foamysoapbar · 2 months
Saw this meme and couldn't help making this
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foamysoapbar · 2 months
Shadows of redemption
Simon “Ghost” Riley x fem!reader
Warnings: violence, mention of SA, emotional distress, PTSD and trauma, angst.
Chapter 07: Breaking point
In the depths of the night, Viper found herself entangled in the familiar web of her past. The dream, a recurring specter that haunted her slumber, unfolded once again. But this time, there was a glimmer of clarity, a hint of resolution that danced at the edges of her consciousness.
In the dream, fragments of the assault materialized, like shards of a broken mirror reflecting distorted images. The details were still shrouded in haze, obscuring the face of her attacker. It frustrated her, the inability to distinguish between dream and reality, to unravel the truth that lay dormant within her mind. This time, however, the fog lifted slightly, revealing glimpses of the faceless assailant who haunted her nights. Dark eyes, blonde hair, and a scar etched upon his lips—a composite of features that began to take shape.
Days blend into nights, and the dream remained a persistent phantom reaching deeper into the recesses of her subconscious., an enigmatic puzzle she yearned to solve. Yet, the identity of her attacker remained just out of reach which made he heart ache.
Viper and Ghost embarked on a journey of emotional intimacy, the unspoken desire to transcend their past traumas hung in the air. It was a delicate dance, a tentative exploration of their shared vulnerability. The time had come to take the next step, being intimately intertwined into one.
In the intimate embrace, the world outside faded into insignificance. As the pationate heat of their bodies emenated, a tender moment of trust and vulnerability unfolded. But then, amidst the whispers of longing, a sentence slipped from Simon's lips—a seemingly innocuous string of words that reverberated through Viper's being with seismic force.
" You don't know how long I've been wanting this."
The impact was staggering—a sudden flood of emotions and fragmented recollections washed over Viper's fragile psyche. The puzzle pieces of her assault began to align, forming a chilling picture that shook her to her core. The realization, like a lightning bolt, struck her with a mixture of confusion, disbelief, and turmoil.
The memories, once obscured by the mists of trauma, now clawed their way to the surface. The dreams that had plagued her nights were no longer blurry whispers, but vivid snapshots of a painful truth. In the midst of this revelation, Simon's presence became a paradox—a pillar of support and a possible embodiment of her darkest fears. Simon, the man she trusted, the one who had held her fragile heart, was the one who had inflicted upon her the pain that haunted her every waking moment . He was the one and only who sexually assaulted her under alcohol influence two years ago in the military base.
" Get off me. Get the fuck off me! " She screamed a the top of her lungs hysterically, Ghost immediately backed away from her alarmed.
Viper grappled with a whirlwind of emotions. Conflicting thoughts and feelings swirled within her, entangling her in a complex web. How could the man she grew to love be the same person who had caused her such irreparable harm? The weight of this newfound knowledge threatened to shatter her fragile sense of trust and stability.
Yet, in the middle of the chaos, there lingered a maddening uncertainty. Were her conclusions accurate, or were they the twisted fabrications of a mind ravaged by trauma? A small doubt gnawed at her, fueling a desperate longing for an alternative explanation, a way to absolve Simon from the haunting accusations her memories seemed to implicate. Despite his face reveal being just recent there was no doubt it was the same face, it's was definitely him. What made things worst was Simon unaware of the depths of his transgression, standing before her clueless.
As She confronted Simon with this revelation his initial response was one of denial. The magnitude of the accusation smacked him like a tidal wave, threatening to drown him in a sea of disbelief. He struggled to comprehend the depths of his own actions and the pain he had inflicted upon the woman he loved despite her being a stranger back then.
But as Viper's voice trembled with the weight of her trauma, her words piercing the air like shards of glass, Simon's denial crumbled. In its place, an enraged burst of emotion erupted from within him. The sheer magnitude of his own self-denial and ignorance fueled a storm of anger and frustration, a tempest that lashed out in shouting and intense words.
Caught in the crossfire of Viper's revelation and Simon's own internal turmoil, the room crackled with tension. Her military training, honed through years of service, surged forth as a muscle memory, her senses heightened and on guard. The walls of her emotional fortress rose, shielding her vulnerable heart from further harm.
Simon, in his bewildered state, found himself facing a woman transformed, her strength and resilience burning bright. The realization of what he had done, the weight of his actions, slowly began to sink in. It was no longer a drunken mistake, a lapse in judgment—it was a violation that shattered the trust and love they had built together into dust.
As the shards of their shattered relationship lay scattered around them, Ghost's mind rewound the tape of his own history. A flicker of recognition sparked within him, connecting the dots of his own troubled past. The specter of his alcoholic and abusive father, who had assaulted Simon's mother in the same monstrous way, emerged from the depths of his memories.
In that moment, the echoes of his own trauma reverberated through Simon's being. The realization that he was slowly becoming a version of his father which he despised most shattered his own self-image. The questions, the self-doubt, and the agonizing self-reflection flooded his thoughts, leaving him adrift in a sea of confusion and remorse.
With the truth unraveled, the fragile bonds they had built came crashing down. Viper felt a surge of anger and disbelief, her pain resurfacing with an intensity she had never known. Ghost's attempts to explain only fueled her anguish, leaving him drowning in a sea of regret and despair.
" Get the fuck out of my house ! I don't want to see your face ever again ! Get out now !" She screamed at him with boiling rage.
Betrayal tore them apart once again, and they chose to walk separate paths. The weight of guilt and the burden of their shared past became too much to bear. They distanced themselves from each other, seeking solace in the solitude of their broken hearts.
In the aftermath of this devastating revelation, both of them found themselves standing amidst the ruins of their connection. The silence between them was heavy, pregnant with unspeakable grief and the bitter taste of broken dreams. The road ahead, now appeared bleak and uncertain. Simon quietly gathered his his clothing and left without another word disappearing from Viper's life.
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foamysoapbar · 2 months
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foamysoapbar · 2 months
Here's a digital art of Price I made. Enjoy
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foamysoapbar · 2 months
Shadows of redemption
Simon “Ghost” Riley x fem!reader
Warnings: violence, mention of SA, emotional distress, PTSD and trauma, angst.
Chapter 06: Reconciliation's embrace
The aftermath of their bitter argument left Viper and Ghost standing on the edge of a fractured relationship. Their hearts yearned for the solace of reconciliation, but uncertainty loomed like a storm cloud. Beneath the surface, a flicker of hope remained, quietly urging them to find their way back to each other.
Days passed and Simon's remorse faintly lingered like a haunting ghost. The realization of how his reliance on alcohol had deepened the wounds between them gnawed at his conscience. He yearned to rebuild their fragile bond as if it had never been shattered before.
Viper, too, found herself grappling with the aftermath of their argument. In the quiet moments after the fog of anger cleared, a sense of longing filled her heart. A longing for the intimacy and closeness they had once shared, the warmth of Simon's presence that had gradually slipped away. Yet, a shadow of doubt danced on the periphery of her thoughts, casting an puzzling cloudiness over her perception.
Ghost, aware of the growing distance between them, knew that actions spoke louder than words. As a symbol of his commitment and trust, he decided to take a momentous step: revealing his face to Viper. For years, he had concealed his identity behind various masks, a necessary precaution due to the dangers of his work. But now, he longed to shed the layers of anonymity and show her the vulnerable truth beneath.
It began with a simple gesture. He traded his balaclava for a surgical mask, a small step towards revealing his face. With each passing day, the barrier grew thinner, until finally, he stood before her, his features exposed to the world. His short blonde hair framed his face that was marked with various healed scars, a strong and defined jawline was also hard to overlook.
As Viper took in Simon's features, a mix of emotions washed over her. There was a familiarity, a resonance that tugged at her heartstrings, yet the connection remained elusive, like fragments of a fading dream. The enigmatic similarities that seemed to coexist between Simon and her attacker, the shared trait of blonde hair, tugged at her fragile sense of security. Her memories formed a complex pattern, combining fragments of fear and echoes from the past.
In this delicate dance between recognition and doubt, Viper fought to find her footing. She fought to separate the present from her past but the shadows of her traumas cast a veil over her perception, obscuring the true nature of their bond. In this delicate dance, trust was both a torche and an abyss, calling her forward while reminding her of the risks she had endured.
Simon, without being aware of Viper's internal turmoil approached her with gentle resolve and patience. With each step, he vowed to prove himself, to give her the space and support she needed to heal.
Their journey toward reconciliation was a fragile one, marked by tentative steps and moments of doubt. But within the depths of their shared pain, a glimmer of hope emerged. Viper's heart gradually unfolded allowing trust to blossom again. The shadows that had clouded her perception began to dissipate, revealing the genuine connection that had drawn them together. In the end, she took a leap of faith, embracing the vulnerability of trust and finding comfort in the arms of the man who had shown her the depths of his love and unwavering commitment. Together, they would forge a new and stronger bond that would overcome the scars of their past.
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foamysoapbar · 2 months
Tom Holland reminded me of our favorite British lieutenant so I made this
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foamysoapbar · 2 months
Shadows of redemption
Simon “Ghost” Riley x fem!reader
Warnings: violence, mention of SA, emotional distress, PTSD and trauma, angst.
Chapter 05: Fractured bonds
Viper's struggles with PTSD had cast a heavy shadow over their relationship, a specter that both she and Simon were grappling to understand. The weight of her military experiences bore down on her, manifesting as haunting flashbacks and tormenting nightmares that tore open old wounds. Unbeknownst to them, this internal struggle was causing an emotional rift between them, pulling them apart inch by agonizing inch.
Simon, with his genuine desire to be understanding, found himself at a loss. He yearned to connect with Viper on a deeper level, to bridge the gap that had formed between them. Yet, his own limitations in communication skills left him frustrated and uncertain. He struggled to find the right words, the right gestures, to reach through the walls Viper had erected around herself. It was as if he was trying to navigate a labyrinth of emotions with nothing but a dimly lit candle.
Days turned into weeks, and the emotional distance between them grew wider. Their once vibrant connection now felt strained and fragile. The absence of emotional intimacy and open communication left them both feeling isolated within the confines of their relationship. They longed for the closeness they once shared, but the trauma that haunted Viper and Ghost's lack of communication skills seemed to erect an impenetrable barrier.
The weight of Ghost's demanding military schedule and the mounting emotional turmoil pushed him to the edge. The pressure from his intense current mission bore down on him that he sought solace in the numbing embrace of alcohol. The bottle became his confidant, unleashing a storm of suppressed emotions he struggled to contain. The echoes of his childhood trauma reverberated within him, reminding him of his abusive and alcoholic father. In this state of vulnerability, the anger and aggression he had fought so hard to suppress found an escape route.
The night that followed was a storm of raised voices, bitter accusations, and shattered fragments of trust. The dispute between Simon and Viper centered on the very essence of their relationship. It was a battle of understanding versus frustration and emotional disconnection. Words laced with venom were flung across the room, leaving scars that cut deeper than either of them had intended.
Under the influence of alcohol, Simon's tongue became a sharp weapon. The frustrations he had buried deep within him found an outlet, manifesting as aggressive and hurtful language. His actions, though inexcusable, held a twisted logic borne from his own history of pain. The cycle of abuse and trauma he had witnessed as a child intertwined with the darkness that lurked within him.
As the echoes of their bitter argument faded into an uneasy silence, both Viper and Ghost were left grappling with the wreckage of their relationship. The shattered pieces of their bond lay scattered, a stark reminder of the fragility they had failed to protect. In that moment, it seemed impossible to repair the damage that had been done.
In the aftermath of their clash, they found themselves standing at a crossroads. The next day, as Simon's sobriety returned, a wave of remorse washed over him. The realization of how his reliance on alcohol had further poisoned their relationship left a heavy burden on his conscience.
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foamysoapbar · 2 months
Shadows of redemption
Simon “Ghost” Riley x fem!reader
Warnings: violence, mention of SA, emotional distress, PTSD and trauma, angst.
Chapter 04: Shadows of the past
The tranquil silence was abruptly shattered with the sound of shattering glass. Viper's world spun into a chaotic blur as a sudden blow landed squarely on her temple following the glass bottle that made contact with her skull. The impact was sudden and brutal, sending shockwaves through her body. Adrenaline surged through her veins, further disorienting her senses. As her vision blurred, the world around her morphed a bit into an unsettling tapestry of twisted shapes and obscured details.
An enigmatic silhouette loomed before her but it's features were obscured except for it's blonde hair. As the figure kneeled down to get on the same level, a reeking scent of booze invaded her nostrils. Her mind struggled to grasp the events unfolding before her, the blow to her head had left her in a state of disarray and vulnerability. Her hand instinctively went to her throbbing temple, blood trickling through her fingers. Fear and confusion intertwined and intensified the disconnection from the reality around her.
The man's voice echoed in the distance, muffled and incomprehensible. Viper strained to understand his words, but they seemed to slip through her grasp like sand. His intentions remained unclear, adding to her unsettling sense of a lurking menace. Among his incoherent drunken speech, a single sentence pierced through the haze, chilling her to the core.
"You don't know how long I've been wanting this."
Every movement felt sluggish, Viper's senses dulled by the blunt trauma inflicted upon her head. Her senses heightened as a creeping pressure closed around her windpipe, constricting her breath. A chilling panic surged through her as waves of agony rippled through her neck. With every ounce of strength she could muster, Viper fought to free herself from the overpowering grip that's strangling her.
The world squeezed into a narrowing darkening tunnel, each gasping breath became a struggle, her chest tightening, starved of precious air. Her pulse thundered in her ears, a relentless drumbeat that drowned out all other sounds. Time slowed, seconds stretching into agonizing eternities and her body fought against the relentless grip. Her pulse- now a relentless pounding in her ears, drowned out all other sounds, isolating her in a haunting silence, the suffocating darkness that threatened to consume her.
Viper drifted in and out of consciousness, her mind a haze of confusion and pain. Each time she regained awareness, the grim reality seeped in—that barbarian is sexually assaulting her. The intermittent moments of clarity were brief, but they were enough for her to grasp the horrifying truth.
The room was heavy with silence as Viper jolted awake, her body drenched in cold sweat. The remnants of a nightmare still clung to her, terrorizing her even in the safety of her own home. It was a recurring dream, a haunting reminder of the trauma she had endured during her time in the military.
The dawn's gentle light, tinted with hues of blue, delicately seeped through the curtains like a soft whisper creeping into the room. Her breath came in shallow gasps and her heart pounding against her chest. In the Images that flashed before her eyes, fragments of memories that she had tried so hard to suppress. The feeling of vulnerability overwhelmed her as she relived the powerlessness that had consumed her during that fateful incident.
Her mind was still somewhat trapped in the aftershocks of the assault that was swirling within her consciousness. She longed to escape those haunting memories.
Viper rose from her bed and made her way to the bathroom, her hands trembling a bit as she splashed cold water on her face. The droplets provided a temporary relief, washing away the remnants of the memory that crawled at her sanity. She stared at her reflection in the mirror, seeking strength in her own eyes, determined to reclaim her sense of self.
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foamysoapbar · 2 months
Shadows of redemption
Simon “Ghost” Riley x fem!reader
Warnings: violence, mention of SA, emotional distress, PTSD and trauma, angst.
Chapter 03: Fragile bonds
As the days turned into weeks, Ghost and Viper found themselves drawn to one another, their encounters evolving beyond the confines of routine military debriefings. In the quiet moments, when the weight of their responsibilities lifted momentarily, they began to peel back the layers that shielded their battle-hardened exteriors.
Viper, once guarded and distant, found herself slowly unraveling in Ghost's presence. With him, she felt safe to lower her defenses, to reveal the vulnerabilities that lay hidden beneath her stoic facade. The walls she had built around her heart began to crumble, brick by brick, as she navigated the treacherous terrain of trust.
Ghost, too, carried his own burdens, scars etched deep within his soul. The horrors he had witnessed on the battlefield, echoed in his nightmares and haunted his waking hours. But in Viper's presence, he discovers someone who understood the silent battles he fought within himself.
Their shared experiences with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) became the foundation of an unspoken bond, a bridge between two wounded souls. They became each other's refuge, offering solace in a world that often felt cold and unforgiving. Late nights were spent in deep conversations, where they bared their scars and traded stories of survival. They spoke of the sleepless nights and the battles fought not only on the battlefield but within the depths of their own minds. It was a dance of trust and vulnerability, each step a delicate balance between opening old wounds and finding healing in shared understanding.
In those moments of raw honesty, Ghost and Viper realized the strength in their fragility. They saw the resilience that had carried them through the darkest of times, the flickering flame of hope that refused to be extinguished.
The world outside their intimate bubble continued to spin, it's chaos and demands tugging at their consciousness. But when they were together, their struggles and fears found comfort in the presence of someone who truly understood. The weight of their burdens felt lighter, shared between them like a sacred secret.
Yet among the fragile bonds they were forging, a question lingered. Could they navigate the complexities of a relationship born from the ashes of trauma? Were they strong enough to carry each other's pain without being consumed by their own?
As they grappled with these uncertainties, both of them knew that their connection was fragile and delicate like a spider's web. They treaded carefully, mindful of the wounds they carried and the potential of further hurt. But they also knew that there was beauty in the vulnerability and the empathy they shared.
Together, they embarked on a grueling journey, confronting their wounded souls. Their fragile bond became their lifeline, offering hope in the darkness. Hand in hand, they are finding strength in one another.
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foamysoapbar · 2 months
Shadows of redemption Masterlist:
Simon "Ghost" Riley x fem! Reader (codename: Viper)
Warnings: violence, mention of SA, emotional distress, PTSD and trauma, angst.
(English isn't my native language so bare with me)
- Don't hesitate to comment your thoughts, I would appreciate it
Chapter list:
1. Rendezvous
2. Unspoken connections
3. Fragile bonds
4. Shadows of the past
5. Fractured bonds
6. Reconciliation's embrace
7. Breaking point (the end?)
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foamysoapbar · 2 months
Shadows of redemption
Simon “Ghost” Riley x fem!reader
Warnings: violence, mention of SA, emotional distress, PTSD and trauma, angst.
Chapter 02: Unspoken connections
Beyond the exchange of information, Ghost and Viper discovered an unexpected connection—Beneath the surface, their shared experiences as veterans forged a unique understanding that transcended words. They realized that their experiences as veterans had forged an unspoken bond, a silent kinship that only those who had walked the path of duty and sacrifice could comprehend.
In the moments between debriefings, Ghost and Viper found solace in each other's company. They spoke not only of military operations and top-secret strategies but also of the emotional toll that their service had exacted. They shared stories of comrades lost, battles fought, and the haunting memories that lingered long after the war had ended. In these exchanges, they found a sanctuary where vulnerability was embraced rather than shunned.
Ghost observed the strength that resided within Viper—the same strength that had allowed her to survive the horrors of war. Her resolve inspired him to confront his own demons and confront the lingering effects of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) that had plagued him since his days on the battlefield. Perhaps with Viper by his side, Ghost can discover a newfound determination to confront his own traumas head-on, to find healing amidst the chaos of their shared pasts.
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foamysoapbar · 2 months
Shadows of redemption
Simon "Ghost" Riley x fem!reader
Warnings: violence, mention of SA, emotional distress, PTSD and trauma, angst.
Chapter 01: Rendezvous
Name: [Redacted]
Call sign: Viper
Rank: Sergeant
Specialty: Infiltration. Sniper.
Status: Discharged
The operator glanced over the sheet that holds classified information about a veteran. The mission was vital, and Makarov's capture held the key to averting a catastrophic disaster. Simon Ghost Riley, a skilled operative of the SAS and Task Force 141, was assigned to gather intelligence from a former military veteran called "Viper". Her past missions held crucial information that could aid in the success of the task force's current operation. Viper had been discharged 2 years ago from the military due to her own traumatic experiences and now lives a civilian life somewhere out there.
The rain poured relentlessly, drenching the dimly lit alleyway where Ghost was to meet Viper. He had been briefed on her background. Ghost's mission was clear: discuss with Viper the crucial information she possessed about Makarov that the task force were currently pursuing.
As Ghost stepped into the dimly lit alley, he spotted Viper leaning against the wall, her eyes scanning their surroundings with a mix of wariness and determination. Her military training was evident in the way she held herself—poised and ready for any threat that might emerge. Her presence commanded respect, a reminder of the strength she had honed during her years of service.
Approaching the veteran, Ghost introduced himself but keeping his appearance concealed (he's wearing the balaclava from the ghost team and a hoodie), his voice carrying a calm authority. He explained the urgency of their mission, emphasizing the importance of the information she held. Viper listened intently, her gaze unwavering as she absorbed every word. Her eyes betraying the weight of her past experiences. Ghost sensed the pain hidden behind them, the scars etched deep within her soul.
As they began to discuss the details of her past missions, Viper's guarded demeanor slowly softened. Ghost's empathetic approach and understanding of the challenges faced by veterans allowed him to navigate the delicate terrain of her memories. With each revelation, Viper's voice grew steadier, her words painting vivid pictures of covert operations, dangerous encounters, and near-impossible feats. Ghost marveled at her tactical prowess and the resilience she had exhibited in the face of adversity.
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foamysoapbar · 2 months
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