fandomsarebrainless · 10 months
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This is the message of Miraculous. A neglected child who gets manipulated into doing horrible things ends up with nothing and everyone chooses to leave her to be "tended to" by a mother who doesn't give a shit about her. All the while, we're supposed to treat her as completely irredeemable. Meanwhile, an abusive father who happened to be the main person who manipulated her gets a last-minute sob story to justify all the horrible things he did before making a wish that ERASED THE UNIVERSE only to be treated as a hero even by the main character who he TRICKED into giving up her Miraculouses just to spare his abused son's feelings. And we're expected to be happy about this ending.
I'm not sure there was any more of a "go fuck yourself" they could've possibly mustered with the last stretch of this season. Message received.
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fandomsarebrainless · 10 months
Preach it sister!
If you feel bad for Andre or Felix, GTFO off my page.
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fandomsarebrainless · 11 months
Andre Stan Logic
Andre Bourgeois is sympathetic even though he willingly fired the police, teachers and others on his daughter's command when he could've said no and is a grown man with a wealthy life. Nope nevermind that the reason Chloé is like this is his doing and he intentionally raised her to do this stuff so that he could use her as a scapegoat while basically abducting another girl to raise as his own and mold her into god knows what.
Yeah, say what you really mean. You wanted Adrinette canon and did not care who got assassinated or who did what. And you hate Gabe for keeping them apart (not that he's any better as a human being anyway). I reckon if Andre were against Adrinette you hypocrites would be singing a different tune.
Or perhaps if Chloé still did every awful thing she did and did it in favor of Adrinette you wouldn't be so vile towards her would you?
Or would Félix be as favored if he wasn't abusing his powers for his cousin's "wellbeing?"
And this is why I'm glad I dropped this ship like a hot potato WAY back when. None of it matters anyway, as long as Adrinette's canon the people who murder children and commit genocide can be forgiven so long as they ship it.
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fandomsarebrainless · 11 months
Well now that it's all out I think we can officially say Miraculous Ladybug is dead. Rest in piss, I will NOT be watching Awakening.
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fandomsarebrainless · 11 months
Welp this show has now officially assassinated every single character. Was it worth it?
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fandomsarebrainless · 11 months
This is where I'm convinced the show is terribly written on purpose.
No show is this bad without actually trying to be. Of course that doesn't make it any less of a bad show.
Clover Rants Miraculously: Painting With The Same Brush
You know, I think the most saddest (and kind of funny in an ironic way) things about “Derision” and other episodes/scenes like it is that in the writers attempts to get Chloe to seem “irredeemably evil” to the audience, all they’ve done is make the rest of the cast look bad. Like those scenes don’t effect my view of her because the show already told us Chloe was a brat and bully from the get-go, so learning about the date prank and her forcing Marinette to stay home and the entire plot of “Collusion” and “Confrontation” just come off as learning nothing new. Complete net-zero information. Meanwhile…
Bustier (and by extension Damocles and Mendeleiev) looks like an even worse teacher for ignoring her misbehavior and constantly putting the onus on Marinette to solve the issue if things were this bad already, especially when “Revelation” shows she’s so oblivious to the things going on in class that she’s actually genuinely shocked Chloe hasn’t been doing her own homework for the entirety of her middle school career and then some. Like I know the fandom likes to joke that she’s a kindergarten teacher at the wrong school and “haha public education sucks because teachers bad” but DAMN woman, are you telling me you never side-eyed how similar Sabrina and “Chloe” homework tended to be even once (or maybe Sabrina’s just that good at forging handwriting like I often headcanon)? Just how little is FD’s overall funding that no one ever tried double checking this stuff?! No wonder Chloe treats y’all like a joke!
The class comes off as pretty fairweather/uncaring as Marinette was being bullied by Chloe for years (especially since it was stated in canon that Marinette had no friends until “Origins”) but only are only now seem to care about it. Even with the potential excuse of “Well Marinette grew a backbone/they’re less scared of Chloe now”, “Derision” showed the kids cared less about Chloe’s opinion than they do now and were willing to comfort Marinette after the prank, so what was stopping them from openly helping her out up until “Origins”?
The school faculty, despite Chloe having a reputation for exaggerating things and being purposely petty when demanding “punishments” when she feels slighted, constantly not only immediately believing her when she’s clearly making stuff up, but also still refusing to put their foots down (waiting until the grand coincidence of an Akumatized!Bustier forcing Andre to step down as opposed to, IDK, showing solidarity and care for their students by choosing to refuse Chloe’s demands and meeting her threats head on?). Again, what is the school paying you for?
Kim looks like a complete jerk now seeing as how he doesn’t seem to see anything wrong with that he did to Marinette in “Derision” and gives a rather poor apology afterwards - one he had to be shamed into rather than realizing and giving it on his own. Heck the only reason he even gets Akumatized over it is because everyone else was riding him on how messed up it was and he got fed up with it. It also kind of puts into question why Marinette is so friendly with him/still gave him a Miraculous if he participated in what was such a traumatic event for her. And that’s not even getting into poor Ondine having to hear her own boyfriend call another girl (whom is established as a huge jerk) “The prettiest girl in the world” Kim bby I’m so sorry the writers are doing you so dirty
Sabrina’s upgrade to Miraculous holder/her redemption feels even more unearned now because like above, she shows no remorse for her actions in “Derision” or the bullying she’s been (willingly in some parts) participating in for the last four seasons and before then, and only ends up leaving Chloe because Lila takes her spot as Chloe’s bestie and she hated having to share (and because their latest scheme in “Collusion” potentially involved jail time for her if they got caught) instead of genuine disgust at Chloe’s growing nastiness or her own mistreatment because of it. All those years of waiting and fics about Sabrina finally breaking free and realizing she could be better - rewarded with her instead abandoning Chloe to save her own skin and hopping onto the SS.Marinette because it benefited her more (and again, doesn’t involve jail time) rather than genuine regret of her actions. So inspiring
Andre basically allowed Chloe to get away with using his position as mayor to mistreat her classmates+the citizens and flaunt her status as his daughter for years, and only starts caring/putting his foot down when she starts doing it to Zoe and only for Zoe (the “good” non-blood daughter that the original script had him state he “liked better”) before he immediately abandons her to Audrey the first chance he gets, despite understanding what a terrible and abusive person his wife is - And let’s not forget him calling his 14 year old daughter that he raised “heartless” and terrible (to the man who frequently overrides his own child’s freewill with magic mind you). What’s worse is that the show plays this off like it’s his reward for having “suffered” under Chloe’s demands and that it’s all her fault he’s a terrible mayor (like he hadn’t often willingly broken laws or abused his position on his own with no prompting from her for his personal benefit). I’m sure all the neglectful dads who replace affection towards their children with gifts and indulgences watching feel totally respected and represented now.
Poor Sabine and Tom already get a bad enough rep as it is thanks to some of the story decisions made *COUGH*A//doration*COUGH*Ladybug*COUGHCOUGH*, but now we’ve been basically informed that they knew Marinette was being bullied to the point of actually pretending to be sick and…did nothing. And not even in a “We want to help but we’re limited thanks to school bureaucracy and/or our own financial situation” way but at “Yeah we know you’re terrified of your classmate tormenting you again and that this constant slew of harassment from all sides is slowly destroying your mental health but we’re just gonna tell you to buck up”. Yeah, they gave her Socqueline keeping an eye out but that ultimately ended up doing nothing to really protect her in the end
Zoe, for all her goodness and being portrayed as a “better redeemed!Chloe” as her claim to fame, does nothing to make good on her promise to love Chloe no matter what in “Queen Banana” and watches her half-sister being abandoned by her entire immediate family while reaping all the benefits from it (Not to say that’s her fault or she’s required to, just that it’s…well, not a good look for her tbh). While Zoe isn’t obligated to put up with Chloe’s mistreatment (and she isn’t), it def makes her look super hypocritical to claim to love Chloe “even if the whole world hates [her]” and then do/say nothing as her stepdad basically leaves her half sister to suffer from the same fate she escaped from in New York.
Adrien, despite having a front row seat to how awful and nasty Chloe can be to people who aren’t him and watching her torment his classmates for the past 9 months in canon, only now ends their friendship - and over an event that happened a year ago when he wasn’t there that she isn’t sorry for, when she’s been doing worse since he arrived with no remorse then either, with his only response back then being to chuckle and go “Chloe will never change” like a wistful friend. After 5 whole seasons of handwaving his handwaving of Chloe’s bullying, they only now have him care, with the catalyst being that Marinette won’t give him happy-smoochy-times because of whatever happened - and then make it worst by having him try to kill Kim for it, after having him have a near mental breakdown over accidentally giving the terrorist responsible for every one of his current life issues a death sentence with the same method (and also trying to do it to another akuma victim). My sincerest condolences Adrien please join Kim in the “You got screwed badly by the episode narrative” corner
Like, I genuinely have to wonder how they wrote out those episodes and thought anyone involved looked good afterwards. Peoples opinions on Chloe can’t sink any lower than they already are (and if they can, that’s mostly because they already disliked her), but you aren’t making her look worse by slinging mud on everyone else, even unintentionally.
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fandomsarebrainless · 11 months
Yes! THIS!
Collusion spoilers
If you're honestly going to look me straight in the eyes and say that Andre is the "victim" for spoiling Chloe rotten, then congratulations. You've not only shown how you're more willing to attack a spoiled child than the adult who enabled them, but you've shown that you have no qualms defending shitty parenting as long as the story validates your salt. Also, since Gabriel is the one who gave Chloe the police bots for her coup, anyone who's going to defend HIM in the end while saying Chloe is the irredeemable one are only proving my previous points.
I don't care. Her own actions, as heinous as they may be, doesn't excuse how adults handled her and given that Andre and Gabriel either enabled or even HELPED her become a megalomaniac, saying either of them deserve more sympathy than her is a good indication that nothing you say should be taken seriously. And before you cry about how I'm attacking Andre, he's the mayor. He's not some poor sap. He has power and plenty of privilege to throw around. So, to see him try to play victim for failing to be a parent is nothing short of putrid and anyone who takes him seriously are either desperate to validate their opinions or are legitimately braindead. And NO, him resigning doesn't change that.
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fandomsarebrainless · 11 months
I will never take Miraculous Ladybug seriously again.
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fandomsarebrainless · 11 months
I don't get why people think Denis and Andre have suddenly changed. They're still the same pathetic cowards they always were, nothing in these last two episodes have convinced me otherwise. But then they have to bring Olga into it? One of the few half decent teachers in this entire school and they completely took her character to the slaughterhouse by making her principal. Man, how stupid are these writers?
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fandomsarebrainless · 11 months
I don’t know if the writers meant Andre to look terrible by having him openly call his daughter “heartless” and insulting her in front of/to the parent who canonically magically remote-controls his son when he “acts up” while going around purposely emotionally destroying children for his own ends, but uh…😬
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fandomsarebrainless · 11 months
What an idiot.
I just got into an argument with my friend
Her: what’s your favorite ship in miraculous
Me: umm probably marigami or lukadrien but the love square is still cool
Me: lol I know that the love square will be canon one day but I still think other ships are cuter
Her: * continues to rant about how the love square is superior*
Me: *doesn’t pay attention knowing I’ll just end up getting ignored*
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fandomsarebrainless · 11 months
So scenes have been cut from the last two episodes (namely the apology to Marinette and Andre divorcing Audrey and disowning Chloé)... are the writers finally realizing how painfully terrible Astruc's writing is and cutting the crust? I wouldn't get my hopes up, but if that is the case than good. That man is a joke and I'm glad he's gone after this. I'm not gonna say it's a saving grace, but it's a start I suppose.
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It's pathetic that this show hates Chloé so much that they give her ABUSERS more sympathy than Chloé herself. The same goes to certain fans (looking at you @hufflepotato18). If Chloé is supposed to be responsible for her actions than the parents of this show should be held accountable for their shitty parenting.
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If you don't like it now, you're really not going to like where it ends up...
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I just watched the first few episodes of Miraculous Ladybug season 5 on Disney+. I know they have to change things up a bit to keep the show fresh but so far, I don't like where this is going. I think this show has had it's time. #miraculousladybug #disneyplus #season5
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So after watching a YouTube video yesterday, I finally realized why I have such an issue with Derision, or more specifically the backstory it provided: it just doesn’t fit.
Let’s say that the Miraculous narrative is a set of puzzles, and we’re getting the full picture of the backstory before the series, or more specifically, the characters like Marinette and Chloé. We’ve already been established that the two girls have a history with each for at least three-four years, that Chloé has been a bully towards Marinette, and that in results worsens her anxiety. Yet it has never been shown anything more than Chloé being petty against Marinette, and eventually becoming a rival that clash because of their beliefs and personalities.
Then Derision comes along, and reveals that Chloé has actually been more an abuser who did harmful pranks, isolated her from her peers, ruined her reputation to be made out as a bad kid, and masterminded a prank that could have literally killed Marinette and caused everlasting trauma for her. Now let me be clear, what happened was terrible and Chloé is a terrible person for it. If this is the narrative they have been trying to paint, that is the truth we unfortunately accept.
But it is hard to accept it, because this goes against the narrative we’ve seen for the past years, and contradicts a lot of stuff in both backstory and character interactions, again focusing on Chloé and Marinette. If Chloé has been so terrible this whole time as shown in Derision, why is Marinette just more annoyed with Chloé and able to take her on so easily?You could say it may have been the words of encouragement from Socqueline, but Marinette should still be anxious and scared of Chloé still. Chloé has tormented Marinette for years, Marinette has no support to help back her up, and now that she doesn’t have Socqueline by her side to defend her, she’s on her own (at least that should be her thought process the whole time before meeting Alya).
Also, we have seen multiple times Marinette and Kim interacting with each other, and it’s always been at least friendly with each other. Marinette has never been shown to be uncomfortable around him, especially in Dark Cupid where they most interacted. If they had a bad history this whole time with each other, then why are they acting like nothing happened. I know people are going to say “maybe she subconsciously repressed the memories,” and that might be the case, especially with Kim. It seemed to imply she tried to forget it. But I’m not sure if that is the case in real life, so please take what I said with a grain of salt and I’m sorry if it was offensive.
However, it still doesn’t explain the very different dynamic relationship with Marinette and Chloé. Chloé has done much more things besides the prank/near-death experience she masterminded in, and that should have Marinette more apprehensive and scared of Chloé. Heck, it would make her willing to give Chloé a second chance all the more weirder because why would she ever give back the Bee Miraculous to Chloé, and always keep opening her mind to thinking “maybe she’ll change.”
In conclusion, Derision is like a puzzle piece that the writers are trying to fit into Marinette’s and Chloé’s backstory. However, it does not fit as it contradicts with the narrative they already set up. But instead of trying to move this backstory idea somewhere else like for another story, they forced it in, not caring that it’ll upset the picture they were putting together.
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Marinette Traumatized & Could Have Been Killed. Well since you hate Chloe, want to Cataclysm Kim (and somehow ignore the filmer Sabrina who loved the smoke).
Allow me to deride your wah I despise Chloe, I want Marinette protected from what isn't Sabrina or SockayLEAN (or shippers for Adrien and Marinette that's not Andre Glacier) or how you're like Kim had the rejection coming all of a sudden from messy Flashback etc. crap.
Mr. Pigeon 72
Marinette did the same thing. She could have killed Adrien and or mostly Kagami and herself. Different purpose similar outcome. Could have became a trauma causer (I guess again but whatever).
Funny thing. Hating Alya for being pushy for Adrienette and boundary disrespect.
Marinette doing that on Kagami who no longer is interested for the Kagadriemn she's forcing against her.
Girl straight up caused a distraction against Adrien's bodyguard just to sneak her and Kagami to a private session, ruining Adrien's session for shipping nonsense.
So do talk about Mr Pigeon 72 since you wish to be so concerned from Derision.
Notice how things ironically look worse on the protagonist end?
Scratch that, Ladybug is the PROANTAGONIST :)
Experience The Deflagration!
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So I watched Protection and... do these kids have literally nothing else to do other than force Marinette and Adrien together? Why are any of them even worthy of Miraculouses again? On second thought don't answer that. I worry I'm not gonna like the reason.
Anyway, they're literally a couple now there's no reason to do any of this crap.
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