wait fr fr are there people who unironically ship kidkillerlaw? Like yes, I am deranged for ASL but I am equally as insane for Kiddkiller. Anyways, even if there aren't, I have a fic idea for this ship.
In this, Kidd's a king, Killer is his right hand man and Law is a foreigner just appeared one day and seduces the king. There's the conventional story of Kiddlaw falling in love with stolen glances, intimate moments and oddly violent shittalking/flirting.
However, dare I suggest a twist? Kidd is Killer's first love.
One day, on a blazing hot afternoon, Kidd returns to his private quarters pissed. He's ranting to Killer about how "God damn annoying some soldiers could be" and Killer's mindlessly nodding away while very shamelessly staring at his body.
There's just something about the way his muscles flex and move when he's angry. He looks so damn powerful and mouthwateringly strong. Kidd's gold eyes catch the sunlight and Killer thought the colour looked like fire, the passion of war war.
Kidd then takes his pants off as casually as ever. They've seen each other naked plenty of times growing up—it's fine! Killer nearly chokes on his spit. Since when Kidd was so thic? Killer hopes Kidd would crush him with his thighs.
Kidd stares at Killer like, "Dude were you fucking listening to me? We gotta do something about our fucking military!"
Killer just nods. Uh-huh. Yup, yup we need new armour.
Kidd knows Killer wasn't listening but he assumes it was the weather and not... well, no one casually assumes that your right-hand-man-best-friend is lusting over you. He shrugs and tells Killer to help prepare a bath for him and Killer immediately runs out, panting, on the verge of going insane.
Damn, Killer thinks sadly, Law better treat his best friend well...
And yet! Killer's turmoil is not over.
When Kidd and Law get married, Killer's tasked to stay behind to protect Law on Kidd's behalf whenever Kidd has to leave for some foreign affair thing. Killer was jealous of Law but succeeds in looking professional. However, at some point, something cracks.
The evening was cool and pleasant when it happened. Law suddenly said that he wanted to take a walk and Killer figured why not. Usually quiet, Law speaks first this time—not about foreign affairs. He asks about Killer's day, what he ate, if he met anyone new today.
Killer was surprised. Law's manipulative and scheming to everyone who isn't Kidd. He asked why Law was so friendly all of a sudden. Law laughs in Killer's face. Killer notices how his mouth twitches upwards to form a smile. It was cruel but also kind of hot.
"You're lonely without Eustass too," Law says like he would lose nothing. He says that openly because he's lonely too. "Why don't we become friends? It won't be so awkward during dinner. Of course, I can't replace Eustass, but I think I'm tolerable company."
Killer shrugs. Why not?
They talk more and Killer understands more and more why Kidd genuinely fell in love with Law. He's reserved, analytical and sharp-tongued. Law is a brat but he only really pays attention to people he likes and it shows.
Oh. And when Killer drops him off at the podium because Law wants to read, Killer does what Kidd does and kisses Law's hand. When he glances up, Law just looks so amused at how awkward he is. Oh no.
Law's beautiful.
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feeling silly may delete l8r
Hey! If anyone's curious, I've worked on developing my merman au more and I've decided to have age difference. So, what if dilf Law is surrounded by some younger, gorgeous twenty-something mermen? I've decided to put on my thinking cap and write some notes on how their individual relationships look like.
Luffy's the youngest bro like he is barely hitting his twenties. He's the one who shows Law cool fish and random things Law never knew existed. "Law! Look at this! Crab angry like you!" He's also the type who gives Law miscellaneous shiny things like pearls, shells and sand dollars as a weird courtship thing. I like to think that with Luffy, Law learns to appreciate the little things in the world. It's worth something to be excited over details you skipped out on before. It's a welcome change of pace—to be so easily excited—after being paranoid throughout his youth. Instead of looking for hidden bombs, Law is busy listening to Luffy telling him about rocks.
Ace's technically the oldest but he doesn't act like it (that's Sabo's job). Their relationship starts with a lot of bantering where Law calls him 'pretty boy' (he does not know Ace's name) and Ace calls him 'boss' (he thinks Law is respectable). Easily, they flirt the most and have chemistry. Things only change when Law tells him about his fear (or dislike if you prefer) of the ocean and dark. To comfort him, Ace shows him shooting stars in the sky and they hold hands the entire time. When Law looks at Ace, and I mean get a real good look, Law sees his reflection in Ace's dark greasy eyes. For the first time since losing Cora-san, Law thinks that night time might be more intimate than scary...
Sabo provides a similar comforting aura, if not even more so but only way later. It's a strange chase game where Sabo half-jokingly shits on Law but becomes full-on hostile when Law gets close with Ace and Luffy. It's out of jealousy and feeling left out but it goes on for so long that we're convinced Sabo /gen hates Law. Anyways, like in my illustration, Sabo's scars glow in the dark. They're the result of a horrible reef bombing that disfigured the left side of his face and left scars all over his tail. Sabo hates his scars, and refused to believe that Law actually liked them. Only when Sabo learned that Law essentially sees him as a glorified night light that Sabo not only learns to trust Law but to maybe see himself the same way Law does...
Wait what? Oh yeah, Law sees his angsty teenage self reflected in Sabo's character, which explains his soft spot. If Cora-san never gave up on loving and comforting him, he would do the same for Sabo too!
Yes, so they're surrogate therapy-figures. Now, what do ASL gain from associating themselves with a middle-aged man? Nothing, honestly but Law is quite the eye candy. His angst mellowed out a lot since his teenage years and he laughs 5% more as a middle-aged man with financial security and free time to pursue his hobbies. Quite the catch, eh?
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I'll colour the lineart eventually. Also, this is some lore to my drabble (x). I said Sabo's a hot older actor, but I never described how he looked like when he was younger...
Also, fun fact, I was inspired by that one scene from Love Dive where Gaeul stood in front of some angel wings haha. I imagined that he wore this exact outfit to a red carpet event haha.
Some wips below!
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I unironically like how his cute his hair was in this sketch.
Anyways, I feel that in the hands of a different artist, this composition would be a banger. Unfortunately, it was in my hands.
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So, I'm thinking of a Sabolaw actor AU!
For the longest time, Sabo's an amateur actor who does this as a hobby. He loves making short films and he loves writing, so this was an avenue of self-expression for him throughout his twenties.
One day in his late thirties, a casting director finds one short film of his and immediately hired him to be the lead of a chirpy adaptation of a YA thing.
Instant hit! People adored his good looks, his giggly laugh and bug eyes. His popularity skyrocketed and the hype sustained his career ten years later. He's just that smart when it comes to marketing!
So now, as a forty-something, he's the star of a quirky, eccentric adult film written by the enigmatic Corázon. He's interested in the script because a lot of people fancast him as the male lead and figured this would be a good project to appeal to public opinion.
This is where he meets Law, who has taken an instant dislike to him. Whatever, that happens.
Law's apparently Corázon's personal assistant but he acts more like a baby sitter. Law would light his cigarettes up for him, get coffee and even writes corrections for Corázon. They were apparently father and son and Sabo kind of envies their good relationship.
More than that, though, Sabo adores how sweet Law was towards the mute Corázon. He saw a lot of shy, reserved people—especially if they were minorities—get yelled at, berated and insulted regardless of rank. It could be straight up harassment or backhanded compliments to their achievements.
Law, in contrast, was doting, polite and even talks for Corázon, even if what he said was either "Thank you, Cora-san will think about it" or "Piss off." Sabo thought vulgarities sounded cute from his mouth.
Their first full conversation happens in a dressing room where Law was filling in for a makeup artist. Law was doing his makeup and Sabo leaned in so Law did not have to strain himself.
"You come here around, lovely?" Right, Sabo flirts with him a lot. He's kind of insane about it.
"Your words are cold but your hands are warm, darling."
Law sighed deeply. "Have you memorised your lines? You forgot them the last time."
"Oh..." Sabo did not like talking about work so casually. "Yes, yes, I have. Would you like me to recite one?"
Sabo did not mind that Law was ignoring him and that he was pretending to tidy up the makeup supplies. He recited a monologue, admittedly cringing slightly. He planned to negotiate a slight rewrite.
"What am I thinking of? What a silly question. I think of you when I don't think of anything in particular. I think about what you're doing now, how you're feeling, what you want to do when you come home to me. Even right now, I think of how I can love you better. I think of you all the time, even in my daydreams. You inspire me, my love."
Sabo noticed Law's ears go a little red but he kept a neutral face.
"Don't take this the wrong way but," Law paused to glance at the floor. "I'm glad you have the role. You're not the guy my dad had in mind but you fit it perfectly. Thank you for agreeing to do this."
Sabo laughed. Law was oddly sweet today.
They got a bit friendlier from that day onwards. They would talk occasionally about things that's not just work, even if Law seemed reluctant to. From the few bits of information Law gave, Sabo found himself falling for him more and more.
Law had a puppy. He liked black coffee, just like Sabo. He liked hardcore rock music, indie stuff with a splash of poppy-addictive Red Velvet music. He liked the colour yellow. He liked reading. Law wore the fluffiest, softest cardigan to work sometimes.
Law's stoic demeanor finally broke when Sabo let him infodump all about Sora the Warrior. Law speaks so enthusiastically even to someone he supposedly 'hates' and Sabo just melts. He could listen to Law talk all day. He would think of his sparkly eyes even in his daydreams. He could count the stars in them...
Today, Sabo was going to film the sex scene with his co-star and he made sure they would do it in at most five takes. She seemed willing enough and wanted to get it done in one. Admittedly, they did not get along in real life despite having chemistry on camera.
When they started filming, Sabo tried his best to be 'in love' as the script says. This was a moment where their relationship would deepen and it was admittedly the hottest moment in the film. It was fine if she hesitated, since she played a timid character. The director reminded him of this. Sabo got annoyed but he agreed to try again.
It got worse because they were both irritated. Gah! Just before Sabo wanted to take a break, he had a reckoning. He realised that her lips were pale... Sabo glanced up and saw Law pretending to look busy by tapping away at his laptop. They were pale, just like Law's. He closed his eyes and finally felt the passion he needed to make this work.
Even the director blushed at what he saw.
After the scene, Corázon taps Sabo on the shoulder without Law next to him. Sabo follows Corázon into a small, under-utilised office. He opened the window and smoked a cigarette. Here, he took his sunglasses off and Sabo sees that he's actually quite handsome with a large face, pale skin and dull blonde hair.
"Be careful, boy."
Where did that deep voice come from? Sabo was surprised to hear it come from Corázon himself.
"His heart is in pain," Corázon continued. He blew a puff of smoke out the window. "Treat him well."
"You can't cut me out of this project," Sabo reminded him lightly. Threats like this were unprofessional. "We have a contract."
Corázon smiled. He was cunning like Sabo and Sabo oscillated between liking and distrusting him.
"It's not about that. I know your type, and... Well... I'm a protective father, do you see?"
Oh, it's that kind of consequence. For the first time in his career, he stood some distance away and bowed deeply. Corázon did not expect that but he seemed to appreciate that.
Sabo knew cynicism when he saw it, however. Why won't these people just believe in him! He needed a fucking drink.
He went to the bar some distance away from the studio and wow! Holy fucking shit!
Law looked at him first. He changed out of his hoodie and now wore a black button shirt and jeans. Sabo knew he had game but damn, Law's so slim and fit and so damn sexy. Sabo ordered a drink and sat there. He stared at the wall, thinking of his work, what he had to do tomorrow, he quickly remembered his lines...
"Hey, handsome. You look like you have a lot on your mind." A slightly tipsy giggle.
Sabo looked up. Now, he thought of Law. Law had such a cute smile when he wasn't so irritable. Law sat on his lap without asking and of course Sabo let him. Law gave him fuck-me eyes and Sabo knew that was only because he was sort of drunk but Sabo just felt his heart squeeze and his dick harden.
If only Law were sober! Damn it! This would be so much better if Law wanted to seduce him. He wanted Law to look at him with those lustful eyes and mean it. Sabo laughed bitterly.
Law's legs were long and warm against his. Law held his face and tried to kiss Sabo but Sabo put his hands over Law's mouth. Law pouted and he was so fucking cute, Sabo would gladly kiss him just not like this. He tried to get Law off his lap.
"You're still the same dork I fell in love with twenty years ago." Sabo finally had enough. Law tilted his head to the side in confusion. Sabo remembered Law hated loud noises and would wear white noise-cancelling ear-plugs. Upon closer inspection, Sabo saw that it was the same pair too. Law kissed his ear and Sabo let him come closer.
"Fine, you win. I'm hopelessly smitten. I wonder, Law, I wonder where we'd be if you believed in my feelings towards you? If you listened to me that day..."
Also, did I mention that they were (very bitter) exes? Yeah, that's a thing that happened a long ago...
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HEY @eustasskiddsprosthetic you!!! yes you, you amazing person you have no idea how much i adore your sabo+law fics and ideas. your art is SO stunning too!!! you're part of the reason i'm so glad the sabolaw community on tumblr has been hitting the ground running lately. thank you for doing what you do and keep it up!!!
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wips for illustrations I'm doing for my portfolio 💖
(Final piece for Spamano—the green one (x)) (Final piece for Sabolaw—the gay one (x))
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"I trust you. I like you." — a potential fic based on this (x) Detailed notes on Sabo's design below!
For him, I initially thought of him as a shark of all things. I say that despite not knowing how to draw sharks uh. Here it is below.
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I wanted him to be a big boy and have this immense size difference with Law. He's the tallest among the ASL trio and that meant he should be the biggest merman out of the three. He's not necessarily buffer but he just has a larger frame and a longer, more muscular tail.
I also wanted him to look like a freak, a huge figure with obscenely sharp teeth. I found images on Pinterest with sharks with scars that seemed to slice through their skin and I wanted to incorporate that throughout the design. A homage to Sabo's scarred eye, if you will.
He had horns too, for some reason. I just thought it looked cool.
However, what I didn't like about this design was that it didn't read like Sabo, or at least the version of Sabo I envisioned in my head. Hence, I gave up on it. It was sort of devastating because I wanted to try something new, but we move on!
Without a clear idea for what I wanted, I spent a lot of time struggling with not just Sabo's design but with what I wanted the illustration to be overall. Later that evening, I scrolled through Pinterest (again) and found images of eels and that just clicked.
They're just the right combination of cute and just downright weird. They have that snake-like look to them, which echoed my initial shark design. On top of that, they don't look as derpy from the front as compared to sharks.
I did try again to make Sabo freaky, as shown by this sketch below. It's based on a scene from that potential fan fic, where Sabo saves Law from drowning and his inner freak shines through. I imagined a dark lighting situation where Sabo's scars are the light source. It'll be quite creepy and I'd like to manifest this vision someday!
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Anyways, from here, I focused on making Sabo look cool and pretty for the illustration. I retained his human face (I am not good enough for furry art) and focused on making his tail look SUPER cool.
It's interesting to me that with this revision, I found inspiration in my initial 'failed' design. I still kept the star-shaped scars and placed them on his tail and body.
They're blue because (1) I wanted to respect Sabo's colour palette and (2) I was inspired by those ocean creatures who glow underwater. I feel that would be a good plot point like Sabo would be insecure about that because it's admittedly kinda scary but Law would think it's reassuring.
That's all I have to say about the designs. I have ideas for Ace and Luffy, but I haven't sketched them out concretely yet. I'm thinking lion fish for Ace and a cute black fish species called the Pinnate Spadefish for Luffy.
The Pinnate Spadefish has one bold red/yellow stripe and I like to think that Luffy as a merman just painted it on to look like Ace. He shifts between red and blue to imitate his Cool™ older brothers.
But yeah, that's all. I needed to yap about this, so if you read this far, thank you for reading!
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Anyways, quick thought. I was writing this on a proper, legitimate Google doc and I realised a certain trend in how I characterise their relationships in this AU.
For Luffy, I emphasise puppy love. Luffy's very cute and Law's very kind and obliging (he claims he isn't, though). They provide emotional support in their own quiet ways, where Luffy shows Law the fishes he wants to draw while Law teaches him random english words. Luffy sees Law as a first crush whose feelings aren't reciprocated. He knows Law does not see him as an Adult and is okay with that—he's just happy that Law loves him back in his own way. Before leaving, Luffy gave Law a seashell as a parting gift and kisses his wrist. He likes Law's hands (because Law always strokes his hair and pinches his cheek) and decides he wants to mark them as his.
With Ace, I'm thinking of a free-spirit soul mate sort of thing. Ace migrates a lot because he loves adventuring and freedom. In my fic, Ace nearly dies from one such migration and it just so happened that Law was conveniently there to save him and bring him back to Sabo and Luffy. From there, Ace sort of pledged his loyalty to Law. I doubt it's romantic love but Ace likes to kiss Law casually and cuddle. Ace has lovers scattered around the world and he just wants Law to be a cuddle buddy for when he gets lonely. Law obliges easily and Ace kisses the back of his neck, marking him there. Ace marks everyone he loves there, including Luffy and Sabo.
Loving Ace and Luffy comes easy then loving Sabo's like trying to stop a burning plane full of passengers from crashing into an uninhabited, sharp-coral-infested ocean.
TW for excessive Sabolaw and nsfw.
Sabo has a secret that he hides with an elaborate mask made of a shell. Unlike Ace and Luffy who hang onto the boat and anchor whenever they talk to Law, Sabo never comes closer even though Law does not mind.
Sabo thought Law was just like any other human—selfish, corrupted and vile. Humans were the ones who bombed his coral reef. They were the ones who left him heavily scarred all over, leaving his face and left side of his body and tail covered with scars, which glow too, no less. It was their fault that he was longer beautiful, and he found it ridiculous that humans are afraid of him when it was their fault Sabo was scary to begin with.
To be fair, even before all that, Sabo was an intimidating figure. He's a huge, strong merman with a thick, muscular tail. He also has sharp claws, teeth and his mouth twists upwards to a smile. The scars added to the effect.
In the narrative, Sabo vents his deep grudge against humans by trying to drown Law with his siren gimmick. Whenever Law sees Sabo's attempts to drown him, Law just stares blankly at him and says, "Damn, you're more out of tune than Eustass-ya" and asks for Sabo to show him where he can find this oddly specific fish species. Sabo slaps him with his tail in response. It knocks Law out for a solid three hours, just enough time to swim away. Law never saw that oddly specific fish species.
That changes when Law actually drowns. Law and Shachi take the L and go out in the stormy night to collect data. The boat capsizes. Shachi's an exceptional swimmer so he recovers himself and their boat quickly.
Meanwhile, Law was five feet underwater and was about to die. That was, until someone—I won't name names—swims up to save him. When Law flickers in and out of consciousness, he notices some bright turquoise bioluminescence in the water and thought they looked like stars. When he finally came to, he realises he was on his boat with Shachi crying over him. Law immediately stands up and runs around the boat, falling over several times. He sees that glow and bends over to see a familiar pair of eyes glaring at him, sharp teeth baring.
"M-monster!" Shachi screams. Law finally recognised Sabo. It was his blonde hair. Law throws an empty tin can at Shachi, which landed squarely at his head.
"Show some fucking respect, Shachi! Sabo saved me!" Law said angrily. Law threw another can at him. "Now, drive!"
Law did not get a good glimpse of Sabo's reaction because Sabo spat at him and swam away. Law let out a laugh. He was glad Sabo still hated him the same way. It would be awkward if things suddenly changed...
The next day, Law finds Sabo not at some foggy cliff trying to lure him to his death but by the harbour, lingering around his boat, studying it. Sabo never greets or attacks Law, he just follows him quietly. Law finds Sabo there every morning without fail. Law thought maybe Sabo was thinking of yet another way to kill him. He smiled to himself. Maybe things did not change after all.
Though, Law was curious by this development.
"You're funny, Sabo," Law said out loud. "I thought you hated me, so why are you following me around?"
"I'm not."
Law saw Sabo finally approach the boat. Hesitantly, he hung off the edge like Ace and Luffy.
"You're scared," Sabo said intently.
"I'm not."
"I'm not," Law thought for a moment and laughed. "Not of you, anyway. Do you want me to be?"
"All humans are."
Law smiled and leaned against the boat, back facing Sabo. He tilted his head back to look at the sky before making eye contact with Sabo. Sabo's expression was unreadable, but he eventually took that shell mask off. He still refused to look at Law properly, but Law realised his scar was somewhat translucent. He saw some of Sabo's veins near his eye.
"No. Don't be scared of me," Sabo said. He seemed almost shy. "I won't hurt you."
Law laughed. He thought Sabo was just plain cute.
"Bastard," Sabo said after some time. "You're stupid. Don't trust me. I'm stronger than you."
"You shouldn't trust me either, Sabo. I'm human."
"I don't."
Law smiled sincerely. Sabo's resolve finally weakened and that was when Law learnt that if Sabo let it be, his scar would naturally glow even in the day. Sabo sighed tiredly.
"It's different. I like you."
Sabo then jumped into the boat and french-kissed Law sloppily, greedily, indisputably claiming Law's mouth as his territory.
Hey, remember when I said I shipped Lawlulaw? Yeah, I finally have an idea for them!
As I was fleshing this out, I suddenly felt the need to shove in Acelaw and Sabolaw in there so uh that's fun. I wanted this to be Lulaw centered but the moments of Ace and Sabo can be very easily spun into a romantic direction if I wanted and I wanted to be open to having a Law harem!
Welp, anyways, onto the plot I cooked.
I'm thinking of Law as a scientist who studies marine life. He has a huge lab where he collects specimens and spends a lot of time sketching out the intricate details and labelling them. He loves drawing these because it helps him get a clear, objective view of the world. His ultimate goal is to know just what makes the world tick.
He wants to know the inner workings of everything, kind of to compensate for how he barely knows himself and the depths of his subconscious nature. He believes everything has a place. A creature's ever part, every organ, every component is like a gear that keeps the whole system running and Law loves analysing them.
It may or may not be surprising but he actually believes in things like monsters, aliens and cryptids. From his experience, there's so many interesting sea creatures within the realm of science. It seemed a bit rude to dismiss the possibility. You never fucking know.
So that means when he sees a merman washed up one day in front of the beach near his home. He shrugs and says, "Well, he looks better than a drunk Bepo."
From indifference turned curiosity, Law squats down and starts poking this merman with a bit too much force and said merman jolts awake. Law notices how sharp his teeth and claws were. Law knew he would die if he did not approach him correctly.
"H-hello. I'm Law. Are you okay?"
The merman was visibly confused. Law realised he seemed a bit dehydrated and realised his gills on his neck looked uncomfortable. Law understood. He pointed to the ocean behind the merman.
"I'll take you back," Law said. He did not know how to approach the situation beyond rolling up his sleeves just in case the merman had an allergic reaction to his shirt and very gently trying to carry the creature princess-style.
Law was horrified to feel that this creature was heavy and struggled with carrying him. So much for wanting to be brave. The merman did not do anything to make things difficult—Law just was not the strongest out there. He just stared at Law with literal stars in his eyes. He made a cheerful little sound that was admittedly quite cute.
Law let the merman go when he was just around waist-deep in the ocean. He gently poured some water over his gills, which elicited even more happy sounds. When Law let go, the merman suddenly looked sad and Law felt like a horrible human being.
"Good bye. Take care"
The merman was swimming rather freely in the ocean now and he circled around Law. Law felt anxious. Did he walk into a trap? Was the merman going to attack? The merman did not seem hostile but you never know what these creatures were thinking especially when they were alive.
When the merman stopped swimming, Law took a good look at his features. He was quite cute in the face with large round eyes and an equally large mouth that occasionally broke into a large smile. If he were human, Law would've fallen in love.
"Good bye, it was nice meeting you-"
The next thing Law knew, he was immediately submerged underwater. He could barely breathe and felt himself choke. Meanwhile the merman was giggling like this was all very amusing. Law was knew he would die, if not for something rapidly swimming up and forcibly dragging the merman away.
Of course it was another muscular merman. He looked older than Law's murderer and had dark red accents on his hands and neck. There were spots on his face that looked like freckles. Now this one looked predatory. In human terms, he looked like he was nagging the other merman. Irritated, Law stood up as best he could and punched them both on the head.
Law's murderer seemed annoyed and sad at the violence, while the other one looked mildly impressed. He whistled through his gills. At least Law knew what that meant—it was a fucking mating call.
"Shut the fuck up! You're both annoying me! Go away!"
The black-haired mermen tilted their head to the side at the same time. In the distance, a pale, almost albino merman swam closer. Unlike the other two, he seemed friendlier even with a heavily disfigured face. He laughed as he happily said, "I'm sorry for my brothers, bastard!"
Law was flabbergasted. This was not his day.
"You can talk?"
The blonde merman seemed more surprised than Law. Law would punch him too but he was much faster than the other two in grabbing them by the shoulders and swimming some distance away so they would have to shout at each other. Law's murderer seemed sad that they were separated.
"You can talk, human?" The merman replied. He laughed. "Bitch!" He seemed to say those vulgarities with great childlike amusement. Though, Law would not be surprised to hear that he knew what those words meant and meant them sincerely. He seemed cunning.
Law felt wet, disgusting and thoroughly upset that he did not die. "Why, yes I fucking can! Piss off!"
As Law made his way back to the base, he suddenly heard the blonde merman tell the pervert and his murderer something. They went silent when Law looked back. Three seconds later, they started making loud, hysterical noises.
For God's sake, Law walked away with a ruined morning, wet clothes and the horrible memory of nearly dying. That was annoying, as he walked up the ocean where he was comfortably knee-length. He felt something gently grab his foot.
"What do you want, murderer?"
The merman pouted slightly and fuck isn't that just the cutest thing? He tried to pull Law back but gently this time. Law realised this was kind of like a child trying to make friends. He sighed and squatted down again to meet this creature at eye-level.
"I won't go with you but I'll come back tomorrow morning. Don't pull that shit again, or I'll kill all three of you. Understood?"
That seemed to be what the merman wanted for he smiled brightly and made those happy clicking noises again. He hugged Law's shoulders, licked his cheek quickly, jumped off and swam off with his brothers who seemed more interested in this little guy more than anyone else.
The sight was sweet. Maybe tomorrow morning would be better...
(Also, Law read up on Merfolk. Apparently, they were acknowledged to be legitimate sea creatures only three years ago and there were proper laws to forbid the act of hunting and killing them. Law found it strange that policies viewed them more like an endangered species than human beings.)
(More importantly, Law found out that there were some highly intelligent merfolk could learn human languages. And even more importantly, merfolk use their saliva to mark their territory... Including their mates, whom they usually commit to for life... Huh.)
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Hey, remember when I said I shipped Lawlulaw? Yeah, I finally have an idea for them!
As I was fleshing this out, I suddenly felt the need to shove in Acelaw and Sabolaw in there so uh that's fun. I wanted this to be Lulaw centered but the moments of Ace and Sabo can be very easily spun into a romantic direction if I wanted and I wanted to be open to having a Law harem!
Welp, anyways, onto the plot I cooked. Edit: I elaborated more on this au here (x)!
I'm thinking of Law as a scientist who studies marine life. He has a huge lab where he collects specimens and spends a lot of time sketching out the intricate details and labelling them. He loves drawing these because it helps him get a clear, objective view of the world. His ultimate goal is to know just what makes the world tick.
He wants to know the inner workings of everything, kind of to compensate for how he barely knows himself and the depths of his subconscious nature. He believes everything has a place. A creature's ever part, every organ, every component is like a gear that keeps the whole system running and Law loves analysing them.
It may or may not be surprising but he actually believes in things like monsters, aliens and cryptids. From his experience, there's so many interesting sea creatures within the realm of science. It seemed a bit rude to dismiss the possibility. You never fucking know.
So that means when he sees a merman washed up one day in front of the beach near his home. He shrugs and says, "Well, he looks better than a drunk Bepo."
From indifference turned curiosity, Law squats down and starts poking this merman with a bit too much force and said merman jolts awake. Law notices how sharp his teeth and claws were. Law knew he would die if he did not approach him correctly.
"H-hello. I'm Law. Are you okay?"
The merman was visibly confused. Law realised he seemed a bit dehydrated and realised his gills on his neck looked uncomfortable. Law understood. He pointed to the ocean behind the merman.
"I'll take you back," Law said. He did not know how to approach the situation beyond rolling up his sleeves just in case the merman had an allergic reaction to his shirt and very gently trying to carry the creature princess-style.
Law was horrified to feel that this creature was heavy and struggled with carrying him. So much for wanting to be brave. The merman did not do anything to make things difficult—Law just was not the strongest out there. He just stared at Law with literal stars in his eyes. He made a cheerful little sound that was admittedly quite cute.
Law let the merman go when he was just around waist-deep in the ocean. He gently poured some water over his gills, which elicited even more happy sounds. When Law let go, the merman suddenly looked sad and Law felt like a horrible human being.
"Good bye. Take care"
The merman was swimming rather freely in the ocean now and he circled around Law. Law felt anxious. Did he walk into a trap? Was the merman going to attack? The merman did not seem hostile but you never know what these creatures were thinking especially when they were alive.
When the merman stopped swimming, Law took a good look at his features. He was quite cute in the face with large round eyes and an equally large mouth that occasionally broke into a large smile. If he were human, Law would've fallen in love.
"Good bye, it was nice meeting you-"
The next thing Law knew, he was immediately submerged underwater. He could barely breathe and felt himself choke. Meanwhile the merman was giggling like this was all very amusing. Law was knew he would die, if not for something rapidly swimming up and forcibly dragging the merman away.
Of course it was another muscular merman. He looked older than Law's murderer and had dark red accents on his hands and neck. There were spots on his face that looked like freckles. Now this one looked predatory. In human terms, he looked like he was nagging the other merman. Irritated, Law stood up as best he could and punched them both on the head.
Law's murderer seemed annoyed and sad at the violence, while the other one looked mildly impressed. He whistled through his gills. At least Law knew what that meant—it was a fucking mating call.
"Shut the fuck up! You're both annoying me! Go away!"
The black-haired mermen tilted their head to the side at the same time. In the distance, a pale, almost albino merman swam closer. Unlike the other two, he seemed friendlier even with a heavily disfigured face. He laughed as he happily said, "I'm sorry for my brothers, bastard!"
Law was flabbergasted. This was not his day.
"You can talk?"
The blonde merman seemed more surprised than Law. Law would punch him too but he was much faster than the other two in grabbing them by the shoulders and swimming some distance away so they would have to shout at each other. Law's murderer seemed sad that they were separated.
"You can talk, human?" The merman replied. He laughed. "Bitch!" He seemed to say those vulgarities with great childlike amusement. Though, Law would not be surprised to hear that he knew what those words meant and meant them sincerely. He seemed cunning.
Law felt wet, disgusting and thoroughly upset that he did not die. "Why, yes I fucking can! Piss off!"
As Law made his way back to the base, he suddenly heard the blonde merman tell the pervert and his murderer something. They went silent when Law looked back. Three seconds later, they started making loud, hysterical noises.
For God's sake, Law walked away with a ruined morning, wet clothes and the horrible memory of nearly dying. That was annoying, as he walked up the ocean where he was comfortably knee-length. He felt something gently grab his foot.
"What do you want, murderer?"
The merman pouted slightly and fuck isn't that just the cutest thing? He tried to pull Law back but gently this time. Law realised this was kind of like a child trying to make friends. He sighed and squatted down again to meet this creature at eye-level.
"I won't go with you but I'll come back tomorrow morning. Don't pull that shit again, or I'll kill all three of you. Understood?"
That seemed to be what the merman wanted for he smiled brightly and made those happy clicking noises again. He hugged Law's shoulders, licked his cheek quickly, jumped off and swam off with his brothers who seemed more interested in this little guy more than anyone else.
The sight was sweet. Maybe tomorrow morning would be better...
(Also, Law read up on Merfolk. Apparently, they were acknowledged to be legitimate sea creatures only three years ago and there were proper laws to forbid the act of hunting and killing them. Law found it strange that policies viewed them more like an endangered species than human beings.)
(More importantly, Law found out that there were some highly intelligent merfolk could learn human languages. And even more importantly, merfolk use their saliva to mark their territory... Including their mates, whom they usually commit to for life... Huh.)
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"You got the best of me."
Wips, different colours and context below the cut. (TW: Religious themes)
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If you're curious, this illustration is based on a comic (which is based on a fan fiction) I worked on for a long time called "You Got the Best of Me". Yes, it's a BTS song. It's a good B-side.
The idea is that traveller!Antonio finds his way to a small, wayward tomato farmed owned by this grumpy man called Lovino. He's the son of the village's head priest who had passed away from cancer when he was a child, not long after his younger brother, Feliciano was born.
Feliciano was always sickly and couldn't do very much. He was a crybaby. He was kind of pathetic but always cheerful and Lovino loved him very much, and worked hard to support him.
Growing up, Feliciano became very religious like their grandfather and trained to become a priest. Lovino didn't exactly disapprove, since it meant Feliciano would be taken care of, but he didn't believe in God as much as he used to. Afterall, God let his grandfather—the epitome of Godfearring—die so painfully. Feliciano tries his best to reconnect but their difference in faith made it difficult.
In the present day, Antonio and Lovino met when Antonio just stumbles into a village party one day. He leans against an empty barrel, exhausted, until someone taps his shoulder. He turns around and sees a handsome, albeit drunk as fuck young man giving him a bottle of alcohol, telling him to cheer up and drink. Antonio fell in love at first sight. That smile was gorgeous.
They meet again the next day when Antonio walks into the church and sees the same young man sitting at the back. The young man didn't say no when Antonio sits with him, and doesn't do anything when Antonio talks to him and asks to share his Bible.
After service, they walk around the church in silence and they go to a quiet stretch of meadow where Antonio plays some childhood songs on his guitar. Antonio was surprised when Lovino knew the words and could speak Spanish. Lovino said the 'weirdos' his grandfather made friends with taught him whatever he knew, which was surprisingly a lot.
They continue chatting and without knowing, it had been hours.
"Brother, it's lunch time," Feliciano said softly.
Lovino screamed. "H-how the fuck did you find me?"
Feliciano laughed as he pointed to the footsteps in the ground. "There's coffee! No alcohol, don't drink so much." Feliciano acknowledged Antonio with a curtsey and a suspicious glance. Lovino did not always have the best judgement.
The three of them walked together, Lovino walked ahead because he was hungry and knew that he needed to explain himself. Antonio and Feliciano introduced themselves. Feliciano was not as paranoid as before—Antonio seemed like a nice person. Antonio liked that Feliciano took things well despite his sickliness and hoped that he would get better soon. Feliciano gave him a look.
Antonio understood immediately. Feliciano was unnervingly pale and skinny. The only thing about him that was strong was his will to live. Antonio promised to never talk about it again and Feliciano smiled.
A few months go by and Antonio was helping Lovino harvest tomatoes and that was when Lovino pulls him aside and asks, "Do you know about my grandfather?" Antonio said vaguely because he and Feliciano slipped it in conversations here and there. Lovino nodded and then elaborated more on what Antonio 'vaguely' knew. Lovino usually wasn't this open so what happened now?
"Doctors said Feliciano won't have longer than a year left."
Antonio felt devastated. He did not know them for very long and yet he knew Feliciano was one of the better sort of people out there. He could only imagine how painful it must be for Lovino—his own brother!
"Is God trying to take a piss at me?" Lovino said angrily. "For not believing? For fucking giving up? For calling Him a bastard? If He feels bad, then maybe He should stop fucking killing everyone I love! My own family, Antonio! What the fuck is wrong with Him?"
Antonio listened. Lovino started ugly sobbing, understandably so. Antonio nodded.
"Feliciano's a good kid. He's always doing his fucking best. He never whored around, he's always nice. He cooked for old ladies. He prays and reads the Bible every fucking day. Why do you Hate your own, God? Is it because he's dating some guy? Well, I don't like the blonde son of a bitch either but I won't kill them. What the fuck is your problem? Aren't you the good one?"
Antonio pat his back. And then, Lovino said, "Why can't He just kill me instead? Let Feliciano go. Let him be happy."
"That won't change anything."
"Yeah that fucking won't but at least I won't be sad."
"Well, I would."
Lovino looked at Antonio like he was crazy.
"But you'll fucking bounce in what? A week? Two weeks? I know your type. You idiots never fucking stay in one place, always running around, bumming around without doing anything proper. Piss off, Antonio. You'll find another one in China or some shit."
"No, Lovino. I care about you. I don't want you to die. Feli's not dead yet. What would he say?"
"He'd tell me to pray."
"Praying isn't dying, sí?" Antonio said. The sun was setting and the birds were chirping. Antonio picked up a plump tomato from the ground, wiped it with his shirt and gave it to Lovino. "Eating this beautiful tomato won't cure you or Feli of your pain but it sure tastes really nice."
Lovino laughed at that childish response. He ate the tomato and smiled. It was quite delicious. Antonio thought he looked like an angel when he smiled, especially now. They looked at each other with an unspoken emotion, something at the tip of their tongue. Antonio knew it a bit better than Lovino but it was still scary because it meant giving up his freedom to stay here.
Of course, he can talk about travelling with Lovino but he knew lazy bastard wouldn't want to do anything. He could try to get Lovino out of the house. He could lose his dignity and leave and reclaim that freedom. He could... Lovino laughed again and that smile was gorgeous.
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Blind prince Sabo. For fuck's sake, dude, this AU idea has been plaguing my mind for a potential fic. I've been putting the act of actually writing it off for two months (?) because I have actual fics to to write but this crops up and punches me in the gut with potential angst moments.
Therefore, enjoy a shitty ramble with lore details 💕
Sabo was blind. He never denied it despite the weird looks he got or the change in the atmosphere whenever he admitted it.
He was fully blind in his left eye, and almost lost all vision in his right. It resulted in large splotches of black with the occasional faint trace of foggy colour. His vision had always been questionable since birth but the fire accident he experienced when he was thirteen sealed his fate.
That said, he refused to be seen as weak, Sabo insisted on training harder with his knights Ace and Luffy, his 'brothers' as he made his court begrudgingly accept. They spar almost every day and his progress was interesting. Sabo was strong but he took a long time to land proper hits on Ace and Luffy and would lose almost every time. Unlike when they were kids, those two never laughed at him. They helped him stand up and try again.
Over time, Sabo regained his bearings and learnt how to fight again, first somewhat competently, and then good enough for people to say 'wow not bad' and then proficient. In his twenties, he even held his own against his head of military and won.
The key to this success, as Sabo realised, was to be extremely aware of his surroundings and the people in it. He relied heavily on both his gut instinct and hearing to quickly establish who was there, how far away were they and what their intentions were. He learned to be analytical. Just speak one sentence and he can tell whether he should trust this person, and from there decide whether to like them or avoid them as much as possible.
It worked for the most part, even if his judgements were sometimes misplaced because of his raging cynicism. This 'sense' of his gave him his reputation of being described as a 'not very nice person'.
Yes, he does the whole acting polite stuff like bowing and talking diplomatically but he does so with a stiff, calculated unwillingness that feels more offensive than if he just did not bother.
The one thing he refuses to do with a burning passion is letting people give him pecks on the cheek and a kiss on the hand, either out of courtesy or custom. He vomits at the idea of kissing someone else. He did not like anyone that much.
It genuinely disgusts him to have a stranger's mouth—spit—anywhere near him. He does not mind sharing utensils and drinks with Ace and Luffy but that's because it's Ace and Luffy—his fucking brothers! He considers everyone else disgusting. Out of politeness, he obliges but he tries to avoid it whenever he can.
And yet, at some point, he only lets one person kiss his hand. He still grossed out but it does not personally offend him.
They would always ask, "May I?" and would always be quick about it, their lips never touching his glove. Rather than feeling icky, Sabo feels flattered like he's being courted. The warmth and delicacy of the whole gesture was sweet, even Sabo could acknowledge that. They would always end it with a polite, "Thank you" and Sabo would smile sincerely in return.
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Their thoughts from left to right.
"He's insane."
"I'm insane."
"They're both insane... How amusing."
I have this self-indulgent cross-over project for the three franchises I ever got seriously into: Hypnosis Microphone, Hetalia and now One Piece! The idea is to put characters of a similar vibe and temperament together, aka characters whom I think would all get along well.
Today, it's Jakurai, Ludwig (I'll use human names exclusively to refer to Hetalia characters, it sounds better) and Law!
They're all relatively serious and intelligent. It helps that Jakurai and Law are both surgeons so I bet they'll enjoy talking about medicine. I wonder how their medical philosophies match/clash, since from my understanding, their ideals for saving people are quite similar. Ludwig, while not a medic, definitely has the smarts to keep up and would enjoy learning from them.
I like to think they all have their sadistic/a bit strange side. Ludwig's into bdsm (I swear this is canonically confirmed in the anime), Law is Law and Jakurai is a raging drunk. I wonder how they'll get along while drinking, especially since Ludwig likes drinking. From the drama tracks, Jakurai goes wild when drunk and I joke to myself that you'd need a prime Whitebeard to hold a drunk Jakurai back lmao.
Another common point among them is the fact that they each have their own annoying, bright little gremlin. Ludwig has Feliciano, Law has Luffy (or the whole of the Hearts Pirates tbh) and Jakurai (begdrudgingly) has Ramuda. Something to think about.
TMI, Law is German and Ludwig is APH Germany like the coincidence is so funny to me.
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It has barely been an hour and my Sabolaw brainrot has activated. I have a specific vision.
Sabo is a pawnshop owner living like a hermit in a wayward forest. He works as a writer in his free time and has a pretty humble way of life. He goes to the city to visit his brothers and friends but would always return home to his little home.
TMI but I'm from Singapore, which means Southeast Asia and I have a particular fondness for the tropical, humid aesthetic. Large banana trees, large mango and jackfruit trees towering over small kampung houses. Sabo makes his living there where he eats fresh meat and vegetables from the market while also harvesting fresh fruit for himself for supper.
One day, he meets this quiet, softspoken traveller named Trafalgar Law. This person says he needed to get his watch fixed and Sabo happily obliges since Law offered to pay any price. It was his father's Corazon's watch and it was in the shape of a heart. It was made of multiple tiny pink diamonds and it was a joy to see them all shine and glitter from the light of the window.
Sabo says Law could stay behind if he wished. He could use the company. Law hesitates.
This traveller, as Sabo realises, is incredibly awkward. Sure, he looks like he could and would kill Sabo for sport but Sabo doubted that would happen. If he tried anything, Sabo could and would kill him back! It's fine.
Sabo invites him to sit down at his desk as he fixes the watch. Usually, people would stare at his hands as he works on their precious valuables. Partly out of interest and partly out of caution—Sabo's used to both and he doesn't mind that Law is wary but he could not help but feel Law's looking at him rather strangely.
"May I ask you something?" Law asked politely.
"Sure!" Sabo says mindlessly as he removes a particularly rusty gear.
"What happened to your eye?" Sabo glances up and takes a good look at Law and realises Law looks quite smart. An educated man. "Y-you don't need to explain. Everyone has a thing they'd rather not share and it's none of my business, anyway."
Law isn't the first to notice but he is to point it out. Sabo stopped working and smiled. He closed his right eye, such that he looked like he was winking and smiled. "Look closer," Sabo said and Law did. Law gently touched Sabo's scarred area and nearly jumped.
"It's fake."
Sabo opened his right eye and smiled. "Ding-ding! Yep! It's cool, isn't it? I did it myself when I was thirteen? I think."
Sabo loved the way Law's expression changed from, "I think I can take him on in a fight" to "Please do not fight me." It might be his sadistic side speaking, but he found Law's pink cheeks rather adorable.
After about two hours, Sabo fixes Law's watch and Law pays him very generously. Apparently, this watch was the last thing he had from his father before he passed away. He found it in his (abusive) uncle's bedroom one day while snooping and stole it for himself, hiding it in the most random places to keep it safe. Law was very embarrassed for oversharing but Sabo insisted Law stay for dinner so they could talk about it and Law timidly agreed.
During dinner that day, they spoke about themselves and got to know each other better.
Law was a doctor and was on vacation for a month to 'take a break'. He liked eating rice and fish. Sabo had this pawnshop for about ten years and he likes writing about whatever trinkets he comes across. They both don't like 'rude, inconsiderate people'. They both liked wearing suits. They both loved reading and Sabo promised to let Law indulge in his library. The fact that this felt like a first date was not lost on Sabo but Law seemed so happy to make a new friend that Sabo let it be. His small smiles were cute. This would be the first of many such dinners together. After all, Law just sort of stayed with Sabo for what seemed like a few days, and then weeks... And then three months have passed and Law was still there, now reading Sabo's book of translated poems with illustrations, signed by the author at a book fair. It felt almost too natural to welcome Law into his life... Almost too perfect.
"Law, are you leaving soon?" Sabo asked politely as he gave Law some water.
Law seemed startled. He nodded. "This Saturday, actually. I can't take anymore leave."
Sabo was rather sad to hear that. "This was lovely. It would be nice if you would play host for me."
Law laughed. "I can't ask that from you."
"Ask what?"
"I can't ask you to leave this behind and come with me," Law said mildly. "It'll be unreasonable."
Sabo nodded. Law was right. "How did you come to that conclusion?"
"I too have something I can't leave behind," Law said.
Sabo laughed. "And what is that?"
"My friends. They're all I have left."
Sabo seemed a bit sad to hear that. I'm here too.
"Shame," Sabo said. He tried to smile when Law did. Sabo saw Law was trying very hard to act okay too. He wanted to say that he would miss Law but the words just won't come out of his mouth. Sabo had always been articulate—that was why he loved writing and talking. Now, however, when it really matters, Sabo could not get any fucking word to work.
Thankfully, Law, in a rare moment of courage, stepped forward and kissed Sabo first on the cheek and then on the lips. Longingly but also warmly, like Law enjoyed loving Sabo in those three months. Sabo kissed back, feeling the same.
I'm working on a kidlaw thing now where Kidd's the owner of a fashion conglomerate called Victoria Punk. They met in the flagship store and they flirt, yadda yadda whatever—that's not important. What is though, is how I immediately thought of how the Ace and Sabo would get involved in the (luxury) fashion industry since they're my favs alongside Kidd. Here's my takes lmao
Ace would own a shoe store. He sells a pretty small but reliable and beautiful collection of leather shoes and boots. As an athlete and hitchhiker, he understands the need for footwear that's durable, comfortable and fashionable. Since his target demographic are fellow hitchhikers who do insane shit outdoors, his shoes are good quality. They will live through avalanches, snowstorms, cyclones, rocky mountains, swamps—whatever—and the most you'd need to do is replace the laces. Aesthetically-speaking, they're plain, but if you're into the look of sturdy leather that smells wonderful (like me), his stuff is perfect for you.
I say this because I'm currently imagining Ace helping Law try the shoes on like he would delicately slip them on Law's feet like a princess and tie his laces for him. He would look up at Law and smile when he sees that Law feels very comfortable in these shoes.
Gah! The intimacy!
For funsies, he makes Law try on those high, knee-length boots and gets very turned on because Law has legs for days. It's like a kink of his now and he gets esp turned on seeing that.
For Sabo, I can't decide between a watch shop or a (pawn) jewellery store. Either way, I want him to be very involved with people, as in he would sit there and admire little intricate things with his clients. He loves listening to what customers like and helping them find what they're looking for. Rather than for practical purposes like Ace, Sabo's more interested in sentimental values. He's not interested in just a pretty watch or a pretty ring— he wants to help clients find the perfect watch for their children to pass down to their grandchildren; he wants to help clients find the perfect engagement ring for their loved ones. He's into the storytelling aspect of luxury marketing.
If we're talking Sabolaw, then maybe Law walks into Sabo's little run down store one day and asks if Sabo could help fix an heirloom from Corazon. Sabo agrees for a small fee and from there they talk about the thing itself, and then onto what Sabo does, and then what Law does. Amongst this heart to heart, they look at each other and go. oh.
I enjoy this person very much.
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I'm working on a kidlaw thing now where Kidd's the owner of a fashion conglomerate called Victoria Punk. They met in the flagship store and they flirt, yadda yadda whatever—that's not important. What is though, is how I immediately thought of how the Ace and Sabo would get involved in the (luxury) fashion industry since they're my favs alongside Kidd. Here's my takes lmao
Ace would own a shoe store. He sells a pretty small but reliable and beautiful collection of leather shoes and boots. As an athlete and hitchhiker, he understands the need for footwear that's durable, comfortable and fashionable. Since his target demographic are fellow hitchhikers who do insane shit outdoors, his shoes are good quality. They will live through avalanches, snowstorms, cyclones, rocky mountains, swamps—whatever—and the most you'd need to do is replace the laces. Aesthetically-speaking, they're plain, but if you're into the look of sturdy leather that smells wonderful (like me), his stuff is perfect for you.
I say this because I'm currently imagining Ace helping Law try the shoes on like he would delicately slip them on Law's feet like a princess and tie his laces for him. He would look up at Law and smile when he sees that Law feels very comfortable in these shoes.
Gah! The intimacy!
For funsies, he makes Law try on those high, knee-length boots and gets very turned on because Law has legs for days. It's like a kink of his now and he gets esp turned on seeing that.
For Sabo, I can't decide between a watch shop or a (pawn) jewellery store. Either way, I want him to be very involved with people, as in he would sit there and admire little intricate things with his clients. He loves listening to what customers like and helping them find what they're looking for. Rather than for practical purposes like Ace, Sabo's more interested in sentimental values. He's not interested in just a pretty watch or a pretty ring— he wants to help clients find the perfect watch for their children to pass down to their grandchildren; he wants to help clients find the perfect engagement ring for their loved ones. He's into the storytelling aspect of luxury marketing.
If we're talking Sabolaw, then maybe Law walks into Sabo's little run down store one day and asks if Sabo could help fix an heirloom from Corazon. Sabo agrees for a small fee and from there they talk about the thing itself, and then onto what Sabo does, and then what Law does. Amongst this heart to heart, they look at each other and go. oh.
I enjoy this person very much. (edit: I wrote more on Sabolaw here)
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I'll make you sweat, pretty boy.
Ace thirst traps 2/4
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Some old sketches inspired by my lulaw fic to celebrate the birthday boy!
fic here (x)
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Yipee more content! Ace never sees Law again in a very long time until like a few months later. She walked into the boutique with a bruised cheek and a cut lip one early morning just as Ace was getting ready. He was about to ask her what happened and offered to patch her up, but then he realised she had never looked happier and dropped the topic.
"Ace, I want you to be the first outside of my immediate family to know this," she said suddenly. "I fought with my fiancé in the alleyway last week. I didn't win, of course. I'm not much of a fighter but I got what I wanted."
"Which is?"
"He's now my ex-fiance," she said with a large, somewhat insane smile. "Thank you for listening to me. Meeting you gave me courage. Take care."
"Um. One question."
Ace thought it was now or never. "Do you want to get dinner with me?"
She laughed and said yes! Oh, Ace was really in it now...
I have a terrible idea just now.
Do you know those consultants (?) the people who help brides decide on what wedding dresses to get for their wedding day. I feel like Ace would be great at that job. He might not understand aesthetics very well—he finds all that high key boring—but he would put the bride first in every decision he makes. He'd smile and his flirtish side would come out in complimenting the bride to encourage them. He has definitely beat up more than a few annoying entourage.
What if femlaw is a customer one fine day and Ace is absolutely smitten! He knows she's off-limits, like get it together she's getting married, but she's so pretty! Ace loves her pouty lips, piercings, tattoos and slightly muscular shoulders. She's also very shy and timid. To Ace, that meant very cute.
He's determined to help her find the dress of her dreams!
He's happy to see that she seemed to have a good man who's willing to pay whatever she wanted and seemed to treat her affectionately. She deserves that much, anyway. When Ace asked what she wanted for her dress, Law just looked away, very clearly embarrassed. He reassured her that whatever she wanted can't be 'that bad'! She just said she wanted something simple and figure-hugging. Ace said sure and went to work.
After thirty minutes, Ace returned with five dresses for her to try. Ace told her to knock the door three times when she's ready for him to add accessories. Law thanked him and closed the door.
Ace was surprised to hear her knock the door in just ten minutes. He closed his webnovel and walked inside. Fuck- She was stunning. Despite doing this for a living, he never wanted to get married but he was having second thoughts now. To have a beautiful woman willingly dress up, put in effort to feel pretty just to be with you was an honour.
Ace finally understood why some men would simp so hard for their wives. He sure hoped Law's man simped for her. A girl like that isn't common at all!
"Ace, can I be honest with you?" She said. She had only spoken a few words to him up to this point, and they were mostly pleasantries. He was surprised when she stopped him from putting the veil on her head, though he sensed there was a deeper reason than her not liking it. "I don't want to get married. I'm not ready."
"Oh?" Ace knew he looked stupid. "What made you realise that?"
"I knew it when I realised I love this dress," she said softly. Nearly tearing up, she said, "Which is why I don't see myself walking up to him in it. I don't think I love him as much as I think I do."
"What do you want to do? The consult is free, you're not obliged to buy anything-"
"I know. Thank you," she said. They looked at their reflection in the mirror. She looked so tired all of a sudden. She looked like she would pass out from exhaustion. Ace felt bad for her. "To answer you... I don't know. I've wanted to call it off for a while now. Might as well before I sign anything binding."
"How are you going to do that?"
That was when she laughed slightly. Granted it was a sarcastic laugh but Ace ate it up all the same. He knew he was falling for her.
"Again, I don't know. But I'm tired of waiting for a plan," she said. She smiled triumphantly at Ace like she was proud for even saying she wanted to rebel. That's it. Ace was gone. "I'm going to be reckless and I'm going to castrate him and take his money!"
Ace's heart squeezed.
"I'll help," he said easily.
She smiled like she accepted the offer. Ace fell in love for the first time in his life.
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