faerimi · 2 years
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Both illustrations are based on the same concept, so I will post them together.
Thanks again for looking at my fanart. I am so happy to see the tags and comments you all are putting on my illustrations.
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faerimi · 2 years
"hands off! I'm taken!" — diluc .
synopsis !! you pick up your drunk lover from the tavern
note !! I finally posted something! my schedule is still full but things should settle down more by september :> enjoy this fun fic!
contains !! gn reader, ft. kaeya and others! alcohol consumption, not proofread
Your lover rarely drinks. Scratch that, he doesn't drink at all if he could help it.
So whatever encouraged him to drink tonight of all nights was beyond you. It wasn't his shift in the bar, yet he insisted you shouldn't wait for him as he might come home late from the tavern. Apparently, he'll be meeting up with Kaeya, Jean, and a few others.
You're overjoyed, of course! It's not everyday your overworking lover decides to take a break and meet up with his old friends, much less those who are involved with the knights. You practically pushed him on his way to socialize and have fun.
Perhaps he had too much fun.
It was past midnight when you stopped by the tavern, seeing as you lived nearby anyway.
Diluc sat amongst a small crowd. You recognize them to be Kaeya, Jean, Lisa, Venti, and Rosaria, each nursing their own drink in their hands. What surprised you was that Diluc had a glass of his own— emptied, and that Kaeya was pouring him another round.
"Ah, it seems like your ticket home has arrived, D," Kaeya muses upon spotting you. The redhead only huffs in reply.
"What a joyous occasion! Come join us, (Name)!" Venti cheers, swinging around his large mug.
It's only when you approached the group did you notice your lover's unfocused eyes, glazed over as he blinks away at nothing.
"What did you do?" You raise an eyebrow, eyes narrowing suspiciously at Kaeya. The Cavalry Captain raises his hands in defense.
"You're accusing me? I'm hurt," He chuckles, "You and I both know he isn't so easy to trick into drinking."
You glance over at Jean, who gives you a sympathetic laugh, "It's true. Surprisingly, sir decided to drink tonight. It wasn't that much, I assure you."
"Wasn't that much, she says, yet he looks just about ready to pass out," Rosaria mutters, sipping on her own glass. You let out a sigh, seems like you'll be responsible for taking him home tonight. You're not bothered at all, in fact, you're a little glad he decided to let loose and have fun, no matter how unusual it seems.
If anything, it's a little funny to see him look gruff and cold, he doesn't even seem drunk until you notice the flush on his face and the spin in his eyes. Grabbing an empty glass and filling it with water from a pitcher, you gesture for the redhead to drink.
"Come on, 'Luc, drink some water and let's get you home."
He turns his head away to the side. You raise an eyebrow.
"'Luc, drink some water."
". . . You need to sober up–"
His head arcs further away from you, arms crossed. You glance at his face, is he. . . is he seriously pouting right now? Kaeya chuckles next to you. You aren't sure what kind of drunk shenanigan is going through his mind, but you decided to let it slide, opting to bring him home instead.
"Alright then, let's get out of here instead." With a hand on his shoulder, you gesture for him to stand but he wacks it away. Diluc? Your Diluc?? Wacked your hand away???
You blink at him before recovering to grab onto his arm, trying to pull him up, "Come on, 'Luc! We got to get you home!"
"No! Hands off!" He sluggishly pushes you, failing but he plops back onto his seat.
"Hands off me! I'm taken!"
You freeze. The little group around you pauses as well. There's a loud snort in the air, presumably from Venti.
"Diluc, what?" You bite back your laugh. Laughing at the drunk is bad etiquette, you really shouldn't. You really, really shouldn't.
"I'm–" He slurs, facing you with a pointed look and a loopy glare, "Taken. Go find someone else to mooch."
Archons, help you not to burst out laughing in this situation.
Opting to giggle behind closed lips, you squat next to his chair, reaching out to cup his cheek but he scoots away from your touch.
"Diluc," You laugh, "It's me."
"Not- not interested."
"I'm literally your lover."
He blinks at you. You aren't sure if you got through him but he immediately stands upright, wobbling from the action. You catch him by the waist for support.ïżŒïżŒ
"Woah there, are you ready to go?"
"I'm going-" He tests his steps, "Going home to my darling, (Name)." With shaky hands, he pushes you aside, "I told you I have a lover!"
A loud laugh starts from behind you. Kaeya hunches over the table, gripping his stomach as the rest try to hide their chuckles behind their hands.
"Oh dear, my dear brother," The cryo user stands, wiping a tear from his eye, "Seems like you truly had too much tonight. This person here is assigned to take you to (Name)." The sly smile on Kaeya's face tells you to play along.
Diluc rubs at his eyes, everything seems to swirl, "Really?"
". . . Alright then."
Was he really that easy to trick? Your jaw could've dropped open. As expected of Kaeya who naturally dealt with all of Diluc's drunk shenanigans.
"Let's go then. . ." Diluc mumbles, glancing at you, "But no touching."
At his first step, he nearly trips over his feet if it wasn't for you grabbing onto his arm. You wrap it over your shoulder, pulling him upright.
"Surely, it's alright if I hold onto your arm?" You try to reason.
". . . Okay."
With a side glance at Kaeya and the rest, you nod them goodbye as they wave their pleasantries. Now that you're outside the tavern, you decide to take your drunk lover to your home nearby, a place he's frequently visited.
"Honestly, whatever made you drink so much tonight. . ." You huff, grabbing onto him and trying to get him to walk normally.
"My lover, you see. . ." He trails off.
"What about your lover?" You can't help but prod. Surely, you haven't done something wrong, right?
"Everything. . . Everything about them." Diluc mumbles, a sigh escaping him, "Just— amazing."
You can't help the way your lips sorts into a smile.
"That must be nice. Is that why you don't want to go home with me?" You can't help but tease as he glowers, turning his face to get a better look at you. You notice the way his eyes look clearer now.
". . . As mentioned, I–" A groan, "Am devoted to my lover, no matter how charming you look."
"Mhmm, sure, yeah." You laugh, taking in his compliment, "You're devoted, alright."
"It's true–" He pushes away from you to fumble with his coat in an enthusiasm that's only seen when he's drunk, "Would you like to see the ring?"ïżŒ
Ring? What ring? You freeze in your steps as he digs into his pockets, pulling out an enclosed little box with intricate carvings. He opens it to reveal a ring– one you've only ever dreams of having (and receiving from him). The details, a testament to how much he knows what you like, while mixing in his own interests.
Your heart skips a beat.
"Archons, I'm nervous," He groans into his hand, carefully closing the box despite his drunken mannerisms, "I can't even– can't even sleep at night thinking about it."
You're still in shock as you gaze up at him. Sure, you've talked about a future together, but it always felt so far away— Diluc was too busy, always with something else to prioritize and it didn't seem like the right time for him no matter how right it was for you.
"Is. . . Is that why you drank?"
He looks at you with a raised brow, "Nervousness is one thing. I needed everyone's advice as well." Your heart flutters, was he ever this thoughtful? The answer is yes. You reach out to him again, hands as shaky as his own, but yours shook in happiness.
"Diluc, I—"
He lurches, a heaving sound down his throat as if threatening to puke. You reach out, holding onto him again with a small laugh, "Alright, alright, let's get you home first, Luc."
He groans in reply, voice wobbly and weak, "I'm. . . taken. . . "
"I know, my love."
Sunshine filters into the bedroom and Diluc shuffles under the covers. His head was throbbing, his throat felt dry, he's reminded again why he never drinks.
Grape juice is definitely better. Grape juice is yummy. Why can't he make a grape juice relaxant? He sure as heck can, what's his money for if he can't fund an entire academic foundation focusing on the production of anxiety-calming juice?
Before he could even begin to think about the business prospects and expenses to spare, your footsteps catches his attention as you enter the room.
"Slept well?"
He brushes his hair back, sitting up groggily, "I've had better nights."
"Here, have some water." You gesture to the cup in your hands to which he drinks from obediently.
"Thank you."
"I'm just glad that you're allowing me to offer you water." You bite back a chuckle.
Standing up with a hum and a shrug, you turn away from him, "I don't know. Last night, you wouldn't even let me touch you."
His eyebrows furrow together, "That's ridiculous. Why would I do that?"
"Apparently, you have a lover, and I was trying to tempt you away into my home~"
Diluc freezes like a deer in the headlights, heat rushing up his face, turning it a shade as red as his hair, "I. . . said that?"
You laugh, turning towards him as you begin to explain everything that happened in the tavern and how his friends reacted. This only helped to worsen his embarrassment.
"I'm going to kill Kaeya. . ." he mutters under his breath, hiding away his face before peeking at you, "And then I suppose you walked me home? Did I. . . say anything after?"
You spotted the way his eyes glance to his coat, hanging by the door. Your lips twitch into a smile.
"Nope. You were quiet the whole way home."
You can't wait to embarrass him even more after his proposal.
masterlist 02 || commissions via ko-fi
note !! writing this made me all the drunk embarrassing moments 😭
taglist !! @absolut-wildflower @boundedbyfate @sadlonelybagel @eissaaaa @ladycoleigh @nejibot @milkypompon @bloodreaper08 @irethepotato @x-zho @roriver @mich-cola @mxsomn @ackrylik @nicebonescomrade @starforecasts @stygianoir @yuminako @eccedentesiast-sapphic @nebulaera @nuttytani @klutzkat @stygianoir14
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faerimi · 2 years
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Hairstyle buddies ✹
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faerimi · 2 years
“you look cute wearing a cap.” you call out to osamu, who’s sprawled out on the sofa, exhausted after a long day at work.
“really?” your boyfriend asks with genuine confusion on his face, oblivious to how attractive he looks all the time.
“mhm.” you cheerfully hum, making your way over to him from the kitchen.
he takes off his cap, runs his hands through his hair to fluff it out and puts the cap on you, satisfyingly smiling afterwards.
“ya look cuter.” he notes with a lazy smile and half lidded eyes.
a pout grows on your face as he takes out his phone to snap a picture of you in his work cap. “this’ll be my new lock screen.” he says with a content smile.
“hmm, whatever.” you huff while leaning on his torso and resting your eyes.
he lays his hand on your arm rubbing it up and down until he stops and you look back up to see him fast asleep, taking slow heavy breaths.
you softly chuckle at how fast it took for him to knock out, and you join him as well; snuggling closer and allowing yourself to fall fast asleep in his arms, still wearing his cap.
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faerimi · 2 years
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does anyone else have thoughts about gojo satoru who wants to buy you sexy lingerie for your birthday present, but doesn’t know what your bra or panty size is.
the man is walking into the lingerie store with his head held up high and his cheeks tainted red. all the women, and their significant others look at him with a confused yet intrigued look. why‘s this extremely handsome man walking into the lingerie store alone?
with long confident strides, this man walks to the set aisle. his blue eyes widen behind the designer sunglasses, and it isn’t the price tags that fluster him—he could care less about the insane price tags—what flusters him is the material and style of the lingerie.
he swallows, hard. he suppresses the shaking of his hand and reaches out for the dark blue lingerie before his also very blue eyes.
"excuse me sir?" a woman appears out of no where, breaking goio‘s impure imagination of you in said lingerie. "is there anything i can help you with?" she asks, cocking a brow.
gojo puts the lingerie down and stammers, licking his lips for a moment before coming to his senses. "i— yeah." he thinks hard and keeps his mind straight. "can i have this for my girl?"
"sure," she nods, taking the lingerie from his hands. "this is our limited edition, by the way. we only have two of these ever made by our famous designer.." gojo could honestly care less about what she is saying. all he‘s thinking of right now is taking the sinful piece and placing it on you as soon as possible.
"yeah." he nods, already looking around for another sexy set.
"the person you‘re with must be really lucky." she chuckles, still doing whatever the fuck she‘s supposed to do and looks at him. "this is one of a kind." she further adds. he nods again. "so i‘ll have to ask.."
"what‘s their size?"
gojo stops.
"it‘s limited edition, so there‘s no size other than this. we have to make sure it‘s their size." she looks at him.
gojo halts. his whole body shuts down as he looks at it. he hadn‘t thought that part through. he thought that if he‘d see what looks good, he‘d immediately know it was made for you. but for god sake, now that he’s here, he doesn’t have a single clue.
"i— um—" he stammers, trying to explain it. "it‘s—"
"do you not know it?" she frowns. "i mean it‘s okay. you‘d just have to ask her then come—"
"no! i know it!" he cuts her off quick, pressing his fingers to his temple. "it‘s— it‘s.."
without even realizing it, gojo brings up both his hands to the air and makes an odd shape. the woman watches and eyes him oddly as he continues to further describe the shape.
"what‘re you doing
"i‘m trying to show you." without a single ounce of shame, this man then puts his hands on the bra and feels it.
he‘s trying to figure out your tit size with his hands.
"yeah, that‘s it." he nods, sure of himself. then he grabs the thong. he places it flat on his palm and sees the size before nodding once again and smiling to the woman. "mhm, that‘s the right size."
the woman stares at him, bewildered. her jaw hangs agape, throat dry as she watches gojo move around and look at her. "yeah, that‘s it. it‘s her perfect size."
without even awaiting her response, he proudly takes the set from her and walks away, not even bothering to check the number tag for the size as he goes around and does the same for every piece of lingerie he encounters.
the people look at him, meanwhile he couldn‘t give a damn. he simply walks around, and purchases what he found with pride, leaving the store and the people in there more confused than they ever were in their lives.
and when the man gives it to you during your birthday, somehow, some fucking way, it‘s actually the right fucking size. and when he knows about it, he‘ll smugly tell you the story about how he found out your size and you‘ll just be left embarrassed the next time you‘re walking into that store with him.
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13K notes · View notes
faerimi · 2 years
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i saw this smug zhongli edit and i couldn’t help myself lol
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16K notes · View notes
faerimi · 2 years
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granny’s big boy
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faerimi · 2 years
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♱ ‧₊˚. sypnosis: a certain spy and assassin find themselves in an enclosed and tight quarter.
♱ ‧₊˚. content: fluff, loid x yor, 1.2k words.
â™Ș — dream girl, crisaunt. striptease, carwash. dark red, steve lacy.
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— the sound of raining bullets caused twilight into a distress, looking for locations where he can shield himself before one lead can pierce into him. he finds himself trapped inside a closed quarter, living up to it’s state as it felt cramped and tight. not to mention, despite the darkness of the space he could feel another presence inside it with him.
not a single thought goes to his mind before immediately pointing his gun to its neck, to his surprise he also sensed a seemingly sharp and pointed weapon pressed against his neck. “what’re you doing here?” he heard a soft voice, almost as if it came from a woman. to his suspicion, it also sounded eminently familiar.
“might i ask you the same thing, what are you doing in here?” loid repeats the question, but this led him to more trouble feeling the sharp object threatening his skin. causing him to gasp, hearing the lady in front of him snicker. “for a bad guy, you seem afraid to die .. but you’ve shown nothing nor mercy, do you deserve your life?” she spoke with every hint of relentless to the underlining of its words. loid is now contemplating on ways to escape this stressful predicament he finds himself in, adding to the fact the person he’s with is aggravatingly prideful. he had no time for this kind of tricks, he thought.
one movement of his another added pressure to the cold metal slowly piercing onto him, he sighed and admitted his defeat. he wanted to leave, but if he isn’t even allowed to move a single muscle, how can he? most certainly, he also wanted to live. thinking about the precious fruit of this mission and coming home to his daughter and 
“listen i—” stopping his sentence, his fingers was able to touch a string, almost as if it’s a switch. fortunately it was, able to now fully catch a glimpse of the individual in front of him. firstly, indeed and confirmed, it was a woman, who he finds resembled someone quite awfully. second, their positions were too close that he now can’t seem to move by himself, afraid to touch anything he isn’t meant to.
faces inches away from one another, his arm above her head for support and bodies practically touching. every breath he would let out, it would touch the lady’s neck. cherry red eyes fixed intently to examine the blonde’s features, every point she looked at bore resemblance to her husband’s face.
the spy did exactly the same thing, sharp eyes inspecting the raven’s face. he never forgets faces, his mind is capable of that. the raven mirrored every single trademarks of his wife’s profile. finally realizing 
 this is her.
yor on the other hand, caught up to the same idea as well. well-aware that this man is indeed the man she’s promised to. pupils dilating to the realization, a gasp left her lips. “loid?” she questioned, now confirming and answering the man’s doubts.
“yor is that you?” returning the questions once more, she felt the need to hide her face causing her to answer the man’s thoughts more profoundly. “what’re you doing here?!” he asked deeply concern for the woman’s presence in such a risky place.
“i— i’m doing my job!” she finally admitted, meeting the blonde’s eyes. looking for sense of disappointment or any dismay whatsoever, submitting to the fact he would probably disregard her after this encounter. “what are you exactly?” asking further in an attempt to entirely know the woman. “an assassin 
 i kill people.” sighing as she answered, even though she was hesitant to. but this is how it’s meant to end, isn’t it?
a fake family couldn’t possibly be a real one, in the end of the day, they’re just strangers in each other’s properties. they’re far from being one, that’s certain.
“i see,” a taken-aback loid replies, despite the surprising revelation, he’s glad he had known yor’s true identity. “loid, you must know i only took the offer so i could protect this secret of mine, to be excluded from all the conspiracies and suspiciousness i’ve brought upon myself. it’s been fun nonetheless, anya’s a great girl and you’re an impeccable father. i’m truly grateful to have associated myself with the likes of both of you.” she spoke with her heart, all of it at least, she knew because her eyes begone to sting as a teardrop threatens to fall.
“i.. i understand if you would replace me, you might find this job dangerous and could possibly harm anya. i don’t mind, if it’s for you and anya’s comfort i’d gladly oblige to the idea of it.” yor continues, trying her best to not make a sound or expose her vulnerability, even though loid himself had already witnessed it many many times.
the man drops his gun, putting it back to where it was resided, away from her face. his now ungloved hand wiped the tear falling from the raven’s eyes, thumb fondly caressing her now flushed and plumped cheeks.
“you have nothing to worry, now learning you’re an assassin gave me more reassurance how great of a mother you are to anya. you’re strong, quite literally, but now i know you’d be able to protect her. you’re perfect yor 
 you always have been. truth be told, i had doubted you, but knowing this ..? you’re more than fitting to be with anya and my wife.” hearing loid express his thoughts made yor’s heart swell.
calloused hand never leaving her face, cupping the side of her face, he went closer until only an inch was left before their lips could clash with one another. “thank you 
 my beautiful, beautiful wife.”
finally closing the gap between them, their lips touched embracing the warmth both of them offered. to their minds, it felt as if the space become tighter and quieter— how their breaths became hard to gather and how their heartbeats are the only sound to be heard. it finally happened, both of them thought.
the blonde’s firms hand travelled to her neck to pull her closer, leaving yor’s hand to plant onto his chest. they become unaware of their surroundings as it felt invisible so is time and how it became unreal under their soft lips. having to resist everything and now finally collapsing and submitting, it’s only obviously fair to have craved more.
their lips crashing with one another moving to an eager movement of flow. an embodiment of how the ocean waves crashed onto the shores. tasting both’s tongues sweetness, delighting to it’s warmth and serenity. the resistance of urges now out the window, it was their ‘finally’.
parting to now pull for air, a silver string connected their lips, but quite happy with what it resulted. cheeks tinted with a dusty pink and lips reddened, they stare into each other’s face. satisfied smiles beginning to plaster to their lips. “it seems like we’ve forgotten what we’re here for,” loid reminded, a smirk forming.
“i suppose we have, let’s finish so we can go home to anya.” yor gave that endearing smile, the one loid always had a hard time to get over his mind.
opening the quarter’s door, finally having to leave the tight space made them sigh in relief. then a question popped to yor’s mind, “loid? you? what are you exactly?” she asked, still sticking close to the man.
“a spy, twilight.” the answer he gave made her smile, rightfully so. “shall we?” the blonde offers his ungloved hand for her to take, which she gladly did.
let’s just say, they came home with a happy anya greeting them.
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âŠč — this is me feeding my loid x yor crumbs. i just finished the manga & loved them sm ! and this isn’t the best im sorry :/ ( + the way i added random songs from my playlist ... anw i think the songs just fit the vibe i wanted to give. )
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© faerimi. no copying, modifying, translating and reposting of my works. 2022
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faerimi · 2 years
hello .. i really need someone to talk to or rant to if that’s okay. i’m a filo, our elections here is draining and anxiety-inducing. a former dictator’s son is the frontrunner of the presidential partial results, bongbong marcos jr. i repeat, presidential. for our vice president, she’s the daughter of duterte. the elections was rigged, ballots were torn, VCMs were down, and so many people weren’t able to vote. the gap between bbm and our only hope is too wide for everyone’s liking.
i’m really scared, i need someone to talk to because all of this is taking a huge toll on me. i can’t write, can’t study, can’t properly function. even if it’s another filo or non-filo, i need someone to rant to, if that’s possible. my friends are struggling as well, we can’t talk to each other v well, we’re all dismayed by the current results .. i need help pls.
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faerimi · 2 years
IN TIME. àż
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âŠč zhongli x reader. genderneutral!reader. angst.
â™Ș — anchor, novo amor. do you wanna know, arctic monkeys. fine line, harry styles.
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— his words were as sharp as ever. for someone who rarely talk about his regards for you, he sure does has a lot to unfold. making sure to emphasize the words that’ll hit you the most, hoping it would stick to your senses.
“you simply cannot make me happy.” zhongli stood his ground. this argument had been going around for about ten minutes already, yet both of you are far from done. he doesn’t listen to you, as were you to him. neither of you refused to back down from your rebuttals.
“why do you say that? what can i do?!” you sounded desperate, but indeed you were— you’ve been bewitched by him. he captured your soul instantly by the way he carries himself to how he converses his way to your heart. you’ve been patient, literally.
what forces you to avoid lowering down your guard is; he hasn’t given you a clearer reason why the both of you can’t be together. stubborn he was, always tiptoeing around the main reason, constantly steering away from it. however, the thin line has now snapped, you’ve finally lost it. now, you’re confronting him for it.
“you haven’t been listening have you? i cannot afford another broken heart, another years of uncertainty and another years of waiting for your grave. time passes hastily in my part, and soon enough it’ll have you with it 
 i can’t seem to bare going through that all over again.” he says, turning his back away from you.
heart wrenching from his sentences, you decided and kept your ground. you wanted him, badly.
“give me the time, we’ll make it feel like it lasted, it lasted like you were also coming with me.” pleading as you walked closer to his figure, “please zhongli, have me.”
a sigh left his lips knowing your presence was close, he started to walk farther away, leaving you finally aggravated. “how selfish you are! i’ve bare my whole self to you, expressed how badly i love you and here you are walking way once more? an archon being a cowa—?”
you stood still in your spot as zhongli came rushing to you. you swore you almost saw steam come off from him, seems you have finally provoked him.
“haven’t you thought about how badly i suffered? how i struggled? .. you’re a mortal but you managed to weaken my mind, quicken my heart, shut my lips and evade my thoughts. you’re the epitome of everything i’ve ever wanted. i can’t risk the curse of my immortality to someone like you once more, yielding to the conclusion that i won’t ever feel the pain and infatuation that comes along with it. i see no point in arguing, my decision is final.”
listening to his words, truly struck you. your thoughts have slipped away, just like your fate with him. all turned to dust, alongside time .. it’ll be the only one who ever knew how the both of you were affected so much of the risks playing with it.
a tear finally fell, as your gaze met his. you’ve succumbed to him and his reasons. there was no future, your feelings were merely in the past. both of you were just fortunate to be able to unravel your desires for one another. you wanted to sob and plead, but there was no room for that. all you did was to finally and lastly place your hand on zhongli’s temples. you had no more reason to fight for it, for him.
“you must know i have— have no intention to harm you, unfortunately, i’m not willing to gamble again. i’ve placed it in the past, i’ve contracted myself to. time hasn’t been kind with me 
 alas, i kept promising to never tamper with it again. i can’t find happiness with you— knowing .. knowing in the end i’d be placing your favorite flower on your resting place. i’m willing to risk my whole, heavens only if i could come with you.”
he declares once more, cupping the hand you had on his cheek. all you could do is nod, agree to his entirety. it was hard to understood, of course you didn’t want to. it only meant costing him away from you and the forevermore you wished for.
“final it is 
 i protest time wasn’t kind to me as well. i regret to know you will not have the rest you deserve. i hope in our next lives, time would be more forgiving on us. we would be in each other’s embrace until we were satisfied—”
“satisfaction is wherever you are ..”
smiling at his response, you couldn’t afford more seconds in a room alone with him. taking away your hand from his, which he gripped a little too tightly, almost as if he’s regretting to let you go. but you’ve bid your farewells, both of you now aware that there’s no fruit from this. the only hope you’ll ever hold on as you walk away— he loved you truly, both of you were on the same page but one of you weren’t willing to risk again.
time is relentless. it was never fair, it’s a pity your love and his were a victim of its cruelty.
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© faerimi. no copying, modifying, translating and reposting of my works. 2022
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faerimi · 2 years
.. i didn’t proofread my recent work :DD
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faerimi · 2 years
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âŠč ft. diluc ragnvindr. fem!reader. fluff.
â™Ș — wanna be yours, arctic monkeys.
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— dressed up in a sundress and hair perfectly styled, you walked to diluc's winery with a box of gift in your hand. your mind hazy as you were quite nervous, you were just meeting the man, giving him a gift .. having dinner with him. what seems to be the problem?
you were in fact, catching feelings for the honorable man. maybe this is the reason you were all dolled up for the evening dinner, it wasn't meant to be obvious. but now, it seemingly does. this led you to panic and become even more anxious than you already are, you find the man's effect on you unbelievable and admirable to say the least.
as you got closer to the mansion, passing the vineyard your air became harder to breathe. you took it upon yourself to stand straight and become composed, fortunately you did. now you're contemplating on knocking, but before you do, the door opens itself revealing a maid with a warm smile to greet you.
"oh, traveller! if you happen to look for master diluc, he's in the vineyard. over there," the maid points and instructing where he can be found. "oh, okay, thank you." you say before leaving with a smile.
you went to the place where the maiden said— there he was, standing a picking the grapes all by himself. you were quite surprised seeing him, considering he wasn't covered up entirely. his forearms were showing, you could see the slight burns and scars that are now healed. "diluc!" you called, receiving a smile from his as he sees you.
"oh, you're here," returning a wide smile, it seems he's truly glad to see you. placing down the basket full of grapes, he dusted his hands before walking to you. shocked, he opened his arms for a hug— engulfing you in his warm embrace .. swearing you heard your own heartbeat as he hugged you.
you chuckled knowing your cheeks were turning red, you felt hot and bothered by the man's interaction with you. "anyway, happiest birthday diluc!" you gave him the box you were tightly holding the rest of the walk here.
your heart fluttered seeing his face light up, he was undeniably pretty, but a genuine smile certainly matched his face. "ah, you didn't have to .." he implies but you really wanted to give him something, since he was such a good friend.
"no, i insist, besides it's your day! i wanted to do something special for you," a smile once again plastered on your face. chuckling at your response, he added "i don't know how to thank you, i truly appreciate it."
you nod, trying your best to keep everything together— as your body is wanting to burst out of thrill. "i'll open it later, it's getting quite dark, let's go inside shall we?" he signals as you followed, his hand placing itself on your back to guide you with him.
at this point you can't seem to catch your breath, you find it hard to. everything seems impossible around him, you thought. now entering the mansion, you were surprised to see the table all set up. variety of food from different regions laid itself on the table, it was appetizing. there were candles, wine and a cake. he made sure his special dish is present as well, which, without becoming biased, tastes amazing.
your eyes wandered the filled table, admiring the perfectly decorated table. your mouth practically watered, "diluc .. this looks amazing," you complimented. "thank you, my maids helped." he answers, before passing the gift to a maid to place on his desk.
walking over to you, he pulls the chair on the other end of the table to make you sit. you thanked him before sitting and composing yourself. "could you please excuse me? i plan to change before dining with you," he asks.
"don't worry about it, go go .." smiling at the man in front of you, he quickly left the dining area heading up to the second floor to change. while waiting, you took the time alone to properly collect yourself and drink a glass of water. minutes later, you see the red head jog down the stairs with a black suit, the sleeves tucked to his elbows. a signature red tie with gold accents to go along. his hair was tied in a high ponytail, far different from his usual low tie.
you thought to yourself how he still managed to look attractive and perfect despite being one already all the time regardless of his clothes or hairstyle. he looked absolutely beautiful. he walked over to his seat, apologizing for making you wait. "ah, you really have to stop apologizing, it's totally fine." giving him a reassuring smile, as he returns one, this time his eyes smiling as well.
"please, dig in." he gestures, which you quickly followed. you wanted to try every dish of course, even just a bite of the others. the maids poured the both of you some wine, as they kept placing side dishes on the table. "there's so many, do you have any guests coming?" you asked. he quickly shake his head, answering your question. "no, these are all for us ... for you."
you felt your stomach drop, his words always had their way to you, it's funny really. butterflies filled your stomach, diluc really is a gentleman, isn't he? there was an awkward silence that covered the atmosphere, but it was over when diluc broke it. “i ought you not to worry about the leftover food. what matters is you enjoy this ..”
your lips were shut yet again, this time you can’t form any words to say. the man truly stunned you, his impact on you can’t be hidden anymore. since everything has been obvious, you highly doubt he still hasn’t noticed yet. now, you’re currently plucking up the courage to tell diluc your feelings.
“diluc i—”
“could we .. go outside?” he asks, you stand up quite fast, making you look eager. he had a surprise expression upon his face, but shook it off with low chuckle. both of you were now outside the mansion, you followed him to the sides of the winery, through the grape vineyard. the longer the silence, the more anxious you became. now overthinking what’s going to happen, whether it’ll be bad or good.
you see his tracks pause, facing you he seem to form words to say. causing your nervousness to grow even more, you hated this. confrontations, the awkward yet sharp tension surrounding the both of you.
“i can’t seem to comprehend why i find it hard to tell you this but, you’ve struck me .. awfully. i-i— you’re all i want and long for 
. always. i find myself thinking about you, everyday, every minute, every second. you plague my mind turning into sleepless nights and heavy breathing. i’ve finally surrendered to you. you can have me on my knees instantly if you wanted me to, you— you can have me if you wanted me to. i—”
“let me be yours.”
your eyes met the man’s, they glistened under the stars, iridescently speaking of his earnest affection for you. you felt as if your airway was stuck as your hands begone to weaken. his words to you spoke the same with your thoughts, he perfectly managed to declare his feelings to you with the words you’ve wanted to form and say. out of words, you were. all you can merely do now is let your mind and body do the talking.
your fingers travelled to intertwine with diluc’s gloved hand, caressing it softly as you stare into his eyes. daring not to break each other’s gaze, you lightly placed his hand onto your chest. wanting to let him hear your heart. how demented and unstable it beats for him and his declaration.
“.. you’ve captivated me likewise. i’ll have you diluc, i’ll have you.”
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can u tell i’m a pride & prejudice addict 

. anw, happy birthday diluc !!! pls wish for the best boy to enjoy his day </3
© faerimi. no copying, modifying, translating and reposting of my works. 2022
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faerimi · 2 years
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kamisato ayato: pillar of fortitude 
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faerimi · 2 years
it’s diluc day !!!!!!!!!!! he wants to have dinner 
.? he can have me that’s for sure <33333
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faerimi · 2 years
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11K notes · View notes
faerimi · 2 years
i don’t think people r acknowledging the fact that diluc could be v cocky .. like that bitch probably makes u flustered on purpose ?! he def knows what he’s doing— he knows he’s hot & pretty <3
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faerimi · 2 years
can anyone buy me welkin .. i’m fucking desperate for ayato that bitch won’t come home
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