffee. Her realness isn’t forced nor staged. Of course, nowadays everything looked at through a screen is staged to a certain degree (her grid is #goals, I won’t lie), but her openness about real obstacles in her life no matter how unglamorous is so refreshing.
Sarah suffered from severe cystic acne and wanted to document her journey to clear skin so others who may be experiencing a similar situation could look to her for guidance and support. Over time, her account and Youtube channel evolved and grew into a community of holistic wellness, not just about clear skin, but also about mental health, physical health, and just damn right honesty. From her unexpected to pregnancy to her portion control issues, to even her days when she feels completely unmotivated to move from her couch, she is not afraid to keep any secrets, which I think is what makes her so attractive to her audience.
Sarah’s mantra of ‘listen to your body’ when it comes to mindful eating and exercising will have you feeling empowered and might I say good? Yes, it’s a common fact that scrolling through Instagram can have you feeling less than and overall disappointed in your own life. (PSA: Instagram is a highlight reel! Don’t forget it!) So, to scroll through Sarah’s account, reading her inspirational captions and feeling better about my own life – damn right I am going to say it – she is what the future of Instagram and social media in general needs to look like. Go give her a follow and check out her Youtube channel for even more of what she has to offer. Ps. Her baby boy, Fox Ocean, makes frequent cameos and oh my goodness is he keewwwt.
4. @TheWholeFoodDiary
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I can’t even remember when or how I stumbled upon Kezia’s account, but I am so glad I did. To get started, I must say this is the most straight-up, honest, and raw account I follow on Instagram. Featuring her two little tikes, with chocolate smothered faces, as she tries to share with her audience simple ways to eliminate waste, is a perfect representation of what her platform stands for. This is a common scene you’ll witness on her frequent Instagram stories. Before Kezia, I didn’t give much thought to the amount of waste I produced or the ingredients in the products I used to clean my home, or clean my skin, or the packaging of products that I consistently purchased. The list GOES ON. I also saw 24/7 healthy eating as expensive and unrealistic. Since following @TheWholeFoodDiary, not only has my mind changed towards these topics, but I also have learned SO much through Kezia’s research and lifestyle. On her blog, which is linked on her Instagram, there are so many resources from grocery store budgeting by month, to guides on how to make small shifts towards an eco-friendly lifestyle. Give her a follow and I promise you will learn a thing or two all while having major heart eyes over her two little ones, Clayton and Roey. 
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giirlhi-blog · 5 years
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Party time
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