findingcoco · 7 years
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Hello, my name is Yumna and I’m a junior in high school! Here are some of my favorite apps to use during school season!
Google Drive- You’ll be able access to files anywhere through secure cloud storage and file backup for your photos, videos, files, documents, presentations just from a click of your phone!
myHomework Student Planner-Pretty Self Explaintory…and yes, its a LONG name but its great!
Office Lens - it can trim, enhance, and make pictures of whiteboards and docs readable. You can use Office Lens to convert images to PDF, Word and PowerPoint files, and you can even save images to OneNote or OneDrive.
Flat Tomato- Its an app that is a beautifully designed timer for people who want to avoid distractions and get more done!
Dragon Dictation- This app allows a truly hand-free text input. Use your voice to dictate a text message or email, create Facebook status updates etc..
MathWay-  its a very useful app that can help you solve all those math problems that require a more complex tool than your device’s built-in calculator.
Socratic- All you have to do is  take a photo of your homework question and get answers, math solvers, explanations, and videos. Works for Math, Science, History, English, and many more.
GoodBudget- Great for students who want to keep track of their money to spend, save, and give toward what’s important in life.
Evernote-  Helps organize your work and declutter your life. With Evernote on your desktop and mobile devices, your notes are always with you and always in sync.
Grammarly- Its a free grammar checker that instantly eliminates grammatical errors and can help enhance your writing.
I hope these apps prove helpful! If you ever need to ask me anything my inbox is open! ILY GUYS :)
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findingcoco · 7 years
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School can be exhausting so these are my ways of dealing with stress and I’m, obviously, not an expert, but it helped me.
Take a bath
Get a bath bomb, shave your legs, and just relax in the warm water
Get an adult coloring book
I can’t tell you how much getting a coloring book helped me with stress. When I have free time, or a free class, or I just feel like coloring, I get my coloring book and just start.
Draw / doodle
Have a sketchbook where you can draw little things, or even big things. Draw random stuff that comes to your mind to free your thoughts. If you are bad at drawing, don’t worry cause it’s your private thing and you don’t have to show this to anyone.
Same as drawing but this time instead of just a pencil, use watercolors or ink or markers, whatever you want and have. Create a masterpiece and if you like it pin it on your wall to remind you that you can do great things!
Do some origami
You have a ton of YouTube videos of how to do some basic origami. Fold your paper and enjoy your finished work.
After a study session, stretch from head to toe. You will feel better because blood will easily come to your brain and you won’t have any back pain for sitting too long.
Every day, at morning or at night (or both if you are available) do some exercises for 20-30 minutes. If you are not that into exercising, you could dance with some up-beat music like nobody is watching.
Go for a quick run or ride a bike for 5 minutes
It will boost your energy and you will go outside and see the actual sun, or even clouds. Fresh air is really important for your health, so are little things that boost your energy. 
Listen to music
Maybe you are listening to music while studying, but listening to music while doing nothing else is also great. On the ride on the bus/train or whatever you’re taking, get some headphones and jam to your favourite music.
Take a nap
You come from school exhausted and you know you need to study, but it’s really hard for you to focus, just take a nap. Or if you are studying for 3-4 hours straight for that test tomorrow or writing a extra long essay - take a nap. 15-20 minutes is enough.
Get a diary or journal and write it down
Recently I started again writing into a diary (I haven’t done that since I was 12-13) and I can’t tell you how much better I feel after writing my thoughts down on paper. For me, writing with a pen/pencil instead of typing had me more focused on actually freeing my thoughts, but if you want to type you can. Also, it is funny to read some of your daily entries after a couple of years.
Lay on your back, or sit on a comfortable chair, close your eyes and just breathe. Try not to think of your work, or problems and just breathe. If you are religious, you can also pray.
Clean your room
Clear room = clear mind. Having a nice and tidy room helps me more to focus and not to think of the mess surrounding me. Also, cleaning can be calming and stress relieving, if you focus on cleaning instead of your thoughts.
Drink a glass of water
You will be more hydrated and feel much better. So just drink your water.
Eat a fruit
It’s healthy and sweet, what else is there to say about?
I hope some of those help you. Keep in mind that you, obviously, don’t have to everything everyday. Doing a few of these will really be beneficial for your mental health and your body.
Sending much love to you all, V. ❤
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findingcoco · 7 years
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HOW TO APPROACH CLASSES A guide to getting the most out of your classes and lectures
By Eintsein
Design inspired by this post by @journalsanctuary
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findingcoco · 7 years
🖤Vegan Black Bean Brownies🖤 
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findingcoco · 7 years
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Dairy Free Chocolate Pudding
It happens. It’s 4 PM and you’re PMSing hard. You’ve done dynamite all day, have an itch you want to scratch, but don’t want to drop a bomb down a well. It’s OK. This pudding is dairy free, high in iron, high in calcium, and can be sugar-free if you prefer that. It feels and tastes every bit like pudding while being a bit lighter than your store-bought counterpart.
3 TBSP cornstarch (curious to try arrowroot powder)
2 TBSP water
1 ½ cups almond milk
3 TBSP dark cocoa powder
ÂĽ cup sweetener (I used stevia)
1 tsp vanilla extract
½  tsp espresso powder
Directions: Dissolve cornstarch in water. In a large saucepan, combine all the ingredients including the cornstarch slurry and stir frequently until it begins to bubble. Reduce the heat to low and continue stirring until it begins to thicken. Let it cool for a few minutes before transferring to the fridge and letting it cool and thicken more. Split with a friend or keep it all to yourself.
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findingcoco · 7 years
Don’t allow your wounds to transform you into someone you are not.
Paulo Coelho (via onlinecounsellingcollege)
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findingcoco · 7 years
My favorite self care tip is to pretend you’re a demon inhabiting a humans body and you gotta look after it, treat it right, cause these things are weak af man and you gotta protect your host
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findingcoco · 7 years
If you have been brutally broken, but still have the courage to be gentle to others then you deserve a love deeper than the ocean itself.
Nikita Gill (via wordsnquotes)
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findingcoco · 7 years
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My plant dance
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findingcoco · 8 years
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findingcoco · 8 years
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Vivid imagery.
Love, revenge, moping and things?
Could have more pirates.
I may appreicate the temporary library, but I’m going to have to admit, it’s limited.
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findingcoco · 8 years
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Quickly devoured tale, 
Light, magic and bravery,
Wealth discrepancy.
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findingcoco · 8 years
what she says: im fine
what she means: the beastie boys band canonically exists in the star trek reboot universe and jim kirk canonically enjoys the song “sabotage” (if nothing else from their discography). however, theres a conflict here since the song “intergalactic” (by the same band) references star trek and more specifically spock not once, but twice, with the lyrics “like a pinch on the neck of mr spock” and “super educated im smarter than spock”. if the beastie boys exist in the rebootverse, does “intergalactic” exist also? and if so, are the aforementioned lyrics simply omitted or transformed into a seperate in-universe scifi reference to maintain the song’s theme?
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findingcoco · 8 years
This. This would probably make everything more useful.
As requested by too many people: making the last post rebloggable
birdartpoetry asked: Mister Gaiman, you’re kickass. I was just wondering, what do you think is the best way to seduce a writer? I figured your answer would be pretty spectacular.
In my experience, writers tend to be really good at the inside of their own heads and imaginary people, and a lot less good at the stuff going on outside, which means that quite often if you flirt with us we will completely fail to notice, leaving everybody involved slightly uncomfortable and more than slightly unlaid.
So I would suggest that any attempted seduction of a writer would probably go a great deal easier for all parties if you sent them a cheerful note saying “YOU ARE INVITED TO A SEDUCTION: Please come to dinner on Friday Night. Wear the kind of clothes you would like to be seduced in.”
And alcohol may help, too. Or kissing. Many writers figure out that they’re being seduced or flirted with if someone is actually kissing them.
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findingcoco · 8 years
I finally have something to send to people when they ask me how warp drive works. Simon Pegg <333
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Simon Pegg on The science of Warp Drive
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findingcoco · 8 years
Some people are as fragile as butterflies and sensitive and it’s your responsibility not to destroy them. Just because you can.
Marisha Pessl, Special Topics in Calamity Physics (via thequotejournals)
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findingcoco · 8 years
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In the dark they come,
Brilliant prose flows untroubled,
Creeping crawling things.
“But what can I do consistent with good breeding to invite a confession?”
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