It's funny rereading RWTBD's contemporaries, and seeing how the Naruto SI/OC genre has flourished after. OCs remembering or retelling how they were born were pretty standard, while nowadays people skip to Academy age or even further. It's so fascinating seeing how genres grow and change.
RWTBD's pretty outdated in the sense that it's definitely part of the generation of fics that go from birth and onwards, but I'm pretty happy with keeping it going and seeing how it grows and changes over time.
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He spoke, most likely, from ignorance, but they had been words intent on carving out wounds nonetheless, so she finds no shame in having been wounded. And as such, demonstrating the consequences of having been so wounded.
A Bolt of Silk by Tavina
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We don’t talk enough about how fanfiction writers love to give character large amounts of non-specific paperwork they hate doing
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She died too early and was born too late. Her existence is a curse, a pebble in a tranquil lake. There is no turning back. There is only forward, to an uncertain tomorrow.
Aaand we are back, baybey! :D Apologies to everyone without an AO3 account, you'll need one to view my work.
Welcome back to Rising With The Breaking Dawn!
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guess who's cooking ;)
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"Why? Why did you have to die?"
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"What use is a future if you’re not there to see it?"
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like a tidal wave, fw_feathers, ao3
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hey! i fell in love with your fic rising with the breaking dawn 🥺❤️ and i just got to ask what made you write it/inspiration for writing it? btw looking forward to the next chap!
Thank you for the ask! You're so sweet, and I really appreciate your interest 💙
God, it's been so long, I don't remember anymore. I think I've always written OC-in-Naruto fanfic in my head, even as a kid. It's just how I interacted with media I enjoyed at the time. It was reading Dreaming of Sunshine that inspired the reincarnated aspect (something many SI!OC writers in Naruto can relate to, I'm sure. The success of that fanfic was revolutionary 💙 but I'll leave that history lesson for another time LOL)
The idea for RWTBD began as ann anthology of Minako getting reincarnated in different eras of Naruto. There's one with a tragic ending where she's Kushina's twin that I turned into a short story, an AU where Minato lives and the Kyuubi gets split between the twins but Minako gets kidnapped by ROOT who fake her death (this has like. Two chapters sitting in my drafts), etc. It just so happened that the "considering Uzumaki clan heritage, it would've been easily plausible Minato would've given the Kyuubi to the girl twin and not Naruto" idea kept spawning more and more plans, all the way til Shippuden, so it became the main fic.
You can imagine how nervous I was writing the fic, coz that was the premise from the beginning, but I was scared from the minute I started writing all the way until the reveal that people wouldn't enjoy the twist and would accuse me of stealing the main character role from Naruto. I'm glad it went down well in the end.
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Will you be updating rising with the breaking dawn
Yep! The reason I haven't stuck to my once-a-year-minimum update schedule (HA! If you've been here since before 2018 you know what I mean) is because I've been busy moving to a different country and taking a Creative Writing MFA, which has made it all but impossible to write fanfic.
It'll be a while still before I can get back to it, my dissertation is giving me an unholy amount of stress rn for so many different reasons, but if it helps you any, I have an itty bitty draft of the next chapter tucked away in my cabinet.
I miss the kiddos too :(
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All of my fanfic is now restricted to registered AO3 users, effective immediately.
I'm so so sorry to anyone who reads my fanfic but isn't a registered ao3 user. Because of the recent news of AI being fed using AO3 fanfic, I've decided to lock all my fanfic up. Whether or not it's been fed to an AI already, I don't know, but if I can avoid it happening again, I want to.
It sucks that it has to be this way, and I'm so sorry. If you were unable to save a copy for your own personal reading, feel free to check out the version on ff.net, or send me an ask to request a pdf or epub copy.
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War, Battles and Sieges: Causes of War
War is a staple of any fantasy or historical book. War is often at centre of plot. So in these set of posts, we will be discussing the different areas and aspects of writing war and battles. (If there are any other areas I do not cover, feel free to send a suggestion to the ask box.)
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Wars in any genre must have a starting point and reasons leading up to the initial conflicts. These can be numerous. In this post we’ll discuss the eight accepted reasons for a war. These are as follows:
Economic Gain
Territorial Gain
Civil War
Revolutionary War
Defensive War
1. Economic Gain
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Some wars are often fought for money and assets. Really if we would break every war down to basics, money is always a factor. Countries, kingdoms and factions have been battling over gold, cattle and other things that equal wealth for centuries. Even today, wars for wealth and economic gain can be summed up in a single reason: oil.
First Anglo Dutch War (1652): The English states wanted a greater control their trading routes and their growing colonies. The Dutch wanted to keep control of their ports in and Portugal, allowing them to hold onto their emerging commercial power.
Anglo-Indian Wars (1766-1849) – These wars were were fought between the British East India Company, a trade conglomerate, and different Indian states. These wars were fought to bring India under English rule, to gain the vast wealth of India.
First Opium War (1839-1842) - The British Empire had issue with trade with China as they wanted to import more exotic items such as silk, porcelain and tea which had become more and more on demand and China preferred to keep foreign trade to a minimum. After the East India Company sold off a large amount of Opium to other trade partners, China shut down trade with British Empire including seizing assets and arresting merchants.
Finnish-Soviet War or “The Winter War” (1939-1940) – The Soviets wanted to mine Nickel in Finland, which would turn a profit. However the Finnish refused the offer leading the Soviet Union to declare war.
2. Territorial Gain
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Dreams of Empire have long been the aim of many combatants in war. Invasions and Acquisitions are always numbered as the most popular causes of war and conflict.
Campaign of Gaul (58-50BC): This was the wars fought by Caesar as he invaded Gaul. This war was seen as an “illegal” war as the Senate did not approve of it. The main aim of the war was the acquisition and maintaining of Roman rule in Gaul.
Arab-Israeli War or “Six Day War” (1967-1988) – Israeli invaded the territories of the West Bank, including East Jerusalem, taking them from Jordan which led to the lengthy war.
Mexican-American War (1846-1848) – This war began shortly after annexation of Texas, where Mexico was forced to release the state of Texas to American hands. Mexico fought for the return of Texas but were defeated.
World War II (1939-1945): This war might have begun for a number of reasons but the inciting point was Hitler’s invasion of Poland and other surrounding nations.
Serbo-Bulgarian War (1885-1886) – After an act of nature, the river which marked the border between the countries of Bulgaria and Serbia was moved. After this, the two nations went to war over a disputed border town.
3. Religion
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Wars have always been fought over who has the “real” god/s and who is in the right when it comes of values and customs. Wars of such have been fought for as long as men first found differences between different religions and believed themselves “righteous”.
The Crusades (1095-1291) – These wars were sanctioned by the Catholic Church in the middle ages. Popes and Kings alike all dreamed of retaking the Holy Land of Jerusalem. They wished to spread Christianity, destroy Islam and Judaism and win the land they believed theirs. The effects of these brutal wars can be felt today
The Troubles (1968-1998): The Troubles were a series of attacks and skirmishes between Protestants and Catholics in the North of Ireland. The two sides battled bloodily in streets and in attacks, claiming thousands of lives including the innocents.
Lebanese Civil War (1975-1990) – The Lebanese Civil War was fought between the Sunni Muslim, Shiite Muslim and Christian Lebanese populations.
Second Sudanese Civil War (1983-2005) – This war was caused by the predominantly Muslim government imposing sharia law on all residents including those who were non-muslim.
4. Nationalism
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Nationalism can be addressed as attempting to prove that your country is the greatest by invasion or harsh subjugation. The war is often a declaration of power, a “look at us, look how strong we are.” Look at the British Empire. Ancient Rome. America.
5. Revenge
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This reason often walks hand in hand with Nationalism. Revenge is a common reason for war even if it doesn’t always take the top rung on the ladder of reasons.
World War II (1939-1945) – The rise of the Nazis and the Germanic invasions of Europe all culminated because of the Treaty of Versailles, which was written in such a way to prevent Germany ever reaching full power which crippled growth and led to a poverty stricken state.
War on Terror (2001- Present) – After the devastating attack on the World Trade Center, President George W. Bush declared war Iraq. These wars, which some argue as pointless, still are being fought.
The Third Punic War (149 BC – 146 BC): The third of these wars was enacted as revenge for the waste that the famous general Hannibal inflicted on Rome during the Second Punic war in retaliation for the First war. The Third however led to the utter destruction of the city of Carthage, ending the cycle of revenge.
Troy vs Greece (Unknown date/undecided reality): Though the famous war between the Trojans and the Greeks is well known, no historian can confirm it happened. The inciting event of this war was the elopement of the Spartan Queen Helen and the Trojan Prince Paris. The Greeks followed them, leading to a 10 year war and the annihilation of Troy.
6. Civil War
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Civil wars are fought between two powers of the same land for control over the country. These wars are always the most devastating for the people of the land and often end by planting the seeds for the next conflict.
American Civil War (1861-1865) - The American Civil War divided America North and South over the issue of slavery. The war was the most bloody in American history, the total of deaths outweighing even the portion of American soldiers that died during WWII.
Russian Civil War (1917-1923) – This war was caused by the successful Russian Revolution. It was fought by the Red Army and the White Army who were battling over the future of Russia and its people.
English Civil War (1642-1651): This war was fought between Parliament and the Crown. The war eventually brought down the Monarchy, lost Charles I his head and left the Purtian Dickhead Oliver Cromwell in charge. (More on this CUNT person later)
Spanish Civil War (1936-1939) – The Spanish Civil War was fought by Republicans loyal to the left-leaning Second Spanish Republic, and the Nationalists led by Franco.
Wars of the Roses (1455-1485): After Henry IV lost is mind, Richard of York decided that he would be king. This begun a chain of battles between York and Lancaster which culminated in a victory headed by a rank outsider.
7. Revolutionary War
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When a faction rebels against the control of another, we get a revolution. Glorious or not, all revolutions end in in blood and spark major wars. Revolutions are popular in fictional wars and can be set off for many reasons such as tyranny or an excessively harsh ruling class or colonialism.
Russian Revolution (1917-1918)- After suffering through the harsh WWI and the reign of the well meaning yet incompetent and woefully unprepared Tsar, the people rose and overthrew Tsarist Russia. This revolution claimed the lives of thousands including all of the Tsar’s children, himself and his wife.
Portuguese Restoration War (1640-1668) – The Portuguese revolution ended the 60-year rule of Portugal by Spain.
American Revolution (1775-1783) – The American Revolution was incited by sugar taxes laud on by England. The American colonies fought for independence from the British Empire.
French Revolution (1789-1799) – The French Revolution occurred because of another incompetent monarch and a large and lavish aristocracy. The starving underclasses rose up and began slaughtering the rich and the noble and set about building a new France.
Haitian Revolution (1791-1804) – This revolution saw slaves rising up against their ruling class and masters and setting the groundwork for the foundations of the first free black republic the world has ever known.
Ireland (1169-Present?): Ireland was invaded by Henry II of England (a douche tho I stan his wife and mom), on invitation from an idiot king. Since then Ireland has been under English rule. Ireland has fought rebellion after rebellion, revolution upon revolution to save the land and her people the invaders who forbade our traditions and killed our language and literally starved half the population to death and forcing us to leave our homes, which we have never recovered from. Some say our rebellions are done, perhaps they are. But the spirit is always there. I think this line sums it up best. For 800 years, we fought you without fear and we’ll fight you for 800 more.
8. Defensive War
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A defensive war is a war fought before one can be started by the enemy. Or to put it simple terms: Imma punch that guy sitting over there before he can punch me. This may seem a strange concept. It is.
Cold War (1947-1991) – This war, if it can be called a war, was fought between Soviet Russia and America over nuclear weapons and where they ought to be placed. The American invasion of Cuba can be classed as a defensive war strategy.
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Rage in a woman named Serenity is such a fascinating little thing. Daeran thought he’d seen all the colors of it by now. So to see this kind of frozen, serene rage from her—it draws him, easy as a moth to flame. --- What could be worse to a freedom-loving azata than the revelations at Nocticula's palace?
Man, I haven't posted here in a long time. My dissertation is seriously wringing me dry, head to ass.
Managed to grab a break, though. Welcome to my new obsession!
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Seeing more and more blogs without a [username].tumblr.com site which means you can only view their blogs in tumblr.com/[username] mode, and I realized just the other day that nowadays you have to manually go to your blog settings and toggle the “enable custom theme” switch to have a browser site activated.
I REALLY recommend activating this! Especially if you’re an artist or if you have a themed blog, like if you reblog fanart for a specific fandom or ship. First and foremostly you can change the whole theme if you want to, you can really just go wild with building your personal aesthetic for your page.
But what I think is even more important, is that you NEED to “enable custom theme” to enable access to your archive! The link [username].tumblr.com/archive doesn’t work if you don’t have this enabled!
If you post art or archive fanart or fandom content of any kind, letting people access your archive makes it so much easier for people (and yourself) to find older art on your blog or to look for something you drew a while ago that they remember loving and want to look at again.
We talk lots about how on Tumblr old art gets to circulate, and the archive is part of how that works. It’s a really useful tool in finding good content that isn’t brand new. And especially if you are good at tagging, it’s very easy to filter the archive to find ship content or meta or fics, whatever you want to find.
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Too busy to update my Naruto fic that I've been crossposting to ffn and ao3 for years....but I still get comments on the ao3 one on the regular. My ffn one only gets faves/follows. It's interesting to see how this old fandom is staying alive
Another reason for the lack of Western Cartoons fanfiction on AO3 could be because there is still a lot of fanfiction on FFN? In fact, have you ever thought about doing an analysis to compare the number of fanfictions from the same fandoms on both sites? And maybe also compare the anime/manga category
Yeah, good thinking... I believe historically a lot of animated shows had most of their fanfic on FFN, though in more recent years at least some of those fandoms have gotten very popular on AO3, and FFN growth has been tapering. I've done a number of comparisons among different fandom archives and platforms, but I haven't compared the sizes of a bunch of specific fandoms on on AO3 vs. FFN - has anyone else? Somewhat related -- I compared the biggest fandoms on AO3 vs. FFN in 2015... lots has changed since then, though.
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What you mentioned, about the shift to phones and how it affects the ease of writing good content..
"Consuming writing can still be easy, depending on formatting and such, but posting a long, detailed reply often isn’t."
Do you have any more thoughts/posts on that? I tried searching through your blog with similar keywords, but didn't find anything, and it seems to me like you're onto something very important here
I can never find anything on my blog either. Haha.
The internet is more accessible now, which is good. I do like that and want to highlight it, even if it has come with some big downsides.
Back in the day, most people were logging on from desktop computers and real keyboards. That's a huge barrier to entry for multiple reasons, but one of the good things it does produce is that a person is often there for more in-depth interactions rather than for a high volume of low-impact ones. If they're touch typing on a real keyboard, it's a lot easier and faster to produce the kinds of long-ass replies I write on here. I've even bought multiple portable bluetooth keyboards because I'm such a fast touch typist and typing on phones or even the ipad keyboard interface is so infuriating. There are certainly people who type much faster on phones than I do, but the top speeds one can achieve that way are still slow compared to good touch typing.
If you're standing in line somewhere, dicking around on your phone, you can read fic if the site adapts properly to phone screen width. You might be reading something just as in-depth and interesting as anybody ever did: fiction, journal article, whatever. If you've got a decent memory, you can use little bits of spare time during the day to make it through something quite complex. Or something long and escapist. Whatever.
But when it comes time to type a response? I think a lot of people either opt for the bon mot, which can take time to compose but not much to type, or they think "I'll get back to that later when I'm at my computer". And the bon mot is clever, but it's rarely nuanced.
If you're more of a phone native, seeing well-crafted writing and not much in the way of comments and discussion furthers the already strong Content Creator-Audience divide. That's the default form of internet culture lately, whereas in the 90s, it was more about DIY communities with more and less talented/famous/popular members. Let's not pretend there weren't popularity contests even then, but things were still different in terms of one pool with a sliding scale vs. two separate kinds of people.
I think a person can write good content on a phone just like they can in all sorts of adverse circumstances. But the more natural way to use a phone a lot of the time is to scroll through things or continue reading something you're in the middle of. These are activities that make sense when your bus ride is only 20 minutes or you've got 5 minutes before class or you're standing in line at a store. Typing something long or using voice to text or whatever isn't really the most natural use of that time no matter how good a writer you are.
I also find, personally, that composing takes more concentration, quiet, and privacy on average than consuming. I can read a fic or knit a few rows on something I'm already working on just about anywhere, but if I want to write fic or cut out and sew up a big pattern, I need quiet time at home, and that's much harder to come by.
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If posting fic online has taught me anything, it’s that I have no idea how the reader will react to anything. Nada. Zip. Zilch. Not the faintest clue.
Fics that I think I scribbled off just to get them out there get the kindest, most rapturous feedback. Fics I slaved over, agonized over, bled my soul into get a couple tepid replies. Fics I thought were me revealing the darkness and weird kink that lives in my brain, scared to even post it for fear of judgement, get, “Aaaw that’s so sweet!” replies. Baffling.
My conclusion? You just never know. You really just can’t know. When I did a workshop with 20 other writers I would try to guess what their critique of my story would be and I was right maybe 1 in 20 times. Only one other writer would have the same critique for my story that I had. And it wasn’t even always the same person.
The encouraging part about this is, if self recrimination, the fear that you know what people won’t like about your story, is holding you back, just say fuck it! You’re almost certainly wrong! All you can do is make it the best story you can for the energy you have. And yeah, sometimes that means scribbling it out in an evening and kicking it out to the void of the internet before you can change your mind or worry about editing it more than once because then you’ll never post it.
It’s all chaos, man. You don’t get to decide what the audience thinks. All you can do is create it and put it out there for them to decide.
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Thank you again Silvia!! Again this is such lovely art of the twins, I really appreciate it!! You got their dynamic down perfectly. They're so cute!!
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i’m back on my fanarts-for-amazing-stories shenanigans! please meet Minako, one of the most amazing SI-OC characters you’ll ever meet. @fleeting-white-feathers has come up with one of the most compelling ideas of an uzumaki twin in their story “Rising With The Breaking Dawn” so please check it out and send it some love! 
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I miss them 🥺
Minako and Naruto from Rising With The Breaking Dawn
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