fma-copypastas · 2 years
edward elric's. arm GONE
thats it thats the post
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fma-copypastas · 2 years
just remember kids! burning down your home to motivate yourself to get your shit straight is always morally correct
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fma-copypastas · 2 years
"you attract what you fear"
AHHHHH my right arm and left leg!!!
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fma-copypastas · 2 years
psychic: *reads my mind*
my mind: fullmetal alchemist
psychic, in a slightly different tone: FULLMETAL ALCHEMIST
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fma-copypastas · 2 years
hey (with the intention of explaining to you every single chemical component of the human body in an effort to make you stop being sad)
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fma-copypastas · 2 years
What's up guys, it's Solf J. Kimblee here
I have been arrested for multiple crimes
Including battery on police officer
Grand theft, murdering innocents, and public indecency
I will be escaping prison on March 28th
After that I will take over the world
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fma-copypastas · 2 years
Do Ishvalan people actually exist? I mean, they must be a myth, there is a not a single thing about them. And I mean it.
Let's go through the evidence: Where are they from? Not a single country in the world is named Ishval. Some people say they come from Ishval, and Ishval is inside Amestris, but if that was the case they would be Ishvalan they would be Amestrians.
There is a consensus on Ishvalan people coming from the West, but then we are left with a whole continent of possible locations. That's as good as nothing. What do they eat? Every country has at least one main dish. Even Creta has their burgers. But these Ishvalan people, what do they eat? Heard some people associating them with tea, but everyone knows that's a Xingese thing. Shouldn't they come from the West? One of these two points must be wrong them. To me, it looks too sketchy.
What language do they speak? I challenge you, putting all my money and my ass on the line here, to find a supposed ""Ishvalan"" person speaking their native language. Most of then just speak a broken AMESTRIAN. Yes, amestrian. Really suspicious, huh? And I even tried to look deeper into it. Maybe Ishvalan just SOUND like amestrian, just like cretan could sound like aerugonian for a non-speaker. So I looked up "ishvalan dictionary" in the central library and what I found was shocking: every word in there was from AMESTRIS. I kid you not. What this could mean is beyond my capabilities, but I can safely assure you that ishvalan people do not exist .
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fma-copypastas · 2 years
This is how dangerous parasocial relationships can form. Greed doesn't love you. He can't love you. Greed doesn't KNOW you. He can appreciate you but he can't fucking love you.
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fma-copypastas · 2 years
LGBTQ+ acronyms are so complicated these days. what the fuck is fmab
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fma-copypastas · 2 years
now listen to me young man, i am talking directly into your ear now. i need you to do me a favor. you will do this for me. i need you to go to go back in time, and i need you to ask the bastard about to try and revive his mom to not fucking do that. if you come back empty handed youll be in big trouble mister. you will never see the light of day.
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fma-copypastas · 2 years
the next afternoon, edward was still thinking about what he had to do, staring at the spear in his hand nervously. then, roy walked in eating an entire chocolate cake.
“hello, fullmetal.”
“hello, colonel.” he paused. “ever kill another man before?”
“well, sure,” roy said. he then failed to elaborate
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fma-copypastas · 2 years
she's a 10 but she loves her dog more than she loves everyone else
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fma-copypastas · 2 years
“the average person has 5-7 shadows” is actually just a statistical error. the average person actually has 1 shadow. selim bradley, who is actually secretly pride, has at least 852, he is an outlier and should not have been counted
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fma-copypastas · 2 years
Hi, my name is Edward Elric and I have long blond hair that reaches the top of my head and shiny gold eyes like a spider fossilized in amber and a lot of people tell me I look like Van Hohenheim (AN: if u don’t know who he is get da hell out of here!). I’m not related to Russell Tringham but I wish I was because he’s a major fucking hottie. I’m an alchemist, but I specialize in stone and metal alchemy. I’m also a state alchemist, and I work in a town called Central City where I’m a total nuisance (I’m fifteen). I’m pretty wacky (in case you couldn’t tell) and I wear all kinds of different clothes. For example today I was wearing a black muscle shirt with black leather pants and a black jacket with silver trim, a really long red coat and black elevator shoes. I was walking outside HQ. A lot of soldiers stared at me. I glared at them.
“Hey Ed!” shouted a voice. I looked up. It was…. Winry Rockbell.
“What’s up Winry?” I asked.
“Nothing.” she said shyly.
But then, I heard the Colonel call me and I had to go away.
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fma-copypastas · 2 years
if fma has a million fans, i am one of them. if fma has ten fans, i am one of them. if fma has only one fan, that fan is me. if fma has no fans, that means i am dead. if the world is against fma, i am against the world. i love fma till my last breath.
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fma-copypastas · 2 years
if elicia has a million fans, i am one of them. if elicia has ten fans, i am one of them. if elicia has only one fan, that fan is me. if elicia has no fans, that means i am dead. if the world is against elicia, i am against the world. i love elicia till my last breath.
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fma-copypastas · 2 years
Yearly state alchemist research due tomorrow and I'm here watching my lieutenant
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