frums-yt · 3 years
I talk about my experience studying game design in The Netherlands and also showcase most of the games I've worked on during my time there. 
It's a short and fast-paced video. I promise you won’t see the 5 minutes fly by.
The video covers not only the ups of my journey so far, but also the downs and the doubts. How covid affected me, how I became a uni dropout, how I did nothing for months but wonder about my future and how the game dev community inspired and motivated me to make this turnaround. 
This time, I have more at stake. I am way more invested in this journey than I have ever been. Hence the courage to speak into a microphone and put myself out there. My goal is to build a community of like-minded gamers and game developers. 
The first step has already been initiated: Spacefarer, a 3D mobile game aiming to release in 2-3 months. We feel that the best way to start this undertaking is to create a free game for the most reachable platforms, Android and IOS. Of course, we have plans for so much more in the future... but small steps. 
I am handling all the programming while my brother is on his journey to conquer Blender. We already have our prototype and some features implemented. I will show all the progress in the first devlog coming next week. I promise the next video will be engaging in the same way as this one, with a touch of humor of course! People have been saying good things about the video, go check it out! (Please I beg you lol)
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