gh0stb000y · 2 months
there are so many options for absolute comedy from eddie seeing richie again for the first time in 27 years. like theres so many options. these bitches are gay.
"FUCK! i'm gay. how the HELL
did i forget i was gay?"
is humiliated to realize that the comedian he's been a big fan of for years is RICHIE TOZIER his asshole childhood friend, and not in fact a cool celebrity he will never interact with
remembers some sort of humiliating moment of childhood pining and has to physically lean against something so he doesn't collapse in a puddle of embarrassment.
"i can't believe richie isn't even funny anymore what the fuck" (he is deeply relieved when richie says he doesn't write his own material)
"i've been carrying a torch for this man for well over half my life. that is humiliating. i wonder if i can get away with killing us both."
(out loud) "i need a divorce. immediately."
his brain immediately short circuits and he yells "LETS TAKE OUR SHIRTS OFF AND KISS!"
the horror of the situation slowly dawns on eddie as he realizes that the nameless man from his brief and guilty fantasies does in fact have a name and that name is richie tozier
looks over at mike, completely betrayed that he didn't warn him that he was deeply in love with one of the people who would be showing up soon.
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gh0stb000y · 6 months
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I love snily 😋
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gh0stb000y · 1 year
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i was trying to collect more shitty ms paint doodles we all use and vibe with and then i realize i also have ms paint and can just MAKE some 
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gh0stb000y · 1 year
I was wondering if you could make a Jock Cis male reader x klitz? Like Reader is a new student and immediately becomes popular and klitz hates that but reader has a HUGE crush on him and when he tells klitz, he thinks it’s a joke and it goes on like that, reader confessing and klitz thinking it’s a joke when one day he confesses while Matthew and Eli are around and Eli tells him he’s being serious and then he feels like an idiot for not realizing? Then they start dating 🤭 / SFW
Klitz x Jock!Male!Reader | Headcanons
Hi there! I'm so sorry for making you wait this long for your request! But I really hope you like what I've done with it. <3
notes; Jock!Male!Reader; Jock x Nerd; Getting Together; Fluff; Mini Fic in Bullet Points (rather than Headcanons, tbh).
You changed schools rather unexpectedly because you had to move from one town to another. Fortunately, you weren't given a hard time for being the new guy, because you were in the school's football team and they already knew your talent from games where they competed with your previous school. Thus, you rose to popularity within the first couple of months already.
Being popular wasn't really your cup of tea, but you knew that you were lucky to have all of those people on your side. You saw the way they treated the ones outside of their circles. It was revolting, but unfortunately the norm.
Because you didn't want to spend so much time with the other popular kids, though, you tried to find friends in your classes. You noticed one particular student, who shared most classes with you: Klitz.
It took you months to actually get on a level with him where you were comfortable calling what you had a friendship. He was pretty guarded around you, which you didn't fault him for. He was one of those people that the popular students liked to pick on regularly, so it made sense to you that he didn't immediately trust your advances to be friends with him.
The thing was that you quickly developed a massive crush on him, though. And you didn't really know if you should risk telling him or not, at first. But after a while, you simply couldn't keep it to yourself anymore.
So, you told him about your feelings for him.
His reaction wasn't exactly what you had expected. Sure, you had kind of figured that he might reject you; but that's not what happened. Instead, he angrily told you that he didn't like those jokes and that he expected better from you, before storming off.
It gave you a silver lining, though. He didn't outright reject you. He thought you were messing with him. Which let you hope that maybe if you could prove to him that you were serious, you'd have a chance after all.
Klitz avoided you for a while after that incident. It hurt, of course. But it gave you some time to think things through and plan out a scenario that was almost fool proof.
By having been friends with Klitz, you also befriended Eli and Matthew. Usually, you all hung out together, rather than one-on-one.
Thus, the next time you all met up at Eli's place, Klitz couldn't avoid you anymore. You had also talked to Matt and Eli about the whole crush thing and the confession fiasco, and they agreed to help you.
Things had gotten rather awkward at first, once you were all together. Eli tried to get any conversation going at all, but the tension between you and Klitz was thick and didn't give way for anything else to grow.
Gathering all your courage, you confessed to Klitz again. Same as last time. Almost word for word.
Klitz was quiet for a few moments after you were done talking. Then he sighed exasperatedly, "I told you that I didn't like those jokes. Why don't you know when to quit?"
Before you could respond with anything, Eli spoke up, "He's not joking, dude! He's serious. Y/N likes you, man!"
Shocked, Klitz turned to you with a slack mouth. He started to turn red and stammered out an apology, but you stopped him. All you wanted to know from him was if he liked you back.
He swallowed thickly and nodded. It took him another moment to actually say it.
You've never felt so relieved. And unable to hold yourself back, you tackled Klitz with a hug, absolutely overjoyed.
During the next weekend, you two finally went on your first date. The first of many.
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gh0stb000y · 1 year
I can't i cant. im sobbing 
unused footage from IT ch2 of richie reacting (very horribly painfully excruciatingly badly) to eddie’s death
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gh0stb000y · 1 year
Real Change (Pt. 2) | Edward Nashton/The Riddler x Trans!Male!Reader | N/SFW (18+)
Hey there! Here’s the promised N/SFW part of your request, @xdxrksxullx ! I really hope you like it, and I’m sorry again that I had to split it up. ^^” <3
Part 1 (aka the plot).
summary; Ed and you celebrate you becoming Gotham’s mayor. PWP.
notes; Trans!Male!Reader; PWP; Making Out; Fingering; Safe Sex; Penetrative Sex; Fluff (kind of) and Smut; Male and GN terms used for Reader’s genitals.
Keep reading
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gh0stb000y · 1 year
Maybe a Edward Nashton x Trans Male reader is running for mayor? He talks about how corrupt Gotham is and that once he’s mayor he is going to fix it, and actually make changes, changes that everyone dismisses, starting with getting rid of orphanages and making them into foster homes? and Edward believes him and becomes overly obsessed with him? Thank you and I love your stories sm <333 (n/sfw) if that’s okay :)
Real Change | Edward Nashton/The Riddler x Trans!Male!Reader
Hey there! Thanks so much for the request, I hope you like what I've done with it! (And sorry again for it not being N/SFW after all.) <3
summary; See above.
notes; Trans!Male!Reader; Mentioned Murder, Transphobia and Death Threats; Stalking; Obsession; Getting Together; Little Dialogue.
When Edward turned on his television to watch the mayoral debate, he hadn’t expected much at all. He knew that all candidates were just as bad as the previous ones. They were all corrupt, bad people. They didn’t actually care about the people and especially not the less well-off. They only cared about power that they would gain by making false, empty promises to a broken city, to broken people that yearned to believe. 
So, when it was your turn to speak, he expected to hate you as much as your opposition. 
But as it turned out, the first thing you said you wanted to tackle once you were a mayor was to get rid of the orphanages and replace them with foster homes, with better care, more room, more budget, just more. And if Ed had a weakness it was his trauma from the hellhole that was Gotham’s orphanage. 
Intently, he listened to what more you had to say.
All your promises sounded… achievable, actually. Good, even. And you also seemed to truly believe what you were saying, which was something he prided himself in usually detecting whether or not it was real. Your faith in what you were saying was practically palpable. Edward was impressed to say the least.
Once the debate was over, Ed spent the rest of the night researching you to uncover anything that would tell him that you were just another liar. He found nothing to indicate that. For now. He was going to do some more research by following you around. 
Something he found out from his more surface level searches, though, was that you were openly trans. In a way you had no choice but to be open about it, thus making yourself a target for hate and threats; but the fact that you were oppressed by the system that you tried to change gave him some hope that you really were sincere.
For the next couple of weeks, Edward spent his free time tailing you. He wouldn’t call it stalking. He was merely doing his research in a way that would ensure that he got unbiased results. 
No matter what, though, you never once did anything incriminating. Nothing that would suggest your corruption, or that you were lying. 
In fact, he found that you often visited the orphanages that were left in private without announcing it anywhere. You went there and volunteered to work with the kids there, apparently. There were no cameras, no crew, no PR. Nothing. You did this of your own accord. And not only that, but you were so good and gentle with the kids. You didn’t judge them. Your eyes showed nothing but kindness, which your actions only reflected.
Edward was obsessed with you by the end of those weeks.
He knew that the only way you would win the election was if he killed your opponent. He was already planning it out; although he had to wait a little until he could take action. First, he had to make you his and make sure you wouldn’t leave him. Ever. 
Ed started by sending you cards with riddles written into them. All riddles related to his feelings about you; his admiration, his faith, his obsession, and lastly his blooming love for you. 
Every time he hand-delivered his cards to you, he would keep watch to see your reaction to them. At first you were afraid to even open it. He understood why. You probably got a lot of death threats this way. But once you did and solved the riddle, you had a small smile on your lips. So, you liked them. 
Once you opened the one that confessed his love for you, which has only started growing since the day he saw you at the orphanage for the first time, you looked apprehensive. Perhaps it had been a little too forward. But he always thought that honesty went a much longer way than keeping his true emotions hidden for the sake of not being too intense, or off-putting, for others. 
After that, though, Ed decided that it was finally time for him to pay you a visit and talk to you, face to face. He was a little scared if he was being honest. You hadn’t really liked his love confession, after all. So, how would you react to knowing who it came from?
He decided his safest choice to talk to you alone without any of your employees in the way was at the orphanage you frequented on your own. 
Election day was nearing and he had to act fast, now. He had to ensure that you were all his before killing your opponent and subsequently making you Gotham’s new mayor. 
Edward waited until you left the building to talk to you. 
Running up to you, he called out, “Y/N! Wait, please!”
It was risky. 
But lo and behold, you stopped and turned around to him.
“Yes? What can I do for you?” you asked politely with a soft, small smile. It wasn’t fake. 
For a long moment, Ed just looked at you in wonder. He almost wished he had donned his Riddler persona for this, considering that he felt more confident and liberated that way; but he had to do this on his own. You were supposed to like him, after all. Edward Nashton. Not the Riddler, who people were supposed to fear.
“Um. Uh, I was just wondering what you’re always up to at the orphanage? I’ve seen you go in and out of there a lot lately,” he said in the end, finding that this was probably a far better conversation starter than ‘Hey, I sent you those cards and I was wondering if you like me back yet’.
“Oh, I just help out occasionally. They’re massively overworked and, well, I feel like I can hardly make the right changes if I don’t actually know what it’s like in there, you know?” you told him sincerely. Ed’s heart swelled with it. You were a genuinely good person, were you not? Such a rarity in this city.
“I see,” he responded, “I admire that a lot about you. You seem very sincere, unlike most mayoral candidates.”
“Thank you. I know what you mean. There have been too many empty promises made in the past twenty-plus years. It’s time for some real change.” 
He couldn’t have agreed more with you.
“What’s your name? You obviously know who I am, but I’d also like to know who I’m talking to,” you asked after a short moment.
“Edward Nashton. It’s really nice to meet you, Y/N.” He didn’t know if it put you off that he kept using your first name, rather than calling you by your last name, like everyone else would do; but you didn’t correct him either.
“Nice to meet you too, Edward,” you responded kindly, giving him the idea that you really didn’t mind the first name basis. It also gave him the feeling that you were equals, which was surely your intention. 
After a few moments of a rather awkward silence passed, Edward felt like you were going to slip through his fingers. He cursed himself for getting so tongue-tied all of a sudden.
“I grew up in the old orphanage. The one that burnt down,” he blurted out eventually, carefully leaving out the fact that he was the one who burned that awful building to the ground, “So it really means a lot to me that you’re working on making them foster homes instead.”
“Oh, God,” you breathed, “I’ve heard horror stories about that. From people that grew up there. It must have been beyond terrible. I’m sorry.”
Edward shrugged, “Yes, it was terrible. But I also wouldn’t be who I am today without it.” 
It was true. The Riddler probably wouldn’t exist if it hadn’t been for this trauma. That didn’t mean he wouldn’t change it if he could, though. 
“Say, what do you think about talking further over some coffee?” you asked, then, nervously twisting the handle of your backpack in your hands. 
And so he scored after all, slowly caging you, just like he had planned.
“I would like that a lot,” Ed answered with a sincere smile stretching his lips. He couldn’t suppress it. Not that there was any need for it, as you only returned it.
The coffee turned into several more, which soon turned into dinner dates; and before you knew it, you were in his clutches. When he told you that he was the one who had sent you the cards, you weren’t even surprised anymore and said that you had guessed as much, once you knew how much he liked riddles. You didn’t attempt to leave. Nothing. You only kissed him deeply for it. 
As soon as election day was just around the corner, Edward - or rather, the Riddler - went and quickly killed your opponent, who was a real piece of shit anyway.
Of course you were devastated at first, scared even, but Ed comforted you, making sure you felt safe with him. That same night you confessed to him that you were falling in love with him. 
Relief washed over Edward in waves. His plan worked out exactly like he had hoped it would.
Now, your job was to make the changes you had promised. That way, Edward wouldn’t be forced to get rid of you as well. Something that certainly wouldn’t be easy for him. So, hopefully it would never come down to that.
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gh0stb000y · 1 year
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this picture came onto my dash again and i need someone to draw it as maggie tozier & the losers PLSS
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gh0stb000y · 1 year
Richie’s plan was simple. Step 1: Find a man. Step 2: Convince that man to pretend to be his husband. Step 3: Prove to his high school bullies that he’s not a complete failure. It should have been as easy as that… but things get a little more complicated when Richie finds out who exactly is going to be playing his husband for the night.
the secret reddie fic is finally done and posted- you can now read let’s fall in love for the night on ao3! 
(and in case anyone has a good enough memory, this fic was actually inspired by this hc i posted quite a while ago! so many people asked for it to be written as a fic, so your wish is my command! sorry it took so long to finish!!)
i worked so hard on this fic and i’m very happy with the turnout, so i hope that you all love it as well!! happy reading everyone <3
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gh0stb000y · 1 year
The thing about Richie is he'd always been generous.
He'd also always had money. He had allowance, then extra allowance and then the 'treat' money one or other of his parents slipped him just because they wanted Richie to have a good time.
Eddie, who's allowance could graciously be called meager, could only envy him. Richie got his allowance on the 1st of every month. Eddie got his allowance only when his mother felt like it. If she decided Eddie needed a new medication that month then there was no allowance.
Eddie braved it out as best he could. He dug around for loose change down the back of the couch and picked up pennies abandoned in the street. It was disgusting but if he wanted to hang out with Bill, and Stan, and Richie then he needed money.
For Stan and Bill, he needed money for milkshakes and ice creams, sticky treats to take to The Barrons.
Hanging out with Richie cost considerably more.
He needed arcade money, movie ticket money, popcorn and sodas money on top of the milkshake and ice creams Richie also liked.
For a couple of trips he managed to scrape the money together but there was always some new release, some new blockbuster Richie needed to see and Eddie just didn't have the money.
Eddie bluffed.
He told Richie his mum wouldn't let him go. In a way it was true.
Richie turned up anyways, ready to spring Eddie from his mother's house and Eddie had to tell him, crumpling under the shame of it, that he didn't have the money.
But Richie, generous Richie, just flashed him two tickets - already picked up and paid for.
They didn't talk about it but after that Richie always paid for Eddie.
He paid for him at the arcade, brought him ice creams and sodas, got the tickets and the popcorn for both of them. Every time Richie paid for something it made Eddie feel a little giddy.
He wondered if this was how girls felt when guys took them out on dates and paid for everything.
And sure Richie held doors open for him, but just because he said Eddie's spaghetti noodle arms were too weak to hold them.
Their hang outs weren't really dates.
But Eddie sure did like to pretend they were.
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gh0stb000y · 1 year
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Jojo stuff
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gh0stb000y · 1 year
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the party visits Hawkins for the holidays, circa December 1991.
i was lucky enough to get to participate in a secret santa gift exchange along with my friends, some of the most talented people in the stranger things fandom! my recipient was @halosketches, one of the coolest people i know. it was a pleasure to be able to work on this and i'm happy to able to share it now! happy holidays, boys 🫶
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gh0stb000y · 1 year
murray: you know, there's only one person in this world who can tell you who you are, byers.
will, with a small smile: me.
murray: no, me. murray bauman
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gh0stb000y · 1 year
I Miss Kakyoin too
found sketchy jjba comic roughs for
vento aureo:
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diamond is unbreakable
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and idek what these are
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I miss kakyoin
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gh0stb000y · 1 year
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what da dog doin 🆘🆘
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gh0stb000y · 1 year
kiss :3
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gh0stb000y · 1 year
Episode 2 redraw 😎🤙
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