francement · 2 days
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me when people ask me how to say "I don't care" in french
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The IASIP meme of Charlie Kenny gesturing wildly at a conspiracy board, with the second picture added to his papers - the second picture being a table with 7 columns classifying an exhaustive number of ways of saying "I don't care" in French, based on how common, vulgar and funny they each are.
Column 1: Socially acceptable and common: -Je m’en fiche -J’en ai rien à faire* (*less formal variation of “Je n’en ai rien à faire” which still belongs to this category)
Column 2: Vulgar and common enough to not be shocking: -Je m’en fous -(J’en ai) rien à foutre
Column 3: More vulgar, and common with a ‘teenage’ connotation: -(Je)* m’en tape -(Je) m’en branle -(Je) m’en balec’ -(Je) m’en bats les couilles -(J’en ai) rien à battre -(J’en ai) rien à branler -”Balec’” (* omitting “je” is frequent and makes the expression even less formal)
Column 4: ‘Familiar’ (only somewhat vulgar, completely informal) and uncommon enough to be considered somewhat funny: -J’en ai* rien Ă  carrer -J’en ai* rien Ă  cirer -Je m’en tamponne (le coquillard) -Je m’en balance -J’en ai* rien Ă  pĂ©ter (* can be replaced with “Je n’en ai rien Ă  
” to give it a formal connotation, in which case the expression belongs to category 6)
Column 5: Socially acceptable and uncommon/formal enough to be considered funny: -Je m’en contrefiche -Je m’en soucie comme d’une guigne -J’en ai rien à fiche
Column 6: Vulgar and uncommon, somewhat formal: -Je m’en contrefous
Column 7: Socially acceptable and very uncommon / very formal, enough to sound snobbish (and therefore a bit funny): -Peu m’importe -Il m’importe peu -Je n’en ai cure -Je ne m'en soucie guùre
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francement · 1 year
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In French we don’t say “I’ll die on this hill” we say “Je n’en dĂ©mordrai pas” which means “I won’t unbite this” and I think it’s beautiful
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francement · 1 year
 Bon Patron will save your life. 
What is it?
 a free grammar checker that was developed by French professors
 not extremely sophisticated and won’t catch all of your errors 
but WILL prevent you from making dumb conjugation or agreement mistakes. 
What does it look like?
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What’s it do?
it marks what mistakes you made (writes them out and you can also hover over them - I couldn’t screenshot the entire list because it is VERY THOROUGH) 
(I feel like I need to mention this is an automatically generated example, I’m bad at french but I’m not that bad)
says what type of mistake it is 
and what you can do to fix them.
What do I do with it?
Obviously don’t rely on it 100%, but if you’ve been staring at an essay for five hours it’s so nice to be able to run it through and have it catch the article you misused in the middle of the fourth paragraph. 
make sure you check again after correcting the errors because sometimes new ones will be flagged 
double check your work, sometimes it suggests corrections that you don’t need to make (since it’s a computer program and you’re a person)
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francement · 2 years
Ten bug-related expressions
Avoir le bourdon (having the bumblebee): being sad
Avoir le cafard (having the cockroach): being depressed
Avoir des fourmis (having ants): having pins and needles
Avoir une araignée au plafond (having a spider on the ceiling): being crazy
Un sac Ă  puces (a bag of fleas): a dog
Prendre la mouche (taking the fly): getting upset, annoyed
Un travail de fourmi (an ant’s work): a painstaking job
Moche comme un pou (ugly as a louse): super ugly
Nu-e comme un ver (naked like a worm): completely naked
Des pattes de mouche (flys paws): an illegible handwriting
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francement · 2 years
Local vocabulary
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francement · 2 years
Pretty words
Here’s a little list of cute or silly words that you might have never heard before and would probably have some trouble to pronounce!
Ratiboiser, v : swindling someone (fam), buzzing one’s hair
Confiscation, n.f. : confiscation
Ineptie, n.f. : nonsense (posh)
Mirobolant-e, adj : fantastic
Saperlipopette : golly (old)
Hurluberlu, n.m. : crank, weirdo
PĂ©cho, v : hooking up (fam), ex: Je l’ai pĂ©cho mardi dernier! I hooked up with him/her last tuesday! NB : a) sg only, A pĂ©cho B, they don’t pĂ©cho eachother ; + b) unvariable 
Balivernes!, n/e.f. : nonsense (old)
Goûtu-e, adj : tasty (posh)
Coi-te, a : stunned (rare) - pronounced Quoi
Ébaubi-e, adj : flabbergasted
Tohu-bohu, n.m. : confusion, commotion
Balourd-e, n : clumsy, rough (fam; annoyed)
DĂ©goter, v : getting, finding (fam)
Se coltiner, v : getting stuck with, ex: And now I have to me coltiner my little sister tonight because my parents decided to go to the cinema!
Tout azimut, e/a : everywhere, all around
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Prendre la poudre d’escampette : running away
Subodorer, v : detecting, sensing
Concupiscent-e, adj : lecherous
Zinzin, a : weird, loony (nice loony, not joker loony)
Procrastiner, v : procrastine
Flagornerie, n.f. : toadying, butt-kissing
Et rebelote : same thing again, one more time
Bavarder, v : chatting
Chouette! : nice! great!
Brindille, n.f. : twig
Mille-pattes, n.m. : centipede (”one thousand legs”)
Pouf, n.m. : ottoman seat
Vachement, adv : a lot (”cowly”)(fam) your car is vachement fast!
Chou, adj : cute (”cabbage”, don’t ask)
Peton, n.m. : foot (kiddish)
Minou, n.m. : kitty, puss (kiddish)
Nounours, n.m. : teddy bear (ours : bear)
Confiture, n.f. : jam
Margoulin, n.m. : swindler, incompetent
Moufle, n.f. : mitten
Coquecigrue, n.f. : absurdity (Pigwidgeon‘s french name)
PĂątisserie, n.f. : pastry
Tapisserie, n.f. : wallpaper, tapestry
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francement · 2 years
And so on
Et ainsi de suite
Et tutti quanti
Et tout (ça)
Et cetera et cetera
Et compagnie
Et j'en passe
Et tout le bataclan
Et tout le tintouin
Et tout le tralala
Et patati et patata
Et tout et tout (kids)
Et patin couffin (old)
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francement · 2 years
Je fus placĂ© Ă  mi-distance de la misĂšre et du soleil. La misĂšre m’empĂȘcha de croire que tout est bien sous le soleil et dans l’histoire ; le soleil m’apprit que l’histoire n’est pas tout.
Albert Camus, L’envers et l’endroit
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francement · 2 years
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la langue des signes français (LSF)- French sign language
la dactylologie- fingerspelling
un alphabet manuel, alphabet digital- the alphabet used in fingerspelling
la culture sourde- deaf culture
sourd.e- deaf
If a child isn’t taught a language within the first five years of life, it keeps them from being able to develop cognitively. For centuries deaf children weren’t given the tools to communicate and deafness was commonly associated with low intelligence. However in communities that had multiple deaf people a sign language often developed. These sign languages were not standardized but they were much better than no language at all. The sign language that developed around Paris is called vielle langue des signes (old sign language) or VLSF for short.
Another group of people who developed a rudimentary sign language were monks who had taken a vow of silence. Three different religious men, Pedro Ponce de Leon, Melchor Yerba, and Saint Bonaventure, all developed finger alphabets based on monastic sign language in the 16th century and it was Ponce de Leon who made the first effort to teach his alphabet to deaf children.
In the 18th century the AbbĂ© de l’ÉpĂ©e saw two of his parishioners speaking to each other in VLSF. He was excited at the thought that it could be used to educate deaf children, but the language needed to be fully fleshed out first. He standardized it filling out any deficits with bits of monastic sign language. The language that de l’ÉpĂ©e produced is called langue de signes français or LSF.
Intelligibility with Other Sign Languages
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Check out this map. It shows the various families of signed languages. The gray blue color is LSF and influenced languages like Mexican sign language. The dark blue represents ASL and influenced languages (do not ask me about the periwinkle I am ignorant). Like French and English, LSF and ASL are related but largely mutually unintelligible. 
This is due to a man called Laurent Clerc. He was a student of l’ÉpĂ©e who founded a school for the deaf in the US. He started out teaching straight LSF, but he picked up local signs from his students and incorporated them. Just like  l’ÉpĂ©e used the local sign languages in France and filled out the gaps with monastic sign language, Clerc used the local sign languages in New England and filled in the gaps with LSF resulting in a new language. (The development of ASL is more complicated than that, but I digress).
The biggest similarity is their alphabets. Check out this video of an ASL speaker and an LSF speaker signing their alphabets together. 
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francement · 2 years
Nouns with a voiced final -s
Albatros - albatross
Albinos - albino
Ananas - pineapple (optional)
As - ace (card)
Biceps - bicep
Blocus - blockade
Bonus - bonus
Bus - bus
CacatoĂšs - cockatoo
Cactus - cactus
Campus - campus
Cassis - blackcurrant
Consensus - consensus
Couscous - couscous
Cubitus - ulna
Cursus - degree course
Express - express
Fils - son (sg+pl)
Gratis - free (informal)
HĂ©las - alas
Humérus - humerus
Infarctus - infarct
Jadis - once (formal)
Laps de temps - period of time
Lys - lily (plant)
MaĂŻs - corn
Mars - Mars, March
Minus - loser (corny/old)
Moeurs - social manners (pl) *common mistake
Myosotis - forget-me-not (plant)
Oasis - oasis (f)
Os - bone (singular)
Ours - bear (sg+pl)
PalmarĂšs - list of achievements
Pancréas - pancreas
Pastis - pastis (alcohol)
Pelvis - pelvis
Processus - process
Radius - radius
Rhinocéros - rhino
Rictus - smirk
Sas - security door
Sens - sense
Tennis - tennis
Terminus - terminus
Tournevis - screwdriver
Triceps - tricep
Tricératops - triceratops
Uranus - Uranus
Utérus - uterus
Vasistas - spyhole
VĂ©nus - Venus
Virus - virus
Vis - screw (fem)
N.B. 1: Proper nouns keep a voiced -S (AgnĂšs, Texas, Tunis).
N.B. 2: The S of Tous is pronounced when the word is a pronoun - which replaces a noun (Je les ai tous - I have them all); Plus depends on the context.
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francement · 2 years
Vocabulaire du jour
pĂ©pite (f) — 1: (metal) nugget, 2: chip, piece ( pĂ©pites de chocolat )
basse (f) — bass voice
se livrer à ( + nom ) — devote oneself to
se pencher ( sur ) — to bend over
ragaillardir — to cheer up, to make content again
mettre hors ( de ) course — knock out/exclude, get out
laisser libre cours à ( + nom ) — to give way/freedom to, to let flow
Ă©carter — discard, dismiss
perfide — treacherous
tour à tour — one by one
de taille — major, high-scale
comme il convient — adequately, properly
à mon vif regret — to my deep regret
à la suite de — as a result of
cela n’est pas aussi X qu’il n’y paraüt — it’s not as X as it sounds
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francement · 2 years
Five facts you didn't know
When taking pictures, we don't say Cheeeese, we say Ouistitiiii (marmoset)
The tooth fairy is a little mouse (la petite souris)
When someone sneezes, we say À tes/vous souhaits (May your wishes become true)
The names Louis, Luis, Lewis (...) come from Clovis, first king of the Franks
A boo boo kiss is un bisou magique
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francement · 2 years
Combien de fois me suis-je trouvĂ©, depuis mes dĂ©buts dans la carriĂšre d'artiste, la plume Ă  la main, pliĂ© en deux, accrochĂ© au trapĂšze volant, les jambes en l'air, la tĂȘte en bas, lancĂ© Ă  travers l'espace, les dents serrĂ©es, tous les muscles tendus, la sueur au front, au bout de l'imagination et de la volontĂ©, Ă  la limite de moi-mĂȘme, cependant qu'il faut encore conserver le souci du style, donner une impression d'aisance, de facilitĂ©, paraĂźtre dĂ©tachĂ©, au moment de la plus intense concentration, lĂ©ger au moment de la plus violente crispation, sourire agrĂ©ablement, retarder la dĂ©tente et la chute inĂ©vitable, prolonger le vol, pour que le mot « fin » ne vienne pas prĂ©maturĂ©ment comme un manque de souffle, d'audace et de talent, et lorsque vous voilĂ  enfin de retour au sol, avec tous vos membres miraculeusement intacts, le trapĂšze vous est renvoyĂ©, la page redevient blanche, et vous ĂȘtes priĂ© de recommencer.
Romain Gary, La Promesse de l’Aube
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francement · 2 years
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I deeply appreciate the fact that Discworld translators add their own terrible, terrible puns.
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francement · 2 years
Wait in English it's the Tennis court oath?? Le Serment du Jeu de Paume is so distinguished and is evidently associated with extremely solemn engravings and paintings in my mind; the tennis court oath just makes me picture like,,,, Bailly on a ping-pong table
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francement · 2 years
French Vocab List for CƓur de Pirate’s Dans L’ObscuritĂ© (2021)
FrĂŽler: to brush against, touch, skim
Je frîle une presque folie de croire en un amour aussi libre — I’m brushing against a near-madness of believing in a love so free
Enfeindre: to infringe; to encroach on something
Mais dans ses mains j'ai compris, que les lignes à enfreindre elle les a franchies — But in her hands I understood, that she has crossed the lines to be infringed
Franchir: to cross (a line), to pass (an obstacle etc.)
Mais dans ses mains j'ai compris, que les lignes à enfreindre elle les a franchies — But in her hands I understood, that she has crossed the lines to be infringed
Sevrer: to wean (to cause to quit something to which one is addicted to, dependent on, or used to; usually, to wean a baby from the dependence on the mother’s milk)
Un casse-tĂȘte rempli de tristesse que seule je pourrais sevrer — A puzzle filled with sadness which only I could wean
Affronter: to confront, to face
Affronter le passĂ©, qu’on s'impose dans l'obscuritĂ© — Confront the past, which we impose on ourselves in the darkness
S'embraser: to flare up, to catch fire
S’embraser aussi vite c'Ă©tait croire en notre destinĂ©e — Blazing up so quickly was believing in our destiny
Not to be confused with s’embrasser, to kiss or to make out
S'emballer: to get carried away; to get ahead of oneself, to get one’s hopes up
Mais j'ai vu dans tes yeux que de s'emballer autant ferait paniquer — But I saw in your eyes that getting so carried away would make you panic
Fardeau (m): burden; trouble, worry
Et la douleur qu'on porte, c'est un fardeau qui laisse sa marque — And the pain that we carry, is a burden which leaves a mark
Brimer: to bully; to mistreat
BrimĂ©es dans nos Ă©lans; pourrais-t-on ĂȘtre aussi braves — Frustrated by our impulses; could we be so brave
Note: brimĂ©es is in the plural feminine form, which implies that both CƓur de Pirate and the other woman she sings about feel tormented
Élan (m): spirit; momentum
BrimĂ©es dans nos Ă©lans; pourrais-t-on ĂȘtre aussi braves — Frustrated by our impulses; could we be so brave
Full lyrics after the break
Keep reading
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francement · 2 years
Hey mom! I know what you call the beans you eat.... but what do you call these beans đŸŸ?
Des coussinets! (literally ‘Little pillows’) x
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