fuckmyassstinks · 26 days
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fuckmyassstinks · 26 days
Kleptomania has been directly studied in relation to nicotine and alcohol addiction. Like these addictions, it is possible that the root cause(s) of kleptomania involve dysregulated brain signaling pathways. For example, in other impulse control disorders, it has been speculated that low levels of the neurotransmitter, serotonin, are common. Individuals with kleptomania and substance use disorders seek the pleasurable feelings with dopamine release every time they steal or use their drug of choice. Finally, individuals with kleptomania and substance use disorders may have a dysregulated opioid system, ultimately making it hard to resist stealing or using a drug.
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fuckmyassstinks · 26 days
You may otherwise lead a law-abiding life and be confused and upset by your compulsive stealing. Other complications and conditions associated with kleptomania may include: Other impulse-control disorders, such as compulsive gambling or shopping. Alcohol or other substance misuse.
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fuckmyassstinks · 29 days
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fuckmyassstinks · 29 days
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fuckmyassstinks · 1 month
Fecal incontinence — also called bowel incontinence — is when you can’t manage or control your bowel movements (pooping). Liquid or solid stool (poop) leaks out when you don’t want it to. Fecal incontinence may be as mild as having a little leakage when you pass gas or as severe as unintentionally passing solid stools.
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fuckmyassstinks · 1 month
Fecal incontinence means that you are not able to hold your feces, or stool, until you get to a toilet. Fecal incontinence can be caused by diarrhea, damaged muscles or nerves within your rectum, large hemorrhoids, constipation, or chronic illnesses
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fuckmyassstinks · 1 month
How Are Alcohol and Incontinence Connected?
Enjoying a few glasses of wine, bottles of beer, or mixed drinks are often a part of holidays, celebrations, and socializing with friends. You probably know that drinking too much can lead to a hangover, but you may not be as aware of how alcohol use affects incontinence symptoms. Whether you suffer from bowel or urinary incontinence, understanding the link between alcohol intake and accidents can help you make informed decisions about consuming alcoholic beverages that can lead to incontinence symptoms like urgency, leaks, nocturnal enuresis, or bedwetting.
Does Alcohol Cause Incontinence?
People who suffer from alcohol use disorder and drink excessively as part of their everyday activities could develop nerve damage called alcoholic neuropathy. A person could develop incontinence if this condition impacts nerves that control the bladder or bowel. However, this is not common.
For people who drink socially or consume alcohol in moderation regularly, alcohol typically isn't the direct cause of urinary or bowel incontinence.
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fuckmyassstinks · 1 month
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fuckmyassstinks · 1 month
alcohol-induced diarrhea
Alcohol can affect the way your body digests food. Whether you develop constipation or diarrhea may depend on how much you drink. People with certain health conditions may also be more likely to experience diarrhea after drinking.
Small amounts of alcohol may cause the digestive system to work more quickly than usual, which can result in diarrhea.
On the other end of the spectrum, drinking large amounts of alcohol can delay digestion and cause constipation
your stomach is empty, there’s nothing else for your body to absorb. The alcohol will continue to your small intestine where it similarly passes through the cells of the intestinal wall, but at a much faster rate.
In either scenario, most of the alcohol is absorbed in the small intestine. Whatever is left travels through the large intestine, where liquid is typically pulled out of stool so that it’s somewhat firm when exiting the body.
Your colon — the longest part of your large intestine — muscles move in a coordinated squeeze to push stool out. Alcohol can cause these muscles to contract more frequently, moving stool out of the body before liquid can be absorbed by the large intestine. The end result is diarrhea.
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fuckmyassstinks · 1 month
Korsakoff syndrome is a disorder of the central nervous system characterized by amnesia, deficits in explicit memory, and confabulation.
Korsakoff syndrome is a memory disorder that results from vitamin B1 deficiency and is associated with alcoholism. Korsakoff's syndrome damages nerve cells and supporting cells in the brain and spinal cord, as well as the part of the brain involved with memory. Alcohol use inhibits thiamine absorption,heavy drinkers can have poor dietary habits.
Korsakoff patients are capable of new learning, particularly if they live in a calm and well-structured environment and if new information is cued. There are few long-term follow-up studies, but these patients are reported to have a normal life expectancy if they remain abstinent from alcohol.
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fuckmyassstinks · 1 month
Confabulation occurs when individuals mistakenly recall false information, without intending to deceive. Brain damage, dementia, and anticholinergic toxidrome can cause this distortion. Two types of confabulation exist: provoked and spontaneous, with two distinctions: verbal and behavioral.
Someone with confabulation has memory loss that affects their higher reasoning. They subconsciously create stories as a way to conceal their memory loss. They aren't aware that they aren't telling the truth. They don't have any doubt about the things they are saying, even if those around them know the story is untrue.
While confabulations appear to be false memories, delusions are more akin to false beliefs. Confabulations are more commonly associated with Korsakoff syndrome, while delusions more commonly correlate with schizophrenia. That said, both errors in information processing may exist in both disorders.
Confabulation is caused by brain damage or poor brain function, but researchers are unsure which parts of the brain are at fault. The frontal lobe or the basal forebrain may be involved. Confabulation occurs with several brain disorders.
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fuckmyassstinks · 1 month
Kleptomania (klep-toe-MAY-nee-uh) is a mental health disorder that involves repeatedly being unable to resist urges to steal items that you generally don't really need.
People with kleptomania do not steal for the monetary value of the items. Usually, they can afford what they steal. They steal because they cannot resist the urge and feel rewarded. In fact, they often steal small and insignificant items
Pathological lying has been observed in individuals with impulse control disorders, such as kleptomania or pyromania. These individuals may lie compulsively as part of their overall pattern of impulsive behavior.
Confabulation is caused by brain damage or poor brain function, but researchers are unsure which parts of the brain are at fault. The frontal lobe or the basal forebrain may be involved. Confabulation occurs with several brain disorders.
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fuckmyassstinks · 1 month
Systematic reviews consistently identify alcohol intoxication as a key risk factor for residential fire mortality, with around half of all house fire fatalities tested returning positive BACs. In a robust US case-control study, presence of an intoxicated person in the household was the single strongest predictor of fire leading to fatality. Alcohol intoxication delays escape and increases risk of fire ignition, particularly in conjunction with smoking (e.g., falling asleep while drinking and smoking)
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fuckmyassstinks · 1 month
Alcohol use by parents and caregivers, particularly at harmful or hazardous levels, also increases the risk of child physical injury, such as burns, fractures and, occasionally, death, arising from maltreatment. Heavy alcohol use by either victim or perpetrator is also a risk factor for the physical abuse of older people by offspring, partners or other relatives in a caregiver role, as well as professional caregivers to a lesser extent
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fuckmyassstinks · 1 month
Drivers with a BAC of .08 are approximately 4 times more likely to crash than drivers with a BAC of zero.
Globally, almost four and a half million people died from injury in 2019 [1], with 7% of these deaths directly attributable to alcohol. Alcohol’s role in injury-related premature loss of life, disability and ill-health is pervasive, touching individuals, families and societies the world over. Alcohol use, particularly intoxication, plays a major role in a wide range of injuries, some of which are readily recognisable as alcohol-related (e.g., road injuries, violent assault) and others which are less so (e.g., falls, drownings, injuries in the workplace).
Alcohol-related injuries thus represent a significant economic burden in many societies globally and require substantial resources from overstretched health systems to manage. Importantly though, alcohol-related injuries are preventable and there are clear examples of effective interventions to reduce them
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fuckmyassstinks · 1 month
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