embertarot · 2 years
✨ Pull Of The Day (7/12/22)
It should be noted that despite being a pull of the day, these readings can be applicable whenever it is you see them.
Note: Keep in mind, your friendly neighborhood tarot reader has done this reading on barely any sleep, as he's going through his own ups and downs, but it felt too important to skip or share later. It should still be legible and helpful, but I apologize for any spelling mistakes or unnecessary rambling. :-) Turns out brains need "proper rest" for brevity
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Eight of Swords ✧ Ten of Swords ✧ The Devil
Back Of The Deck Energy: The Wheel Of Fortune
Life gets complicated. We can't always control where we end up. Things aren't always as simple as they seem, and it's all much easier said than done. When you find yourself tangled up, it's the natural reaction to struggle. However, in this reaction, we often exhaust ourselves and tighten our bindings. Only with stillness, and by utilizing our senses, will we free ourselves, but freedom is possible.
The Eight of Swords generally depicts a woman loosely bound by ropes and blindfolded, wandering among a group of swords stuck in the ground. It holds a sense of helplessness, and imprisonment, but its energy is not totally oppressive. In fact, one may look at the ropes in the card and think it would be easy to free oneself from them, if one were to try and maybe do so carefully, and patiently. At very least, the woman is able to walk freely, and could potentially utilize any of the weapons around her to free herself. But she stands, and she waits, afraid to step forward. This is a card of self-imprisonment.
In this particular deck, this Eight is one of my favorite cards. The sense of helplessness is still there, this time with imagery of a woman pinned down by the very swords she might have used as tools in other iterations. (As you read along, note that it might be a good time to examine your coping mechanisms, and not just the obviously unhealthy ones. The same things that used to help you may now hurt you or no longer work, and it can be common to get more rigid and less mindful about how you cope as time goes on. We all need to check-in, once in a while.)
Her hair blocks her vision, but this woman knows what to do. The moons above & below her represent her intuition, which she uses to feel out her situation and free herself. Even the eight in this card screams empowerment. Sometimes circumstances blind and bind us, sometimes we blind and bind ourselves. Sometimes both are in the mix. But in whatever situation you find yourself right now, there's a way to adapt and overcome, to find a way out, just like this woman does.
It's likely a mental fog is still present, even if your struggle is grounded in reality, so it's important to be mindful of whether you're catastrophizing or not first of all. CBT & DBT skills may be particularly useful to you now. If you feel like you're spiraling, advice to listen to your intuition may feel frustrating. I know I've had trouble before knowing what to listen for at my worst, and still do time to time! When this happens, I always remember and hold onto this saying: Anxiety screams, intuition whispers.
Whatever you're dealing with may have something to do with family, your childhood, and/or your home. The past may be resurfacing, maybe you're cutting someone off, disaster (major or minor) might have struck your place of living and it's left you hurt, and feeling unsafe. Whatever is happening, there's a sense of being uprooted.
A relationship with someone or something that's been a part of your life since childhood or adolescence may be coming to a painful close, specifically. Maybe it's even already ended, but you've obtained new knowledge that you know severs your ties for good or just stings. If this is the case, know that the pain you feel is normal. It's okay to feel betrayed, to feel hurt. Let yourself grieve and mourn whatever it is you've lost. If you're feeling a crisis coming on, don't be afraid to reach out for help. Talk to someone you trust, communicate with your therapist, try the Suicide Hotline (800-273-8255), check in somewhere if need be. Hope may be hard to see sometimes, but it's always there. Above all, take care of yourself at this time.
Another thing to be aware of presently is the risk of falling back into unhealthy coping mechanisms, addictions, bad relationships. Whether you feel driven to a vice by circumstance or just don't want to care anymore, and want to cling onto something, it's important to remember why you walked away in the first place, why you've fought to be free before.
Make a list and hold on instead to what you know empowers you. In general, healthy focal points are a good idea right now. Picking up a hobby, especially an old one that brings you comfort, delving into mindfulness, taking pleasure in the small things in life, fighting to be there for your nieces and nephews as they grow up. A new skill to learn is always a good, solid choice. If life deals you a shitty hand, it may be the perfect opportunity to try origami.
But don't let someone's betrayal pull you back into their game, or into the arms of someone else who will hurt you. Don't reach for that drink "just this once" to take the edge off, because you know it's a slippery slope. And as you navigate how you cope with life & trauma, and what you make out of it all, remember to acknowledge the work you've put in, and the strength and bravery you've continuously shown. It's important that you give yourself proper accolades.
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embertarot · 2 years
✨ Pull Of The Day (7/10/22)
It should be noted that despite being a pull of the day, these readings can be applicable whenever it is you see them.
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Knight of Swords ✧ The Tower ✧ The Emperor (All Reversed)
Resistance is futile in the face of change. Often, it's our own denial and discomfort that make these transitions the hardest.
Burnout and Restlessness often go hand in hand. Once again, we have the desire to do something, to do anything, and often we'll settle on the very opposite of what actually needs to be done. Taking action feels more relieving than thinking about action and going through all of our options, but running into battle without a plan rarely ends well. If you're acting on impulse, this is your warning that things will not end in your favor.
The Tower as a card forewarns of sudden (often unwanted) change, a lightning strike that sends all you've come to know crashing down, but it's important to note that things built on a solid foundation and made out of the right materials do not crumble so easily. As such, this card brings with it the opportunity to rebuild something stronger. But reversed, you look at the cracks along the walls in terror. You may be doing whatever you can to avoid the situation. Sometimes, it's this very avoidance that results in ruin.
Last time, we pulled the Queen of Swords, along with her suggestion to step back and be prepared to make unbiased judgements. It's time to face the facts and be honest with yourself about yourself, and where you are right now.
Maybe it's time to reach out for help. Maybe it's time to admit you're struggling. Maybe it's time to face your restlessness, and the route of it. Maybe it's time to take that step, that's always been in the back of your mind, that you're afraid of taking. Maybe it's time to admit that you expect everything to go your way, and stress yourself out being inflexible. Maybe it's time to acknowledge that you have issues with power & control, dominance and submission. Maybe it's time to acknowledge any lack of discipline that may be getting in the way of what you want out of life.
None of these things, if they resonate, make you any less human, any less worthy of life. They are signs of life, in fact. But ignoring what you're scared to face in yourself, or in your life, is bound to lead to disappointment and hurt when things don't work out. It's time to take responsibility for yourself and your situation. Remember that awareness is always the first step.
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embertarot · 2 years
✨ Pull Of The Day (7/8/22)
It should be noted that despite being a pull of the day, these readings can be applicable whenever it is you see them.
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Four of Wands (Reversed) ✧ Death ✧ Queen of Swords ✧ Eight of Wands
Back of the deck energy: The Wheel Of Fortune & Strength
The smallest of steps can lead us to the biggest changes. Rest assured or take heed that your current state is a transient one, but know however you may feel about it, it serves a purpose. Also remember that death & decay are essential to the cycle of life. Mourn if need be, but be prepared to step into Spring.
If any action has been taken between this reading and the last, it's likely you're starting to head in the right direction. It may not even be a physical step you've taken, but know that the shifting of your mindset matters, and is the beginning of personal growth.
In fact, with the Four of Wands reversed, it's likely this change is more of an internal one. Celebrate that, no matter how small it may seem to you. This cycle may not be complete, you may not be anywhere near the finish line, maybe it's just not something you feel the need to brag about, but that doesn't make it any less important, especially when it brings you a sense of peace.
With Death, it's important to remember that you're in a transitory phase and what that can mean. Your emotions and circumstances may be constantly shifting. Going back to the Wheel Of Fortune, remember: As much as this is referencing the turning point you've chosen or will choose, the wheel can change directions at a moment's notice. Ups and Downs are part of the process. Keep your hands inside the vehicle at all times. When you go up, utilize the clear view you have of your surroundings to remind yourself where you are when you start going down.
The Queen of Swords is an example of the energy you'll want to step into in the coming days, months. It's important to stand up for yourself, to be direct, to set boundaries. This is important in your dealings with others, but also your dealings with yourself. Independence and confidence are themes at play here after all, and it's hard to tap into them if you're being hard too hard on yourself, or letting too much slide. You'll need to make judgements to figure out how to best handle things, but it's important to be as unbiased as possible, and rely on mind over emotion for these matters, especially while you're in a calm state of clarity. Take a break and allow yourself time to process emotions before you act. Script what you'll say to someone, or write a letter if need be. If it's yourself you need to set a boundary with, then it's time to pick up your journal and get to thinking and strategizing.
All in all, forward movement is literally in the cards with the Eight of Wands. For some of you, the changes over the next few weeks may be rapid and feel overwhelming, so prepare. If you're feeling energetic and/or inspired, utilize that. Let it all out and enjoy the lighter, better periods. Know that change might be scary, it might be intense, but wherever you land is bound to be warmer. Reach out towards the horizon and keep the big picture in mind when things get rough.
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embertarot · 2 years
✨ Pull Of The Day (7/7/22)
It should be noted that despite being a pull of the day, these readings can be applicable whenever it is you see them.
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The Wheel of Fortune ✧ Five of Swords ✧ ✧ Page of Swords (Reversed) ✧ Strength
Fate and fortune are tricky. Often, the things that break us down are the very things that give us the opportunity to rebuild, and become who we're meant to be.
The Wheel of Fortune reminds us of Destiny and karma, and of life's ups and downs. We all experience them, and the wheel can turn any which way at the drop of a hat. Our choices and decisions can and will influence the direction, but there are times as well that the wheel will do whatever it damn well pleases, especially as a calling. In this reading specifically, this card offers up a turning point in your life. The choice of whether to take it or not, to reclaim your destiny and change direction, is yours entirely.
The Five of Swords backs this message up and points to areas in which things may need to change. The number five itself vibrates with energy of change, of adaptability. It's tied to our senses. Chances are you feel something is off and know, deep down, the problem, and maybe even the steps you must take to remedy it.
It's likely these issues are of a social nature. Not only is the Five of Swords itself often about conflict with another, but the number five has ties to Mercury as well: the planet of communication.
It's possible that you're feeling isolated and stabbed in the back. It's easy to lash out and have someone, or a group of people, to conveniently blame. You may even be beating yourself up. Either way, you have the comfort of being a victim.
You may feel like you're in competition with others. The comparisons may be never ending, as you tear yourself apart and give up your personal power. This behavior may also push away those around you, if you have a habit of making them feel guilty or ashamed of their talents.
You may have a habit of picking others apart and/or starting arguments, especially to assert both dominance and a sense of superiority. Conversations and relationships become something you win, rather than something to share. Coming out on top in an argument is more important than expanding views. If this resonates, ask yourself: What use is a throne in an empty room?
You may have problems at this time with picking your battles and not lashing out. You may feel like you're standing up for yourself, and the desire to fight back could be coming from a genuine place. Yet, you walk away from every argument with a sense of pain and loss. Ask yourself if there's anything to gain from the constant fighting. Even if you feel justified, do you actually walk away feeling empowered, or just embittered and alone? Take heed especially if you feel tempted to disregard your morals in these arguments. Sometimes, the winning move is not to play. In this case, it's time to stop looking back, start looking forward, mind your business and just do you.
The reversed Page of Swords returns, again as a reminder to ground ourselves. As long as he keeps his sword and feet firmly planted, he will never fall, even as his world is turned upside down. No matter what it is you're struggling with, you have the Strength to overcome it. Whether you are in a situation where you feel unsafe, unloved, and alone, and it's time to stand on your own two feet and move on; whether it's time to break a deep-rooted pattern, admit to wrongdoing, and commit to serious change. You are capable. All it takes is the strength to say "Enough."
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embertarot · 2 years
✨ Pull Of The Day (7/6/22)
It should be noted that despite being a pull of the day, these readings can be applicable whenever it is you see them.
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Page of Swords (Reversed) ✧ Strength
We all desire improvement, in our lives and in our selves. Forward movement is often key to that, so it's natural we get antsy and desperate to take whatever action comes to mind, in case it might lead to a step forward.
But it will always be mindful, focused action that makes the difference. It's important to act, not react. Give yourself time to process whatever is going on and tap into the inner strength that's kept you going all this time. Ground yourself. Plant that sword in the earth and hold steady until you have found your balance once more. Make sure whatever you do holds compassion for yourself and for others.
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embertarot · 2 years
✨ Pull of The Day (7/5/22)
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Ace of Cups ✧ Eight of Cups ✧ Page of Swords (All Reversed)
The brain is just as capable of being erratic as the hearts beating within our chests; just as capable of being illogical, and messy. This is why balance of the heart & mind are so important. But, some days, it's just time for a different organ to rule.
The Ace of Cups is all about divine love, and when the divine resides in each and every one of us, this often points towards self-love and self-care, especially in the reversed position. There's a need to stop searching for love anywhere else, at this time. That's not to say you don't deserve external love and support, but no amount will ever quench the thirst that only the fountain inside of you can.
You spend so much time searching for other's lakes and wells that you miss the very source of life within you; enjoy your own company and get back to taking care of your needs, especially the ones you find yourself grumbling about. They're often the most important ones that need tending. Feed yourself, get enough rest, take any important meds. Take time to reset and recalibrate, overall. Others will come to the watering hole once you stop blocking the stream. You'll find your people once you've found yourself.
It may be a good time to listen to your heart, to dive deep down inward and ask yourself what it is you desire most of all, and then be ready to ask yourself if you've been truly committed to it.
If you want to be surrounded by good company, as an example: do you put yourself out there? Do you do anything about the bad company you have? Are you yourself good company and a good friend? Those answers can only be found if you take the time to find them, and make the space for them to come through. Once you have them, action can follow.
The love, power, and answers waiting to be found within you will be essential if you're feeling disconnected, disappointed, or aimless and wandering these days, like the energy found in the Eight of Cups here. You may be confused about a specific situation, whether you should move forward with a goal you've held onto a while, or let go of a specific person or thing; it could also be more general. Should I give up on connecting with others altogether? Does it even matter at all? Should I give up on life if this is all it'll ever be?
All the reversals in this reading point towards a mind turned upside down, tearing itself apart. The Page of Swords specifically warns of haste, and making drastic decisions. Know that your mind may not be in the right place right now, and you may be prone to impulsivity. If this is reaching a serious point, it's time to reach out and be truly honest, with a therapist or someone else you trust. Listen to your heart and intuition when it comes to making that judgement. It may even be possible you need to start with admitting there's a problem to yourself.
And moving forward at this time, beware of empty promises; the ones that may be made to you, and the ones you make yourself. Be patient, take deep breaths, and be ready to commit to the change you want to see.
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embertarot · 2 years
Aaaand...we're trying something new. As stated in this blog post, I've always wanted to do more basic self-improvement/productivity stuff alongside what I'm currently doing. It's just been hard to get into. Eventually, I came to the conclusion I just needed to jump and write what comes naturally.
This is a post about how my years started out. I get a bit more vulnerable than I'm used to when it comes to my "Work". I'm not quite sure on the quality of it, and I did rush the end a bit in order to finally push myself off the ledge into the pool. But I hope this can be the beginning of something that means a lot to me to share with others, and I hope even in this first, imperfect post, you can find something to take and hold onto.
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embertarot · 2 years
✨ Surprise Reading: 1/28/22
Six of Cups ✧ Grateful ✧ Two of Wands ✧ Modify ✧ Ace of Pentacles ✧ Respect
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(Striked text means the card is in reverse.) (Full Res) (Tarot Close-up) It's been a while!! I could write a whole miniature novel here about how happy I am to be back, but this return reading ended up a little lengthy, so let's just get into it, shall we? But first, something new~
Meditate on these songs for this reading:
Vibrant ✦ Souvenirs ✦ In Between
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Not a single one of us comes out of this life unscathed. Everywhere you look, everyone you look towards—whether it's at eye level, or your gaze is fixed above or below you—All of us have been wounded, at one point or another, and another, and another. We have all known the sting of a cut, when it's fresh and bleeding. We've all known the stubbornness of a scar that won't fade, raised and rough atop the skin. Sometimes it hurts on it's own naturally as the body begins to heal. Sometimes just the very reminder of the infliction when we look at it brings pain to surface once more.
We start with the Six of Cups. Upright, this is a card representing the innocence and joy most often associated with children, as well as looking back towards the past, often with a fondness. We all have things from our childhood we treasure and hold dear. Likewise, there are some not-so-nice memories buried in between those, too. Words said, choices and actions made, things that hurt you, or caused pain in another. Some of us have been hurt more deeply, or more often, but regardless of your life circumstances or how good you feel you had it: Not a single one of us comes out of this life unscathed. We all have trauma.
Reversed, this card implies looking back on the past in pain, with sorrow, regret, a sense of loss. We may find ourselves living within it's confines rather than in the present. This may be in the sense that we're simply ruminating on pain felt and dealt, or in some cases, it could be an indicator that our beliefs and our behavior are still being heavily influenced by our past, whether we realize it or not. The wound may have healed, but so have the nerve endings. Sometimes we think we've completely moved on, when in fact, there's more going on beneath the surface than we could possibly know with just sight alone.
This may be associated specifically with an event, or multiple events, that occurred within childhood or adolescence. This may reference a moment in your life where you felt your joy and or innocence were taken from you, with age not necessarily a factor. If you've been fixated on a more recent event from your past, it's likely that pain is not completely isolated, rather a new incision was made across an old scar you maybe haven't thought about in years.
The past is important. At times, it shapes us more than both the present and the future combined. Everything we are and everything we ever will be is influenced by what will one day be behind us, so it's natural that we look over our shoulders every once in a while. The problem is when we stop looking ahead, at what's in front of us. It can be easy to get lost, to hit a wall, to get stuck on what could have been or should have been, but it's important that we find a way to appreciate where we are now; that we learn to be grateful for what we have or what we've learned through all of our experiences: the good, the bad, and the somewhere in between.
That brings us to the Two of Wands. A man stands facing the horizon, holding the world in the palm of his hand. Looking out at the vast expanse before him, atop his perch towering above the landscape, he can see all that lies ahead and all that's come before, allowing him to thoughtfully plot out his path forward. When we remain stuck in our past, in our hurt, we drown ourselves in details. We lose sight of what we could learn, what we gained, the progress we've made from that point on, the bigger picture. Sometimes, we even lose sight of what about an experience actually hurt us in the first place, rendering the healing process much more difficult. How are you supposed to treat a wound when you don't even know where it is?
While stumbling in the shadows—often blind—isn't a particularly elegant or pain-free process, it's in some of our darkest moments that we see the light clearly, in our world and in ourselves. Every mistake made is an opportunity to correct our course and re-align. Every time we find we're at rock bottom, we witness our strength, resilience, and power as we scale upwards and out. Through some of the most painful losses, we learn lessons about what really matters most in life, and what exactly we desire out of it, so long as we remain open to the message. Pain is a part of life. It's inevitable, in some form or another, at some point or another. It's only meaningless if we make it so.
Perspective is everything. The past is important to reflect on, but we must make sure we're looking through a lens that leaves us feeling empowered rather than powerless. This is where modification comes in. It is more than okay to mourn and to grieve, especially when we realize we never did. In fact, two in numerology represents nurturing and compassion, and is associated with the moon, which itself is connected to our emotions and the subconscious. Facing the past and the feelings that come with it can be an immense act of bravery and self-love. It's when we find ourselves spiraling in the darkness—when we lose sight of what we have, what we've become, and what we can become—that the world at our fingertips begins to slip away. If you find yourself struggling with your current mindset, you may get frustrated, but it is vital you look at yourself through a lens of kindness. That is the first step to take if you feel overwhelmed.
Nurturing the inner child is a theme coming through. Whatever the issue may be, it is likely impacting material matters the most right now. Perhaps you find it hard to care for your health when you struggle with self-loathing, or you're so busy trying to prove yourself chasing success you don't take enough time for wellness. Maybe a seed was planted in your head that you couldn't possibly live alone or handle your money. Diving deeper, as you become more aware of specific events, it is important to actively reframe whatever you may have internalized from them. Try honing in on single sets of words and actions that hurt you and ask why, rather than just looking at the event generally. If you're torn over something you did to someone else, focus on what you feel your mistake says about you, and politely question whether that judgement is fair or not. Awareness is the first step, and from there, healing can begin. If you were made to feel worthless, or broken, it's time to challenge that notion in the same way you'd comfort a child or someone else you love. Start with a healthy dialogue with yourself when these feelings come up. It's time to offer yourself the respect you've always deserved.
It's through this self-respect and self-love that we will find our way to our perch, looking out over the landscape with pride and possibility. There, the Ace of Pentacles can come into play. All aces represent a seed; an opportunity with the chance to grow and blossom, but with the caveat that it must be actively tended to. There is no guarantees in the future so long as we remain rooted in the past, but if you can start to break this cycle, and turn around the messages and limiting beliefs that linger from yesterday, a sense of stability is yours. You will find more success in the material matters in your life, such as finances, environment, and health. You will find security, inside and out, replacing what may have once felt lost. The clouds will clear, the sun will shine again, and you will breathe a breath a fresh air as you look out towards a wider, brighter horizon.
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If this reading resonated with you or you otherwise enjoy my work, and you'd like to support your local disabled mystic, you can do so by leaving me a tip over on my Ko-fi, if you're able and feel called to do so! I also have a wishlist if you'd like to buy me more decks & tools to use in my readings, and another for helping me manage my life better in my current environment. Any and all support is greatly appreciated! 💜
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embertarot · 2 years
Faith cannot be nurtured by fear, and doubt cannot be simply silenced with the right question. It’s in the times when we’re holding on the hardest that it’s most important for us to ease up and let go. Make sure not to overdo it with divination, and leave space in your life for the unknown. Make peace with her.
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embertarot · 3 years
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Some new goodies I’ve gathered recently! A tiny but beautiful bell with a very clear ring, two selenite pieces, an opalite bracelet, and an infinite stone! Lots of angelic & heavenly vibes lately <3
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embertarot · 3 years
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new jawbreaker just dropped
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embertarot · 3 years
Probably no new moon reading today - been sick and dealing with some family stress. I am however planning on doing a pick-a-card soon to make up for it. :)
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embertarot · 3 years
You might have noticed there was no quarter reading Wednesday — Lately I've been kind of dropping the ball on those! I've done some thinking about it and decided I'm going to put them on the back burner for now, until I have a new space to do my work in. It hasn't been easy for me to concentrate lately and give it my all every single week, so I'd rather focus on the two bigger readings and put my energy elsewhere when I have it.
This might be for a month, or it might be a couple of months! I don't really have a solid timeline since it depends on some variables. While you might not be getting content every week, I do also hope to maybe do some special readings/pick-a-cards here & there to make up for it :)
Personal readings are also still open in the meantime! If you want one, they can be requested here. If you have any questions, you can also feel free to message me here, on twitter, or email me at [email protected]!
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embertarot · 3 years
✨ Full Moon in Sagittarius Reading 5/26/21
The Star ✧ Queen of Cups ✧ Nine of Cups
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(Striked text means the card is in reverse.) (Full Res.)
This reading comes with a miniature pick-a-card below the cut. To partake, simply choose a number: 1, 2, or 3. You can choose multiples.
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With any eclipse comes change, and with any change comes renewal.
At this time, you can feel the light bubbling up deep inside of you and ready to resurface; less dreamlike and fuzzy, more sharp and grounded in reality. As energy peaks, clarity becomes greater and easier to obtain — simply in your perspective, or in the actions you need to take, at this time and in the future. The intellectual energy of Sagittarius is here to lend a hand and help you to explore your emotions in a way that makes room for hope and purpose.
What is it that gives you hope? What compels you to keep moving forward, to seek out solutions; that north star twinkling overhead, guiding you home? What can you do to hold onto it and honor it always?
This energy isn't weightless, but it's light. If you've been feeling stuck in your head a lot, or frustrated with things not moving as fast as you desire, it's time to take it slow and easy. Show yourself compassion, and be gentle. Tap into the nurturing skills you've been building and getting acquainted with. Be grateful for the big and little things in your life and let your hair down. Enjoy where you're at for just a moment.
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If this reading resonated with you, if you like my style & my vibes, please consider leaving me a tip over on my Ko-fi if you feel called to do so! I also have a Wishlist if you’d like to buy me more decks & tools, and Personal Readings ARE OPEN!! If you’d like one, fill out this form and I’ll get back to you ASAP. 💜
Group 1
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Moon ~ Soul / New Moon in Taurus - Prosperity lies ahead. (Full Res)
The moon is where your deepest desires, emotions, and secrets lie. It's where that little voice from within that speaks so softly comes from. At this time, your intuition has a message for you.
It may feel like a mystery. It's possible things have felt blurred and hazy lately, with emotions possibly drowning out all else. You've felt left in the dark. However, the moon is only eclipsed for so long.
In times of trouble, it's important to know this distinction: Anxiety screams, intuition whispers. With this in mind, take a few breaths and hear what your soul has been trying to say. Know that you have a future, and that that future is bright. Abundance awaits you. You have the power to make it and do whatever it is you desire so deeply.
Group 2
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Sun ~ Spirit / Blue Moon - Believe in the impossible. (Full Res)
Light and vitality return as you rise again. You will always rise again.
You carry with you an immense amount of strength, and this full moon's energy is calling attention to it. The light within you has the ability to reach the darkest places, illuminating the truth, giving you the ability to transform your reality. Things will be okay, and you have all the power to make them okay. You are worth things being okay. Let yourself glow for a while, and bathe in your own warmth. What you hope for is not hopeless. What feels so distant is not out of reach.
Group 3
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Grand Cross ~ Provoker / Full Moon in Sagittarius - Look at the bigger picture. (Full Res)
For you, things may feel darker and tense at this time, like the universe is pulling you in different directions or testing you. Everything feels like a provocation, like a malicious invitation to prove yourself and your worth. Things aren't what they seem. If you've been struggling with changes or you're afraid of them, it's important you look at where you're at right now, where you've been, and where you want to be.
There's lessons to be learned or messages trying to come through. There's reasons certain things may be happening right at this particular moment. Dealing with broken glass blind is likely to lead to bloody fingers; look at the whole in order to figure out how the pieces fit together. Try to understand what the present is teaching you by comparing lessons learned in the past.
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embertarot · 3 years
✨ New Moon in Taurus Reading 5/11/21
The Devil ✧ Nine of Cups ✧ Five of Swords
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(Striked text means the card is reversed.)
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Chained to the past, lately you may be feeling weighed down by the memories and the pain of yesterday as this new moon approaches.
You may feel pinned in place, each recollection sharp and piercing. There's resentment, despair, and defeat as you're brought down on your knees and bound, replaying what you thought you left behind. Though not necessarily in all cases, these echoes of the past could be related to a relationship with another person, or these feelings could be centered around your relationship with yourself or a fear of the future. It could be all of these things combined.
But the reversed devil is all about releasing yourself from that which binds you, and the new moon is all about new beginnings.
The conflict here is rooted in past resentment more so than something new bubbling up. There are old wounds in need of healing, regardless of what choices you make in the end. Ultimately, you have the free will to do whatever you feel like you must in this situation. If someone else is holding you down and unwilling to let go, you may have to make a choice you don't want to.
However, If the issues are on your end at all, if you are contributing, know that forgiveness can be hard; but if you'd prefer to move ahead in a specific direction, forgiveness could be key.
There are certain paths in which love is required to go forward, and forgiveness is love. You can't move on from the past if you're still punishing yourself for it. You also can't expect someone to stay by your side if you won't allow them passage into the future. Without the chance to grow, things wither and die. You have to make room for things to change. You have to keep watering and tending to your desired outcome. You have to let the light in.
Whatever you're struggling with currently is valuable to you despite the pain, and so ask yourself this: Why do I keep trying? What is it that's motivated me to mend things in the first place, and keep moving forward? It's easy to get lost in the dark and lose sight of where we started, lose track of perspective. It's easy to take things for granted when we're hurting.
But in order to make a decision here you'll be most satisfied with in the long-term, you have to get to the bottom of your why and take inventory. Remind yourself of what you're grateful for and why you're here. As this New Moon in Taurus comes in, tap into the energy of Venus, and bring love and light into the situation.
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If this reading resonated with you, if you like my style & my vibes, please consider leaving me a tip over on my Ko-fi if you feel called to do so! I also have a Wishlist if you’d like to buy me more decks & tools, and Personal Readings ARE OPEN!! If you’d like one, fill out this form and I’ll get back to you ASAP. 💜
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embertarot · 3 years
I'm afraid the tarot reading for this particular new moon is going to be either late or skipped. The last week was a very rough one for me, and while I hoped this week would be lighter and allow me a chance to regain energy that unfortunately hasn't been the case thus far. I'll be fine, but I don't want to overwork and push myself while I keep stressing to all of you the importance of rest. I also don't want to share any of this stressed energy w/ any of you. I want my readings to always be peaceful and safe.
Thank you for any patience & understanding! I'd love to try and get a reading up late rather than not at all tomorrow if it's feasible and safe for me to do so, but if I can't... all things for a reason & I will hopefully be back next week w/ a first quarter check-in 💜
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embertarot · 3 years
✨ Third Quarter Reading 5/3/21
King of Swords ✧ The Chariot ✧ Ace of Pentacles
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(Striked text means the card is reversed.) (Full Res)
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As the moon grows comfortable in Aquarius, a fog has the opportunity to clear. Mental clarity is available. Truths we've known but been unable to grasp are in the palms of our hands, and the world appears sharp, defined; you can see how the tiniest details make up the whole picture.
Willpower, control, and determination are the focus. Though action is required to move forward, take note that the Charioteer holds no reigns; rather, he grasps a wand he uses to propel himself forward, utilizing the power of his mind. Now is not the time to aimlessly barrel ahead, but to feel things out while moving along steadily. Take in your surroundings. Find out if the water is shallow or deep before you try to cross it, in order to formulate the best plan for getting to the other side.
You may feel like an opportunity is slipping or has slipped through your fingers. Know that if this is true, it might not have been the right opportunity; or, perhaps, you aren't giving the right time and attention needed to develop it. It is not enough to simply plant a seed. You must nourish it, water it, make sure it's getting plenty of light — and even then, adjustments must be made along the way to accommodate it's growth. Keep this in mind, as well: You don't plant a sapling only to expect a forest to pop up overnight.
All of it takes time. Your goals, your dreams, you. Make sure that as you're tending to your aspirations, you're tending to yourself as well.
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If this reading resonated with you, if you like my style & my vibes, please consider leaving me a tip over on my Ko-fi if you feel called to do so! I also have a Wishlist if you’d like to buy me more decks & tools, and Personal Readings ARE OPEN!! If you’d like one, fill out this form and I’ll get back to you ASAP. 💜
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