forehead-hobi 2 months
now that i am a real adult i am starting to realise. media lied to me about the availability of rooftops to go hang out on. every day i wish i could be hanging out on a rooftop somewhere looking cool as fuck
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forehead-hobi 2 months
you guys know you can get USB connectable CD, dvd, and blu-ray players right. and you can buy external hard drives with crazy amounts of space for an amount of money that would make the average person from 2009鈥檚 head explode bc of how cheap it is. and if you do this and get ripping software such as handbrake for CDs and DVDs and makeMKV for blurays you can both own a physical copy of whatever media you want and make it accessible to yourself no matter where you are. do you guys know this
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forehead-hobi 2 months
I have never seen an animal sleep in such a cursed way what
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forehead-hobi 2 years
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LGBTQIACAB seen in Milan, Italy
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forehead-hobi 2 years
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Edvard Munch, Toward the Forest, 1897c-1913, colour woodcut from two woodblocks
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forehead-hobi 2 years
I must not cringe. Cringe is the mind-killer. Cringe is the little death that brings total obliteration. I will face my cringe. I will permit it to pass over me and through me. And when it has gone past I will turn the inner eye to see its path. When the cringe has gone there will be nothing. Only I will remain.聽
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forehead-hobi 2 years
in this terrifying world you continuously have the power to offer someone else a little relief . why would you withhold that. do you remember what a little relief feels like? it feels like a lot
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forehead-hobi 3 years
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we will never get over this look
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forehead-hobi 4 years
if you don鈥檛 love me at my no more dream you don鈥檛 deserve me at my blood sweat and tears
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forehead-hobi 4 years
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it鈥檚 2061 and we鈥檙e still thinking about my time performances
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forehead-hobi 4 years
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At least Taemin gets it. Wish kpop fans would realize this instead of wasting time discussing whether or not bts paved the way
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forehead-hobi 4 years
nd ik we鈥檙e joking abt kpop fans leading the revolution but do not let the comedy of them spamming tags with fancams make u forget abt the rampant antiblackness prevalent within the kpop community. everyday a black person is being spoken over, threatened, or even doxxed just for valuing black rights over being a fan. yall racist kpoppies are NOT off the hook
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forehead-hobi 4 years
hello i made another quiz take it to see which iconically embarrassing kpop stan tweet you are thank you stay safe and sexy <3
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forehead-hobi 4 years
[INFO] Sehun has opened a TikTok account
You can follow his account here
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forehead-hobi 4 years
Hello fellow ARMY! I hope y鈥檃ll are doing well and staying healthy during this time. I haven鈥檛 made a tumblr post in a long time and I don鈥檛 want to be making a post about this but sometimes you need to ask for help and that鈥檚 what I鈥檓 doing.
Background: my family got evicted from our apartment back in September because of billing issues with our rental office that didn鈥檛 come to light until they sent us a court summons. By that point there was no way for us to pay what we really owed so we packed up and moved out. We鈥檝e been living in a hotel ever since. We鈥檝e tried moving to a new place but every time we had just enough to pay the hotel and put down a deposit for a new place, something would come up and we would have to use the money for that and push aside our apartment/house dreams. We鈥檝e made it work for 8 months but during this time it鈥檚 really hard for us.
We work in a high school cafeteria. My mom owns the business that runs the cafeteria kind of like a cafe. We buy and cook everything ourselves, just the two of us. The only assistance we get from the city is from the free lunch program where they reimburse us monthly. We are out of work for the rest of the school year, but we鈥檝e found some help in the form of really amazing friends (you know who you are and you are the absolute best 馃槝馃挏馃挄)
We could use a little more help though with groceries and with paying the hotel. We have finally found a program being run by our city that will help us out but we don鈥檛 know when it鈥檒l kick in. If you鈥檙e in a position to help we would graeatly appreciate it.
I have a logo/decal that I made that I would love to send to those who donate. (Ugh I don鈥檛 like that word 馃槪) Actually. . .instead of saying donate I would like to say buy. If you buy my logo/decal I can send it as an iron on decal and you can put it where you want. I can make different sizes so it can go on a backpack or a hat just let me know.
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It looks like this and I would be more than happy to send it to you. Sorry the decal is upside down lol but you get the gist. Please help if you can and are in a position to offer. And if you can鈥檛 good vibes are always welcome 馃挏馃挄 thanks for even reading this far honestly. If you can and are in a position to help please dm me so we can try to get your decal out to you ASAP.
Paypal.me/bjones700 or you can cashapp me $briellabree
I appreciate you so much for even reading this and thank you for your good vibes and help. I love you all 馃挏馃挄 I purple you all 馃挏馃挏馃挏
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forehead-hobi 4 years
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200331 tenlee_1001 instagram update (1, 2)
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forehead-hobi 4 years
just got a comment on an old fic
glad covid 19 has got y鈥檃ll hanging out on ao3!! stay safe, comment on ppls fics, and wash your hands!! 馃挆馃挆馃挆
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