malefiicus · 9 years
Send me a ‘♢’ and my muse will tell yours a pure lie.
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malefiicus · 9 years
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"No, no, no- I won’t step on the ship for less than a fuckin’ soverign, we agreed!”
She could feel a headache building slowly in her temples. The damn captain was trying to underpay her, again - this was the third trip where she’d had to fight for the pay they’d initially set out for her blade and skill. Once he paid, of course, the pay was exceptionally good. It was getting the payment in the first place, that was the battle.
She pinched her nose, bowing her head and raising her palms in a ‘I give up’ gesture. “Think it over, I’m gettin’ some fresh air.”
She grabbed her tankard and took a long drink of the ale inside, making her way outside into the bustling crowds. The air felt cool and crisp there, refreshing, clearing her head and soothing the temper that she had always had difficulty controlling. Leaning against the wall, she sighed and let her head fall back; but she had little time to relax, because a voice caught her attention.
She turned her head to the sound. It wasn’t initially noteworthy; a few knew her name here, mostly contacts and potential employers. It took a second for the voice to click to a name, and when it did, her mouth fell open.
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"… Morrigan?"
She tilted her head down and her eyes fixed on the source of the sound, and a rush of nostalgia filled her at the sight of the witch amongst the familiar crowds. “Maker’s breath…”
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There's a sense of wonder about her as she stares at her meant-to-be-dead friend, a rush of anger, but mostly, and rather strangely, relief. She'd somehow always had a bit of a feeling (or more accurately, hope) that Amell had in fact, not died, and had done what she herself did. Make a quick exit, ensuring that no one saw her as she went. Making her way closer to the woman though, Morrigan can't help but give a smirk, shaking her head. They'd had adventures together, and she couldn't deny that she had a sense of affection for Brook, being able to finally call someone else friend when previously she had none. She'd grieved in her own way upon hearing the news of her death, but her own mission called her, forcing Morrigan to make peace with Brook's death quickly. "Strange that you are alive and well, when tens of hundreds of people mourned your death rather spectacularly. I was told it was a rather long affair, with the people lamenting your loss for weeks." Standing right before Brook though, her smirk widens into a genuine smile. "However did you do it?"
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malefiicus · 9 years
“My position by the Empress’s side could speak more of her belief in the arcane. I personally believe that her fascination with such matters should not have interfered with her obligation to rule, to govern.” She shrugs, crossing her legs as she leans back in the chair, gesturing to a nearby pitcher, silently giving him permission to take a drink if he needed to. 
“But given that that fascination with matters beyond what she needed to know gave me access to what I needed, I should not complain. Not that I needed her resources for much longer. My duty lies elsewhere, after all.” She takes a sip from her own glass, before turning her attention to him.
“And you...making an impression as a mage who wields not just his spells, but a physical weapon as well.” Her finger points vaguely at the weapon on his back. “Jack of trades and a master of none, I see. Neither a master in physical combat, nor in magic.”
He laughed, finding a morbid and genuine understanding of the use of fear.  Her posture changed suggesting a combination of real curiosity, as well as calm control, perhaps a conscious change in her own to match his.
"I can only imagine what that says, outside of being resourceful.  There is a difference, however, between fear, and intimidation.  Fear is never leaving your room because the people outside will kill you.  Intimidation makes you choose your alleyways better because someone outside might kill you.”
Oh, the examples I could give…
She was correct about the lives of the just only being so long.  Though the same could be said for many on both sides of the path.  He found a strange amusement in how she spoke so casually, albeit maybe a bit bitterly, about her title and her avoidance of the Game. 
"And yet, you still had footing at the Empress’s side.  That says a lot as well.  And as for ‘usurping,’ I hardly think that’s worthy of the kettle whistling at the pot.  Swords swing, blood spills, empires and rulers come and go and it seems commonplace.  And then…"
He holds an open hand up, pointing to her, using her own story as an example.
"There’s you.  You take a position of power, of sorts, using nothing but cunning and strategy and people turn up their nose.  Token title or not, you made one hell of an impression."
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malefiicus · 9 years
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007 Casino Royale
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malefiicus · 9 years
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i know, haven’t been on here for a bit. i blame exams, and having to spend more time on studying and such.
but now that it’s over; i’m up for RPing all over again! granted i’ll be spending not as much time as i could before because i’ve got an internship lined up as well, but given that it’s normal working hours i’m always up for night-time RPs. c:
i’ve got 3 drafts that i owe; i’ll probably be getting to them in the next few days or so while i work on my cosplay while i’m at it. if anyone wants a starter of some sort; let me know?
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malefiicus · 9 years
[whispers] i’m so sorry.
sorry i haven’t been online as much as i’d like (or rather, doing the drafts i have to do)
have had to take a hiatus as of late because the demands of school’s projects have just gotten higher and higher, and there’s just not as much time to just sit down and RP properly. 
if we’ve got a mutual follow going on, feel free to ask for my kik and skype. not that i’m on skype all that often nowadays, but my phone’s always with me, and we can always do short back and forth banter on kik. c: 
or you know. to just say hi and all. 
again, sorry for the semi-hiatus, and bear with me, because i will be coming back with morrigan in full force!
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malefiicus · 9 years
okay so uh i hate to do this but my girlfriend has been missing for the past 24 hours. i haven’t had any contact with her nor has her family, she hasn’t made any posts on facebook, and the door to her apartment was locked when i got there but her truck is gone. i’ve called her numerous times but she hasn’t picked up the phone, and i’ve basically got no idea where she is. i’ve sent stuff out to other people but so far there hasn’t been any sign of her. if you live in the portland OR area and see a black toyota truck (it’s very beaten up, and one of the windows is halfway down and cannot be rolled back up or back down) with the lisence plate 233-heg please let me know by sending me an ask or something.
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malefiicus · 9 years
send me ☞ + a character to see how i would portray them.
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malefiicus · 9 years
if u ship ur muse with my muse
because i might also ship it
but i would be sitting there like
welp, i would do this, but i don’t know if they like it
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malefiicus · 9 years
owed starters: bastardwarden (also, like the post if you want a starter~) owed drafts: ignisxcorrupti, ofhighever, daggersandpoison, ironandearth
i don't think i owe anyone else right now, but if i do, let me know?
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malefiicus · 9 years
Anonymously tell me what you think of my character portrayal.
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malefiicus · 9 years
send me ☞ + a character to see how i would portray them.
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malefiicus · 9 years
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ofkirkwall replied to your post:aaaaand i think i’ve done the coding wrong oh gdi....
; i know that pain
// every rper has had that pain, though the funny thing is i still have no idea why i'm doing it wrong
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malefiicus · 9 years
aaaaand i think i've done the coding wrong oh gdi. hopefully the tagging thing worked as;dlfjk rargh.
owed starters: 1, owed drafts: 2.
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malefiicus · 9 years
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so i've somehow hit 110+ followers! [cue FFVII victory music!]
thanks for having the patience to stick with this interpretation of Morrigan that i've got going on! i'm not always online, but somehow 110+ of you guys are still following, so thank you! c: hopefully my writing for Morrigan gets better over time, and becomes more convincing as she goes along.
so without further ado; the bias list. look through their blog if you haven't and give them a follow, they're pretty great and i love to see them floating about on the dash.
people I'm quietly admiring (see: stalking) from afar/RP with a lot
whynxtsing, herorecipe, wardennomore, fxreldenking, ride-the-bull, lxsttrousers, oflavellan, bloodiedamell, iron-and-earth​, path-of-sorrows​, pyrxmxncxr​, daggersandpoison​.
special mentions outside the DA fandom because you're lovely people and why not
ironfistdanny​, colxcheeseburger​, cantgoanyfaster​, bonesandbrimstone​
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malefiicus · 9 years
Sitting by the fire that she'd set up for herself, Morrigan leaned against the foundation of her small hut, staring at the fire on the other side of the camp, keeping her hands close to the flames. They'd just finished their task at Redcliffe; saving the Arl's son from the pride demon had been...interesting. The long way about to achieve the same result, but the task was done. 
And now they had to make their way all the way to Haven, to search for something that might not even be there. Warming her hands up, she notices a member of the party break away, walking towards her. Taking no notice, Morrigan pauses for a moment to take a sip of her rejuvenation potion, letting the warmth swirl around her before looking up. "You can stand and stare, but the longer you say nothing, the more inclined I am to ignore you."
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malefiicus · 9 years
Standing at the battlements, Morrigan looks out into the view, the mountains surrounding Skyhold splitting the sun's rays, tinging the sky with an orange-red hue. Some of the men below had started their training, the light sounds of metal upon metal filling the training ground. Turning to find the Inquisitor stand there, she gives a small nod, before turning her attention back to the fortress. 
"You've gathered a great deal of men here, with every single one of their hopes pinned onto you succeeding. Strange that they don't realise they have a larger say in their future than they think."
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